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***** Study: U.S. Methane Emissions Much Higher Than EPA Estimates.

Study: U.S. Methane Emissions Much Higher Than EPA Estimates
WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is spewing 50 percent more methane — a potent heat-trapping gas — than the federal government estimates, a new comprehensive scientific study says. Much of it is coming from just three

vid. BRILLIANT: Obama Brilliantly Turns an Immigration Heckler Into a Triumph of Democratic Process and Free Speech

***** Tree-sittting since JUNE to protect Cascadia old growth forest from logging. link.

Loving, here. PLEASE CONSIDER. After 10 years or so I'm re-reading the classic, "Reveille for Radicals," by Univ Chicago legendary organizer of the poor Saul Alinsky. I IDENTIFY MORE WITH THE 1ST CHAPTER THAN ANYTHING I CAN EVER RECALL READING. PLEASE READ IT, WHEN YOU HAVE TIME. Thanks.

Loving, here. PLEASE CONSIDER.  After 10 years or so I'm re-reading the classic, "Reveille for Radicals," by Univ Chicago legendary organizer of the poor Saul Alinsky. I IDENTIFY MORE WITH THE 1ST CHAPTER THAN ANYTHING I CAN EVER RECALL READING.  PLEASE READ IT, WHEN YOU HAVE TIME.  Thanks.  Loving

HERE <<<<,d.eW0

nd. EWOP (Experimenting Without Pleasure): It may be that each second I'm not pursuing pleasure, all that is left to me is to Be Loving. Hmmmm. So it is seeming. But it is early.

nd. EWOP (Experimenting Without Pleasure): It may be that each second I'm not pursuing pleasure, all that is left to me is to Be Loving.  Hmmmm. So it is seeming.  But it is early.

Poll: 4 in 10 say Obama an effective leader. (That includes me.) Washington Post

Poll: 4 in 10 say Obama an effective leader

Washington Post

***** "Per this all-important vlog I expect to experiment with weeding the obstacle ALL pleasure out of my Life, that I can more fully advance the cause of Loving, Joy, Peace... on Earth. May last hours, or my remaining lifetime. We'll see."

Cancer Update: Met with Oncologist today. 3 more months of treatment.

Readout note to my Oncologist and the team:

"Doc H(2), what a wonderful meeting. Thank you. My understandings -

Doc H(2), thank you for such a kind, patient, thorough, respectful, knowledgeable meeting today.
I am extremely fortunate that you are my oncologist.  Doc H(1) was right about you, I see.

These are my central understandings:

*.  It continues to seem that we are on track, probably, for a full 'cure' of my cancer - normal
lifespan NOT shortened by the cancer.  There are NO certainties, of course, but the operation
looked to be 100% successful, and with the regimen below, we hope to get whatever
cells may have escaped, for life!  THANK YOU ALL.

1.  We need to do at least, and hopefully, just 4 more chemo treatments, because
cancer cells do not all present at the same time, so we need at least 4 attempts to
get them all.

2.  We will start not today, but next week, Monday, 12/2, 1:30pm, so that I have a 2nd week of feeling healthy under my
belt before we start this taxing chemo regimen. 

3.  I've asked Nurse J to schedule the CT scan for me the week of 12/9, in the early

4.  I've asked Nurse J to schedule my 2nd chemo for the afternoon of 12/16,
and a meeting with you just prior, again, early afternoon.

5.  Infirmary: We expect and hope that the Infirmary will continue to take me for the
next 2 months of chemo AND for the following month as I heal from the chemo treatments!!!

6.  The expectation for CT scans is roughly every 3 months, for the first year at least,
and then maybe going down to just 2 per year.

POSSIBLE SWITCH TO MEDSTAR MEDICAID.   I'll email Nurse J about something I overlooked.
You indicated there is a gentlemen, Henry(?), who is an expert in the medical plans.  Issue
being I am just 62 and want to activate my Social Security Retirement so I can donate it to
friends in need, and various causes, but this income will kick me off of DC Medicaid that
I am currently on, AND I WILL NOT CHANGE INSURANCE, unless and until I know that:

A.  Medstar Medicaid would cover all my treatments, drugs, etc (as I've been preliminarily
told it would); and

QUALIFY ME FOR MEDSTAR MEDICAID.  (I'm NOT guessing your expert can help me
with this part, tho it would be great if he can.)  I'm working with others on this, too.

NOTE: I will NOT make any switch of insurance until it is CERTAIN that it will NOT in any
way interfere with my ongoing treatment.

Thank you again for a deeply helpful meeting.

James M."

***** vlog. All Pleasure is the enemy of Loving, Joy, Peace. The price of a Loving, Peaceful World, is the elimination of all Pleasure. I'm quite sure.

Britain's Hague urges Israel: Do not undermine Iranian nuclear deal. Jerusalem Post

Britain's Hague urges Israel: Do not undermine Iranian nuclear deal

LET IT BE! Iran Nuclear Deal Leaves Israel Odd Man Out With Few Options. Bloomberg

Iran Nuclear Deal Leaves Israel Odd Man Out With Few Options.

Make govt accountable for climate change, commissioner tells youth. GMA News

Make govt accountable for climate change, commissioner tells youth

GMA News

New widget counts global warming happening at 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs per second ... The Guardian

New widget counts global warming happening at 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs per ...

The Guardian


pic. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith

The Christian Left added a new photo.
pic. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."  John Kenneth Galbraith

'Historic mistake' - Israelis and Republicans. Truer words never written. They condemn Iran nuclear deal

'Historic mistake': Israelis, Republicans condemn Iran nuclear deal

***** “If you don’t experience earth as the living Hell we’ve made it... You’re already Dead... as our culture makes us... as I’ve been. As Jesus saw. It’s almost too late to save.” Loving

“If you don’t
experience earth as
the living Hell we’ve made it...

You’re already Dead...

as our culture makes us...

as I’ve been.
As Jesus saw.

It’s almost too late to save.”


Too brilliant: The Ass family: Jack, Smart, Lazy, Kiss, and Dumb

Republican assholes Meme courtesy of The Liberal Lunatic

Obamacare Enrollments Have Doubled in the Last Two Weeks!

After a rocky start in October the number of enrollments in Obamacare have surged in the first two weeks of November!

pic. "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Upton Sinclair

Riot police
pic. "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."  Upton Sinclair

Cash for climate change: poor countries want payback for pollution they didn't cause.

Israel makes world more dangerous. Washington Post

Israel says Iran deal makes world more dangerous

Washington Post

12 months of Secret US-Iran Talks Over Past Year Set Stage for Nuke Deal. ABC


Chomsky: Business Elites Are Waging a Brutal Class War in America.

What Netanyahu wants is Iran's surrender, not negotiated nuclear deal. RT

What Netanyahu wants is Iran's surrender, not negotiated nuclear deal


***** MUST SEE PIC. To the fetus: "We'll do whatever we can to protect your life!" To the infant: "NOW YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!" GET A JOB, MOOCHER!" "I HOPE YOUR TRAMP MOM DOESN'T WANT FOOD STAMPS TO FEED YOU!" "...OR MEDICAL INSURANCE!"

Pro-Life: from conception to birth and not a moment more!
The "Pro fetus" Republi-I-Love-to-get-inside-a woman's -vagina-Cans! They certainly are NOT Pro life!

pic. "American corporate logic: Why should I pay my employees above poverty wages when the taxpayer is willing to feed them for free?"

OUTRAGEOUS!! "Always low prices" aren't so low when you consider the BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars that are spent on the social welfare programs that poverty-wage employees must qualify for to survive. Talk about corporate welfare! How does this arrangement benefit ANYONE but the Waltons? Image by the campaign to Raise The Minimum Wage. Please join us by giving our page a "like"!

***** nd. Cancer Update: "During the time of my depression, I had forgotten what extreme pain is everpresent in Loving in this world. I was in the alternate fantasy world of overprivileged separation, self-centeredness. Then the pain of meaninglessness, solitude, un-loving... smothered me. And now I seem to have dug my way back to Humanity, Creation... Sanity, extreme pain for Creation, and all - Peace of Heart, Sanity, Meaning, Life, Joy." Loving

***** nd.  "During the time of my depression, I had forgotten what extreme pain is everpresent in Loving in this world.  I was in the alternate fantasy world of overprivileged separation, self-centeredness.  Then the pain of meaninglessness, solitude, un-loving... smothered me.  And now I seem to have dug my way back to Humanity, Creation... Sanity, extreme pain for Creation, and all - Peace of Heart, Sanity, Meaning, Life, Joy." Loving

How Republicans Fit The Classic Profile Of An Abuser.

It's really weird, but have you ever noticed that the GOP totally fits the classic psychological profile of someone who abuses women?

Iran and west 'words away' from nuclear deal. The Guardian

The Guardian

TIME: November's Obamacare 'Surge'

November's Obamacare 'Surge'

chart. Most of developed world has longer life expectency for less than half the health care $$$.

(W) This graph should be shared with every moron who is repeating the Republican mantra : "America has the best healthcare in the World" ...(W) This graph should be shared with every moron who is repeating the Republican mantra : "America has the best healthcare in the World" ...

"The true terrorists of our world do not meet at the docks at midnight, or scream "Allahu Akbar" before some violent action. The true terrorists of our world wear $5000 suits and work in the highest positions of finance, government and business." Peter Joseph

"The true terrorists of our world do not meet at the docks at midnight, or scream "Allahu Akbar" before some violent action.  The true terrorists of our world wear $5000 suits and work in the highest positions of finance, government and business."  Peter Joseph

Iran nuclear deal appears imminent. Los Angeles Times

Iran nuclear deal appears imminent

Los Angeles Times

Regulators grant five Illinois coal plants a lifeline. Midwest Energy News

Regulators grant five Illinois coal plants a lifeline

Midwest Energy News

Tata Power To Build $1.8B Coal Plants In Vietnam. Law36

Tata Power To Build $1.8B Coal Plants In Vietnam


Tepco, Mitsubishi plan coal-fired power plants at Fukushima: sourceReuters

Tepco, Mitsubishi plan coal-fired power plants at Fukushima: source