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We'll see whether everyone is aware of this, in the 2014 House Election.

Loving never needs anyone or anything to fight for less suffering, more joy, in the world.  That’s what Loving does, with every breath given.

But to fight Effectively, with Amplitude, with Duration, that’s different. Those depend on the Support, Friendship, Loving of others, for the Work.

With Wonder, and Appreciation, to such Loving, such Friendship, such Support for the Work...


link washpo. Mall lawnmower man inspires cleanup crew to pick up the slack during the ... [I don't blame the Heritage Foundation, or Glenn Beck association on this guy.] Bless his Heart. 'Never think that a committed individual can't change the world. It is the only thing that ever has, or ever will.' Loving

Syria: Red Cross and Red Crescent workers kidnapped. CNN [I don't blame the Heritage Foundation, or Glenn Beck association on this guy.]  Bless his Heart.  'Never think that a committed individual can't change the world. It is the only thing that ever has, or ever will.'  Loving

Washington Post - 14 hours ago

Syria: Red Cross and Red Crescent workers kidnapped. CNN


Malala Yousafzai's Jon Stewart interview will make you rethink how you see…

Malala Yousafzai's Jon Stewart interview will make you rethink how you see…

TIME: Snowden: Mass Surveillance Lessens Safety

Snowden: Mass Surveillance Lessens Safety

pic. Cruzifiction of the GOP? Let us Pray. WashPo

Cruzifiction of the GOP

Washington Post

A Plan to Power 100 Percent of the Planet with Renewables: Scientific American.

Our plan calls for millions of wind turbines, water machines and solar installations. The numbers are large, but the scale is not an insurmountable hurdle; society has achieved massive transformations before. During World War II, the U.S. retooled automobile factories to produce 300,000 aircraft, and other countries produced 486,000 more. In 1956 the U.S. began building the Interstate Highway System, which after 35 years extended for 47,000 miles, changing commerce and society.

Africa Will Starve and Asia Will Drown in 30 Years Due to Climate Change: Report.

Unless we do something NOW, our future with climate change looks grim.

Groundbreaking Report Calculates Damage Done by Fracking

Groundbreaking Report Calculates Damage Done by Fracking Report Calculates Damage Done by Fracking


The Soaring Cost of a Simple Breath. New York Times. "A nation of sheep begets government by wolves." E.R. Murrow

New York Times

Ray Bradbury: "Looking back over a lifetime, you see that love was the answer to everything."

pic. Republican christians: “The needy ARE heavy! They ain’t MY brothers!!!”

As if destroying America wasn't enough, Sarah Phailin is now destroying India: Cyclone Phailin makes landfall in India. BBC News. Drill baby, Drill!

BBC News

Cancer Update: WTF?

Yesterday, I had the first normal day in weeks - awake and alert for about 14 hours!  Woohooo, I thought.  I'm back to normal!!!

So far, I've slept 14-15 hours, today.  :-( 

What the hell is going on?

My only guess is the 1/2 liver dying, and the 1/2 growing takes a huge amount of energy???

Fossil Fools, I'M LOVIN EM! Monster Cyclone Phailin Poses Deadly Threat to India | Climate Central.

Cyclone - larger than Katrina - threatens India.

Genius photographer tell the story of endangered species through amazing photos.

Snowden: mass surveillance making us less safe. USA TODAY


Animation Produced by Guardian Vividly Depicts Life for Hunger Striking ... Firedoglake

Animation Produced by Guardian Vividly Depicts Life for Hunger Striking ...


Malala Yousafzai meets with the Obamas in the Oval Office, challenges the President on Drone use. Washington Post (blog)

Malala Yousafzai meets with the Obamas in the Oval Office

Washington Post (blog)

Malala Yousafzai captivates World Bank audience in address in Washington. Washington Post

Washington Post


Brilliant: States react to Obama offer to pay to reopen parks. Washington Pos

States react to Obama offer to pay to reopen parks

Washington Pos

GOP Shutdown of US: Shutdown puts many furloughed workers in financial distress Los Angeles Times

Shutdown puts many furloughed workers in financial distress

Los Angeles Times

People Can Be Awesome! Watch This 2013 Compilation of INCREDIBLE Rescues for Proof.

***** You Break It, You Fix It: Why Carbon Polluters Should Pay for Hurricane Damage.

***** documentary. Seeds of Death - Monsanto. Full

Exchange program gives Russians a glimpse of a democracy hardly at work. Washington Post

Washington Post

***** pic. Christ Jesus - There's only one reason the Creator put you and me here - to Save our neediest brothers and sisters, the Creator's Family, from a less than Perfectlyh Joyful life; and thereby to Save ourselves from less than the same - the only Path to Salvation that there is.

Too poor to pay, Chinese farmer saws off diseased leg. USA TODAY


Cancer Update - Monday Test, Thursday Major Surgery - On Schedule

Just heard from the Hospital - by some miracle the Shutdown of DC Medicaid will not be delaying the Test and Surgery scheduled for next week.

So, tonight is my last night of self-injected blood thinner for the clot in my lung - blood thinners must stop 5 days prior to major surgery.

It is expected I'll be in hospital for 5-7 days, and then, I hope to return to the less restrictive Infirmary at the homeless shelter, but if nursing requirements are extensive, I'll request several days post hosp at Christ House.  TBD.

A New Uncle Tom: Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare Worst Thing Since Slavery. The Root

Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare Worst Thing Since Slavery

The Root - ‎10 minutes ago‎

Palestinian deaths are unworthy garbage to US media: Israeli Settler Killed in the West Bank TIME

Israeli Settler Killed in the West Bank


***** pic. “Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing.” Albert Schweitzer

“Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing.”

Albert Schweitzer

Ted Cruz: We're winning. MSNBC

Ted Cruz: We're winning


The Grassroots Battle Against Big Oil | The Nation

Great article on some grand work being done in Texas!

pic. If you cheer our Troops being sent into wars for making rich folks richer, uh, that’s not Patriotism. That’s Murder.

If you cheer our Troops being sent into wars for making rich folks richer, uh, that’s not Patriotism. That’s Murder.

vid. Jon Stewart Destroys GOP Gov's - killing would-be Medicaid patients; SCREWING their tax-payers. [Also, then scroll down for vid on Immigration]

This is helpful.

Back-door affirmation of Pr. Obama's Peace Prize - He DID Build THIS: Nobel highlights Syria with Peace Prize to chemical weapons watchdog CNN - ‎12 minutes ago‎ Air raids and clashes near Syrian chemical weapons siteReuters Syria chemical weapons monitors win Nobel Peace PrizeBBC News Your preferred source:Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons wins 2013 Nobel Peace ...Washington Post Opinion:Obama hasn't done badly in SyriaThe Daily Star

Nobel highlights Syria with Peace Prize to chemical weapons watchdog

CNN - ‎12 minutes ago‎
Air raids and clashes near Syrian chemical weapons site
Syria chemical weapons monitors win Nobel Peace Prize

His poll numbers sinking, Cruz ramps up rhetoric.

fb pic. "There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't jump puddles for you."

***** HUGE. READ. SHARE. "Only 3% of young adults who currently have non-employer-based coverage and who have incomes above 250% of the federal poverty level, could see increased premiums. Even then, many will be in 'grandfathered' plans that will remain the same."

CLICK for easier view: READ. SHARE. "Only 3% of young adults who currently have non-employer-based coverage and who have incomes above 250% of the federal poverty level, could see increased premiums.  Even then, many will be in 'grandfathered' plans that will remain the same."