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Tragic, but deserved; he's failed to Lead: Obama is now top late-night target USA TODAY

Obama is now top late-night target


Smiling and finesse, have their place. But they are no substitute for Standing, and Leading, in dire crisis. And he has Failed at that, most of all, himself.

Cancer update: I may be forced one more day of Infirmary, or more. Despite 4x normal Imodium doses nothing will stay in me more than 45 min. That's tough on the street, in front of the embassy, where a restroom is at least 10-15 min, or 10 hours... away. :-( Chemo does this.

Cancer update: I may be forced one more day of Infirmary, or more.  Despite 4x normal Imodium doses nothing will stay in me more than 45 min.  That's tough on the street, in front of the embassy, where a restroom is at least 10-15 min, or 10 hours... away.  :-(  Chemo does this.

nd We're probably headed toward Fascism in full force globally, and surely in the US. It remains the only real hope to over throw this, to co-opt our natural allies, our men and women in Uniform...

We're probably headed toward Fascism in full force globally, and surely in the US. It remains the only real hope to over throw this, to co-opt our natural allies, our men and women in Uniform - our only citizens that have found within themselves placing something at higher value than their own lives - courage - the ultimate value for Gandhi. Yes, they are not perfect. But co-opting them is probably the only hope of overthrowing the wave of Fascism coming. And the only thing that can do this is people of unviolence who's courage impresses even them. So far, this is what has given freedom in Egypt any chance at all. Yup, unlikely. But it is the only hope. MLK's Proudest moment is said to be when Bull Conner's officers defied orders to fire-house unarmed demonstrators, and fell back, when they defied the horrible personal risk, and marched on to the jail in protest.

vlog Homless man, alarmed: "Loving, we can arrange permanent housing for you here!"

nd Fossil Fuels SHOULD be killed by a massive, overwhelming opposition! But that ain't happening. It COULD die from a billion cuts. May I be one. May you be two.... No one can stop you from being that, except you.

Fossil Fuels SHOULD be killed by a massive, overwhelming opposition! But that ain't happening. It COULD die from a billion cuts. May I be one. May you be two.... No one can stop you from being that, except you.

Snowden called whistleblower not traitor by Republican congressman

Religion is fine. Probably is essential to a good life live properly. But it turns deadly insanity when we live as though it is reality rather than human created construct.

Religion is fine. Probably is essential to a good life live properly. But it turns deadly insanity when we live as though it is reality rather than human created construct.
posted from Bloggeroid

***** Want to know if you're a good person? Really? You are, if earth can support 10 billion of you living at your level of net consumption. No?

Want to know if you're a good person? Really? You are, if earth can support 10 billion of you living at your level of net consumption. No?
posted from Bloggeroid

For all the thousands of years of complex societies the fighters for justice have failed, have lost, have been defeated, and recently at an accelerated pace. And yet only they are alive, & I wish to be among them.

For all the thousands of years of complex societies the fighters for justice have failed, have lost, have been defeated, and recently at an accelerated pace. And yet only they are alive, & I wish to be among them.
posted from Bloggeroid

Government directs cover up of domestic spying

Cancer update: too weak to leave the infirmary today. Hopefully tomorrow.

Cancer update: too weak to leave the infirmary today. Hopefully tomorrow.

posted from Bloggeroid


Without the joy of fighting for how things should be I would have no reason to go on. I detest near everything about what we made of the world. Greed, addiction, incarnate. Rape, plunder, desecration of all creation.

Without the joy of fighting for how things should be I would have no reason to go on. I detest near everything about what we made of the world. Greed, addiction, incarnate. Rape, plunder, desecration of all creation.
posted from Bloggeroid

Cancer update: followed the same pattern as the first infusion. First 30 hours no symptoms. Next 40 hours completely knocked out. Zero appetite, slight nausea. Starting to feel human again. I expect to be back at the Embassy tomorrow or day after.

Cancer update: followed the same pattern as the first infusion. First 30 hours no symptoms. Next 40 hours completely knocked out. Zero appetite, slight nausea. Starting to feel human again. I expect to be back at the Embassy tomorrow or day after.

posted from Bloggeroid

Raping Palestine one piece at a time: Israel increases funding of land theft

Joy is fighting to make the world what it was intended to be. The rest is addictive pleasure, tempting you away from joy.

Joy is fighting to make the world what it was intended to be. The rest is addictive pleasure, tempting you away from joy.
posted from Bloggeroid

25 years from now still relying on fossil fuels?

4 Republican EPA heads - global warming is real. Deal with it.

Here is the left: son Johnny slept all the way through high school. ' Harvard rejected him?! Let's go pickit Harvard!'

Here is the left: son Johnny slept all the way through high school. ' Harvard rejected him?! Let's go pickit Harvard!'
posted from Bloggeroid

Inside we have many wells. Drink only from those of love, of life. Avoid the others like the death that they are.

Inside we have many wells. Drink only from those of love, of life. Avoid the others like the death that they are.

posted from Bloggeroid

Cancer update: wiped out. 36 hours sleeping and counting. No pain...

Cancer update: wiped out. 36 hours sleeping and counting. No pain except a back that wants no longer to be in bed. Slight nausea. Near zero appetite. This is pretty much how the first infusion went as well. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be up and about and back at the vigil. Third infusion August 15th. Return to the infirmary one day before.

posted from Bloggeroid


2 year old dying of cancer to be couples best man

2.4 billion people in your family live without adequate sanitation

Climate warming 10 times faster than any time in 65 million years

Thanks for nothing Francis, says half the world's population

Coal terminal decision to consider global warming impact

Increased violence will result from global warming, study shows.

People caring for US children earn poverty wages. Nation

Snowden receives ultimate compliment from Booz Allen CEO

Snowden's dad says son has no chance of fair treatment by US. Amen. Of the elite, by the Elite, for the elite.


***** (detail) 'As Creation's my witness, I Pray for GOP 2014 taking House AND Sentate 2014...(here's why).

Pr. Obama has my Love, and Respect, but he has totally lost my confidence, and therefore so have the Dems with their: unconditional surrender to fossil fuels (YES, Pr. Obama's recent speech is unconditional surrender to ecocide - scientific FACT), Guantanamo torture, NSA unconstitutional unAmerican spying, Monsanto revolving door, cowardly demonic drones....

My point?

Unless I see an about face, I'd want see the Republicans back in power, House AND Senate, in 2014.

WHAT you say?????

Yes. The GOP will destroy the US economy. That will destroy the world economy, grinding the earth-rape and earth-plunder ecocide machine to a crawl. Nothing else can save the future of Creation, for the next 200 billion kids.

Nothing. Be honest, NOTHING can get YOU do try and stop it, with your very life, and nothing less has a Prayer. Right? RIGHT?

GOP 2014 is the only hope for Creation. SHARE THIS, or de-friend me. OK? Now.

A Nation On Fire: Climate Change And The Burning Of America. ThinkProgress

A Nation On Fire: Climate Change And The Burning Of America


Anti-nuc zealots kill in Germany. Bloomberg


Cancer update

My cancer treatment will resume on Thursday. It seems that the Creator wants me to keep working, that creation wants me to keep working, and not come home for rest just yet. Dang!

I cried when I got the news yesterday that CCNV infirmary, part of a massive homeless shelter here in town, happily agreed to have me for 3 5 day periods For each is my upcoming chemo treatments. This as opposed to 45 days incarceration, all that had been considered for my housing up until I asked the question last week - can't we limit my incarceration to 5 days for each of the treatments? Thus allowing me to be away from the vigil for a minimal amount of time. Yes, was the near immediate answer. Oh My.

During this process three individuals and a working-class Hispanic church, came forward to fund a room for me during treatment. What an unspeakable joy for me to see such loving. I could not have accepted such kindness. But it did encourage me to push on for this final solution, which otherwise I would not have done. May these folks know the goodness and good that they have done. And likewise, without the kindness of my suburban friends for the first treatment I'm a well not have made it this far.

So tomorrow, Wednesday in the afternoon I enter the infirmary. Thursday morning I'll receive four hours infusion at Georgetown Hospital and return to the infirmary with a pump attached to me for 2 days. An infusion nurse will come to the infirmary to detach the pump, and I'll remain at the infirmary or two more days to recover from sickness. Then, thank God, I'll return to the vigil. The next treatment is mid August and the final treatment is late August.

I am immensely appreciative of the kind folks at unity healthcare, Georgetown University Hospital, Christ house, here in DC. Our wealthcare system in this country is a scathing testimony to the sub humanity of we Americans. We hold is our most sacred right the right to care less about our neighbor.

But here in DC some citizens over the years have struggled sheroically and built a better system for we poor. That it is way below the standards of most developed countries, is not the fault of these heroic individuals, and it is more than sufficient to get me a 40 percent chance of surviving this cancer. I'm profoundly admiring and grateful.

Imodium AD is my new best friend. I no longer have a manageable bowel without it. Don't ever bother with the Rite Aid generic.

I remain substantially fatigued, requiring 12 to 14 hours of sleep per day, at night and through naps.

A major Public Radio Group has begun working on a story on the vigil. Of course it may or may not come to fruition.
posted from Bloggeroid