From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


nd 'Jesus' Religion is His Words in the Gospels.' Loving

nd 'Jesus' Religion is His Words in the Gospels.'  Loving

nd 'Not Paul, John, Peter, Pope... were Jesus, nor could speak for Him.' Loving

nd 'Not Paul, John, Peter, Pope... were Jesus, nor could speak for Him.'  Loving

nd 'christianity - Pagan religion invented to smother to Death Jesus Gospel: Universal Family; Waging Love.' Loving

nd 'christianity - Pagan religion invented to smother to Death Jesus Gospel: Universal Family; Waging Love.' Loving

' 'Till you Wage Loving...' : 27 reported killed in Newtown, Conn., school shooting. USA TODAY

' 'Till you Wage Loving...' : 

27 reported killed in Newtown, Conn., school shooting.

nd 'Christ-mass: you Too are to be a Perfect Gift of Loving, to the world.' Loving

nd 'Christ-mass: you Too are to be a Perfect Gift of Loving, to the world.'  Loving

nd 'Christ's Gospel: Every breath, your Spirit of Loving alone is to be worshiped and obeyed by you. Ever.' Loving. See Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief," for details.

nd 'Christ's Gospel: Every breath, your Spirit of Loving alone is to be worshiped and obeyed by you. Ever.' Loving.  See Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief," for details.


Email xchange w young Burma friend

From: Jack 
To: Start Loving Sent: Monday, December 3, 2012 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: Your friend from Burma!

Hi Start,
How are you doing? I am really hoping you will remember me. This is Jack from Burma and we met some two years ago in front of the White House when I was there on a Youth Leadership Program and you impressed me with your strong determination in standing up for what you believe in. I have always hoped to return to the United States one day; to visit Washington D.C and meet with you again.
As of now, I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship and come study Political Science at Washington & Jefferson College in Pennsylvania. I believe that my achievement today is a result of my interaction with a lot of people throughout life who have inspired me in many ways with their actions and life stories - You are definitely one of them.
I will be visiting Washington D.C again in 2 weeks for winter break and if by any chance I go visit the White House (which I most likely will), I will look for you, my friend..... Take Care
Best Regards,


Dear Brother, what a Joy to hear from you.

I have cancer, so this is making my schedule and where-abouts somewhat unpredictable.  And, it has dramatically reduced my access to internet, and hence this very tardy reply to you.

It would be immensely Joyful for me if I saw you again.  I strongly suggest that you scan my blog regularly, and even subscribe to the daily update if you like, so you can keep tabs on my whereabouts.  Here >>> Start Loving .

My clarity increases by the day that biologically, neurologically, psychologically, and counter-intuitively, there is a path to Joy, and only one - and it is in exactly the opposite direction from where our sick societies and cultures  ferrociously point us toward.  It is NOT in the direction of catering to our selfish, our fleshly desires - safety, long life, comfort, privilege, entertainment, excitement, sex, food....  It is in the opposite direction from that, every second, every breath.  Life, the Creator, Creation, the Forces of Creation... gave us our Flesh, our Body, for one and only one reason - to USE IT UP in the Service of the larger body of humanity, and when we do so, is the only, The Only, THE ONLY CIRCUMSTANCE in which our nervous system can and does reward us with the experience of Perfect Joy, Peace of Heart, Vitality, Life... the Heaven that all of History's Wise have tried to find, and direct us toward.  And those of us Blest with this Understanding, we can and do choose to so Live, and thereby reside in Heaven on Earth every breath, every second, with not the slightest concern for such things as our own physical death.

So Blessed by Hearing from you.  Note on my web site the tabs - I recommend to you with my entire being, that you read and use daily, as I do, a book I've written - "Unleashing Your Unviolent Warrior - a Personal Trainer."  It is free to download.  And with equal strength I recommend the book that created Gandhi, and that I study daily - "The Gospel in Brief," Leo Tolstoy, the Hapgood translation.

Your brother forever, no matter what, Loving

***** D Wilson Update: 3 in jail. 2 on hunger strike. + mass action soon.

We've been incredibly busy here at Tar Sands Blockade, and are taking this chance to send y’all an update.
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We've been incredibly busy here at Tar Sands Blockade and are taking this chance to send y’all an update. Here is a recap of all the excitement from the last week. 
First, three of our brave friends are currently in jail for barricading themselves inside a mile-long section of the KXL pipeline on Monday. Despite only being charged with misdemeanors, Glen, Matt, and Isabel’s bail has been set at an outrageous $65,000 each. Our lawyers are actively fighting this bail amount and in the meantime we are working to raise the funds to get them out. 
In case you missed it you can also check out all the photos and video from the action here.

Glen, Matt, and Isabel greatly appreciate your donations and have also requested letters until we raise enough bail money. Jail is oppressive, dehumanizing and boring and your messages of love and support will help lift their spirits. Send your letters to this address:
Inmate's Full Name (1 per letter: Isabel Brooks, Matt Almonte, or Glen Collins)
C/O Smith County Jail
206 E. Elm
Tyler, Texas 75701
*Note: Letters cannot exceed 12'' by 15''. Return address with full name is required. Be mindful that the authorities will likely read your letter. Please be careful not to divulge personal information about our friends that they might not want the police to know. As a general rule: if in doubt, leave it out. 
Second, Diane and Bob's hunger strike against Houston's Valero Refinery is in its seventh day! Last Thursday Diane Wilson and Bob Lindsey locked their necks to tanker trucks attempting to enter the Valero refinery in the Manchester neighborhood in Houston. Valero is one of the largest investors and Keystone XL and has been polluting this 90% Latino community for 60 years, making this a textbook case of environmental racism that must be stopped. 
Diane and Bob are refusing to eat until Valero divests from KXL and tar sands and pays to relocate Manchester residents who are being poisoned by its toxic pollution. 
Also, you can watch this video of Bob and Manchester residents reacting to the startling pollution in the neighborhood. 
Third, we have a big training camp and Mass Action coming up, January 3-8th! The big event will be on January 7th so don’t miss out. It'll be fantastic. We have empowering roles for everyone who wishes to participate. We’ll keep you posted on more details soon. 
Fourth, we need more vehicles! To continue our actions we require a large amount of logistical capacity to transport people and equipment. If you've got a car, truck, bus or van to donate, loan or sell at low-cost, reply to this email. We are a really grassroots group so it would be a huge help for the campaign and we'll be eternally grateful.
I hope you’re still reading this long email and are as excited as we are about all the recent actions! 
We can’t begin to thank you enough for all your support.
Ramsey Sprague
Tar Sands Blockade Media Team
PS. Didn’t get a chance to help support Glen, Matt, and Isabel with bail? Well, just in case, here’s that link again:

Cancer Update - No time for Chemo now - 12.13.12

The surgery is healing well, says the general surgeon yesterday, and my body agrees.  Bowel remains unstable.  I'm able to get by now with just two of the six doses per day of Percoset prescribed to me.

Monday is the 1st meeting with the cancer doc.  All indications are that I need 6 weeks of Chemo beginning mid to late January.  There's no time.  We have just weeks to bring about a 6% reduction per year in Green House Gas emissions.   I must resume the vigil at the Canadian Embassy.

So far I'm told that they won't do chemo unless I am in a place like Christ House (and those Crazy Christ-ians are eager to have me back.  Unimaginable) - the immune system is disabled by the Chemo I'm told.  I can't do the vigil from Christ House (yes, worthy of the name. A True Godsend.)  If they hold fast to this disallowing me to do the chemo at the vigil, and I don't question their doing so, it seems quite likely I'll forgo the Chemo.  Soldiers constantly forgo their own well-being for others, or they are not soldiers.  I'm a Soldier for Christ, the Spirit of Loving; a Soldier for the Kingdom, where Loving Reigns; a Soldier for my Family of Humanity.  Indeed.  For the unimaginable Joy of it.

I expect to take the next several days to try to take my personal planning to a level I've never yet done - to imagine different courses now for my Service, for my Life, and to attempt to quantify the various levels of Expected Value they might hold for my Clients - my 204 billion kids - whose life mine is; it is not my own.  Armed with the outcome of this analysis I'll hear what the cancer doc wants to do, on Monday, and decide from there.

I'm currently on my way from Christ House, in DC, to folks in Philadelphia with whom I laid plans to extend my healing after Christ House for up to 6 weeks.  My incision is still draining, my bowel unstable.  But if my analysis calls for me to return on Monday to the Canadian Embassy vigil 24/7, well, diapers for seniors, Percoset, and a reduced frequency of incision dressing change make doing so do-able.


Cancer Update - Major Setback - 11.12.12


I may learn different today, but my plans to get back to the Canadian Embassy post have suffered a setback, it seems.  I'd hoped to return to the post next week, and to do my January / February Chemo in front of the embassy on the street.  But I learned yesterday that in all likelihood the hospital, cancer docs, will refuse to administer the chemo unless I am in a secure, relatively sterile environment - seems that chemo pretty well destroys the immune system temporarily.  :-(

Do I postpone the chemo?  Do I forgo it all together?  Do I delay return to the Can Embassy indefinitely?

I have 1 or two consults at the Hospital today, and am scheduled for one with the cancer doc on Monday here in DC.

Do I exit Christ House and travel to Phila for the weekend and then return to DC for the Mon Hosp consult Monday, and then the Can Embassy till the chemo in Jan?  Do I stay at Christ House till Monday, then take refuge in Phila till the Jan Chemo?

Is this a time for me to keep fighting, alongside Diane Wilson, and a few others, or am I to take this a decade-delayed R&R, and study time, and return to the fight full time after the Jan/Feb Chemo?

Hmmmm.  Much to decide.


Cancer Update. GOOD NEWS. 11.09.12

I have a hunch I'll be able to return to 22 hrs, 7 days per week before Christmas!!!!  If my bowel will only get regular in time, and the pain and weakness subside fast enough.  I'm in quite a bit of pain, but the Percoset helps a lot - makes it manageable.  The Canadian Embassy vigil is not particularly strenuous except the occasional heavy lift of my solar batteries and panels.

It is just that I think in a few weeks my body may be able to handle it.  We'll see.  Pray for me, for us, ok?  Our kids, grandkids... are sooooooo out of time.

Prior update: Cancer update 12.08.12


 IN TEXAS JAIL FOR YOU. Diane Wilson’s Harris County Jail Record ,  Diane Wilson and Bob Lindsey Recount Their Experiences from the Harris County Jail


**Click “read more” and then scroll to the bottom of the post for important contact information


HOW MUCH LONGER MUST D. WILSON FIGHT FOR YOUR KIDS AND GRAND KIDS WITHOUT YOUR HELP!?!??!?  WTF?!?!?!?!  NO!!!!! She's not complaining.  In God's name, I AM!!!!

When will you stand with her???



Cancer update 12.08.12

This my first moments online since a week ago Thursday.  Internet access remains severely restricted for some number of coming days.

Not much time - sorry for all the errors, etc, below.

Operation took place within 2 minutes of scheduled start - 7:15am Fri - took roughly 3 hours.  Amazing.  Awe-some.  They feel that they were 100% successful in what they set out to do - remove 1/3 of my colon - the entire right side.

My head continues to spin with all the care, kindness, consideration I've received and am receiving - 1st at Howard University, and now at Christ House, again, where I've been since Thursday, about 1pm, and expect to remain through Monday at the earliest, Friday at the latest, at which point some short-sighted folks in the Phila area ( :-)    ) are planning to keep me, in shifts, for the remaining 5 weeks of my recovery process, prior to the expected, first, 6 week regimen of chemo back here in DC, if and when I can secure care here for that. 

I've healed to the point that of the 6 doses of Percoset I'm allotted for pain daily, yesterday I skipped 2 or 3 doses just to see where I was.  :-)    :-(   I then took a dose, and will resume normal dosage, for now.  I'm definitely healing.  3" up-down incision at my belly button, and 2 or 3 other much smaller incisions for the operation.  Then, about 4 days ago, back to the O.R. for a medi-port in my upper chest - in anticipation of the chemo.  Per normal, the big incision drains like a firehose (well, yes, that's an exaggeration, but not much.  LOL. But that's beginning to subside too.) 

Their first thought was that I'd be released this past Sun or Mon.  Thurs noon was it finally. Doesn't seem that the delay is because I'm a super wimp - they say I'm not.  Just a big, pretty big, operation.

So, they got all that they hoped to, and the only thing they could see remaining that concerned them is a 'spot' on my liver.  They didn't biopsy it cuz it could be vascular and they didn't want lots of bleeding.  A PET scan is used to spot small cancers and their elevated metabolism, but can't to that on the liver or anything else till a lot of the healing of op 1 is done cuz that, the healing, shows as elevated metabolism as well.

They don't, as of this past Fri, they don't have the biopsy back from the op.  Takes five business days.  Should know more early next week.

So, for the last 8 days I've done massive amounts of sleeping, some drug induced, much just repair work - sleep.  Have done much  audio book study - Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief," and his "Kingdom of God is Within you,"  and John Ruskin's "Unto this Last," the basic works that created, that CREATED Gandhi.  Have wanted to restudy these for over a decade, and this was my time.   If we need more Gandhi's, and MLK Jrs... you need to read these too; like me.  EVERYONE does.  We haven't much time left.

MASSIVE Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation, Revelation....  I've taken dozens of audio notes  - maybe I can transcribe them them tomorrow.

 *  My Religion, the 1, True Religion, by whatever name - Being Love, Christlike as best explained in Jesus' Gospel, the Tolstoy translation; and causing more Loving, with every breath, every move, every action, every transaction, every interaction.  Hmmmm. Oh, did I mention EVERY?  EVERY.

*  The only True Revolution, ever humanly possible, by whatever name - the overthrow of all, ALL, ALL... Selfishness (think addictions, cuz that's what they are, and what they feel like, Pinoccio), 1st in self, and thereby in those around us if and when possible, and putting in charge instead our DNA given capacity for Universal Family, uh, UNIVERSAL FAMILY, 100% UNIVERSAL FAMILY, aka, Loving.  You don't think it is possible?  Well, ok, but then you are calling the fool, the ignoramus, frauds, idots... the world's Diane Wilson's, Teresa of Calcutta's, Dorothy Day's, Rachel Corrie's, Alice Paul's, Diane Nash's, Gandhi's, Jesus,' Kings... that proved and taught otherwise.  Stop it.  If you don't want to to it,  Fine.  But don't say you don't have the choice, cuz we ALL do.  It is our NATURAL nature, Loving, given by our DNA.  Oh, and our kids and grand kids are forever crucified by any further delay in the revolution.  FOREVER.  It is now, or never.  Now, or Ecocide.

*  Much more, but gotta go back to internet prison till tomorrow for a few hours.


nd 'Church: Sole proper measure, function - propagate Loving; Christlikeness.' Loving

nd 'Church: Sole proper measure, function - propagate Loving; Christlikeness.' Loving


nd 'At it's best the church is like a polio vaccine that is hugely too expensive for all but a paltry few, with massively addictive side effects. Lucas 4:18 may be different. It AIN'T what Jesus prescribed.' Loving

nd 'At it's best the church is like a polio vaccine that is hugely too expensive for all but a paltry few, with massively addictive side effects.  Lucas 4:18 may be different. It AIN'T what Jesus prescribed.' Loving

Cancer Op - I expect to be incommunicado for some time now

The operation and recovery thru Mon or so is Howard University Hospital in DC.

Recovery post that is at Christ House, Columbia Road, Washington DC.

When and if I can I'll post updates on this blog.

Loving u all

ps:  All that I am, and all that I have to offer is here SL .  Don't say you weren't told.


***** nd Pr. Obama MUST NOW restructure Medicare, and Soc Sec to prevent their Destruction in a future GOP Admin. MSNBC

***** nd Pr. Obama MUST NOW restructure Medicare, and Soc Sec to prevent their Destruction in a future GOP Admin.  MSNBC

nd 'I have no PowerBall Ticket. Zero of Man's Hope is in Riches, now.' Loving

nd 'I have no PowerBall Ticket. Zero of Man's Hope is in Riches, now.'  Loving

nd 'If you wanna be Christian, Christlike, you want a Life JUST LIKE JESUS'.' Loving

nd 'If you wanna be Christian, Christlike, you want a Life JUST LIKE JESUS'.' Loving

Glenn Beck claims to be selling jar of 'pee' with Obama figure in it; yellow ...New York Daily News

Glenn Beck claims to be selling jar of 'pee' with Obama figure in it; yellow ...

nd 'Christian: Loving.' Loving

nd 'Christian:  Loving.' Loving

nd '2 Ways to Partake of Loving (opposite of Lusting): 1. Receive it. 2. Do it. #2 is VASTLY Superior for the adult.' Loving

nd '2 Ways to Partake of Loving (opposite of Lusting): 1. Receive it. 2. Do it. #2 is VASTLY Superior for the adult.' Loving

Update - Cancer operation Friday 7:30am

Update having just left Doc Cardile:

*  Christ House will admit me tomorrow at 9am, Thurs, for all the pre-op tests and prep - Cat Scan, other pre-op, bowel cleansing....  Christ House is  a Godsend.  They should be high on anyones list for donations -Christ House | Home Page.  They are worthy of the name.  Amazing.  Divine.

*  Op - Fri 7:30 am.  They intend to remove the right colon entirely, and the cancer, and all associated lymph.  They hope to do it through 3 small incisions but could go to an 18" chest to groin incision if needed.

*  My bowel will go into total shut down so I'll be kept in hospital till they see it returning to some level of functioning.  Best guess I'll be in Howard U Hospital till Monday.

Christ House, 24 hr nursing staff, will then pick me up and take me back there for observation and recovery through Saturday.

*  Recovery in Philadelphia: Saturday, if all goes as planned, my friend Cathy will come down from Philadelphia and gather me up.  I'm told it can be up till 6 weeks before my bowel returns to normal functioning.  During the course of the time in Philadelphia I'll expect to cycle between Cathy's, Gerry and Bev's, and Dave and Mary Rachel's trying to stay out of the way, and not wear out my welcome. 

*   Further info on what chemo or other treatment may be required will not be forthcoming until after the operation.

*  Joy, Life, is waging every second for our Global Neediest, and this will continue, just in a different place and a different way in Philadelphia - what online battling I can do, deep and long put-off study....

*  As soon as my bowel regains normal functioning I intend to return to my Canadian Embassy Vigil to avert Green House Gas Ecocide.

CRUCIAL:  If you care about me, then HELP ME.  I am our 204 billion children.  I am NOT among THE LEAST OF THESE FAMILY.  Focus not on me.  Focus on our Global Neediest.  Always.  Only in that way can you HELP ME.

NOTE:  My ability to email is likely to be severely restricted at Christ House, but I'm sure they'll let me get word out.  ???


My Cancer Op Sched Fri Nov 30th. Loving

Met with my Godsend Doc Cardile at Unity HC today.  Also emails with the surgeon's office.

Cancer op now 7:30 am this Friday, Nov 30.

Bunch of pre-op stuff on Thursday at the hospital and then another night drinking the gallon of drano that cleans you out, on the toilet, all night.  What fun!

My doc expects me to be in hosp post op till Mon or so.

Then, if she can arrange it, Christ House thru Saturday so I'm near the hosp, and med team once the biopsy and detailed results come in.

Her guess is that then I can accept the Christian Kindness offered me by friends in Philadelphia to be there for the weeks it will take the 2/3 of my bowel that is left, to come back on line and stabilize.

A wrinkle I didn't understand was the possibility / likelihood (???) of Chemo afterward.   I think they know of my reticence to have money spent on my life, so they may be piece-mealing me.  She was a little concerned when I spoke of being out of the DC area but relaxed when we realized I could always hop on a bus.  Hmmmm.

nd 'My bio-dad, Ed, the most Loving Human I've ever known.' Loving

nd 'My bio-dad, Ed, the most Loving Human I've ever known.'  Loving

#GivingTuesday to follow Black Friday, Cyber Monday New Jersey

#GivingTuesday to follow Black Friday, Cyber Monday

New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio - ‎1 hour ago‎
As the craziness and hype of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday come to an end, a new campaign urges people to give back.
What #GivingTuesday Is All About

GOP "Grover Norquist's [Twisted] Immagination." Buffett. Bloomberg

Buffett Mocks Norquist Idea on Taxes Thwarting Investment

Bloomberg - ‎1 hour ago‎
Warren Buffett, the second-richest man in the U.S., pressed his call for more taxes on the wealthy by mocking the idea that higher rates discourage investment.

nd Pr. Obama 'Letting GOP Hang Themsleves: Bengazi, 'Please proceed Governor....'

nd Pr. Obama 'Letting GOP Hang Themselves: Benghazi, 'Please proceed Governor....'

***** vid This time, Israel Started War on Palestine, Again. Norman Finkelstein

Pr. Obama's Long Game on Middle East Peace TIME

Obama's Long Game on Middle East Peace

TIME (blog) - ‎1 hour ago‎
President Obama is already planning his legacy-making bid, hoping to succeed where his predecessors failed. Negotiating peace is not going to be a quick process.

nd 'Christian: Of the Purity of a Child." Loving

nd 'Christian: Of the Purity of a Child."  Loving


nd 'My Life: From the Poverty of Material Riches, to the Wealth of Loving our neediest.' Loving

nd 'My Life:  From the Poverty of Material Riches, to the Wealth of Loving our neediest.'  Loving

nd 'Christians, by WHATEVER Creed: Those that are Christlike. Period. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.' Loving

nd 'Christians: Those that are Christlike.'  Loving

nd 'Christians: All Joyfully giving EVERYTHING for Loving, even their life, without hesitation.' Loving

nd 'Christians:  All Joyfully giving EVERYTHING for Loving, even their life, without hesitation.' Loving

nd 'Christians, Church, the Joyful: Those giving their whole Life to our neediest.' Loving

 nd 'Christians, Church, the Joyful:  Those giving their whole Life to our neediest.'  Loving

nd 'Sin: Self inflicted wounds of Heart, often wounding others too.' Loving

nd 'Sin: Self inflicted wounds of Heart, often wounding others too.'  Loving


Obama helps sales of guns, ammo Tulsa Beacon

Obama helps sales of guns, ammo

Tulsa Beacon - ‎4 hours ago‎
President Obama and his ilk want to slowly erode the Second Amendment right to bear arms. His bureaucrats have several strategies, including forced registration of guns, heavy taxation of ammunition and international supervision of American gun ...