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nd 'My Life: From the Poverty of Material Riches, to the Wealth of Loving our neediest.' Loving

nd 'My Life:  From the Poverty of Material Riches, to the Wealth of Loving our neediest.'  Loving

nd 'Christians, by WHATEVER Creed: Those that are Christlike. Period. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.' Loving

nd 'Christians: Those that are Christlike.'  Loving

nd 'Christians: All Joyfully giving EVERYTHING for Loving, even their life, without hesitation.' Loving

nd 'Christians:  All Joyfully giving EVERYTHING for Loving, even their life, without hesitation.' Loving

nd 'Christians, Church, the Joyful: Those giving their whole Life to our neediest.' Loving

 nd 'Christians, Church, the Joyful:  Those giving their whole Life to our neediest.'  Loving

nd 'Sin: Self inflicted wounds of Heart, often wounding others too.' Loving

nd 'Sin: Self inflicted wounds of Heart, often wounding others too.'  Loving


Obama helps sales of guns, ammo Tulsa Beacon

Obama helps sales of guns, ammo

Tulsa Beacon - ‎4 hours ago‎
President Obama and his ilk want to slowly erode the Second Amendment right to bear arms. His bureaucrats have several strategies, including forced registration of guns, heavy taxation of ammunition and international supervision of American gun ...

Hanging of Obama Effigy in Duluth Called 'Terroristic' Sawyer County Record

Hanging of Obama Effigy in Duluth Called 'Terroristic'

Sawyer County Record - ‎2 hours ago‎
An effigy of President Obama hung from an electronic billboard on election day in Duluth is under investigation as a criminal act.

Obama, White House advisers urge 'Small Business Saturday' shopping The Hill

Obama, White House advisers urge 'Small Business Saturday' shopping

The Hill (blog) - ‎2 hours ago‎
President Obama is urging Americans to participate in "Small Business Saturday" - a local alternative to big Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales by national chains - and dispatched top White House aides to do holiday shopping at local small businesses.

***** nd 'The ENTIRE Gospel - Be Wealthy in Heart. All other wealth is garbage, illusion, cancer, affloholism.' Loving

nd 'The ENTIRE Gospel - Be Wealthy in Heart.  All other wealth is garbage, illusion, cancer, affloholism.' Loving

nd 'The two means of perpetuation: Pay the Price; Exact the Price.' Loving

nd 'The two means of perpetuation: Pay the Price; Exact the Price.'  Loving

Despite Obama's Love of Abortion - US abortion rate falls 5%, biggest drop in a decade USA TODAY

US abortion rate falls 5%, biggest drop in a decade

USA TODAY - ‎Nov 21, 2012‎
NEW YORK (AP) - U.S. abortions fell 5% during the Great Recession in the biggest one-year decrease in at least a decade, according to government figures released Wednesday.
Recession cited in big abortion decline
Surprise! The abortion rate just hit an all-time low.

vid Family re-unites with Dolfin Baby they rescued

vid Dancing Sal. Army Bell ringers. Do it, this year?

***** nd 'Unconditional Love =, IS, = Unconditional Family, the ONLY REVOLUTION; nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.' Loving

nd 'Unconditional Love =, IS, = Unconditional Family, the ONLY REVOLUTION; nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.'  Loving

nd 'Unconditional Family - the ONLY True Family.' Loving

nd 'Unconditional Family - the ONLY True Family.' Loving

Death threats against Obama: Did Florida cop 'fan flames'? Christian Science Monitor

Death threats against Obama: Did Florida cop 'fan flames'?

Christian Science Monitor - ‎18 hours ago‎
While the Secret Service ultimately agreed that Jacksonville, Fla., Det. Sam Koivisto was kidding when he suggested to fellow cops that he'd gladly volunteer for an Obama assassination mission, the loose talk led the 26-year veteran to retire six ...

***** 'You NEVER read or met Jesus, Christ, Gospel... till you've Deeply Studied this - Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief." PERIOD.' Loving


***** Celebrity Vegetarians: 50 Stars Who Won't Be Eating A Turkey Feast On ...

Celebrity Vegetarians: 50 Stars Who Won't Be Eating A Turkey Feast On ...

nd 'Another Good day for the Cancer! Not so good, for me. Much pain.' Loving

nd 'Another Good day for the Cancer!  Not so good, for me.  Much pain.' Loving

Maddow Video: Deficit is SHRINKING. Preparedness key to debunking deficit hysteria

Video: Preparedness key to debunking deficit hysteria

Your helpful Thanksgiving charts about the deficit

As Rachel promised on the show, here are the charts that show the U.S. deficit is not growing but shrinking -- in fact, it's shrinking faster than at any time since the end of World War II. The first chart comes from our own Steve Benen. The second is from Jed Graham at Investor's Business Daily. Let us know how it goes out there, will ya?

vlog 'Well, I have lived to see a Church.' Loving

Video: Dog adopts, nurses orphaned tiger cubs in Russia

Our Brother Obama calls 10 service members to thank them Philadelphia Inquirer

Obama calls 10 service members to thank them

Philadelphia Inquirer - ‎6 hours ago‎
WASHINGTON - President Obama celebrated Thanksgiving quietly at the White House with his family, friends, and some White House staff members after phoning 10 members of the U.S.