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GOPigs on Display: Funny judge sends funny racist joke about Obama's mom having sex with

Judge Richard Cebull admits to anti-Obama email

Politico -
The chief federal judge of Montana on Wednesday admitted to sending a racially charged email about President Barack Obama that seems to compare African-Americans to dogs, but denied circulating the note because it was racist, saying he only did it ...
Chief Federal Judge in Montana Says He's Not a Racist, Apologizes for Obama Email
Funny judge sends funny racist joke about Obama's mom having sex with dogs

Drill GOPigs, KILL: Harrisburg tornado packed 170 mph winds Chicago Tribune

Harrisburg tornado packed 170 mph winds

Chicago Tribune -
HARRISBURG, Ill.— Jeff Rann had ample warning that terrible weather was approaching before dawn. A frantic call to his wife from his mother-in-law alerted them to reports that a tornado was barreling down, and Rann heard the deafening wail of storm ...
Tornadoes Kill at Least 12 in Midwest
Ill. town vows to rebuild after monster twister

Global warming: Thick, multi-year Arctic ice melting faster Summit County Citizens Voice

Global warming: Thick, multi-year Arctic ice melting faster

Summit County Citizens Voice -
The bright white central mass shows the perennial sea ice while the larger light blue area shows the full extent of the winter sea ice including the average annual sea ice during the months of November, December and January.

Joe Romm, Sociopathic Denier of the History of Change - Leap Day Special: My Biggest Mistakes

 Leap Day Special: My Biggest Mistakes

Loving's, comments:  Yes, I'm shocked.  Joe Romm is in exactly the sociopathic psychological denial on  Historical fact, as the Deniers are on regarding the 'scientific' truth, fact.  They side with the 1% of the scientists that hold the view they prefer, betting against the 99%, and their own eyes, children, and self-interest.

Joe is doing the same, and worse!  0% of historians would say that the President, top Leader... can pass climate legislation, win WWI,  get rid of Mubarak, end Apartheid, get women the right to vote....  0%.  Only the people, standing with immense courage, until they win, can do those things.

Pathological denial.  What a tragedy Joe.


Comment to Huff Po/ Joe Romm: The Warm War Huffington Post

90% chance they won't publish the comment.  The Warm War  Huffington Post  "awaiting moderator approval"  comment - You know, Romm is correct that Obama is central here if it was FDR that won WWII, Johnson that won Civil Rights, Lincoln and not the blood of 10's of thousands that freed the slaves, some young leader in Egypt that won the Arab Spring....  But it wasn't FDR, it wasn't Johnson, it wasn't Lincoln, some Egyptian leader.... 

I guess to avoid personal responsibility for himself and his fawning leftie following, Joe, a stunning science blogger by the way, indispensable, is Religious about point the finger of blame at everyone and everyone, especially his whipping boy Obama, everyone, except who MLK Jr, or Gandhi, or Mandela, or the Egyptian revolutionaries pointed their finger of blame at - #1. At themselves, #2. At we-the-citizens.  'Give me someone of courage to fight alongside, any day.  Don't give me any lip-service liberals,' to paraphrase Gandhi.  'My problem is not the violent racists.  My problem is the 'good people' who will not stand and stay standing till they've won.' MLK Jr paraphrase. 

Time's almost up folks on the left, Joe.  Is your ultimate allegiance to your own outrage, tantrums, self-righteousness, comfort, position, following..., or to your kids and grandkids?  I think it is the latter, deep inside you.  I think there is goodness in you, courage.  But I'm guessing. Time to put up, or....

Federal judge admits he sent anti-Obama, racist e-mail USA TODAY

Oxymorons, or morons? Romney appeals for working-class votes in Ohio Reuters

OBAMA, of by for the people: GAO: Overlapping government programs cost billions Wash Post

OBAMA, of by for the people: Feds Indict Former Online Gambling Billionaire Calvin Ayre Nathan Vardi

Lip-service lib citizens, GOPigs: In SoCal areas, a quarter of families can't afford enough food Los Angeles Times Staff

God Damn Lefties: Deniers are eating your lunch: Tobacco health labels violate free speech Staff

As GOP race continues, voter confidence in Obama improves Staff

Keystone pipeline claims don't add up Staff

As would Gandhi: Obama honors Iraq War

Obama honors Iraq War veterans    "Give me a military man to fight alongside any day.  Don't give me any cowards (lip-service liberals, progressives....)" Gandhi.  Loving, also.

'God Damn Lefties, Progressives: Deniers are 20 to 1 at major LA Times, Wash Post articles.' Loving (no detail)

Loving, comment to fellow Warrior at LA TIMES: NEVER direct serious attention to Deniers. It feeds them (detail)

Peter, thanks for your work at LA Times today. The only, the only reason I comment on such things is for the onlooker. I NEVER make the mistake any more of directing 'serious' attention to the deniers - that's what they feed on. 100% of my effort is to use them as a foil in the event there are honest, confused and/or as yet uninformed onlookers. Consider the free, anonymous subscription to my blog . You can cancel at any moment. I do next to zero posting at FB cuz I've found they are all talk, no action. Loving

Loving, may have just 6 yrs left: Davy Jones of The Monkees dead at 66 CBS News

'WALKING THE WALK IS 99.9999999999999% OF THE HOPE. ALL THE REST IS DETAILS.' Loving (no details)

Doctors, lawyers charged in US auto insurer fraud Reuters

Doctors, lawyers charged in US auto insurer fraud

Reuters -
* 36 accused of scheming to defraud * Auto insurers targeted in alleged $279 mln scheme * Scheme said to take advantage of NY no-fault law By Jonathan Stempel and Ben Berkowitz NEW YORK, Feb 29 (Reuters) - Three dozen people were charged with scheming ...
$279 million no-fault auto insurance scam in NYC called largest ever
DOJ: 36 Arrested In $279M NY No-Fault Auto-Insurance Fraud Scheme

Loving's comment on Forbes: Dear Global Warming Alarmists: We're Still Waiting for Declining Snowfall

Dear Global Warming Alarmists: We're Still Waiting for Declining Snowfall

Friend, what a curious title to this article.  Did you think that I, or we 'alarmists,' as you call us, are responsible for what you do?  I'm not. 

I'm not responsible if you remove this comment, for example.  I am responsible for submitting it, though.

I'm not responsible for the folks (like you?) now prolonging public acceptance of the climate science, settled among the 'climate scientists' for years now, that for 30 years prolonged the torture and killing of innocents by sowing doubt about the science that was 'settled' within the scientific community, well documented here, Merchants of Doubt, on Amazon , and in this 5 minute documentary . 

I'd not have been responsible for the actions of the Tories saying we should go along with our British masters, nor for the apologists for Slavery, and Discrimination in this country, nor for what McCarthy and his hate mongers did....

I'm fully accountable for what I do which is to with eyes wide open respect my eyes, which see the (to anyone with a shred of decency) the terrifying time-lapse stampede of increased temperature this last 20 years in particular per the read-out of 2000 probes around earth this last 130 years here , or from Goddard's site, if you prefer - ; I'm responsible for my  stand with not the 2%, but the 98% of Qualified scientists on the matter, the 'Climate' scientists, and with the 100% of qualified scientific organizations around the globe. 

If you choose to fight them, to delay policies to avert the horror they foresee, how could you possibly think that is my, or the 'alarmists' responsibility?  No, it is yours.

And finally, if you, unlike me, or we 'alarmists,' refuse to place your faith in the market, the capitalist market, and believe that it should be wrecked by the only market failure greater than Enron (google Nicholas Stern, World Bank, for one), if you wish to continue to send 80% of today's bill for fossil fuel energy to your children, nieces, nephews, grandkids, rather than be a man and pay your own bill, as cigarette smokers now pay their own health care costs, and in the case of carbon fuel war, health, and future earth-wreckage costs should be paid today with a 100% Dividend and Fee policy such as outlined here, that's your responsibility, not mine, not the 'alaarmists' - .

Oh, there is plenty to detest, ridicule, be outraged among the 'alarmists,' lip-service left, 'progressives!'  I AM, 1000x more than you, I'm certain!  Here are some recent posts about the unspeakable coward Joseph Romm, for example, #1 Climate Change blogger, excellence science writing, and cowardly, blaming, whining, to the core, so typical of the left. , , and .

Aren't you proud enough to take responsibility for your own actions?  I am.

Anti-Christ Rev. Franklin Graham apologizes to Obama Politico

Graham apologizes to Obama

By David Jackson, USA TODAY Evangelist Franklin Graham has apologized to President Obama for questioning his Christian faith during a cable television news interview.
Rev. Franklin Graham issues apology over Obama faith comments
Report: Rev. Franklin Graham apologizes to Obama

Obama right to apologize for burned Korans: Being a superpower means having to ... New York Daily News

Obama right to apologize for burned Korans: Being a superpower means having to ...

New York Daily News -
Contrary to the notion that his apology somehow conveyed a deliberate action or portrayed weakness, Obama's approach was measured, immediate and appropriate.

Obama's high-speed rail plans hit traffic in Congress

Obama's high-speed rail plans hit traffic in Congress -
By MICHAEL DOYLE WASHINGTON -- Congress and the Obama administration are headed for another head-on collision over high-speed rail.

Only Election that Matters: Election 2012: Can the Democrats retake control of the House? ‎ Christian Science Monitor - 22 hours ago Congressman Steve Israel says a net gain of 25 seats – what Democrats need to win back control of the House in Election 2012 – is 'in range.

Election 2012: Can the Democrats retake control of the House?

Christian Science Monitor - 22 hours ago
Congressman Steve Israel says a net gain of 25 seats – what Democrats need to win back control of the House in Election 2012 – is 'in range.

The only Election: Inside the Boiler Room: Can Dems take back House, hold Senate?

Is Joe Romm at Think Progress a Denier Agent? Yes. Does he Face it? Unknown.

Melting Snowe: Another ‘Moderate’ Retires from the Senate

By Joe Romm

Objectively, scientifically, there is only one force in the universe strong enough to successfully oppose 7 of the 10 largest corporations on earth, the oil companies.  It is the same, 'only,' force that was strong enough to overcome slavery, get rid of Mubarak, stop Hittler, win Civil Rights.... Simple.

Not if you are the coward Joe Romm.  If he faced this truth, he'd have to start telling the readers of this Think Progress auth-whore things they don't want to hear - personal responsibility, it's up to us, stop blaming everyone but yourselves.... 

Oh, he's sometimes direct as in yesterday's laughable screed blaming all on Pr. Obama, 'Failed Presidency,' uh, except by EVERY objective measure.  A deliberate attempt to deflect attention away from how he and the Climate Country Club have squandered every and all opportunities - making a total waste of their lives?  But direct, or indirect, his cowardly, disingenuous efforts to direct 'blame' everywhere but where it can threaten the status quo, at we the people, his unfailing cowardice can be depended upon.

Drill GOPigs Drill: 4 killed as tornadoes rake Midwest states

4 killed as tornadoes rake Midwest states -
First in breaking news and analysis: reporters and NBC correspondents bring you compelling stories from across the nation.

Obama Peace Maker: North Korea Agrees to Curb Nuclear Work, US Says New York Times

North Korea Agrees to Curb Nuclear Work, US Says

New York Times -
WASHINGTON - North Korea agreed to suspend nuclear weapons tests and enrichment and allow international inspectors to verify and monitor activities at its main reactor, the State Department announced on Wednesday, as part of a deal that included an ...
US: North Korea agrees to suspend nuclear activities
US says North Korea agrees to nuclear moratorium

New South Wales, Australia continue to be deluged with the heaviest rains in more than 80 years. [AAP]

New South Wales, Australia continue to be deluged with the heaviest rains in more than 80 years. [AAP]

Pathetic Progressive Pundit MIT's Joeseph Romm Pins His Own Life's Failure on Obama


Coach Hall - Coach who yelled "hey" at school shooter does not feel like hero Reuters

'More Lives than a Cat, but my Hope for Humanity died again today. That's ok. Refocus on Future Survivors.' Loving (no detail)

'More Lives than a Cat, but my Hope for Humanity died again today.  That's ok.  Refocus on Future Survivors.' Loving (no detail)

University Of Virginia Students On Day 11 Of Hunger Strike For Hourly ... Huffington Post

University Of Virginia Students On Day 11 Of Hunger Strike For Hourly ...

Huffington Post -
Twenty students at the University of Virginia Charlottesville campus are on a hunger strike protesting the low wages paid to hourly employees in the university system.
Hunger strikers risk health for living wage campaign
Football player Joseph Williams among 19 Virginia students still on hunger strike

Would Santorum put the Bible over the Constitution? CNN

Heartland associate taught 'biased' climate course at Ottawa university The Guardian

Heartland associate taught 'biased' climate course at Ottawa university

The Guardian -
An associate of the Heartland Institute, the thinktank devoted to discrediting climate change, taught a course at a top Canadian university that contained more than 140 false, biased and misleading claims about climate science, an expert audit has ...

The Pedophile Guys - Morality only as Sadism: DC archdiocese: Denying Communion to lesbian at funeral was against 'policy' Washington Post

Belief in Global Warming on the Rebound: National Survey of American Public ... Brookings Institution

Poll: US belief in warming rises with thermometer

Kansas City Star - ‎56 minutes ago‎
By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer WASHINGTON -- A new poll shows Americans' belief in global warming is on the rise, along with temperatures and surprising weather changes. The survey by the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College says 62 ...

New survey links Americans' growing belief in global warming with the wilder ...

Washington Post - ‎1 hour ago‎
WASHINGTON — A new poll shows Americans' belief in global warming is on the rise, along with temperatures and surprising weather changes. The survey by the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College says 62 percent of those asked last December think ...

Belief in Global Warming on the Rebound: National Survey of American Public ...

Brookings Institution - ‎1 hour ago‎
Christopher P. Borick, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion As 2012 begins, a growing number of Americans believe global warming is occurring. This is one of the key findings from ...

'I suspect that some 1930's Germans earned the Right to see it Hopeless; they'd paid the price.' Loving (no details)

Republicans Sought Algae Research Grants From Obama, Now They’re Attacking Him For It


Monsanto asks its scientists if global warming is real -
So, when the board of directors of Monsanto asked its scientists to figure out whether global warming was real, and whether it would cause problems for farmers, it got its answers.