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Rare glimmer of Sanity: Tax-cut deal barely dents Obama’s high support among liberals
Despite the anger expressed by House Democrats over Obama's tax-cut deal with Republicans, polls show his support among liberals is still very high and has dipped only slightly.

VID Start Treaty Avoids Filabuster - Kerry Democrats

"My Religion is Loving. The One True Religion." SL

"My Religion is Loving.  The One True Religion."  SL

"America's been de-generating ever since Europeans landed." SL

"America's been de-generating ever since Europeans landed."  SL

"Deadly Error of Right-to-Lifers and me: Equating Metabolism and Life." SL

"Deadly Error of Right-to-Lifers and me:
Equating Metabolism and Life."

"Last 2 days I've had some sort of accute energy drop. Cardio? Interesting." SL

"Last 2 days I've had some sort of accute energy drop. 
Cardio? Interesting." SL


The Liberal Rebellion That Wasn’t: 65 Percent Support McConnell Tax Deal - Swampland -

The Liberals never raise citizen backing, but crucify Obama for their failure.
The Pew Research Center comes through with the number of the day: 65, as in the percentage of self-identified liberals who support the tax deal Barack Obama made with Republican Mitch McConnell over the objections of House Democrats.

Huh. Not all are Lip-service Liberals: Poll: Strong Bipartisan Support for Obama-Republican Tax Cut Deal
Conservatives, liberals and political independents are markedly in sync when it comes to the deal President Barack Obama forged with Republicans on extension of the Bush-era tax cuts and unemployment benefits.

"Not people; 99.99% of us are pigs at the trough." SL

"Not people; 99.99% of us are pigs at the trough."  SL

"Satanic - I wasted most of my life making Rich people Richer." SL

"Satanic - I wasted most of my life making Rich people Richer."  SL

VID - Kindness


NYT: In Tax Details, More Benefits for Middle
A hefty portion of the $858 billion tax package that the Senate is poised to vote on Monday will benefit middle- and upper-middle-income Americans.

"Heaven's never entered by those not Dying for it." SL

"Heaven's never entered by those not Dying for it." SL

VID Nobel Peace Prize - Liu Xiaobo - 2010- Chinese Prisoner
Nobel Peace Prize (5) Liu Xiaobo - 2010- Chinese Prisoner

Jesus' Entire Gospel - "For Joy, Live giving to the Neediest, EVERYTHING you have." SL

Jesus' Entire Gospel -
"For Joy, Live giving to the Neediest, EVERYTHING you have."  SL

"'My name is Start Loving. And who do you say that I am?'" SL

"'My name is Start Loving. And who do you say that I am?'"  SL

"Peace Maker = Christ-like = Godly. Period. Peace Breaker = Anti-Christ = Satanic." SL

"Peace Maker = Christ-like = Godly.  Period.
Peace Breaker = Anti-Christ = Satanic."

"Right-to-Lifers Satanism - equating Flesh to Life." SL

"Right-to-Lifers Satanism - equating Flesh to Life." SL

AMEN: Bloomberg Says Obama’s Democratic Base Should ‘Suck It Up’
President Barack Obama should tell Democrats angered by his compromises with Republicans on extending tax cuts to "suck it up," New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.

"Heaven: from your Soul in Solidarity Serving. Loving." SL

"Heaven:  from your Soul in Solidarity Serving. Loving." SL

"Hell: Superiority over others, in Systems/Institutions, for Stuff. Lusting." SL

"Hell: Superiority over others, in Systems/Institutions, for Stuff. Lusting." SL

"Loving is the answer to every question in life." SL

"Loving is the answer to every question in life."  SL


"Jesus wasn't metaphorical. All but 1 in a million is "Blind" to Heaven; mass, neurological atrophy." SL

"Jesus wasn't metaphorical. 
All but 1 in a million is "Blind" to Heaven;
mass, neurological atrophy."

Pr. Clinton - 'Dems Sign This Tax Cut Bill Best Possible for US' - with Pr. Obama

"Today Liu Xiaobo' Pic on my Laptop, Chinese Visitors Mutter, Cower, Flee." SL

"Today Liu Xiaobo' Pic on my Laptop, Chinese Visitors Mutter, Cower, Flee."  SL

Behind The Wall - Petitioners gather in force on the streets of Beijing
BEIJING – After weeks of bottling up dissent and activism in this country, the tense political situation in China exploded this morning when swarms of petitioners gathered outside Beijing's United Nations offices in protest. NBC News came upon the protesters by chance …

Hallelujah. Israel 'should face EU sanctions' - A group of 26 former EU leaders


A group of 26 former EU leaders urges it to impose sanctions on Israel for continuing to build settlements on occupied Palestinian territory.


WOW. NYT: "Any time you engage in an activity critical of Israel you are trying to destroy the state of Israel."

"Any time you engage in an activity critical of Israel you are trying to destroy the state of Israel."

GOP Stands for ‘GET OUR PORK’: House Republicans Consider Breaking Promise to End Earmarks
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is the official campaign arm of the Democrats in the House of Representatives.

NYTimes: Protesters Attack Car Carrying Prince Charles

Student protesters attacked the royal couple's car, in widespread violence over a sharp increase in college fees in Britain.

"Your EVERY thought, word, deed's designed to- A. Contribute, or B. EXPLOIT." SL

"Your every thought, word, deed's designed to A. Contribute or B. EXPLOIT."  SL

"Just 2 ways of Being part of humanity: Giving, Taking ; Contributing, Exploiting; Good, Evil." SL

"Just 2 ways of Being part of humanity:
Giving, Taking ; Contributing, Exploiting; Good, Evil."

"I feel such a part of God (Good) that death seems Irrelevant." SL

"I feel such a part of God (Good) that death seems Irrelevant."