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"Soldiers demand the Truth; civilians hate it; want comforting Delusion. Deadly." SL

"Soldiers demand the Truth; civilians hate it;
want comforting Delusion.  Deadly."  SL

"If God, IF Christ is to return, it ONLY is with us as His Body. Otherwise, NOT; it's over." SL

"If God, IF Christ is to return, it ONLY is with us as His Body.
Otherwise, NOT; it's over."

"If for purely Selfish Reasons I could be Reborn for Ultimate Joy: 1. Earliest Christians; 2. American Indians of 700 years ago, before US; 3. Or maybe today, the beginning of Armageddon, the last opportunity to Save a few." SL

"If for purely Selfish Reasons I could be Reborn for Ultimate Joy:
1. Earliest Christians;
2. American Indians of 700 years ago, before US;
3. Or maybe today, the beginning of Armageddon,
the last opportunity to Save a few."

SL here: 'I want to die ' - Palestinian Child to Pollster

"Parasites - is it wrong to call them what they are? MILLIONS, what if there are millions? What if they are Republicans? What if they are Liberals? What if they are Corporations? What if they are "Peace Activists? 'God is Truth,' Gandhi lived." SL

"Parasites - is it wrong to call them what they are? 
MILLIONS, what if there are millions?
What if they are Republicans?
What if they are Liberals?
What if they are Corporations?
What if they are "Peace Activists?
'God is Truth,' Gandhi lived."

"Soldiers, as the hoards race in to RAPE their KIDS - "Uh, I'll sit out this one. I think Gen. O screwed up."" SL

"Soldiers, as the hoards race in to RAPE their KIDS -
"Uh, I'll sit this one out.  I think Gen. O screwed up.""  SL

GUARDIAN: Tea Party climate change deniers funded by BP and other major polluters
Midterm election campaigns of Tea Party favourites DeMint and Inhofe have received over $240,000 Pdf: Read the full Climate Action Network report

JeruPost: Analysis: Republicans may affect US pressure on Israel

"Political Left, Right - EXACTLY THE SAME; the Party of BLAME. DISGUSTING SHAME. All Blame, No Personal Social Responsibility." SL

"Political Left, Right - EXACTLY THE SAME;
the Party of BLAME.
No Personal Social Responsibility."


Thank God, Obama, OFA Activists-Reuters: Brown widens lead over Whitman in Calif. gov. race Reuters

How do you and I measure up? USAToday: China targets Nobel nominees as threats

UTTERLY PROFOUND. Rabbi opposing Qur'an burning - "The world...

UTTERLY PROFOUND.  Rabbi opposing Qur'an burning -

"The world is not divided into Jews, Christians, Muslims
[Left, Right, Republican, Democrat, Progressive...].
The world is divided into Good people, and Bad people;
Smart people and Stupid people."  Paraphrase

"Compassion is a Pleasure till it becomes Commitment; NOT to be allowed! Hence our Joylessness." SL

"Compassion is a Pleasure till it becomes Commitment;
NOT to be allowed! Hence our Joylessness."  SL

MSNBC Fact Check: Obama 'less' press conferences 'than any recent president'?

"Choosing Pleasure Chooses: War, Lovelessness, Joylessness, Lifelessness." SL

"Choosing Pleasure Chooses:
War, Lovelessness, Joylessness, Lifelessness."  SL

NYT Friedman: "Israel today really is behaving like US's spoiled child."

NYT: Bishops Urge Israel to End Its Occupation of Palestinian Territories
Bishops at Meeting Urge Israel to End Its Occupation of Palestinian Territories



Palestine Israel Peace Process (1) US Arab Relations
Palestine Israel Peace Process (2) US Arab Relations
Palestine Israel Peace Process (3) US Arab Relations
Palestine Israel Peace Process (4) US Arab Relations
Palestine Israel Peace Process (6) US Arab Relations

"The Core Psychology of Evil: It's FOOD is Other's Distress and Destruction." SL

"The Core Psychology of Evil: 
It's FOOD is Other's Distress and Destruction."  SL

ReScumLickin Values - WashPo - Clarence Thomas exposed by Lover

"I finally see - there are Truly Bad people; most. Killing of Life. Few if any know." SL

"I finally see - there are Truly Bad people; most.
Destroyers of Life.
Few if any know."

"40 years lost; languishing in Solitary Confinement - the Black Hole of Sensuality." SL

"40 years lost; languishing in Solitary Confinement -
the Black Hole of Sensuality."  SL

USAToday: Obama: Could Lincoln make it in today's GOP?

Obama: Could Lincoln make it in today's GOP?

USA Today - ‎14 hours ago‎
President Obama said today that the Republican Party is now so far outside the mainstream, it would no longer welcome its first president, Abraham Lincoln.

Reuters: GOP "Snake Oil" it is! - Obama accuses Republicans of peddling "snake oil"

Obama accuses Republicans of peddling "snake oil"


"The question of Life: 'What might I do for the neediest?'" SL

"The question of Life: 'What might I do for the neediest?'" SL

"The question of Death: 'What can others do for me?'" SL

"The question of Death: 'What can others do for me?'" SL

"Peace Making: Life-Risking attempt to displace UnTruth with Truth." SL

"Peace Making:  Life-Risking attempt to displace UnTruth with Truth."  SL

"Equally Certain: Saints and Soldiers get shot at. Both Live on the Battlefield for Humanity." SL

"Equally Certain: Saints and Soldiers get shot at.
Both Live on the Battlefield for Humanity."

Israel's Character-Assination of US Pr. Carter / Truth; Attempts Continue. Fox Spews Helps

"Where Humility's Absent, Evil Reigns." SL

"Where Humility's Absent,
Evil Reigns."  SL

"Peace Making in Cinema - Luke accepting Death rather than Kill." SL

"Peace Making in Cinema -
Luke accepting Death rather than Kill."  SL

"Peace Making in Cinema - Obi-Wan allowing Darth to Kill him." SL

"Peace Making in Cinema -
Obi-Wan allowing Darth to Kill him."  SL

"'Good Questions' - come from the Soul; 'Bad Questions' from everywhere else. Soul is the seat of Integrity." SL

"'Good Questions' - come from the Soul;
'Bad Questions' from everywhere else.
Soul is the seat of Integrity."

AP: Vids - While 'Professional Left' jeers, the Real Left CHEERS

VID: OBAMA STANDS WITH LGBT KIDS. "Haters most hate those who Love." SL