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CBS: Vacation days by this point in Presidency - Bush 115, Obama 48

Essential Palestine Israel (1 & 2) Noam Chomsky

"Adam Smith's 'Hand of God,' is Actually Satan's Hand - Neglect, Irresponsibility, Inhumanity." SL

"Adam Smith's 'Hand of God,' is Actually Satan's Hand -
Neglect, Irresponsibility, Inhumanity."  SL

"The pain of the Neediest is the tow rope able to pull thru Life." SL

"The pain of the Neediest is the tow rope able to pull thru Life."  SL

"When Citizens are AWOL for 40 years it is DISASTER - 2010 US/Earth." SL

"When Citizens are AWOL for 40 years it is DISASTER - 2010 US/Earth." SL

NYT: Fox News - the Real Enemies

"Religion, Church: Supreme means of Exploiting others." SL

"Religion, Church:  Supreme means of Exploiting others."  SL


Fw: "God, when I die, will harshly judge my divorce of my Human Family I conducted for so many decades." SL

"God, when I die, will harshly judge my divorce of my Human Family
I conducted for so many decades."  SL

DN! Chomsky, Tutu (1) Israel Palestine Gaza 2007

"God, when I did, will harshly judge my divorce of my Human Family I conducted for so many decades." SL

"God, when I did, will harshly judge my divorce of my Human Family
I conducted for so many decades."  SL

"'Activist' is a Deadly word. 'Advocate' better captures what is needed, Life." SL

"'Activist' is a Deadly word. 
'Advocate' better captures what is needed, Life."

TIME: Training Pastors, Rabbis, and Imams at the Same School,8599,2010951,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

Najeeba Syeed-Miller, Assistant Professor of Interreligious Education, announces the launch of a project at the Claremont School of Theology that will integrate the education of ministers, rabbis and Muslim religious leaders.


NYT Krugman: GOP's Cruel, Deadly War on the Middle Class

AP: Talks to test Netanyahu's will for peace

"The wind's seen in extinguishing the candle; hatefulness in extinguishing the LovING advocate." SL

"The wind's seen in extinguishing the candle;
hatefulness in extinguishing the LovING advocate."  SL

"A candle's best seen aganst blackness; Tough Love against Hatefulness." SL

"A candle's best seen against blackness;
Tough Love against Hatefulness."  SL

"The 60's Battle was Black Civil Rights, 80's Anti-Apartheid, 10's Palestine Liberation." SL

"The 60's Battle was Black Civil Rights, 80's Anti-Apartheid, 10's Palestine Liberation."  SL

"7 of 10 military support the vigil, of those that come by." SL

"7 of 10 military support the vigil, of those that come by."  SL For Palestinians - Boycott, Diverstment, Sanctions

"The Battleground for Peace is fought ENTIRELY is in the minds." SL

"The Battleground for Peace is fought ENTIRELY is in the minds."  SL

"Adam Smiths 'hand of god's' within months of finally choking Humanity to Death. No? Then why don't you raise your kids deferring to that 'hand of god'? Cuz it isn't." SL

"Adam Smiths 'hand of god's' within months of finally choking Humanity to Death.  No?  Then why don't you raise your kids deferring to that 'hand of god'?  Cuz it isn't."  SL

"Rome, the Hebrews nailed His Hands, Feet. The Church Nails His Heart." SL

"Rome, the Hebrews nailed His Hands, Feet.

The Church Nails His Heart." SL

"I adore your Christ. I detest your Christianity. It destroys your Christ." SL informed by Gandhi.

"I adore your Christ.

I detest your Christianity.

It destroys your Christ."

SL informed by Gandhi.

"My central understanding: We're born to be a 'cell' in service to the body of humanity; by design of our DNA." SL

"My central understanding: 
We're born to be a 'cell' in service to the body of humanity;
by design of our DNA."  SL

"The only purpose of 'Church' is to unleash our Christ-likeness. There are NONE." SL

"The only purpose of 'Church' is to unleash our Christ-likeness.
There are NONE."  SL

"Which denomination's simply dedicated to Christ-likeness? NONE." SL

"Which denomination's simply dedicated to Christ-likeness?  NONE."  SL


USAToday: Evangelist leads 'disinformation campaign' on Obama: Religion professor

Rev. Franklin Graham is leading a "disinformation campaign" against President Obama by attacking Obama's Christian faith and distorting Islam's theology, says a leading religion professor.

After CNN's John King gave Graham a full news cycle to raise a lifted eyebrow at President Obama's Christian profession of faith, Stephen Prothero, religion professor at Boston University, came on King's show Friday night to undercut Graham and question why CNN would ask an evangelist known to slur Islam, to speculate on its theology.

According to a transcript released by CNN, Prothero, author of God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World, told King, the finding in a recent survey that 18% of Americans believe Obama is Muslim ...

... is because we have people who are supposed to be responsible public leaders, like Franklin Graham, who are spreading what seems to me like a sort of disinformation campaign... What Franklin Graham should say: 'Barack Obama says he's a Christian, he's a Christian, end of story.'

Prothero also pointed out that Obama prayed with Franklin and his father, America's most famous living evangelist, Rev. Billy Graham, in May but Franklin still repeatedly used the "if" word to answer King's questions Thursday on whether Obama has accepted Christ.

Prothero said:

Franklin Graham doesn't seem to be interested in focusing on preaching the gospel of -- of Jesus. He wants to be spreading misinformation about the religion of Islam.

... Why are we listening to Franklin Graham?

By Web Bryant, USA TODAY
Prothero, who also wrote a book on Americans' ignorance about their own faith traditions as well as those of others (Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know -- And Doesn't) told King,

.. it doesn't help the conversation we need to have as a public about Islam to be having people who are just basically spreading falsehoods about the tradition.

We should be listening to Muslims about their tradition. We should be listening to scholars about their tradition. But we shouldn't be listening to Evangelical preachers who are out to trash the Muslim religion in order to gain some political and perhaps religious advantage.

Prothero also pounced on Graham for cherry-picking quotes from the Quran that highlight violence. (In U.S. Protestant culture, picking quotes out of context from the Bible to prove a point is called "proof-texting."). Prothero highlighted

... shared beliefs and practices across Christianity and Islam. And we shouldn't be talking about the worst of the tradition of Islam and comparing it with the best of the tradition of Christianity.

When Jesus says, "I come not to bring peace, but a sword," is it fair to say, oh, Jesus is out to kill people?

No, because you read that in the context of the whole Bible. You read that in the context of the Christian tradition. That's how you need to understand passages in the Quran, is in the context of the whole Quran and in the context of the whole Islamic tradition.