From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


"War Making = Demanding Respect. Peace Making = Earning Respect." SL

This is a HUGE epiphany for me today.
Thank you Father.

"War Making = Demanding Respect vs 
Peace Making = Earning Respect.

Violence vs Non-Violence;

Non-Love vs Love respectively;

Authoritarian vs Authoritative."

CHANGE: Where Clinton Turned Right, Obama Plowed Ahead NYT. CLINCAL DENIAL, those that don't see

Where Clinton Turned Right, Obama Plowed Ahead

New York Times

Those that don't see "Change" WANT NOT TO. 

Clinical DENIAL.


"Example is not the major thing in influencing people; it is the only thing." Dr. Albert Schweitzer

[Friends - I value your time as though my childrens' lives depend upon it -
because they do.  I never send that which I believe is not crucial to their
lives, and yours, but I rely on you to read what strikes you as important,
and flush the rest].

Having been well stimulated by recent dialog with a few of you, and having received
substantial Violence, unintended, from two considered internationally acclaimed
"Non-violent activists" recently, who now I see to be nothing of the sort,
tragically, sadly - once again my nervous system proves to me the old adage - if
it doesn't kill you, you grow.  Some of the fruits to me of this trauma, and
these dialogs, I'll share here:

"Example is not the major thing in influencing people; it is the only thing."
Dr. Albert Schweitzer  Nobel
Peace Prize 1952 (I was 1 year old) 
[Note to two friends:  I know nothing of the lives of Christopher Hitchings
nor Andrew Harvey that is not profound divorce from this Truth.  I do not
question their right to this Divorce, but I find them useless, no, dangerous
as a consequence.
"Nothing has so caused the needless suffering in the world as "Sages" that
Say but do not Do [I give you the Organized Religions, including Atheism, and
"Activism."]  These are the Hypocrites, clinically, that Jesus centrally warned
us of."  SL  (Yes, they piously, sacredly killed him.)

"Technically: Violence = Non-Loving; Non-Violence = Loving." SL 
"What does non-violence mean?
Uh, the love of mother for her child."
Gandhi paraphrase with liberties taken

"The Golden Rule is about Motive (Universal Love) NOT behavior."  SL
"[Love] unto others as you would
have them [Love] unto you."  CJ (as translated by SL)

"Why Jesus remained silent:
He would not aid and abet his sibling's violence on him."  SL
"Non-cooperation with evil is every bit as much a duty as
it is to not do evil."  Gandhi paraphrase

"Violence:  Neglecting our Duty to Love Each as Immediate Family."  SL

"Loving, like Skiing, divorced from Acting, is Nothing."  SL
"Love is that which cannot remain passive in the face of suffering."  Teresa of Calcutta paraphrase.

"Love EQUALS Life."  SL

Your Loving brother forever, no matter what,

Start Loving

Twitter: @StartLoving1
Universally Loving (Subscr)


Http://  (Subscr)
28 Year Peace Vigil - ("Friend")
Documentary on Start Loving

"Technically: Violence = Non-Loving; Non-Violence = Loving." SL

"What does non-violence mean?
Uh, the love of mother for her child."
Gandhi paraphrase with liberties taken

Octogenarian DC school teacher jailed for protecting Humanitarian prisoned in Guantanimo since 2002

Re: Octogenarian DC school teacher jailed for protecting Humanitarian prisoned in Guantanimo since 2002

On January 25, 2010, Judge Lynn Liebovitz sentenced noted anti-war activist Eve Tetaz to 25 days in D.C. Jail (beginning today), another 50 days suspended, one year probation with a stay away order from all of Capitol Hill. More details and Eve's contact information will be forthcoming. Below is the sentencing statement Eve made today in court. An article about Eve by WASHINGTON POST reporter Keith Alexander will appear as a feature story within a few days.

Sentencing Statement, January 25, 2010:

Your honor, I do not question the process by which a jury of my peers found me guilty of unlawful conduct. I assume responsibility for the personal costs of my actions, which I firmly believe promote justice ad peace in the world in which we all live.

My efforts to give voice to the values which I believe are at the core of our country's leadership in world are nonviolent. I believe that nonviolent protest against government policies is, has been and will continue, to be the only authentic form of individual political action. Such action on the part of individuals does change the course of human history.

History speaks of the power of nonviolent protest that has changed the face of our social landscape in ways we now take for granted -- the civil rights movement being only the most recent example in the history of our country. Martin Luther King was right when he paraphrased the words of Theodore Parker spoken more than 150 years ago -- the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.

This truth is not readily apparent -- indeed does not exist -- without the actions of individuals who are responsive to the needs of the oppressed, and recognize the trends of history.

I will continue to participate in the movement of our civilization that is committed to building structures of social justice that are rooted in peace among the nations and the citizens of the world. The 19th Century poet, Emma Wilcox said that to sin by silence is to make cowards of us all. This is the cause that is my life. This is why I am present in court today representing the victims of America's wrong doings, people such as Adel Fattough Ali Al Gazzari, an Egyptian, wounded in Afghanistan while serving with the Red Crescent Society, sold for bounty to the Americans, and detained at Guantanamo Bay since December 2002. This is why I cannot remain silent.

Thank you.


"[Love] unto others as you would have them [Love] unto you." CJ (as translated by SL)

"The Golden Rule is about Motive (Universal Love) NOT behavior."  SL

"[Love] unto others as you would
have them [Love] unto you."  CJ (as translated by SL)

"Why Jesus remained silent: He would not aid and abet his sibling's violence on him." SL

"Why Jesus remained silent:
He would not aid and abet his sibling's violence on him."  SL

"Violence: Neglecting our Duty to Love Each as Immediate Family." SL

"Violence:  Neglecting our Duty to Love Each as Immediate Family."  SL

PR. OBAMA IS OUR CEO - please seriously ponder that thought.

Subj: PR. OBAMA IS OUR CEO - please seriously ponder that thought.

Many of us work or have worked in an employer situation, that is, within
an organization that provided a means of support to us, right? Well, in
such situations, we may or may not like everything the CEO does, but we
remain loyal, because we know that if the CEO fails, we are screwed.
RIGHT?!?!?!!? Yet that is EXACTLY what most of us are doing with regard
to CEO Obama. If he fails, if his agenda (our agenda) fails, we are
PERMANENTLY screwed. But don't we spend 90% of our time, NOT DOING
OUR JOB WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION, but rather playing as, or subscribing
to other pretend CEOs (pundits, writers, HuffPost, BuzzFlash, Olbermann,
Stewart, etc, etc)???????? Yes, we do.

We, our children, our children's children are being warred on by the Rethug
Fascist hoards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you aren't fighting with all

Please view and share this vid >>>>>>>>>>>> 
Pr. Obama on Middle Class (2) Task Force Report 12 Month Report

Get to work pls on

Your brother,



"For ourselves we act.; for others we pray. Reverse that, or we're toast." SL

"For ourselves we act.; for others we pray.
Reverse that, or we're toast." SL

Please pray for him. Hurry.

He is one of our few great people.


SL here. I beg your assistance. URGENT. Urgent. Help.

In 5+ years full time activism in DC this is one of only 4
true Heroes I've seen here.  His life is on the line.  Yesterday,
had I not helped him stabilize, he'd have been in the ER.

PLEASE view, *****, COMMENT and SHARE.

Your support in this way may keep this Hero safe,
out of jail, and from deportation.

Thank you.

Your brother,



"BE WILLING TO FAIL. Be unwilling to not attempt." SL

Be unwilling to not attempt,
should it cost you your life."  SL


How Barack Obama is like Martin Luther King, Jr. -by Melissa Harris-Lacewell

The Wise built on Rock, NOT SAND. The LEFT is Sand. The RIGHT's the Devil. Hmmm.

I, Start, remain a fool, but, hmmm, I'm learning, sooooooo slowly.

Einstein was a man.  Jesus was a man.  Einstein was our guru to date of macro physics.
Jesus is our Einstein to date of how to Live, individually, and collectively.  His teaching?
"Love as I have loved... laying down my life for the least of these Our Family."

Jesus said, "Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be
like a wise man who built his house on rock.. the rains fell, the flood came, the
wind blew... But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock. And everyone
who listens to these words of mine but does not act on them will be like a fool who
built his house on sand."  Matthew

This scripture is RINGING through my head this morning after the agony of last night's
clarity: "SL here. Friends, I am quite shattered"

The Wise built on Rock, NOT SAND.  The Left is Sand. The Right's the Devil.  Hmmm.

ROCK: Pr. Obama is rock.  Much of the Dem. Senate and House Leadership is rock.  Much of, the roots associated with that is rock.  Rock is the good, simple folk
that do what is right, no matter what.  THEY ARE DOERS, GIVERS, NOT TALKERS, TAKERS. 

SAND: The Left.  THE LEFT ARE TALKERS, and Takers.


I just don't know what hope there is for the mass of Humanity.  I've been trying to leave
that in Our Father's hands (the Unseen Wisdom we can feel, but not control), but I haven't
helped myself from focusing on Saving EVERYONE, NOW!

It is time to refine my focus.  Screw the Left  - they are worse than worthless - they waste
our time, they KILL our time.  I must respect the DEADLINESS of the Right.  I must Focus A. on being
Good, Incarnating Good, Inspiring Good; B. WORK WITH THE GOOD - COME WHAT MAY.

I stand with Pr. Obama - come what may.  I stand with as long as they
remain Faithful. I pray that Good people and I find each other and unite as an ever growing
force for Good - come what may.  I will fight on, hopefully, a tiny bit wiser, smarter.

Where will this lead?  How far?  How fast?  God, the great unseen wisdom, knows.

Screw the Left.



SL here. Friends, I am quite shattered


U nbelievably
S uicidal
A ddicts

At noon the race in Mass. was tied.  Tonight the Nazi Goon Squad
is ahead 9 points.

So after 30-40 years of Rethug-Nazi-Fascist Rape and Plunder of
the middle class Mass. is handing them MASSIVE power - the power

(Not to mention - I didn't in the opening paragraphs mention
exploitation of the poor - yes NOT TO MENTION - Left and Right ROOTS
never do more than throw token crumbs at the poor; excepting FDR.)

This is mind-boggling.

What is the reason:

1.  The right is correct - the Left in this country ARE LOSERS.  Whether
or not their nice, interesting "Ideals" are implemented is immaterial.
Win or lose those "ideals" can be TALKED about, and TALKING is all
the Left cares about.  Period.  They can TALK if they win, they can
TALK if they lose - what's the big deal?  I wish to God I were kidding.

2.  The Right OWNS THEIR MEDIA, the Left has none.  Huh?  What
about,,, New York Times...
As I said, the Right OWNS their media - and they pay it to advance
an agenda.  The LEFT Media is part of the Left roots - all they value
is TALKING.  Advance an agenda?  Huh?  TALKING IS THE AGENDA.
Keeping themselves alive is the agenda.  Losing elections fuels that
it doesn't threaten it!  Perfect!

correct in this.  There are two modes for the Left: A. sullen acquiescence
and this mode tends to last decades; and B. Brief revolt, and as we've
seen, that lasts about 1 election - NOT ONE TERM, BUT ONE ELECTION.
If the Left roots had risen to the level of discipline, sacrifice, commitment
and courage we've seen of the Left LEADERSHIP in DC - House, Senate, White
House - we'd be easily winning Mass. today.

With Climate Change Legislation, Financial Regulatory Reform,
Education Reform, Healthcare Reform, Saving the US Economy all
on Emergency Life Support already - you / we just signed our children's
death warrant - not to mention that for billions on the planet.


ps:  I don't need anyone to make me feel better. I DON'T WANT TO FEEL BETTER.


SL here. In my correspondence the use of "I" "you" "we"

Friends, Family,

When I blind cc you on emails I post them on one of my blogs
also, so please understand that it is the global "we" that
I mean, the global "you" and the royal "I."  In my
lifetime I've totalllllllly been listed among the deaf and
blind for most of it having accepted and consumed hundreds
of thousands times more resources than I was entitled to
as my Global Share - the bottom line on whether one is a
Giver (health producing) or a Taker (cancer).  I've been a
massive tumor on the body of humanity.  Less so now.

So, what I post to you, my circle of less-than-10 that I feel
can "hear" me on things, I'm sharing with you revelations
that come to me that are parts of the Solution for humanity -
that is, I am NOT directing them AT YOU, or AT anyone.  They
are Shared FOR any and all that find the Truth in them that I do.

START IS HARSH, but the Truth of the lives of 99.999% of our
brothers and sisters on this planet are harsh - with extreme
rarity their reality is savagely harsh physically and / or spiritually,
a TOTALLY UNNECESSARY HELL for all but a handful of us.
And unnecessary suffering, harsh reality, is the reason I exist,
to alleviate and eliminate it.  I think that is why EVERYONE
is here - to eliminate it is why we were created. Period.  So
my words are harsh, to be commensurate with the harsh reality.

will consistently err on the side of assigning responsibility to
myself, to those in the circle in which I travel, to us all.  If we are
not responsible, we are not response-able.  I WANT TO BE
RESPONSE-ABLE.  I REFUSE to be an irrelevant bystander.

We in my circle are among the few, with no credit to ourselves,
that I've encountered with some promise of Health that we
might share.  Are we at the level of Health we need to be?
Are we at the level of effectiveness, knowledge, insight,
helpfulness, focus, commitment... we need to be?  START
IS NOT.  I will always, I suspect, err on the side of pointing
the finger of blame and responsibility at myself, and us, because

Your Loving brother,


Virus Database: 270.12.26/2116 - Release Date: 5/15/2009 6:16 AM

If the Apostles had "gotten it," Jesus would have lived on.

Jesus, as would any brother, would do whatever it took to
bring Our Father, Universal Love, to earth in our Hearts
that His Family, all of us, might live in the Kingdom
of Universal Love on earth.  The Apostles
weren't "getting it."  They all scattered and abandoned Him
when the soldiers came.  He knew they weren't "getting
it."  "Peter, do you Love me (agape)?"  "Like we were
brothers (filios)," Peter dumbly answered. 
Again, toward the end, "Get thee behind
me Satan," to Peter who he Loved.  "How much longer must
I be among you," to all the apostles, in utter frustration
with them, toward the end.

Had they been "getting it," Jesus could have used less
drastic measures than walking into certain death.  But they
weren't so He had to pull out the big gun - allowing Their
Heartlessness, Their Blindness, Their Deafness, Their
lack of Universal Love to kill him THAT THESE ERRORS,
REPENT, that is, HEAL THEMSELVES!  Which, reportedly,
some of them did.

Universal Love DIES for those who are suffering.  That's
what it does. Period.  When that Dying can BEST take place
over decades, it does so.  When what is required is going
out in a blaze of glory, the Crucifixion, it does so.


"Know Our Father, No Satan. No Our Father, Know Satan." SL

"Know Our Father (Universal Love),
No Satan (empty Selfishness). 
No Our Father (Universal Love),
Know Satan (empty Selfishness)."  SL


"I don't know what I'm doing. But that which is guiding me, Universal Love, does." SL

"I don't know what I'm doing.
But that which is guiding me,
Universal Love, does."  SL

To Those True Friends that would Save Start L. from his Errors, Ignorance, Limiits....

[NOTE: A God-send of a friend was sent to me in Decemember this year.
Our relationship has been a great blessing to me, and to this friend as well I think. But as has so often been the case in Start's life, this promising relationship may well be headed toward being a massive frustration and drain on my friend. Hence this note, that may be of benefit to others as well. This is prompted
by my encounter of today with this blessed friend.]

Dear Friends,

I am writing this out of Love and Compassion for you. That is, I
don't need you to read the following for me, and I suspect it is
likely to become a rather long email. I provide it because I feel
it may empower you in managing our relationship, and reduce what otherwise
might be mountains of unproductive frustration and unhappiness
for you. I need no reply. I don't need for you to read any further.
I simply need to make some things AVAILABLE for you, my Friend,
for wherever these things they may lead.

The circle of Leaders in whose company I SL have learned to consider
myself includes Pr. Obama, Gandhi, King, Jesus.... Ridiculous, yes?
I know. Hilarius! But Our Father and this circle of Mentors agree with me.
:-) . Seriously. It is not by accident that I've attained this level - my entire life's
dedication has been toward this end, because as one of you and I
shared today, "Leadership is Everything." There is no hope for
my suffering Family of 6.8 billion and the 10's of billions that are
born in the future, unless there comes about a spark(s) of Transformative
Leadership that causes a total Revolution of the Spirit - Globally,
that is, a spark that brings about the Revolution that our
beloved Jesus was Dying to unleash, and so too the ML King's and Gandhi's
of the world afterward; and we've all but irreversibly concluded
our global journey in exactly the opposite direction through this
moment in history.

Now, what is the nature of this desperate Leadership need? Is it incremental?
Is it small steps? Is it something that can take place over decades -
centuries? Is it normal? Is it more of what we've seen, only better?
The nature of the leadership task to Save Humanity -
physically and spiritually, now in 2009, a world that is within months
of being beyond redemption in Life Support (Plan B 4.0) is instantaneous,
Totally Transformative Leadership that within months, NOT decades
or centuries brings Our Father's Kingdom to Earth, Universal "Family,"
on a Global Scale - EXACTLY the Miracle Jesus Died for, and that so far
He has TOTALLY and completely FAILED to bring to fruition.

On an infinitely smaller, but not insignificant scale, this has been
my life's work - Saving the Lives (livelihoods) of thousands of folks
in high-tech industry from all but certain doom - serial major and minor
Leadership Miracles that defied all odds and all prevailing wisdom.
And they were achieved in no other way than Spiritual Transformation.

The last company I ran went from certain downfall to increase in
market value 20 fold in the 3 years I was leading the hundreds
of people involved. This is not atypical of my Leadership impact
throughout my 28 year professional career. Serial human Miracles
against impossible odds, leveraging the Great Unseen Force -
Human Goodness, Universal Love, the Truths of Jesus, God some
call it - to achieve results considered unimaginable.

And ALWAYS I've been viewed as weird, strange, stubborn, hard
headed, Messianic, wrong, misguided, outsider.... "If at first the idea [person] is not
absurd, it has no hope." Albert Einstein. The hallmark of insanity is
attempting to achieve different results by doing things the same old way.

The Truths of Jesus I've been working to grasp, be grasped by,
to understand and to master since I was young, and explicitly and
concertedly these last 12 years. For 5 of those years I understandably
thought that what calls itself the "Christian" "Church," whatever
denominations, was where I could go for help in gaining the mastery
I needed to be able to "Save." What instead I found was a near
perfect slaughterhouse for the Spirit - all denominations. The
Scribes, Pharisees, the Hypocrites of Jesus' day have simply re-branded
their murder as "Christianity," totally perverted and corrupted
His Truths, and have been keeping Him DEAD for the last 1900 years.
I accuse FEW of conscious malice; nor did Jesus - Hypocrisy is the
great Murderer - Lying to oneself first, and thereby murdering
Truth, the Holy Spirit, Universal Love - the only hope for Humanity.

I DESPERATELY wish there were those who could teach me the
fundamentals of Jesus' Truth, what "Church" should be, because everything
in my life has convinced me that Jesus was our Einstein of "Saving" ourselves. But
there are not. And in their stead are the "blind guides," "ravening
wolves," armies of "Christian" hypocrites - general merchants of death
that have turned my Father's House, the Church, into a den of thieves,
a Slaughterhouse of the Truth, of Life.

With 1-2 billion "Christians"
on earth and now earth is MUCH MORE HELLISH than before there were
such a large % of "Christians," there are only two conclusions possible -


B. That being TRUE "Christian" is of NO EARTHLY IMPORT OR IMPACT!!!! Jesus'
teachings were nothing more than a Mystical obstacle course/
game of chance that determines whether you go to Hell or Heaven after you
die! There is NO WAY, if there are billions of Christians, in TRUTH, that Jesus
Truths are other than earthly weak nonsense IF WE ARE TRULY CHRISTIANS!

"B" is Utter horrible, insane, murderous nonsense. We are no more
"Christian" than the Jews of Jesus' day; and worse, cuz we've
built up monstrous immunity to His Truth these last 1900 years.
"I like your Christ. I do NOT like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."
Gandhi. "I think that to be a Christian you should resemble Jesus."
Teresa of Calcutta. Start agrees. And we don't. So, we AREN'T.

I am totally, 100% dedicated to becoming the embodiment of what Jesus
died to give me, and to share it with as many of my beloved fellow
humans as I can, thereby Saving as many as I can. He TRULY knew
that Miracles were possible, NECESSARY, and He taught and showed us
the way. I'm in. Not to Talk, not to Pretend, but TO DO, OR DIE.

In principle I, Start, am open to discuss anything! I am NOT God and
therefore do NOT have perfect knowledge of, well, anything. And
in the realm of things that our western society deems worthy of
discussion - sports, entertainment, stuff - not only would I of necessity
be open to discussion - I'd have to sit with my mouth shut - cuz
I know NOTHING OF THESE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally. But in
the realm of TRANSFORMATIVE, HIGH STAKES Leadership, and the
realm of Christ Jesus - well, tragically, I've found during my lifetime
such a murderous void of knowledge and expertise available, I've
been forced to attempt, and to succeed at becoming a world
authority, if no one but me and Our Father knows that I have become.

So, I know EVERYTHING on these 2 subjects? :-( In 20 lifetimes I
would not. But in the same way that today there are recognized,
and unrecognized world authorities in Physics, yet they will be
deemed ignorant and inept centuries from now; your brother
Start is for today, a world authority on Leadership and the
Truths of Christ Jesus, today.

It offends me not in the least anyone that does not recognize this,
my professed Authority in Leadership and Jesus' Truth. It breaks my heart, in the
same way it broke the heart of Dr. Jos. Lister that in 1870 he knew
that unclean scalpels were the cause of massive slaughter, but
for another 30 years of carnage he FAILED IN LEADING ANYONE to change
their behavior! But as Lister, and Jesus before me, I KNOW the
Truth sufficiently in the areas of Transformative Leadership and
Jesus' Truth that no physical price or pressure will be able to cause me to
deviate from attempting to bring them to Earth - and Our Father's
Kingdom thereby - nothing more, nothing less, NOTHING ELSE.

Now presumably, during those 30 years for Lister, there were folks
that took genuine compassion on Lister, and attempted to get
him to "see" the error of his knowledge, or methods. And at
the time, ALL CONVENTIONAL WISDOM were with those trying
to "Save" Lister from his folly, to "educate" him, to "correct" him.
But he WOULD NOT BE SAVED, not were it to "cost" him everything,
and neither will Start be "Saved." :-)

Right around 1900 Our Father, Universal Love, The Way Things Are...
took Mercy on Jos. Lister, and Humanity. Our Father arranged for
the Queen of England to require surgery, and made it known to her
the theories of Jos. Lister. She demanded he come and that his
ideas be followed to the letter. She survived and recovered. In
a brief time then the world of surgery was Transformed - Globally.

It took 30 years, but Jos. Lister became a Transformative Leader
of the world, as few have before or since. And for every Jos.
Lister that Our Father finally helped, there were 1000's just as
Enlightened, just as possessed by Truth that Our Father did NOT
allow to see the Truth of their promise, nor for the world to
recognize it. And that is Our Father's way. And so it is for Jesus,
so far.

Start is alone. With decades of expensive training, and decades
of Leadership expertise and skills, he sits, mostly alone, in front of the White
House, ignored, disrespected, irrelevant, scorned, largely abandoned.
If you pick up your cross - YOU WILL BE CRUCIFIED. Hmmmm. We
today live as though Jesus stated or implied some time limit on that;
that He thoughtlessly left off - "Oh, that is, Until the world is crawling
with false prophets, re-branded scribes and parisee "Christians" calling out
in my name - THEN you won't be Crucified any more." Huh?

HE GAVE US NO SUCH TIME LIMIT - except the implied - WHEN I
that has happened? Who thinks Jesus would call America a "Christian"
Nation? Who thinks there are more than 1 in 100,000 "Christians"
that Jesus would recognize? Start does NOT think so.

For those that worry that Start is alone, failing, wasting his talents
and life - you need not worry. If Start does not exist in Heaven,
he wishes not to be told, cuz that is how EVERY second feels to him.
:-) And if there are those that persist
in trying to "Save" Start from the errors of his ways - get ready for
some massive frustration, and eventual impatience or unavailability.
Start doesn't have time for the basics, debate, or arguing the "basic"
Truths. He has time to be left alone, or..........

Start YEARNS for the day when Our Father, Universal Love, brings
alongside him others WITH THE SAME VISION OF TRUTH, JESUS'
are on Fire with that Truth, or YEARNING to be so. WHO HAVE FAITH
them alone Start has all the time our Father Gives him to FACE
the Truth, Learn the Truth, Master the Truth, be MASTERED BY
the Truth - and to work to Save the World, or die in the attempt.

With much Love for you all,


And I don't have time to discuss, or be schooled in Leadership. My every waking
second is dedicated to Refining, Practicing, Perfecting and Proliferating
what I know.

"Doing most of your Good thru Donations is Like paying someone to eat for you - soon you Die." SL

"Doing most of your Good thru Donations is
Like paying someone to eat for you - soon you Die."  SL


SL here. Friends - I REALLY hope you view, and share. Yup, I hope so.

"God Will Not Ask These 10 Things Your Last Day" SL

THIS is "The Law and the Prophets." There IS NO OTHER.

[by way of our Sister Beverly]

Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of   Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore  We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to out-patients at the Clinic.

One summer evening as I was preparing supper, there was a knock at the door I  opened it to see a truly awful looking man. 'Why, he's hardly taller than my eight-year-old, ' I thought as I stared at the stooped, shriveled body.

But the appalling thing was his face, lopsided from swelling, red and raw Yet  his voice was pleasant as he said, 'Good evening. I've come to see if you've  a room for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning from the  eastern shore, and there's no bus 'till morning.'

He told me he'd  been hunting for a room since noon but with no success; no one seemed to  have a room. 'I guess it's my face. I know it looks terrible, but my doctor  says with a few more treatments... .'

For a moment I hesitated, but his  next words convinced me: 'I could sleep in this rocking chair on the porch. My bus leaves early in the morning.' I told him we would find him a  bed, but to rest on the porch.  I went inside and finished getting  supper. When we were ready, I asked the old man if he would join us. 'No  thank you. I have plenty' And he held up a brown paper bag.

When I  had finished the dishes, I went out on the porch to talk with him a few  minutes. It didn't take a long time to see that this old man had an oversized heart crowded into that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to support his daughter, her five children and her husband, who was hopelessly crippled from a back injury.

He didn't tell it by way of complaint; in fact, every other sentence was prefaced with thanks to God for a blessing He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form of skin cancer. He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.

At bedtime, we put a camp cot in the children's room for him. When I got up in the morning, the bed linens were neatly folded, and the little man was out on the porch.

He refused breakfast, but just before he left for his bus, haltingly, as if asking a great favor, he said,
'Could I please come back and stay the next time I have a treatment? I  won't put you out a bit. I can sleep fine in a chair.' He paused a moment  and then added, 'Your children made me feel at home. Grownups are bothered  by my face, but children don't seem to mind.' I told him he was welcome to come again.

AND on his next trip he arrived a little after seven in the morning. As a gift, he brought a big fish and a quart of the largest  oysters I had ever seen. He said he had shucked them that morning before he left so that they'd be nice and fresh. I knew his bus left at 4 a.m. , and I wondered what time he had to get up in order to do this for us.

In  the years he came to stay overnight with us there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden. 

Other times we received packages in the mail, always by special delivery; fish and oysters packed in a box of fresh young spinach or kale, every leaf carefully washed. Knowing that he must walk three miles to mail these and knowing how little money he had made the gifts doubly p recious.   

When I received these little remembrances, I often thought of a comment our next-door neighbor made after he left that first morning.   'Did you keep that awful looking man last night? I turned him away! You can lose roomers by putting up such people!'

Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice But, oh! If only they could have known him, perhaps their  illness would have been easier to bear. I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what It was to accept the  bad without complaint and the good with gratitude to God.

Recently I  was visiting a friend who has a greenhouse. As she showed me her flowers, we came to the most beautiful one of all, a golden chrysanthemum, bursting with  blooms. But to my great surprise, it was growing in an old dented, rusty bucket. I thought to myself, 'If this were my plant, I'd put it in the  loveliest container I had!'

My friend changed my mind. 'I ran short  of pots,' she explained, 'and knowing how beautiful this one would be, I  thought it wouldn't mind starting out in this old pail. It's just for a little while, till I can put it out in the garden.'

She must have  wondered why I laughed so delightedly, but I was imagining just such a scene  in heaven. There's an especially beautiful one,' God might have said when he  came to the soul of the sweet old fisherman. 'He won't mind starting in this small body.'

All this happened long ago -- and now, in God's garden, how tall this lovely soul must stand.

The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'

Friends are very special. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.  They lend an ear and they share a word of  praise. Show your friends how much you care.

Pass this on, and brighten someone's day.

Nothing, will happen if you do not decide to pass it along.

The only thing that will, happen, if you do pass it on is that someone might smile
(or cry like I did...) ~ because, of you!

Friends are special Hugs from GOD!

"Salvation IS Being Family TO Our Father's NEEDIEST Children." SL inspired by the Gospels

"Salvation IS Being Family TO
Our Father's NEEDIEST Family;
there is NO other Salvation." 

SL inspired by the Gospels


EUREKA. "The Families are Two; of Which are You? The Answer is Everything." SL Inspired by Gospel of Matthew

Day #15, roughly, of my study of Matthew.  Now, these are 1/2 days for
me - the cold has greatly cut my productivity, at least that is the excuse I give
myself.  Getting older may be more like it.  Oh well.

But I pour over and over, line by line, attempting to deeply, deeply, deeply be
grasped by the meaning, and the implications of just Matthew, so far.


There are two families on earth (not three, not millions):

Family 1, THE GIVERS.  Those that "see" everyone as Immediate Family and
Live accordingly  - the ML King's, Diane Wilson's, Col. Ann Wrights, Eleanor
Roosevelts, Vandana Shivas, Barack & Michelle Obamas, Gandhis...

Family 2. THE TAKERS.  Those that are blind to the Fact that we are All Immediate
Family and exist, mostly in isolation, at war with all but a few, to get as
much stuff for themselves as possible - almost everyone you have ever

Hell - the life experience of the "blind" masses, cuz the Life we are created for,
and capable of IS the life as Brother or Sister to ALL.  Every other option
is so massively deficient in its ability to satisfy our emotional need to be significant
that we are reduced to hideous, parasitic, clinically addicted, craving shadows
of what we were designed to be, created to be, born to be.  And it is EXACTLY the
Hell of the Addict, repleat with the impenetrable DENIAL and DELUSIONS.

Heaven - the Life experience of those who "see" that WE ARE ALL
IMMEDIATE FAMILY - the ML King's, Diane Wilson's, Col. Ann Wrights, Eleanor
Roosevelts, Vandana Shivas, Barack & Michelle Obamas, Gandhis...

It may be that I'll be Called to write much, much, much more on this.  My
Study continues.

Note:  12 years ago I was exposed to and undertook extensive study
of the greatest psychologist of all time - Alfred Adler.  At this point in my
study of Matthew I for the first time see where this seminarian's theory
came from, even though I had been told he considered his theory a
"scientific" version of Jesus teaching.

EUREKA. "The Families are Two; of Which are You? The Answer is Everything." SL Inspired by Gospel of Matthew

Day #15, roughly, of my study of Matthew.  Now, these are 1/2 days for
me - the cold has greatly cut my productivity, at least that is the excuse I give
myself.  Getting older may be more like it.  Oh well.

But I pour over and over, line by line, attempting to deeply, deeply, deeply be
grasped by the meaning, and the implications of just Matthew, so far.


There are two families on earth (not three, not millions):

Family 1, THE GIVERS.  Those that "see" everyone as Immediate Family and
Live accordingly  - the ML King's, Diane Wilson's, Col. Ann Wrights, Eleanor
Roosevelts, Vandana Shivas, Barack & Michelle Obamas, Gandhis...

Family 2. THE TAKERS.  Those that are blind to the Fact that we are All Immediate
Family and exist, mostly in isolation, at war with all but a few, to get as
much stuff for themselves as possible - almost everyone you have ever

Hell - the life experience of the "blind" masses, cuz the Life we are created for,
and capable of IS the life as Brother or Sister to ALL.  Every other option
is so massively deficient in its ability to satisfy our emotional need to be significant
that we are reduced to hideous, parasitic, clinically addicted, craving shadows
of what we were designed to be, created to be, born to be.  And it is EXACTLY the
Hell of the Addict, repleat with the impenetrable DENIAL and DELUSIONS.

Heaven - the Life experience of those who "see" that WE ARE ALL
IMMEDIATE FAMILY - the ML King's, Diane Wilson's, Col. Ann Wrights, Eleanor
Roosevelts, Vandana Shivas, Barack & Michelle Obamas, Gandhis...

It may be that I'll be Called to write much, much, much more on this.  My
Study continues.

Note:  12 years ago I was exposed to and undertook extensive study
of the greatest psychologist of all time - Alfred Adler.  At this point in my
study of Matthew I for the first time see where this seminarian's theory
came from, even though I had been told he considered his theory a
"scientific" version of Jesus teaching.


"Left fetishes Truth and so avoids Acting. Right ignores Truth in order to act. Life REQUIRES Truth AND Action." SL

"Left fetishes Truth and so avoids acting. 
Right ignores Truth in order to act.
Life REQUIRES Truth AND Action."  SL

"War IS the answer - War of Mass Construction. The Killing continues till then." SL

"War IS the answer -
War of Mass Construction. 
The Killing continues till then."  SL

EVERY TIC TIC TIC of the second hand
you and I lose a young son or daughter
to easily preventable causes of poverty.
You think the poor don't hate us for that?
I would, wouldn't you?  28 mil. needlessy/yr.

We westerners live as though we are here
for our own pleasure and so are the global resources.
Buxx Shxx!

We exist for the least of these, and instead we
keep our heel tightly clamped on their air hose.  Our
endless pleasures, and their pursuit are the cause of war.

"Few people chose war.  We chose selfishness and the RESULT
was war.  Each of us, individually and nationally, must choose total
love [War of Mass Construction], or total war."  David Dellinger 1915-2004,
his famous essay being "Declaration of War," from "Revolutionary Nonviolence."