From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


"Jesus used the Language of the Heart. We insist on the language of Flesh or Mind, and can't understand Him." SL

"Jesus used the Language of the Heart. 
We insist on the language of Flesh or Mind,
and can't understand Him."  SL


YAHOO!!!!!!!! Start's off line!!!!! [for a while] :-)


Well, not completely off line, but sort of in a cave.
Yes, my Vigil work continues but mentally I'm in a hugely
different focus for a time.

I will continue to use this lull in DC Political activity to
devote as much uninterrupted time to matters of the Spirit,
as possible - studying and responding to the Words
and Works of Christ Jesus.

You may or may not see bursts of activity on the
Spiritual Front from me, but on the Climate Change,
Health Care, Global Issues front I'm not even looking
beyond the major headlines. 

I don't expect to return to normal in that regard till
after New Years.

Your Loving brother,


"Heaven and Hell are the two, alternative Universes of Mind. Your Choice is?" SL

"Heaven and Hell are the two, alternative Universes of Mind. Your Choice is?"  SL


Thank you. You are my Church Diane, Nancy, Beverly, Leon, Hope, K, Ron

You are my Church.

You are where I go to find the Living Spirit of Universal Love.
You are my Church, The Christlike Church.

You are my Church Diane, Nancy, Beverly, Leon, Hope, K, Ron....

And there may be others, but certainly you.

Thank you.


DON'T MISS. My friends, you must meet our sister Nancy. Christlike Shero Nancy.

Nancy, just a bit younger than me, lives in rural West Virginia.

A month or so she was beaten for intervening on behalf of a 90
year old neighbor who was being thrown out of her home by her
son who is after her money. Then Nancy was threatened with
arrest thanks to the politically connected son.

She rescues animals of all sorts, some of whom other neighbors
torture cuz it tortures Nancy. They want the animals, including
bears, out there to be killed, not with Nancy and friends where
they can be protected.

At times her life is threatened.

She takes her witness of Universal Love into area churches who
adore her and her singing, until they realize she's the Real Deal,
Truly Christlike, and then they persecute her.

There's more, but it is all out of the same cloth. "If you pick up
your cross...." "Love as I have Loved." CJ She does.

Yup. Christlike Nancy.

DON'T MISS her Christ-mass message to us:

"Subject: Season of LIGHT is Season of LIFE..Season of LOVE..THE LIGHT ! My message to you.... "Family" is this... Christmas to ME is known as the
" season of LIGHT..." When Jesus was born "WISE" men noticed a SHINING
STAR.. IT LED THEM THROUGH THE DARKNESS to this amazing sight and
PRESENT( Ultimate gift ) TO THE UNIVERSE... JESUS ! I am a believer, but in
being a believer I comprehend that MY FAMILY IS ALL INCLUSIVE.. ALLELUIA !!
I have Moslem brothers and sisters , sons and daughters etc and I have
Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist,etc family, along with Christians and even NON
believers in my family. The KEY !? Ahhhhh... the "KEY" is the gift we give
ourselves to accept what that infant in that manger was born to bring and
teach us more about... the ULTIMATE "POWER OF ONE" ! TO BE LOVING !!!
Look at the healthy POWER humans can CHOOSE to have... LOVE is STRENGTH
and COURAGE and TRUTH.. HOPE... PEACE... GOD !!! GOD IS LOVE... :-)
"ALL-MIGHTY" "ALL POWERFUL".... What it all boils down to is this... What
and how we choose to think and WHERE our thoughts come from.. HERE
AGAIN... "THE KEY" ! :-) Our hearts and souls are meant to be BANKS... CREDIT
mental AND physical) as well as the world around us ! The LIGHT can live within
us... the LOVE that can conquer ALL... the POWER TO USE "TRUTH" TO NOT
ONLY SET US FREE... BUT THE "LIGHT", "LOVE" ! Walking the Walk is worth it
family... its worth it... sometimes we feel drained, frustrated, disgusted, discouraged..
etc... So THEN.. WE REACH OUT... TO THE LIGHT ! We are ONE.. those of us that
UNDERSTAND our mission here... let us continue to march WITH LOVE IN THE
Just imagine the POWER that tiny baby boy had in that stable manger so long ago...
and when we greet our family on the streets and when we touch one another and
think thoughts of LOVE and PEACE we are reminded of the GLORY and POWER of
LOVE... That infant... THE PRINCE OF PEACE.. is right with us.. every step of the
way.... SHINE !!!!!!

---- and see here the "corrections" from Nancy in what I wrote of her-----

Oh bless you my brother- Let me correct the area I live in.. I am actually in Virginia- Surrounded by RICH "conservatives" :-). The fact GOD planted me here is pretty amazing. I am 72 miles West of DC in the Piedmont Valley surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mtns. I am only 45 mins from Charlottesville and 45 mins from Warrenton. The work I have done for "pay" has always been human service work,but since compassion and respect for creation is all relative I have been blessed to understand the connection with respecting and loving all beings. The other side of that is my RESPONSIBILITY to be a VOICE for the VOICELESS... So many people never understand when I tell them that I work with HUMANS along with the animals.. that HAVE NO VOICE OR CHOICE. I find in this area among the wealthy (the LOST) that so often the "RURAL POOR" are the WEALTHY ONES... I try to assist some of my brothers and sisters here to grab hold of their COMPASSION they have developed from STRUGGLING.. and let THAT COMPASSION be their STRENGTH ! OH MY !!! THE POWER COMPASSION CAN HAVE... By the way-- the Black Bear poaching is BIG- The black market for Bear parts has the mafia behind it.. The parts are said to be used in Chinese Medicine ( gall bladder and paws of the bears ) Wealthy suits and tie types pay these mountain men to TAKE the bears and the parts.. So the SUITS get richer and the Mtn men fall more into the darkness.. I have seen some miracles tho ! lol I have one amazing story of a man that had put a gun to my head over a bear he had in leg hold trap.. WE ARE NOW FRIENDS... and I helped him prepare for his GED and he passed !!!!! ( 3 yrs ago ) Point is... LOVE CONQUERS ALL... and SOMETIMES-- we need to use TOUGH LOVE... but always laced with some compassion and understanding... no matter what.. The mountains are beautiful and I hope you all can come and visit and spend a day taking in the gifts of nature here.. LOVE YOU

"“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I command?"

""Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' but not do what I command?"  JC in Luke

Two of the only Humans I've met were Co-Captains in Chester PA

Salvation Army Major Shot in Front of Children

New York Times

The killing continues till we brothers and sisters take the field.  Guaranteed.

Quiet time with Jesus today. OMG. OMG.

I'm building a new blog, working toward that end at least - a "red word"
version of Jesus' words in the bible.  His words are all I've been interested
in within the Bible for a decade or so, yet I find it extremely difficult or
impossible to find just his words anywhere.

Sooooooo, I'm making a site . 
Step one I've found a word doc version
of the New American Bible (Catholic - good anyway! :-)   ) and I'm red lining
His words.  Listening to magnificent Christ-mass music at the same time.
Only problem is all the crying that wafts over me.

Step 2 I'll add his words to the blog.  No idea how fast it will progress.

Love you all.  Much.


"You are EXACTLY as big as the size of your Immediate Family. HUGE are Wilson, Jesus, King, Gandhi...." SL paraphrase of Christ Jesus.

"You are EXACTLY as big as the size of your Immediate Family. 
HUGE are Wilson, Jesus, King, Gandhi...." 

SL paraphrase of Christ Jesus.

Merry Christ-mass!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! From our Christlike Nancy.

The Christ is reborn in me today.

As I celebrate the birth of Jesus today, I give thanks for His life, example and teachings.

He expressed the full potential of the Christ, leading the way for me to follow, telling me

I can do the things He did. The divinity in Jesus is also the seed of potential in me.

On this day of rebirth and new beginnings, I acknowledge my birthright as a child of the Most High.

I give thanks for the journey to this place of opportunity and for those who have traveled with me--

my teachers in many forms. All that I have experienced, the challenging and the sublime, has

brought me to this moment of awareness that Christ in me is my hope of glory.

The Christ is reborn in me today.

Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place,
which the Lord has made known to us.--Luke 2:15

CHRISTMAS, I DIDN'T SEE THE MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TILL THIS MORNING!!!!!!

Jesus wasn't the Miracle. 

Jesus was the RESULT you'd EXPECT from the Miracle!

So what is this Miracle I just "got?"

No, it isn't the made-up stuff about the "virgin birth," winged
angels, and the like.  That's make believe, and it has killed
over 1900 years time, and millions of people.

It wasn't that there was something special about baby
Jesus per se - THERE WAS NOT.  He was just like any other,

Know what It was??????????  I didn't see it either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Miracle was, that for whatever set of reasons, people
from all over the world saw that this baby was precious,
more precious than any treasure, and they dropped their
selfish lives, left their over-privileged biological families,
and at extreme physical sacrifice, out of Love, lavished
their Love on the underprivileged baby Jesus, and his biological family, WHO
the streets - poor - among the poorest.  And of course, that
is what Healthy, Loving Family does, right?  Focuses on,
devotes itself NOT to the MOST of these in the Family,
but the Least, the Needy, the Sick, the Poor IN THE FAMILY!

The Miracle was that strangers, foreigners, "enemies,"
not-family... realized that they WERE One Family - no double
standards - and for a moment they LIVED IT.

So Jesus never knew any different!  HE THOUGHT EVERYONE
INTO THE WORLD!  And that's why Jesus remained the
Christ (repository of Universal Love, One-Family Member)
that we are all born as!  AND IT CHANGED JESUS. 




It will take a Miracle to Save us. 

Universal Love is the Miracle.


It is awesome wth Family and Friends this morning

5:48am I saw my late 20ish son about 3 blocks from our office as I was
heading to the park.  It was on the corner of one of the streets where
he and others sell my daughters for sex.  He wouldn't meet my eye.
But when I had passed him, I looked back, caught his eye, and said
"Merry Christmas."  He seemed a bit stunned.

5:52am it was another 3 of my sons, just a little younger, a block over.  My guess is
they too had just finished selling or wiping themselves with my daughters. 
They took no notice of me, an old, weird white guy, till I shot them a
loud and cheerful, "Morning!"  They fell silent.  They seemed confused.  On this
still, quiet morning I heard nothing from their group for the several
more minutes we remained within earshot of each other.  The seemed to
be thinking about something.

5:59am as I was just a block from the White House, my brother, my age,
white, was by the McPherson Metro for the warm air.  Looked like he'd been out all night
drinking, in the snow.  Not enough money I'd say to have been in bars. 
Scruffy.  No response to me or my "Merry Christmas?"

6:02am Connie happily received my "Merry Christmas!"  I asked her to stay
by the vigil for a moment, and crossed the street to my 2 sons and a brother
in the Secret Service.  Two I didn't recognize, and one I saw upon getting
close was my brother Kevin.  Oh my goodness, does he ADORE his two
young children.  It was just daybreak, and here he was on Duty, as they
were waking up looking for Santa.  All 3 were surprised and happy with
my "Merry Christmas" handshake.

6:20am or so my sister, the one with the coke bottle glasses and missing
front tooth walked by.  Big warm smile - "Looks like another foot of
snow mid day, you be careful" she wished me.  I don't know where in
DC she sleeps, on the streets.  "Merry Christmas" I said.  "Merry Christmas"
she said.

6:30am this enormously talented, intelligent, handsome, single brother came down from
the office, furious at me for not reducing myself to being his alarm clock -
blaming me for his failure in his opportunity to be here at 6am when
Connie and I change shifts so Connie wouldn't have to walk the 10
blocks in the ice, with her bad foot.

It is awesome with Family and Friends this morning.

Love you.



Please friends, let me tell you the gift brother L gave me today.

Yes, there is the magnificent Christmas display of greens, berries,
red weeping willow (?) that Leon gave me, and I'm sharing with
our sister Connie; and that she is thrilled with.

But not that.

You know how much I Love Barack, don't you? My Love for him is
right up there with my Love for Jesus, because he is
such a Hope for us all. I would gladly give my life to protect his
Work. I spend every waking second attempting to
work at his side on our shared quest to Save Humanity from so
much needless Suffering. We all should. We all must.

I've only known, personally, one other Leader that was of
his caliber of transformative leadership. Who? Start Loving.
I wish I had known millions of such Leaders, and yearn to spark
millions. I LIVE to spark millions!

But having totally wasted my youth, totally not applying myself
I did not reach the caliber and breadth of global expertise that
let me ply my Leadership abilities as Barack is so brilliantly on the
global scale. My point? Oh my goodness, do I "get" Barack.
He IS the greatest Leader in the history of the world, and I Love
him, and I want him to have every ounce of support I can give
him in his Sacred work for our Family.

My friend, my Brother L gave me a gift today -

"If you write President Obama a letter I am quite sure I can get it
hand delivered to him."

Please, imagine my Joy at this moment.

I sooooo want Barack to know that he has my full support, were
it to cost me my life.

I sooooo want Barack to understand CONSCIOUSLY what may be
his UNCONSCIOUS, and therefore fragile CORE COMPETENCE -


Pray for me.

Your Loving brother,


My beloved friends -

Late December has become an extraordinary season for me these last 5-10 years.

I'm free now of all the distractions.

I'm free now of the perversions in which I'd been steeped, addicted to for so many
decades - that this is a season of "stuff," rituals, parties, songs, family (and therefore "NOT-family,")
dogma, ceremonies, symbolism, physical miracles, "magic," sex, banquets, treats ....


Finally, this is the season when I come the closest to our beloved
brother Christ (Spirit of, Being of Universal Love) Jesus.  Our Father willing, I'll spend many hours
this next week  or so reading and pondering deeply the words of Our Brother, over, and
over, and over - basking in the Radiance, Wisdom, Truth of his Universal Love for us, you, me, all
of our Sisters and Brothers, born and who in the future are born. Basking in the Truth, Love, Life,
Peace and Joy of Him.

I'll be with Our Brother Jesus who Loves us all more than anyone ever has, but as
we all can learn to do, as we MUST QUICKLY re-learn to do - which is what Jesus died to give us;
which is the ENTIRETY of what He died to give us - HEAVEN IN THIS LIFE, INDIVIDUALLY,
and if enough of us get it right soon enough - HEAVEN COLLECTIVELY, Saving Civilization - Literally.
Nothing less. Nothing more.  Nothing else.  Simply Heaven on Earth is what Jesus was Dying to give us.
I Start am the "son" of Edward.  SO IS MY BROTHER EDGAR.  "Son" is NOT an EXCLUSIVE term!
"Christ," along with terms like "Marine" are designations of Character and Competence; but
non-exclusive - begging to be earned, achieved by those dying to Serve.

"Love as I have Loved," he said.  [What, He gave us a direction that He knew we were not capable of?  Rubbish.]

"If you Love me, you will do greater works than these," He said.  [What, He was kidding?]

We are all to become, to return to being the Christs we were born as - Beings of Universal Love.
Christ Jesus died to make us Christ Start, Christ Leon, Christ Diane... BY WHATEVER NAME,
OR BY NO NAME AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Beings of Universal Love - as you can be, as some of
you are, as all of us can fully become.  Our Achievement? Our Glory?  Of course not.  Our DUTY.
Our Joy.  Universal Love's GLORY. Our global Family's only Hope.  Humanity's Only Hope.

"The Kingdom of God (Good - Universal Love) is within you.  BE like a Child [before lust, hate, division,
superiority, exploitation, greed, not-family...] and enter in."

Loving you all,


Please friends, let me tell you the gift Leon gave me today.

Yes, there is the magnificent Christmas display of greens, berries,
red weeping willow (?) that Leon gave me, and I'm sharing with
our sister Connie; and that she is thrilled with.

But not that.

You know how much I Love Barack, don't you?  My Love for him is
right up there with my Love for Jesus, because he is
such a Hope for us all.  I would gladly give my life to protect his
Work.  I spend every waking second attempting to
work at his side on our shared quest to Save Humanity from so
much needless Suffering.  We all should.  We all must.

I've only known, personally, one other Leader that was of
his caliber of transformative leadership. Who? Start Loving.
I wish I had known millions of such Leaders, and yearn to spark
millions. I LIVE to spark millions!

But having totally wasted my youth, totally not applying myself
I did not reach the caliber and breadth of global expertise that
let me ply my Leadership abilities as Barack is so brilliantly on the
global scale.  My point?  Oh my goodness, do I "get" Barack.
He IS the greatest Leader in the history of the world, and I Love
him, and I want him to have every ounce  of support I can give
him in his Sacred work for our Family.

My friend, my Brother Leon gave me a gift today -

"If you write President Obama a letter I am quite sure I can get it
hand delivered to him."

Please, imagine my Joy at this moment.

I sooooo want Barack to know that he has my full support, were
it to cost me my life.

I sooooo want Barack to understand CONSCIOUSLY what may be
his UNCONSCIOUS, and therefore fragile CORE COMPETENCE -


Pray for me.

Your Loving brother,



WATCH THIS. What if we got Good Gov. and saw it too late? We Did and we ARE.


WATCH THIS. What if we got Good Gov. and saw it too late?  We Did and we ARE.


Senate Democrats Press Conference on Health Care Legislation


SL here. Wishing you...

Wishing you the

Christ Jesus.

Your Loving brother forever,
no matter what,


"In this Cancerous Culture, to BE Universal Love is to BE HARSH ChemoTherapy." SL

"In this Cancerous Culture, to BE
Universal Love is to BE HARSH ChemoTherapy."  SL

"She who would spread the Fire of Love, must Embrace burning." SL inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt. "I came not to bring peace, but to divide with a sword." Jesus

"She who would spread the Fire of Love,
must Embrace burning."
SL inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt. 

"I came not to bring peace, but to divide with a sword." 
Jesus, a Christ




Start L was all but thrown ouit of the Catholic Store in DC today

There is a very large "Catholic" store in DC about 4 blocks from
the White House.  I wanted to get several cards to mark
Jesus birthday and went in this afternoon, and a gift for Connie. 
As I entered this shop, probably 10 customers were in the store. 
It was quiet, "pious," as you can imagine. 

An agitated late 20ish store clerk went bustling from his counter
at my left, in front of me, hurriedly to a man who also was walking
in, behind me at my right.  "YOU, YOU can't be in here!  Out!
OUT!"  I glanced at this man, roughly my age, bundled in one of
those emergency shelter blankets, scruffy, obviously a street
person.  "And you call this a 'Catholic Shop?'" I asked the clerk
firmly, but not unkindly or disrespectfully.  He responded not
inappropriately, and a bit contritely, "He vandalizes things when
he comes in the store."  "Well, I can understand that you can't
have that, but he should be treated with the respect due EVERY
human none the less."

"Are you OK," condescendingly, smarmily came the question from
an early 30ish, very handsome, oily black haired, Wall Street banker
suited guy I immediately judged to be the store manger / corporate
manger.  I stood looking somewhat blankly at his insincerity, that he
might see it as well; giving him the chance to reconsider his dirty
approach and profoundly Anti-Christlike attitudes and prejudices.
"Are you OK?" came the question again; and he weakly extended
his hand for a handshake.  As I took his totally tepid handshake
I said, "Yes, I am OK.  But I don't think you are really concerned
whether I am OK."  It was obvious that he immediately judged
that this guy in a US Flag hat and scarf, camouflage coat, plastic
bags and saddles on feet was yet another "bum" psycho trash
to be thrown out of his Catholic Shop. 

He slithered away.  For a moment I returned my eyes to the rack
of cards with Jesus on them, and then thought to glance at him
as he walked toward his office.  He was in full sneer at an associate
indicating sooooooooo unmistakable,  "Can you believe that
wierdo trash joke I just spoke to?" 

I had caught his eye again by glancing his way.
"Are you associated with what here calls itself a 'Catholic Shop?'" 
I asked across the store, respectfully.  "Yes," he replied.

Having given him this last chance to see his Evil, I went and bought
my cards at Barnes and Nobel. 

When at a long BN cahier's isle it was my turn, from about
4 registers down a mid 20's, very attractive clerk sang out
"May I help you sir!" looking squarely at me with a smile that may
eclipse fossil fuel as a risk for melting  the glaciers.  And every other
clerk was as nice and respectful, kind, genuine and WARM!!!

God save us from the Christians, and ESPECIALLY the God Damn
Pedophile Papists Perverts.

There is far less "room at the Inn" today than in Jesus day.

Your brother,


ps:  As I left BN I thanked them for their kindness and gave them
a 20 second version of the Catholic Store story loud enough
for the 20 folks around the hear.  Two days before Christmas.

"The Solution: Be Universal Love." Start Loving

"The Solution:  Be Universal Love." 

Start Loving

"She who would spread the Fire of Love, must endure burning." SL inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt

"She who would spread the Fire of Love, must endure burning." 

SL inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt

Lisa asked, "What can I do to make a difference?" "Be Universal Love. No other solution exists. Ever" SL

Lisa asked, "What can I do to make a difference?"  "Be Universal Love.  No other solution exists. Ever" SL

"Universal Love is never passive in the face of human suffering." 

Teresa of Calcutta paraphrase.




The blood's on we US United Sheeple's hands: On environment, Obama and scientists take hit in poll Washington Post

On environment, Obama and scientists take hit in poll Washington Post

We're "blind" because it serves us individually, lets our murderous
selfishness continue NOT due to lack of effort on the part of the Scientists or Pr. Obama.

The most joyful place in the universe is within Gandhi's Golden Rule: ....

The most joyful place in the universe is within Gandhi's Golden Rule:
"The Golden Rule is to steadfastly refuse more,
or LESS than your Global share,
if it were to cost you your life." 

Gandhi.  Paraphrase, embellished.  He'd applaud.

Ice on my keyboard here at the White House.!

I've never had THAT before!  Our first snowstorm approaches here at the
WHITE House  6" due by tomorrow.  Wish us luck!


Greenpeace spectacularly crashes Queen's dinner party at Copenhagen Climate summit Greenpeace UK


""If the over-privileged were going to give justice, they'd have given it already. Loving force is always necessary. Otherwise, entropy (selfishness) wins by defaullt." SL

"If the over-privileged were going to give justice,
they'd have given it already.
Loving force is always necessary.
Otherwise, entropy (selfishness) wins by defaullt."  SL


An Indigenous at Copenhagen: “born in unjust society we shall not die in it, until we change it”

"What's less than Universal Love is more than hopeless. It is doom." SL

"What's less than Universal Love is more than hopeless.  It is doom."  SL

"Justice requires Loving force, or it would be Justice ALREADY." SL

"Justice requires Loving force, or it would be Justice ALREADY."  SL

"Opposites: Selfishness & Universal Love; Cancer & Healthy Tissue." SL

Selfishness & Universal Love;
Cancer & Healthy Tissue." 


"I Love, therefore I am." William Sloan Coffin

"Love is Universal, Courageous, Selfless,
Self-sacrificial, Focused on the LEAST of
these Our Family, all consuming...
or it is not Love."  SL

"I Love, therefore I am."  William Sloan Coffin


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Climate negotiations 'suspended' BBC News

Climate negotiations 'suspended'
BBC News


"The killing continues till we, the nonviolent soldiers take the field. Guaranteed." SL

"The killing continues till we, the nonviolent soldiers takes the field.  Guaranteed."  SL


"Living is Loving. Death is not." SL

"Living is Loving.  Death is not."  SL