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DON'T MISS THIS - Fw: Installing Love (thnx Nancy) . DON'T MISS THIS. SHARE.

Installing Love
Technical Support:   Yes, ... how can I help you?

Customer:  Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love. Can you guide me through the process?

Tech  Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

Customer:   Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?

Tech Support:   The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart? 

Customer:  Yes.  But what if there are other programs running now? Is it okay to install Love while they are running? 
Tech Support: Check to see what programs are running.
Customer:  Let's see, hmmmm, nothing is running in my Heart - almost no Heart activity.  Oh yes, I see, there are a few things running - I have Selfishness, Self-absorption, Past Hurt and Resentment running right now. 
Tech Support:  No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it will no longer  disrupt other programs. By continuously executing  Love you will eventually replace Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem. However, you have to lower the priority on Selfishness, Self-absorption and Resentment and keep Love at the Highest Priority. Otherwise those programs prevent Love from being properly installed and run - they crowd it out of memory. Can you do this ?

Customer:  I don't know how. Can you tell me? 
Tech Support:  With Joy. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until  Resentment has been completely erased. As to Selfishness and Self-absorption, when you raised the priority on Love, you set in motion the driving of these out of Memory.  It takes time, but if you keep the Priority for Love set on Highest, Selfishness and Self-absorption will gradually cease to run; you won't notice it, but they will be gone, pretty much. 

Tech Support:  But oh, I forgot the most important thing.  Right click on Love and select "preferences."  Now select the box marked "Universal Love", although on some systems it is called "Love of the Least of These."  And make sure that Love of Pleasure, Romantic Love and Love / Lust are UN-CHECKED.  These are NOT Love and were actually placed under Love by a malicious employee.  Nothing has created more problems or failure than his horrible act.  But his coding has been near impossible to undo.  But if you've now carefully chosen Universal Love, and unchecked these others, you'll be OK.  

Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?   
Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to spend time every day connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.   Prioritize connecting to the neediest hearts that you can quickly access, and afford.  Spend absolutely all you can afford on these, stretch, but avoid going broke.  It is a mystery I cannot explain, but over time you will be able to afford more, and more, and more connections - an exponential growth - until you are connected to every heart, born and unborn.
Customer:  Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Virus Attack - Those Around Me Fearful of My Change."  What should I do? 
Tech Support:  Don't worry. This always happens.  Loving the Least of These provokes an immediate, and unrelenting attack  from practically all other Hearts in your network, because they haven't gone through this process with me yet.  You'll be fine because Love of the Least of these is the Ultimate Anti-Virus Program.  But be vigilant, and persistent - If you let Love of the Least of these be de-activated it will Hurt your Heart enormously. 

Customer:  So, what should I do to keep Love of the Least of These from being de-activated? 
Tech Support: Pull down one or more of the following: Prayer, Meditation, Study, and Contemplation.  With the proper options set they all do pretty much the same thing.  Now, right click on each of them, and select "Preferences."  Now, uncheck - Personal Desires, Lust, Diversions, Unimportant Tasks and Time-passers; and Most IMPORTANT put a Check in the box - "Ponder the SUFFERING OF Least of These - Deeply."  Now, before clicking "OK," set the Frequency to "Run Daily or more frequently as required."  Now click, "Apply," and "OK."

Customer:  Okay, done. 
Tech Support:  Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will begin overwriting  any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you  need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back. 
Customer:  Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Love, Joy, Peace and Life are copying themselves all over My Heart.  
Tech Support:  Yes, your system is really fast, it seems. For others it takes awhile, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time.

Customer:  But wait!  A new file is running called Agony!  Is this normal?

Tech Support:  It is all normal, perfectly normal - how it is always supposed to be.  Joy, Peace and Life are automatically pulled into memory when you run Love.  Agony too, but Agony runs in the background, so don't worry.  It is the Agony of the Least of These your Universal Family.  Love can't run without their Agony in the background, but you'll see, it is OK.  It is there in all properly running Hearts - always.  In fact, if you look in your Heart and their Agony is not there, repeat the step above regarding the routines of Prayer, Study, etc.

Tech Support:  So Love is installed and running. One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everyone you meet. They will in turn share it with others and return some cool  modules back to you.

Customer:  Thank you.  You've been awesome!  I'm sorry, but I forgot to ask  your name!

Tech Support:  Oh, no problem.  I'm always here for everyone, and I get pretty much taken for granted.  Doesn't bother me.  Some call me Good.  Some Conscience.  Some Humanity. Others Supra Consciousness. Some know me as God.  One lady, one of my most expert clients, she calls me The Great Black Rock in the Sky.  LOL. Makes no difference to me.  I just like to help.  By the way, I Love you, Universally.  Be well; do Good Works; and, keep in touch.

Pass it on.


"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.": Abraham Lincoln

"If you are not as close to God as you used to be, ask youself who moved." Unknown author (via Beverly)

"If you are not as close to God as you used to be, ask youself who moved." Unknown author (via Beverly)

Want to get out of Afghanistan? Attack OBAMA!!!! Duh!

This is our universal solution now, right?  ATTACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Because the alternative is just unacceptable - taking personal responsibility,

Scapegoating, whipping, blaming, arm-chair-quarterbacking -
just too damn easy.

OK. I give up.



Healthcare Fight? Nay. Civil War has broken out, or is it to be a CIVIL ROUT?

Healthcare Fight?  Nay.  Civil War has broken out, or is it to be a CIVIL ROUT?

MUST READ: Republican demagoguery at its finest at .  But it is even worse than PM Carpenter, the author, says.  THE RETHUGLICANS DO IT ON PURPOSE.  Frank Rich exposes this in "THE WRECKING CREW."  Each penny's worth of Social Justice is a penny out of the coffers of the CORP(ses) and Elite.   1920/30's Germans, nice folks like us,  they DID NOT STAND AND STOP their eqivalent mob in time.  Will we?  NOW is the time to do so.  September's fight is about a whole lot more than just Health Care.  This is The Fight for The American Soul.  All who are living and all yet to be born depend on our courage and commitment and vision and ACTION - today. 

The Civil War of 2009 has broken out, or is it to be a CIVIL ROUT?


Ted's Death Now: One, Last, Undeserved Wake-Up Call for US

JFK's daughter Caroline was the last to speak  at the Memorial for
Ted Friday (?) night.  I'm uploading the entire evening in segments.
DON'T MISS IT.  As a patriot, as a human, as a seeker - don't miss it.

Caroline ended her talk with her point - 'What Ted did, we all
could do, but because HE did it, we didn't have to.  But now
Ted's gone.  Now, it is up to us."

And so it is.

This article made me think of Caroline's words:

Health-Care Reform, One Stop at a Time

Obama Supporters Organize Bus Tour, Campaign-Style Events Across U.S.


Ted is HOWLING over the agony he just put Hatch, McCain and Bush through!

I've spent much of the weekend pulling down all of the CSPAN coverage of
all the Ted events and putting it back up on so it is always there,
and so as many folks see it as possible.  Ted was never much on my
radar, and never all that favorable in my ignorance.  Just one of my many blindnesses.
He was quite an example for us, I now see.  Extraordinary.  I know - duh.

In the process, I've gotten a chance to see the visuals real close. 

My point?  I think Ted is looking down and ROARING with laughter to
see how totally miserable he made Bush, Hatch, and McCain in
particular.  They totally looked so totally out of place, so totally uncomfortable
with themselves.  To be such horrible, small, mean folks against the
backdrop of so much love, and such a Big man as Ted.

I hope you've seen some of it, or do.  It is a howl.

Truly, I think it may have occurred to them, "Hey, we're going to
die pretty soon.  Do I really want to keep being such a disgusting,
mean, selfish, abusive, exploiting... creep?  I mean, with or
without a God, Ted is going out pretty good.  I'm going to look like
shit by comparison."  Seriously, at least a tiny bit of this MUST
have occurred to them.

Jesus, or one of those guys talked about 'heaping hot coals" on an
adversary's head.  WAY TO GO TED!

May we all follow Ted's lead.  There is no other way to fix this place.

Your brother,


Diane Wilson, Req'd Reading, Fairfield U. in Ct. THERE IS HOPE!

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand: No more Guantanimans, Constituitians, Healthcarians...

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand:  No more Guantanimans, Constituitians, Healthcarians...Climatechangians, BashRethugians, WhipObamians.... 


REMINDER:  We are under mortal threat from the CORP(ses) under the guise of Rethuglicans. 


Pres. Obama is the Captain of our Ship.  We MAKE HIM SUCCEED in his FULL AGENDA, or we are all going down, for the last time.


"A veritable force of nature," Pres. Obama said of Ted Kennedy. May we all be so. NOW would be a good time.

"A veritable force of nature," Pres. Obama said of Ted Kennedy.  May we all be so. NOW would be a good time.

Best way to dishonor Ted: Leave Pres. Obama to battle alone for us, as we have.

Best way to dishonor Ted:  Leave Pres. Obama to battle alone for us, as we have.
Continue to abandon, doubt, second guess, watch, whip.... as Ted, NEVER DID.

Universal Health Care is NOT Ted's legacy to us, and he knew it.

Barack Obama as our President is Ted's legacy to us,
and he knew it. 

With Barack, IF WE COME ALONGSIDE Barack,
With Barack Ted gave us 

Otherwise, nightmare.
NOW and forever.

Now, or NEVER.

Your bro,


ps:  Ted looked, then Ted LEPT.  Follow Ted.

pps:  Best way to dishonor Ted:   Leave Pres. Obama to battle alone for us, as we have.


Ted K. too destroyed by Dems/Progressives - Huffington Post

Ted K. too destroyed by Dems/Progressives: "Polling suggested Kennedy would beat Carter for the nomination until that day Chappaquiddick's skeletons were levied from the closet (by Dem naysayers, no less)." Now, LET'S FINISH OFF... OBAMA!!! (and then assume our rightful place in Hell.)

Obama's job approval rating falls to new low The president slips to 50% in the Gallup Poll, reaching that point more quickly than most of his predecessors did.

Obama's job approval rating falls to new low

The president slips to 50% in the Gallup Poll, reaching that point more quickly than most of his predecessors did.

It is almost too late to stand up with this great man.  GOD DAMN US.  Our children will despise us, rightly so.


GOD - G.ood O.ver D.isintigration

GOD - G.ood O.ver D.isintigration

In the time of Jesus the word Jehovah meant - the Almighty Power that everyone feels and NO ONE WILL EVER BE ABLE TO NAME.

You celebrate your "Birthday." You've never celebrated your "conception" day. Abortion is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!; it is NOT MURDER.

You celebrate your "Birthday."  You've never celebrated your "conception" day.  Abortion is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!; it is NOT MURDER.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." – Edmund Burke



start: 0000-00-00 end: 0000-00-00


We are soooo psychologically dependent on the CORPses, and the Elite. Is this rational? Or, is it an addiction, a clinical "dependency?" Hmmmm.

We are soooo psychologically dependent on the CORPses, and the Elite.  Is this rational?  Or, is it an addiction, a clinical "dependency?"  Hmmmm.

It's clinical dependency.  We are willing addicts and MSM / Elite / CORPses the pushers.

If it is "right" for YOUR loved one (food, shelter, health care, education...) than it is "A Human Right", by God (by Good); as we are ALL Her Loved Ones.

If it is "right" for YOUR loved one (food, shelter, health care, education...) than it is "A Human Right", by God (by Good); as we are ALL Her Loved Ones.


From Chester Campaign Days

Article 3 of 5; 1080 words
One man's battle to aid the children of Chester
Until recently, Jay McGinley, a 50-year-old former business executive turned passionate child advocate, enjoyed the comfortable lifestyle of a well-to-do suburbanite. In late October, however, driven by an anguished refusal to accept the suffering of children he worked with in the impoverished city of Chester, McGinley left his home in West Goshen Township, moved into his car and began a semi-starvation diet to express his outrage at seeing poverty in the midst of plenty.
Published on 2001-12-31, Page A01, Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA)

Article 4 of 5; 680 words
On a mission to enrich students' lives
Jay McGinley has spent most of his adult life as a businessman, heading up company start-ups and corporate-turnaround efforts. A few years ago, however, hungering for a mission that was more meaningful than adding to a company's bottom line, the West Chester resident decided to apply his business-honed people skills to the field of education. Last fall, he was hired as a counselor at the 1,070-student Columbus Elementary School in Chester. "I've
Published on 2001-05-03, Page MD01, Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA)

Incarnating your Universal Love - THE way, the only way to serve Humanity. All else is cancer.

Incarnating your Universal Love - THE way, the only way to serve Humanity.  All else is cancer.

Clinically Speaking: Sanity = Living Out Our Universal Love; Insanity = living out everything else.

Clinically Speaking: Sanity = Living Out Our Universal Love;  Insanity = living out everything else.


"The Golden Rule (Gandhi): If it is not your fair share, don't take it (paraphrase)." SL

As Gandhi said it:

 "The Golden Rule is to steadfastly refuse to have what millions cannot have."

This saying of Gandhi was a lightening bolt of Truth for me when first I heard it.  But like so many
such "bolts" for me, their meaning can take years, even decades to unfold fully for me.

When we are young kids, aren't we told to take just our fair share? 

And when does this stop being the Truth? 

When does it stop feeling Divine
to Share Equally from the Heart?

When should we have
forgotten this?


























Friends, I implore you...

... to study, and share WIDELY:

If you can think of a better way to dispel all the LIES and MIS-INFORMATION. please let me know.


“He is a chess player in a town with a lot of checker players,” said David Plouffe, who managed the Obama campaign and remains a close confidant of the president.

"He is a chess player in a town with a lot of checker players," said David Plouffe, who managed the Obama campaign and remains a close confidant of the president. "He's got a unique metabolism. He's very calm, and he takes the long view of things."

"The tendency for people to amuse themselves constitutes a weakness ruthlessly to be exploited against them." youtube chan. aeschhere

"The tendency for people to amuse themselves constitutes a weakness ruthlessly to be exploited against them." youtube chan. aeschhere

Cinderella's Evil Stepmother: Our Paragon of love; NOT King, Gandhi, Jesus (I wish I were kidding).

Cinderella's Evil Stepmother:  Our Paragon of love; NOT King, Gandhi, Jesus (I wish I were kidding). ALL PROBLEMS STEM FROM THIS TRAGIC MISTAKE.  She, the Evil Stepmother is our Working Model of love.  We "love" our "family," "school," "church," "town," "state," "party," "nation...."  EVERYONE ELSE WE TREAT LIKE CINDERELLA.   "The problem is NOT the absence of love.  The problem is the Presence of TRIBAL LOVE." Ashley Montague.


Crucify Obama?

His  "brothers" ("Progressives"), not the Whites  Murdered Malcolm X. It was not the fury of the White Establishment that killed Malcolm - but of HIS "BROTHERS" - that Malcolm was not "Leading" as they thought he should.  Judas, a "follower," [a Fellow "Progressive"] put Jesus to death. We Progressives are going down this same path with President Obama.  Is this REALLY what we think is the best way to achieve our goals?


With extremely few exceptions today, people believe what the WANT to believe, and they'll kill anyone who interferes (King, Gandhi, Jesus...)

Progressive work is HARD. Repug work is EASY. Why? Ever build a sand castle?

Ever build a sand castle?  It COSTS hours, and hours, right?  That it is enjoyable is besides the point.

Ever watch someone destroy another's sand castle?  Takes seconds, costs them nothing and gives them an opium high, for nothing!

But that's only part of it.  Rethuglicans, and their mob of mercenaries, aside from being sand castle destroyers by personality (disorder) ARE Thugs, ARE the Mob, ARE Mercenaries - it is how they make their Living!  Really!  They don't create wealth, they steal it through bullying, intimidation, cheating, cronyism....  EASY!  Profession:  Sand Castle Destroyer - and Paid for it.

Progressives (if there WERE True Progressives) bear two HUGE COSTS (although to the True Progressives, hmmm, remember the Joy of BUILDING a Sand Castle?):  1.  The orders-of-magnitude-greater-effort/cost-of-building/creating, and 2. THE PERSONAL FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY COST!  Rethugs are PRIMARILY motivated toward ill gotten $$$ Financial Gains (Corp favors at all levels, the "rape and pillage" awarded the hordes....  Progressives that Stay-the-Coarse FACE $$$ FINANCIAL PENALTIES / COSTS!!!! 
A.  Opportunity costs - hey, they could join the Rethugs and get $$$ returns on their time! 
B.  Unrewarded $$$ Time!  
C.  Penalties - the Rethug bullies will take it out on you, retribution, for opposing!!! 

You get the idea.

This is a profound, fundamental difference that has a huge discouraging impact on Progressive investment (on BEING a True Progressive), in part because it goes on unrecognized. 

Oh, would I that someone smart(s) would give visibility to this massive differential.

MLK Jr. - "Nothing is so dangerous (or COMMONLY DEPLOYED) as Evil in the garb of virtue."

Pres. Obama is too moral for the simplistic politics as usual. Too moral for the "simplistic" answer "Public Option." Too moral...

Pres. Obama is too moral for the simplistic politics as usual.
Too moral for the "simplistic" answer "Public Option."
Too moral to not hold to the Higher Goals of 1. Coverage for All;
2. Becoming financially sustainable;
3. Paid for NOT on the backs of the middle class.
And we would want him to stand for what beside this?
He's been consistent all along in his core principles.
We've lacked the vision to see that.

The president asked religious leaders to help promote his efforts to overhaul the nation's health care system.

"I'm a Human Being," Start answered to the Pastor's question at the Vigil - "Are you a Quaker?" "The likes of Jesus died and were killed to Save us with this Truth; this Teaching," Start added.

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"family love," love for one's own group(s), is not Love, but rather the most malignant descrimination and segragation. Universal Love is Love; Or Gandhi, King, Jesus... were wrong in what they taught, and how they Lived.

'The problem of humanity is not the absence of love, but the presence of "Tribal love."'  Ashley Montague

"family love," love for one's own group(s),  is not Love, but rather the most malignant discrimination and segregation.  Universal Love is Love;  Or Gandhi, King, Jesus... were wrong in what they taught, and how they Lived.

Talking with Zionists (a truly "nice" Israeli Zionist family) at the Vigil taught me this: as Human Shields - how we use our "family" and "affiliation groups" so we can justify our negligent, and overt manslaughter of our Human Family.

Talking with Zionists (a truly "nice" Israeli Zionist family)  at the Vigil taught me this -

as Human Shields:  how we use our "family" and "affiliation groups" so we can justify our negligent, and overt manslaughter of our Human Family.

'The problem is not the absence of love, but rather the presence of "Tribal love."  Ashley Montague

King, Gandhi, Jesus... killed not for preaching their Beliefs, but for Living them. Hypocrisy would have saved them; but they would rather have died.

King, Gandhi, Jesus... killed not for preaching their Beliefs, but for Living them. Hypocrisy would have saved them; but they would rather have died.


Hypocrisy is a Mental Disease; and the greatest killer of Life on the planet. Jesus knew this.

Hypocrisy is a Mental DISEASE; and the greatest killer of Life on the planet.  Jesus knew this and died to tell us, and because he TRIED to cure us. 

Hypocrisy:  The malevolent embrace of a favorable image of self that is NOT what in fact we live out.


[Comment on the article: Half are Crazy; Half Smart-AND LAZY; ... & ZERO RADICALS!!!]

The great "Radical" Saul Alinsky said [paraphrase,and liberties taken]:

1. A conservative fights to the death to prevent change;

2. A liberal TALKS change and "FIGHTS" (risks his life) FOR NOTHING;



Aragorn should have done what if the Elves, Hobbits, Dwarfs and Humans turned on him, abandoning him to the hoards?

Aragorn should have, would have done what if the Elves, Hobbits, Dwarfs and Humans turned on him, abandoning him to the hoards; hmmmm, actually joining the hoards?

What will Pres. Obama do?