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"Faith" = Vision of Humanity Reigning. "Keep the Faith" = Keep the Vision

Jesus' "Rich young man:" Not Love of Money, but Insufficient Love of Joy, Life, Peace, Love doomed him.

Jesus' "Rich young man:" Not Love of Money, but rather Insufficient Love of Joy, Life, Peace, Love (of the Least of These) doomed him.

I've been in hours of conversation with an ardent young Truth seeker, who like most, probably is not going to make it to Humanity / Heaven / Nirvana / Salvation in this life (or the next).  And for the first time it hit me clearly why.  She/He Does NOT YEARN for Love/Peace/Joy/Life above all else!  She/he does generally yearn for "truth," BUT SHE/HE DOES NOT YEARN FOR A LIFE LIKE JESUS / KING'S / GANDHI'S...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YEARNING FOR A LIFE THAT FEELS LIKE THE LIFE OF JESUS / KING / THERESA / ELEANOR.... FELT IS "THE" MARKER OF ONE THAT CAN BE "SAVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  (The other "Marker" is feeling the pain of "the least of these" more than one feels one's own pain.)


"Salvation," Living your Humamity depends on Yearning for it, for Joy above all else.

If you don't want the Life of King, Gandhi, Jesus, Eleanor Roosevelt... you cannot, and will not have it, or Joy, Life, Love or Peace. If you DO want Life like they had, you can have it. "Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you."


The ENTIRE problem is we-the-Sheeple. The ENTIRE hope is WE-THE-PEOPLE. Always was. Always will be.

Yup.  We've got to start flaming any and all news / propaganda outlets as they incessantly let "we the sheeple" off the hook in their incessant blaming of "The President,"  "The Government,"  "The Military,"  "The MSM," ....

Human Rights: Those things that are "Right" for Humans.

To suggest that Human Rights are somehow reduced to Man's Law is an abomination. Human Rights MUST be PRIMARILY understood as that which our Humanity / Conscience / Goodness knows - universally - That which is Right for Humans. Is it Right for a child to starve for food? For education? For love? For community? For basic health care?

Declaration of the Rights of the Child

Is it right for an adult to starve for Food? Love? Community? Shelter? Basic health care?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Your Humaity is Your Freedom. All else is enslavement; subordination; submission.


Restoring True North: The Aspiration of Gandhi, King, Jesus...SL

All held the belief in a True North for Human Life - The Way we were Ment to Be.

All aspired to Find True North, to Be True North as the means of re-establishing True North en masse.


Jesus was there for us. Now WE need to be there for HIM.

We have been taught to think that Jesus is there for US.

I actually think it is more the other way around. It is not that Jesus is there for us. Jesus WAS there for us. Now we need to be there for Him. His children are suffering by the billions. Their suffering is His suffering. He needs for us to take their suffering onto ourselves, and off of him

For example:

Carter: Gaza Residents Are Treated "More Like Animals than Like Human Beings


StartL is NOT committed to Peace, or to Justice... but rather, to YOU, to your Joy, and to the elimination of needless Suffering.


By the way, don't feel bad - everyone gets this wrong about me.  Contrary to your email below, I am NOT committed to peace (or justice, as most people say of me) - no one could find the motivation to do what I do if they were committed to Peace - our nervous systems are not built that way. 

I am committed, out of Love, to You; to my Entire Human Family; to the elimination of Your needless Suffering; to the Fulfillment of your Joy; out of Universal Love for you, for My Joy, and Yours.  :-)

And I don't want "Peace" for me, or for anyone, at least not in the way most of us mean Peace - the absence of tension.  NO, I want folks consumed, constantly on the edge of being  overwhelmed with Creative Tension to CREATE Joy, and eliminate needless Suffering among our Human Family -  because that process of Creating Joy, and Eliminating Suffering for our World Family is the One and Only source of Joy for us personally, the ultimate human experience.  That is the simple truth of our nervous systems.

Your brother,


ps:  Yes, I am making a big deal of this, because getting this right is our entire hope, as individuals, and as a Human Family.  And we are almost out of time.
pps:  Teresa of Calcutta captured this enormously in one of her final talks in DC ( ), as she was explaining the Peace that she and Jesus live for (me too):  'My Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you.' He came not to give the peace of the world which is only that we don't bother each other. He came to give the Peace of heart which comes from loving - from doing good to others.

From: "jim"
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 10:08:30 AM

Start Loving - 

Greetings! My name is Jim and I live in your old town of West Chester, PA. I recently read the article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about your vigil in Lafayette Park and was moved by your commitment to peace. 

When I read the article about you and your vigil, I thought this would be a good subject for a short film. I was wondering if anyone has already made a short piece on your efforts.

My thought is this piece would contain interviews with you about your devotion to peace, your inspirations, your encounters with tourists. 

I've been a television producer for twenty years, working in news and then at QVC. I left a few years ago and am now writing short stories, none of which are published yet. I own professional video equipment and have some friends who may volunteer time to help shoot and edit. If nothing else, I think we could produce a piece you could link to from your web site. 

Please let me know your initial thoughts. If appropriate, I'd be happy to talk via phone or set up time to travel to DC and meet with you. I look forward to your thoughts. 




StartL is NOT committed to Peace, or to Justice... but rather, to YOU, to your Joy, and to the elimination of needless Suffering.


By the way, don't feel bad - everyone gets this wrong about me.  Contrary to your email below, I am NOT committed to peace (or justice, as most people say of me) - no one could find the motivation to do what I do if they were committed to Peace - our nervous systems are not built that way. 

I am committed, out of Love, to You; to my Entire Human Family; to the elimination of Your needless Suffering; to the Fulfillment of your Joy; out of Universal Love for you, for My Joy, and Yours.  :-)

And I don't want "Peace" for me, or for anyone, at least not in the way most of us mean Peace - the absence of tension.  NO, I want folks consumed, constantly on the edge of being  overwhelmed with Creative Tension to CREATE Joy, and eliminate needless Suffering among our Human Family -  because that process of Creating Joy, and Eliminating Suffering for our World Family is the One and Only source of Joy for us personally, the ultimate human experience.  That is the simple truth of our nervous systems.

Your brother,


ps:  Yes, I am making a big deal of this, because getting this right is our entire hope, as individuals, and as a Human Family.  And we are almost out of time.
pps:  Teresa of Calcutta captured this enormously in one of her final talks in DC ( ), as she was explaining the Peace that she and Jesus live for (me too):  'My Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you.' He came not to give the peace of the world which is only that we don't bother each other. He came to give the Peace of heart which comes from loving - from doing good to others.

From: "jim"
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 10:08:30 AM

Start Loving - 

Greetings! My name is Jim and I live in your old town of West Chester, PA. I recently read the article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about your vigil in Lafayette Park and was moved by your commitment to peace. 

When I read the article about you and your vigil, I thought this would be a good subject for a short film. I was wondering if anyone has already made a short piece on your efforts.

My thought is this piece would contain interviews with you about your devotion to peace, your inspirations, your encounters with tourists. 

I've been a television producer for twenty years, working in news and then at QVC. I left a few years ago and am now writing short stories, none of which are published yet. I own professional video equipment and have some friends who may volunteer time to help shoot and edit. If nothing else, I think we could produce a piece you could link to from your web site. 

Please let me know your initial thoughts. If appropriate, I'd be happy to talk via phone or set up time to travel to DC and meet with you. I look forward to your thoughts. 





Our Men and Women in Uniform - the One Group in this Country I Respect and With Whom I Feel Affinity. (Oh, Our Youth Too)

(... And too the folks that come to visit the Vigil.)  The one group I respect in this country is our men and women in uniform.  Yes, my life is dedicated to the elimination of folks killing others,  but Courage is the hallmark of Humanity, of Human Health.  That our men and women in uniform have been misled to thinking hostility is the answer does not deny their courage and humanity.  Our men and women in Uniform are the one group in the US that can be depended upon to lay their lives on the line for the stranger, and for what they believe in.  All the rest of us are on the take, doing unto others before they can do unto us; or just, self-righteously sitting on the sidelines criticizing others, aiding and abetting needless suffering through out criminal neglect.  "I consider myself a soldier."  Gandhi.  "Give me a military man to work with any day; do not give me any cowards."  Gandhi.  It is unmistakable the admiration and respect many of the Secret Service have for my efforts; as my admiration for them is also clear.  Quite a contrast with the near universal disrespect I receive from the "activist" community, and the "church" community; disrespect that I have come to experience as a powerful affirmation.  :-)


"...we owe our liberties to men of a type that today we hate and fear -- unruly men, disturbers of the peace..."

We are reluctant to admit that we owe our liberties to men of a type that today we hate and fear -- unruly men, disturbers of the peace, men who resent and denounce what Whitman called 'the insolence of elected persons' -- in a word, free men.: Gerald W. Johnson

NOT our relationship WITH, but our relationship TO others is what is crucial to Joy, Love, Peace, Life, Earth....

"I have seen the paradox that if you love until it hurts, there is no more hurt, there is only more love." Teresa of Calcutta