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The world's greatest killer - NEGLECT

No question about it. No dispute.

18,000 children starve PER DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Health and Well/Being of US Children are 19th out of 20 for the world's most materially rich nations.




The Golden Rule in All Major Faiths

Baha'i Faith
Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself.
Baha'u'llah, Gleanings

Treat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.
The Buddha, Udana-Varga 5.18

In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.
Jesus, Matthew 7:12

One word which sums up the basis of all good conduct....loving-kindness. Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.
Confucius, Analects 15.23

This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you.
Mahabharata 5:1517

Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself.
The Prophet Muhammad, Hadith

One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated.
Mahavira, Sutrakritanga 1.11.33

What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary. Go and learn it.
Hillel, Talmud, Shabbath 31a

Native Spirituality
We are as much alive as we keep the earth alive.
Chief Dan George

I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me.Indeed, I am a friend to all.
Guru Granth Sahib, p.1299

Regard your neighbour's gain as your own gain and your neighbour's loss as your own loss.
Lao Tzu, T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien, 213-218

We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
Unitarian principle

Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.
Shayast-na-Shayast 13.29

Our [Master Jesus] in Heaven, Hallowed...!!!!

Oh my, what a wonderfully helpful option in being said by the Lord's Prayer!

Jesus was such a revolutionary leader. What I get when I am prayed by this variation is something like a joyful war cry - "Come on lads!!!!!!! Let's take Darfur!!!! Let's take Congo!!!! Let's take Palestine!!!

Let's wade into battles of totally self-sacrificial, profoundly tough brotherly love, and LET'S TAKE THESE HELLISH SITUATIONS INTO THE HEART, INTO OUR FATHER'S KINGDOM, OR DIE TRYING!!!!


At age 33 why did Jesus ride into town to certain death?

There can be only one answer that makes sense outside of nonsense about fulfilling ancient legend in the Bible.

85% of communication is non-verbal. This is one of the ONLY things that all psychologists agree on! Indisputable truth. We humans do not get it with words. Oh, we'll talk forever. But our behavior, our actions, our core beliefs are not influenced by words.

Action, heroic, self-sacrificial action is the only thing that can Save us from distorted, sick, sinful / wrongful behavior, actions, core beliefs and values.

Jesus rode into town to certain torture and death because that was the only way He could Save / Change us. Words, or safe action couldn't do it.

I, Start Loving am Hunger Striking in front of the Sudan Embassy to Death's Door because that is the only way I can Save / Change you and others so that YOU wake up,
!!!!JOIN ME NOW!!!! and Save Darfur, and get on with Saving your world from its Death Spiral of Entropy. Words, or safe action couldn't do it.

Yes, so far Jesus has almost totally failed. But He never expected to succeed unless we followed in His footsteps. I am following His footsteps, and it is everything He promised - more Love, Joy, Happiness, Mothers, Brothers, Houses in this life and the next. Oh, you must believe me. You must get it. This is Heaven. You may be willing to deprive yourself. Are you willing to deprive your dearest loved ones? Are you willing to abandon Jesus? Are you willing to deprive your biological children?


Jesus Family? Those who do unto His least of these...

"Family" has two directions to its meaning doesn't it.

Family can mean those to whom I am family - unconditionally loving and caring.

Family can mean those who are unconditionally loving to me.

QUESTION: To the healthy adult what is the extreme determinant of who is "family?"
ANSWER: "Family" is who in a crisis, in an emergency takes heroic, unconditionally loving care of you OR YOUR "CHILDREN" RIGHT!?!?!?!

"Who is my mother and my brother?" "As you do unto the least of these my family, you do unto me." 1 John: "Whoever claims to abide in Jesus aught to live just like Jesus lived."

If your life is dedicated to the "least of these [His] family" YOU are part of His family.

If your life is NOT dedicated to the "least of these [His] family, you are OUTSIDE of His family; not a very Heavenly, Joyful place to be.

The Anti-Christ: American Capitalism and its Export

This is the Beast of Biblical fame - unbridled worship of Mammon / Selfishness - Sanctioned War of the Strong upon the Weak... WESTERN CAPITALISM.

Jesus taught the Golden Rule: "Do unto others All that you would have them do unto you."

Adam Smith with Capitalism taught: "Do unto others before they do unto you and let God work the rest out."

We ignore Jesus and worship Adam Smith.

Sorry, no more time to explain. YOU need to put the rest together. You NEED to put the rest together, or Happy Armageddon. No kidding.

The Catholic Workers have been establishing communities for 70 years that exist outside of the Beast / Capitalism / Selfishness. You must explore seriously what they do. Now.

I have been thinking that the "Church" was the Beast - Mammon. No, the Church is too impotent to be the Beast. The Church is the Sanctifier and room deodorizer for the Beast so we can tolerate its smell. I wish I were being the least bit cynical.

Gandhi: "It is as much a moral duty to refuse to cooperate with evil as it is to avoid doing evil."

You must remove yourself from the Capitalist system; you must remove yourself from the Beast.

Good Friday: "Come on, follow me!!!!" Jesus was shouting!

This is how I think it was. I prayed a lot on this Friday - hours. Jesus was so pleased and excited with how the day went.

"Wow, did you see how clear things were?!?!? Did you see the sharp contrast between my totally unconditional, heroic love and the heartlessness of the State and Religious Institutions!?!?! Some people had to get it, were going to get it. Oh what a day!!! I am so happy. This was the gift I was born to give, in the hopes of Saving Humanity!!!!"

This is all He would talk about!

But that was 2000 years ago. Now Jesus is broken. We've crucified him anew. "What did I do it for?" He asks himself.

2nd Law of Thermodynamics - Entropy. Brotherhood is the opposite.

Entropy - the tendency for everything to break down into smaller and smaller parts - things rot, people die, civilizations decay, rocks turn to dust....

Brotherhood / Humanity / God / Love / Otherishness / Conscience / Compassion is the counter to the immutable law of Entropy in human concerns. Brotherhood is what makes the Inner Family, community, society - healthy, whole and survive. NOTHING ELSE WILL AND CAN.

SELFISHNESS is the agent of Entropy - Selfishness is Entropy by another name.

This is physics folks.

If we don't get on with a Heroic effort to Save Darfur, NOTHING will restart the Brotherhood / Humanity that is all but extinguished in this most hedonistic, most Mammon Worshiping, most ENTROPY WORSHIPING society that planet earth has ever seen. Game Over, Well Deserved Hell On Earth Irreversibly. With not enough Brotherhood / Humanity to counter Entropy all systems, the last vestiges of "civilization" will turn to dust.

This is Physics folks.

"Peace!" This is the Devil's Greeting

Yes, I think this is very serious.

"Peace" [as state of things] is not the opposite of war [an activity of people]; that "peace" is literally only achievable in death. In no form is life possible in "peace."

"PeaceMaking" is what we need to pray, think, dream, plan, say and LIVE in opposition to "war." This is way more than semantics. Focus is everything.

Jesus did not say "Blessed is Peace;" he said, "
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9).

PeaceMaking be with you.

Darfur is so somple to solve! So is Congo, Palestine, Iraq....

... world hunger, poverty, curable disease, global warming.... I'll try to show you what I mean.

It is so cool that the Washington Post writer met with the Sudan Ambassador to talk about the Hunger Strike. In my fantasy I wish I had been there when he said what a "complex" situation Darfur was - that I shouldn't die for such a thing. Of course this is the entire problem with him, Bashir, State Dept, congress, Bush, US InActivsts of all stripes. "Oh it is so complicated!" everyone wails.

It is actually very simple, I wanted to tell him. Just imagine that an all powerful entity has just placed your dearest loved one in one of the camps and you are told that the only way you can save them is to stop the Genocide, and you have until June 30. Mr. Ambassador, Darfur just got a whole lot simpler, didn't it?

We are all trying to Save Darfur with our "heads." It can't happen. The "head" is neither wise enough, inspired enough, courageous enough, or motivated enough. The exercise above puts your "Heart" in charge with all that the "head" is missing. Darfur is easy for the "heart" to solve; I'd have liked to tell him. Actually I'm dying to tell him and everyone that passes the embassy the same thing. If they listen, it will Rescue and Restore Darfur. Nothing else can and will.

In the "Danger Zone?" Alive!

Remember the song from "Top Gun?"

Oh my goodness, common wisdom in our society is so wrong isn't it?

It does not even bear explanation, just emphasis: IN THE "DANGER ZONE?" ALIVE.

Off where it is save and routine? DEAD.

DEFINITION OF VIOLENCE - "Enemy," Non-Brotherly, Selfish, Not-as-you-would-have-them-do behavior

Excluding brutally tough love.

I am speaking as a trained Psychologist - 2 years formal at the Masters Level (Streight "A's" except a "C" in Ethics, of which I am deeply proud), 20 years by avocation in professional (organizational turn-around in industry) and personal. See Alfred Adler elsewhere throughout this site.

NO Adler is not popular any more than UNADULTERATED JESUS IS TODAY, OR WAS IN 33 AD, and for the exact same reason - Mortal Enemy #1 of the Flesh / Evil Spirit / Demon / Selfishness / State

DEFINITION OF LOVING (NONVIOLENCE) - Brotherly, Loving, Otherish, as-you-would-have-them do behavior

I am speaking as a trained Psychologist - 2 years formal at the Masters Level (Straight "A's" except a "C" in Ethics, of which I am deeply proud), 20 years by avocation in professional (organizational turn-around in industry) and personal.

See Alfred Adler elsewhere throughout this site.

Note: These implications are huge. Think about it: Is it brotherly to steal / take property without approval for those who are starving? Well if clinically "right mind," is brotherliness, and hostility is insanity if all else fails - announcing to your "brother" [oppressor] that you must break into his store that has food he is inhumanely (psychotically) hoarding, may be the only way to "heal" him/her; to shock him/her to "right mind, sanity. You owe Militantly Tough, mortally self-sacrificial Love it to your brother - you are morally bound. You must give fore-warning, you must lovingly accept the inhumanity he doubtless will unleash on you, even unto death, if you love him / her.

It is time to get rid of the term "Nonviolence." Let's use the terminology that Jesus died to give us - Brotherhood.


We each need to BE a Prayer for those in need

Yes, this concept was mentioned in an earlier post.

But I find it so right, and so integral to my life right now I want to share the idea again for emphasis and clarity.

Clearly, I am a prayer for our Darfur family, the way I am living right now. I've never had that clarity and the Peace, Joy, Love and Life that comes with it.

I want to be this every second of my life. I just can't imagine anything better - and I've tried it all. Imagine if I can be a Prayer for Darfur, Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Guatemala, Chester, Washington Peace Center / Prop1 / Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.... Of just for Darfur if that is all the time I am give.

I am a Prayer for 3 million tortured brothers and sisters in Darfur. Join me. It doesn't get any better than this.

Un-Happy Easter

Hours of prayer, contemplating how my master Jesus is feeling on Easter.

I honestly think He is broken. He needs our help. On the first Easter and maybe for 200 that followed He was Hopeful and Overjoyed. He gave His life to give Brotherhood birth. He gave it in the most heroic, self-sacrificial way imaginable. His gift cost Him so much.

We have pissed all over the gift. We despoil it every day. Jesus is crushed.

NOW we need to lay down our lives to heal His. Now.

Our Brother gave us everything.

Now, we need to lay down our lives and give Him everything. It is time to become His Church, his Army of brothers that will not stop sacrificing their lives until His Kingdom - Heaven on Earth prevails on this planet.

Oh what a joy. Don't resist any longer.



"God is Love," 1 John.
"God is Love, God is Love, God is Love," Mother Teresa
"God is Love, Truth, and Life," Gandhi.

Beloved Inner Family and friends,

The contents of this post are an Easter gift to me from Our Father. I do not know of ever receiving a more wonderful, important gift.

They say that the fish is the last one to discover water.

Am I the last one to realize that my entire adult life has been based on an unshakable belief in, love of, and faith in God?

My entire business career in building and leading organizations was entirely based on infusing unconditional love as the basis of all operations, as the only way of working the Miracles that needed to be unleashed.

The last six years or more I have turned my life entirely over to what I imaging God's, and Jesus' will for me to be.

This summer I realized that I will for the rest of my life live on Brotherhood, what Jesus died to give us, or I will happily die.

My entire being Loves Jesus and strives to do His will.

Why my confusion up until this week; My profession that I did NOT believe in god? We have the world's worst Death Camps here in the US:
Business School, Church, Nationalism, College, K-12, Businesses. These are dedicated to and depend upon successfully immobilizing our Heart, our Father's Kingdom, in favor of the materially valued "Head" that so nicely does the will of the Flesh for the glory of Mammon. I hope to blog more on these Death Camps soon. And, no, I am deadly serious.

Mother Teresa, "The greatest obstacle to people becoming Christian are those who preach the Gospel but do not preach it." This, these Death Houses, are extremely confusing. The Deathly Double Bind of Psychology. I'm still working through and trying to undo all the damage and confusion they have wrought within me.

God to me is at LEAST the most powerful, hopeful force in the universe. Like gravity He / She / It is unknown in substance and origin. But who can doubt gravity? Who can doubt God? There is two much force in my life and throughout history among the wise for me not to have based my entire life, to have thrown my entire life onto that force of God in faith, as few throw themselves on the wind off a cliff hang-gliding.

Let's all go radically Hang Gliding.

Easter Revelation: World's only problem - no church.

This Passion weekend I've spent almost all of Friday and Saturday wondering / praying about what Jesus was thinking and feeling on Friday when He was crucified, and now, looking back; and most importantly - what does He want for the world.

He wants us to build His Church, not the abomination that exists now - exactly what He died to pull down 2000 years ago - Hypocrites, wolves in sheep's clothing.

The Church is People that Show their Love for one another. There is nothing but this, universal brotherhood, that can save the planet.

US Death Camps

World Reknown Psychologist Erik Erikson: "Healthy adulthood is spent advancing the wellbeing of the next generation."

Alfred Adler - greatest of all psychologist: "The hallmark of psychological health is living for the wellbeing of others."

Abraham Maslow: "The fully actualized [healthy] human being spends their entire lives trying to help all of humanity."

Why is it that only one in a million of us are psychologically healthy? US Death Camps: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College, Grad School, Business, Church.... These are the death camps of the soul.

Not Responsible for xxx? Not aLive.

Not responsible for Darfur Genocide for example?

Like a corpse, you are not aLive then (unless you are already giving your life to some other of the least of these.) Live things are thereby responsible - response/ABLE. Dead things are not.


This is the most important sentence in the bible for 2007

1 John, Chapter 2: "This is how we may know that we are in unity with Him. Whoever claims to abide in Him ought to live just like He lived."

Jesus Agony? How we have crucified his teachings.

The pain of the cross was nothing compared with the agony we cause him every day that we pervert and descerate His teachings - what He died to give us.

Not Laying your Life down for the needy? Psychologically Damaged.

The selfishness and cowardice that is our religion in this country is patholocical - clinically.

See Dr. Alfred Adler elsewhere on this site.

Dr. King, "A man is not fit (equipped/able) to Live who does not know what he would give is life for."

Jesus, "Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it." (Mark 8:35)

To whom does Einstein belong? Same with Jesus.

Vinoba Bhave was one of Gandhi’s closest and most trusted disciples. One of the most respected practitioners of non-violence in the world today, he has spent the last twenty years walking through India, begging land for the peasants of that country, and directing the land development movement.

"I believe in Jesus Christ, but do not believe in circumscribing him within strictly sectarian or theological walls. To me Jesus was something far beyond any individual phenomenon. [Jesus] was Love and Compassion incarnate. We can carry his message to the people by serving them with love, mercy and compassion in our hearts. That message will spread despite you and me, because it is the innermost cry of the human heart."



The absolute and complete PROOF of the following? Look to your heart. Think about it. You'll see. You are the proof.

What within our nervous system we know as our "Heart" is:
* The Kingdom of God within us
* God
* God within us
* Love
* Strength
* Courage
* Otherishness (the exact opposite of selfishness)

The source of:
* Vision
* Divine inspiration
* Miracles
* Insight
* Wisdom
* Intelligence (the 99% of your brain that consciousness can never access)
* Compassion
* Empathy
* UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD - it knows nothing else

The Head has gotten us to the brink of Hell, of Armageddon (or over the brink for about 4 billion of our brothers and sisters that we in the US helped to push over that brink through our murderous selfishness).

The Heart is the only thing wise enough, smart enough, strong enough and with the vision to get us out of this hell, back from the brink of extinction and finally on to Heaven on Earth.

Jesus, Gandhi, King and Buddha and others suggested we dwell 24/7 within our hearts; that there would be hell to pay if we didn't; and Heaven if we did.

I see and experience now with absolutely and perfect certainty that they were correct.


Folks, I continue to be certain that this blog is Divine Revelation. I know, I know, why would God use me!?!?!??! I don't get it either, but She has.

Ignore this site and it is game over. Incorporate this site into your DNA, Live it, and the doors to Heaven on Earth crack open. I am certain of this.

But everything on this site, I just now see, is contained in this phrase from the Lord's Prayer:

3. "Your Kingdom come[s]"
4. "[As] Your will [is] done on earth as it is in Heaven

This is astonishing to me. Just as E=MCsqd unleashed the secrets of the Universe, the above phrase is the key to Heaven on Earth.

It is the formula for heaven on earth in two ways:
A. It is the perfect psychological formula for moving your consciousness from the Hell of selfishness ("Flesh" and "Head") to the Heaven (infinite Solidarity, Soul, Service - Love, Peace, Joy, Life) of Spirit / Heart / Humanity / unity with God.
B. It is the perfect and only formula for creating a material presence of Heaven on Earth - universal, absolutely prevailing brotherhood across the globe. I know now with perfect certainty what Jesus was dying to show us - that Heaven on Earth is a perfectly and absolutely achievable choice for humankind. This phrase is the Key. Duh.

Use the key. Be the key.

"And when I die, and when I'm gone...

... There'll be one child born in this world to carry on, to carry on," Blood, Sweat and Tears.

I don't know if early July will be the end for the "cell" called Start Loving or not. I am unconcerned. I'm concerned about the other 50 billion cells in my body that are headed toward Armageddon with certainty unless I help save them. One cell for 50 billion? Pretty good deal; a deal to die for, 10,000 times. Seriously.

If and when my body leaves:

* Ever since I was a very little child I have found entirely sacred and gloriously wonderful the custom in certain native American tribes that when a person can no longer be a contribution to the tribe they quietly and unannounced disappear into the woods. Please, I am giving my life to try and serve, to try and Save our global tribe. If and when God accepts so much of my contributions that I have nothing left to give, help me into the woods. In the name of God do not desecrate my life by squandering on me in the event of stroke or whatever other cataclysmic failure resources you could spend on my other 50 billion cells (the born and unborn of the world). I am completing a living will to this effect but as my beloved I beg for your compliance.

* If and when it is my time to leave, if you have a gathering, and I hope you do cuz I want you all together - my Divine Inner family - I want you to take the whole day - beforehand go through my blogs and select favorite readings and read them to each other. I have been given Divine Revelation and it is all on the blogs. If this Revelation is lost, if it is not planted in you and spread by you, there will be Hell to pay. Before God I am deadly serious.

You know that where most of us are morbidly Dying for Stuff, Superiority, and Systems/Institutions, Jesus, me and others are Dying for Heaven on Earth and the Salvation - Soul in Solidarity Serving. My life is to be envied and emulated with greed. You know that I am among the most joyful, alive people you have ever met. It is entirely because of what I am dying for.

Be happy for me. Be over joyed for me. Follow Jesus and me, for the Life of it; for the Joy of it; for the Love of it; for the Hope of it. It IS Heaven on Earth.

Your brother eternally, Start Loving


This is the problem.

This is the hope.

We don't recognize, we have absolutely no awareness of what we are doing to ourselves.

That within our nervous system we can identify as our "head," is obsessed with either:

1. Solving intellectually challenging problems (like inventing the nuclear bomb, seriously), or

2. Satisfying the desires of the flesh - satisfying selfish desires.

THE HEAD NEVER THINKS ABOUT THE HEART. This effectively starves to death our Hearts. Our hearts in this Head/Stuff oriented culture are viewed, when they are viewed at all, our hearts are viewed as unrealistic, weak, irrational, dangerous (TRUE), uncontrollable (TRUE), independent (TRUE), impractical (TRUE - they see miracles).... So they are ignored or punished in to a barely alive coma.

What we know as our "Heart" ALWAYS USES EVERY RESOURCE AT ITS DISPOSAL - ESPECIALLY THE HEAD. The Heart is the seat of wisdom, vision, understanding, inspiration.... We're talking clinical psychology here - not abstract mysticism. Ok, maybe both.

Grasp this. If you decide, as Jesus died to help you decide, to Live within your Heart, our Father's Kingdom, then your Head and everything else will be fully and entirely utilized. If you do not decide, the culture will decide for you and you and your Heart will be clinically dead for as long as you exist.

"Founders" gave us penicillin; Their "Followers" eventually gave us Crack

Jesus gave us the keys to the Kingdom on Earth - a lifestyle of 100% 24/7 radical, self-sacrificial brotherhood. Doing it is Heaven on Earth. Doing it BRINGS Heaven TO earth.

Jesus "followers" the Church of today (you know, the Scribes, Pharisees and Hypocrites) bring us feel-good-about-selfishness and being slave not to Flesh and the State. Extreme pleasure. Spiritual Hell. IS BRINGING ARMAGEDDON TO EARTH.

Those who have found the "Heart," Heaven on Earth give us Penicillin.

Those who have NEVER found the heart, only "Flesh/Head give us Crack cocaine.

There is all the difference in the world. It is simply a matter of life and death.

I am a "prayer" for the genocide to stop. You?

Sudan Embassy Hunger Strike: Bringing death to our doorstep.

Why aren't YOU dying to stop the Genocide?

We must become bunkerbusters to the glacier of selfishness entoumbing human hearts

Salvation: Sickening selfishness, Awakening the heart


We are all dying for something, every minute, every day.

Most of us, just like me most of my life (death) was dying for a bigger house, better car, better college for the biolocal kids, dinner out, more sex, more safety, more security....

Now I'm dying to save Darfur, and to save the world, and to save you.

We cannot escape dying for something. It is an inescapable fact of human existance.

We are free to choose what we are dying for. Everything - Heaven and Hell - depend on the choice you make.

Jesus was dying to save the world. Me too. You?

At various points in my life I have "died" for everything imaginable. I am the greediest person you will ever meet. Seriously.

Dying to save Darfur? Dying to Save the world? These are so superior, so overwhelmingly exciting and worth dying for, if you ever surrender to your Heart / God / Love you will simply, out of greed, you will simply not be able to resist the temptation.

I swear to God.

Activism today is a COMPLETE MORAL FAILURE

A better formatted version of this important post is at: Darfur: US activism a COMPLETE MORAL FAILURE. Although this post is Darfur specific, the ideas hold exactly for the activists working on Iraq, Palestine, Guatemala, Haiti, Congo, World Hunger, saving the "Church"....

Darfur Hunger Strike to the Death or Complete Resolution by June 30; Day 34 water only.

What is wrong with this nasty, angry man! Some of my brothers and sisters in the activist community must be wondering. The rest have simply written me off.

Imagine the three people in the world you love the very most. Remember how much you love them. Do it. Ok. Now imagine that 4 years ago an all powerful entity, God, came and disguised these loved ones as Darfuries beyond any hope of recognition and placed them in Darfur; and further told you that if you told anyone that your loved ones would die immediately. You are told that the only way you can save them is to stop the genocide and restore Darfuries to their lives. WOULD YOU BE ACTING ANY DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU ARE NOW?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!? You sure as hell would.

Here is the other way that I look at it. Another one of tests of accountability I hold myself to in my personal actions is to imagine myself in Heaven after I die in front of my Darfur brothers and sisters explaining what I did or did not do. I think I'll do all right in these conversations. In similar conversations with my Cambodian, Rwandan, Balkan... brothers and sisters the behaviors of mine I describe will leave me shamed and without a shred of humanity.

I apply the same test when considering the behavior of my brothers and sisters in the "Save Darfur Movement (SDM)." I envision the conversation going something like this:

SDM: "Yes, we knew it was 4 years. Yes we knew 450,000 exterminated. Yes we knew 2.5 million in concentration camps of forced starvation, rape, mutilation, murder and disease. We in the US agonized for you our Darfur brothers and sisters. We had meetings, and more meetings. We fasted from luxuries for one whole day per year. ONE ENTIRE DAY - WE ABSTAINED FROM ONE OF OUR LUXURIES! On another day we formed a human chain. On another day we sent postcards. POSTCARDS! In all there were one million! We divested our Colleges and States. Sure the real money came from China but it helped a little and it gave us great connections and enhanced our resumes too! Two different sunny afternoons we went to parks for demonstrations, and we even listened to some of the speakers! Wow, we really pulled out all the stops! I mean, what else would you have wanted??!?!?!

DARFUR: "We wanted you to treat us as you would your immediate family, which before God, we are. "Do unto others, ALL that you would have done unto you." We were raped every day. Our children were starved every day. Our men were shot every day. Our women were mutilated every day. YOU DID NOTHING."

The lesson of the holocaust was entirely: IN THE FACE OF GENOCIDE THE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD IMMEDIATELY LAY DOWN THEIR VERY LIVES UNTIL IT STOPS. Eric Reeves, Brian Steidle and who else has laid down their lives for Darfur?

The great desecration of the Holocaust didn't happen last month in Iran; it has been happening in the most Holocaust educated in the world, the US, for the last 4 years as we have risked nothing, suffered nothing, sacrificed nothing. We have done nothing.

Now we repent and vote immediately with our lives, WITH OUR LIVES giving Bush an iron clad, unmistakable mandate to end this, or we are Damned, and Darfur is dead.

Original, bad thinking? Strikingly parallel to what Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel had to say in 1938, possibly the most relevant prophetic, moral writing I've ever seen. (PLEASE READ THE MEANING OF THIS HOUR, ABRAHAM J. HESCHEL) For example:

* "We have trifled with the name of God. We have taken the ideals in vain. We have called for the Lord. He came. And was ignored. We have preached but eluded Him. We have praised but defied Him. Now we reap the fruits of our failure. Through centuries His voice cried in the wilderness. How skillfully it was trapped and imprisoned in the temples! How often it was drowned or distorted! Now we behold how it gradually withdraws, abandoning one people after another, departing from their souls, despising their wisdom. The taste for the good has all but gone from the earth. Men heap spite upon cruelty, malice upon atrocity."

* "Soldiers in the horror of battle offer solemn testimony that life is not a hunt for pleasure, but an engagement for service; that there are things more valuable than life; that the world is not a vacuum. Either we make it an altar for God or it is invaded by demons. "

* "The Almighty has not created the universe that we may have opportunities to satisfy our greed, envy and ambition. We have not survived that we may waste our years in vulgar vanities. The martyrdom of millions demands that we consecrate ourselves to the fulfillment of God’s dream of salvation. Israel did not accept the Torah of their own free will. When Israel approached Sinai, God lifted up the mountain and held it over their heads, saying: “Either you accept the Torah or be crushed beneath the mountain.

”The mountain of history is over our heads again. Shall we renew the covenant with God?"

Dying for loving ends how? Miracles are hard to predict.

When was Gandhi going to die? How?

When was Dr. King going to die? How?

When was Dianne Wilson going to die? How?

When is any soldier going to die? How?

Stop a soldier of Revolutionary Brotherhood? Killed him.

"Do not be afraid of that which can kill your body. Be afraid of that which can kill your body and your soul," Jesus.

Final Star Wars Movie: Luke was dying to save Darth. Remember?

I never realized it till last week as I was in prayer.

This is a fabulous Salvation, Redemption example. I'm talking about the scene at the end when Luke, instead of killing his father, LAYS DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS FATHER. Luke throws down his light sabre in effect saying to his father, "your life is more valuable to me than mine. Kill me if you will but I will not kill you."

At this point the emperor steps in to kill Luke.

Darth's selfishness has been destroyed by Luke's unconditional, brotherly, self-sacrificial love. Darth's heart has at last been awakened. Darth has been saved.

Darth gives his life to save him from the Emperor.

Finally, "Father, I must save you." "My son, you already have." Darth leaves his body.

This is exactly how it is done. This is the only way it is done.

"A man has no greater love than to lay down his life for his fellow man," Jesus.

One can imagine that until his dying day this moment of redeeming his father's life will be that moment that Luke remembers as that which was most ALive, Divine, Heavenly, Joyful, Perfect.