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Material privilege is a pathology, an illness.

Material privilege is a pathology, an illness.

Humankind is my business. The poorest among them my business. Serving them I can joyfully live or die.

Humankind is my business. The poorest among them my business. Serving them I can joyfully live or die.

Do you go around feeding people she asked? Yes, I thought to myself. She said, I ain't never seen nothing like that. I tried to feed Souls. Indeed>>>

Do you go around feeding people she asked? Yes, I thought to myself. She said, I ain't never seen nothing like that. I tried to feed Souls. Indeed.... that's what I'm called to do. That is where the hope is, the only place. Glimpsing for the first time I am that that is why I'm here. Can I do it? Can I do it well? Will I be able to help anyone? Time will tell.

The human species is profoundly, essentially, immoral, destructive, self-destructive except in the most primitive hunter gatherer situations for....

The human species is profoundly, essentially, immoral, destructive, self-destructive except in the most primitive hunter gatherer situations for.... which we evolved. No more moral has become the human species in the 7000 years that we have existed in an environment we were not designed for, agricultural, Industrial, population dense. If I try and live with that perspective the world makes much more sense to me than the illusion I was brought up with that we have become more moral. The Dark Ages followed a substantial Enlightenment, as I understand it. Esoterically, maybe there are slight improvements every Thousand Years. But what does not change is the human propensity among large groups of the population for Extraordinary tribal evil, and for the the silent majority to go along. As then there continue to be extremely moral, profoundly Morrill, outliers, Outsiders. They are my tribe. They are my prospective clients.


I would die rather than accept a middle or upper economic class lifestyle were it offered to me. I'm sure.....

I would die rather than accept a middle or upper economic class lifestyle were it offered to me. I'm sure of it. That would be to leave my family, the neediest in creation, the masses of creation. Who would leave their family? Here in DC it is impossible not to see the Masters of the Universe, those empty Souls, poor souls, they have done just that. Walking Dead people. Thinking the opposite. Madness.

Some days feel like little more than just waiting to die. So hard to find meaning on this overwhelmingly evil planet.

Some days feel like little more than just waiting to die. So hard to find meaning on this overwhelmingly evil planet.

Excellent summary on the state of things. Chris Hedges. Homeless America, for example. Article


Cycling. Thighs, knees as energy pump. link (30 days ago)

Ecocide. Pic, my species, the only humanoid species I identify with. Foreign to me, alien, are all but this one in a million., my species, the only humanoid species I identify with. Foreign to me, alien, are all but this one in a million.

The lucky ones, of all species, are the ones that die quickly and painlessly, relatively speaking, now, the>>>

The lucky ones, of all species, are the ones that die quickly and painlessly, relatively speaking, now, the thought has occurred to me, and discount it I cannot.

A stinking cesspool of Israeli propaganda, the New York Times is nothing more than this. Putrid filth. A Clash? Clash??? Did >>>

A stinking cesspool of Israeli propaganda, the New York Times is nothing more than this. Putrid filth. A Clash? Clash??? Did David and Goliath have a Clash? Did the Nazis have a Clash with the European Jews? Putrid vial evil vicious lying New York Times.


And liberal lives Sail on.

And liberals go on with their normal lives.pic

12 million child Brides per year. And women let the world continue to spin.

Channeling goodness, heroically fighting lifeline. Pic

Make Merica white again. He is betting on our worst instincts, and winning handily.

Back to the Dark Ages

It is child abuse to conceive a child into this 2018 World. Picture

Francis, because of our sacred respect for each child.

Merica. From each according to their need, to each according to their greed.

A nation of sheep will be get a government of wolves. Edward R Murrow

Muslims, people who are black, remind me why I should fear them?

Facebook block, 39 days, Sept 26th. Offending post detail.

Overthrowing democracy for personal and Collective gain is the obvious objective of these white pigs in office. But to avoid destroying Kavanaugh's future is their stated objective. Totally completely perfectly clear is that the well-being of America, Americans, democracy, decency, goodness, women's rights, are at Best of no interest to them and more likely part of what they are attempting to finally Crush forever. No disrespect to pigs.