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Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts


***** The only people that could think that Jews, Muslims and Christians are NOT trying to Serve EXACTLY....THE SAME CREATOR, THE SAME GOD... are those people who have no feeling whatsoever for the Creator, for God... whatever that Force of Love, Compassion, Empathy, Creation, Truth... that all religions, and people of the Spirit... tangibly experience.

***** The only people that could think that Jews, Muslims and Christians are NOT trying to Serve EXACTLY....THE SAME CREATOR, THE SAME GOD... are those people who have no feeling whatsoever for the Creator, for God... whatever that Force of Love, Compassion, Empathy, Creation, Truth... that all religions, and people of the Spirit... tangibly experience.

***** nd. If the Creator is simple, if His (Her’s, It’s) Teaching is Simple, as I Know it is, then any person that makes it complicated... is not following the creator. I believe this more and more every day, as life, study, self-examination, and practice teach me. The Creator is Loving, Truth, Compassion, Empathy, Serving the Neediest, Life-giving. When we embody that. When we Serve that, within us, when we Submit to that, within us... THAT ALONE… we are one with, and doing the Will of, the Creator, by whatever name, creed, words... or none at all. This is what I believe. This is what I practice. This is the Practice of everyone in history that I, and many people, revere... from every faith background, and none at all.

If the Creator is simple, if His (Her’s, It’s) Teaching is Simple, as I Know it is, then any person that makes it complicated... is not following the creator. I believe this more and more every day, as life, study, self-examination, and practice teach me. The Creator is Loving, Truth, Compassion, Empathy, Serving the Neediest, Life-giving.  When we embody that. When we Serve that, within us, when we Submit to that, within us... THAT ALONE… we are one with, and doing the Will of, the Creator, by whatever name, creed, words... or none at all. This is what I believe. This is what I practice. This is the Practice of everyone in history that I, and many people, revere... from every faith background, and none at all.


Bill Maher on Paris Attack: 'There Are No Great Religions—They're All Stupid and Dangerous'......#1. Maher has lost ALL credibility with his past attacks on Islam. #2. I detest all organized religions, based on their results. #3. The Nazi enterprise was trending ATHEISTIC, was it not? #4. The 'Religion' of 'science,' (yes, the followers pursue it blindly (agent orange, roundup, genetic engineering, nuclear bombs, fracking, deep sea drilling)... the religion if Science is the one actually, ACTUALLY in the final stages of destroying all life. Back to you, Bill.

#1. Maher has lost ALL credibility with his past attacks on Islam. #2. I detest all organized religions, based on their results.  #3.  The Nazi enterprise was trending ATHEISTIC, was it not?  #4.  The 'Religion' of 'science,' (yes, the followers pursue it blindly (agent orange, roundup, genetic engineering, nuclear bombs, fracking, deep sea drilling)... the religion if Science is the one actually, ACTUALLY in the final stages of destroying all life.  Back to you, Bill.


***** nd. Any one, from any religion, that sends out 'we are the one true religion crap' will be unfriended by me quickly. This is time for serious people, not religious fantasy freaks. By whatever name - Loving, Brotherhood, Lived Solidarity with the global neediest... is the ONE TRUE RELIGION. If you don't 'get' that, well, be well, but get out of my way. There is serious work to do, in the real world, not your fantasy world.

Any one, from any religion, that sends out 'we are the one true religion crap' will be unfriended by me quickly.  This is time for serious people, not religious fantasy freaks.  By whatever name - Loving, Brotherhood, Lived Solidarity with the global neediest... is the ONE TRUE RELIGION.  If you don't 'get' that, well, be well, but get out of my way.  There is serious work to do, in the real world, not your fantasy world.


nd. The Bible is a story book. The Qaran is a story book. As with the Torah, Talmud, etc etc etc. These are not books of history. They are imperfect works by imperfect men - they contain wisdom and goodness, and hatred, error and inhumanity. If you want to live 'as if' they are true, in your own lives, and not hurt anyone by doing so... I'm sad for you... but that is your business. When you start hurting members of my human family with your fantasy games... then it becomes my business.

The Bible is a story book.  The Qaran is a story book.  As with the Torah, Talmud, etc etc etc.  These are not books of history. They are imperfect works by imperfect men - they contain wisdom and goodness, and hatred, error and inhumanity.  If you want to live 'as if' they are true, in your own lives, and not hurt anyone by doing so... I'm sad for you... but that is your business. When you start hurting members of my human family with your fantasy games... then it becomes my business.


nd. I have totally lost my patience with organized religion. You want to live in a fantasy, make believe world... I have nothing to say about that. I'm sorry for you, but that is your business. BUT WHEN BY DOING SO YOU THREATEN PALESTINE, ALL LIFE ON EARTH, WAR ON THE MIDDLE EAST... NOW YOU MAKE IT MY BUSINESS. If you have a problem with this it is past time to un-friend me. I'll no longer be civil, or respectful, on the subject of these deadly, genocidal, religio-mind-games. They are terminating all that is decent on earth.

I have totally lost my patience with organized religion.  You want to live in a fantasy, make believe world... I have nothing to say about that.  I'm sorry for you, but that is your business.  BUT WHEN BY DOING SO YOU THREATEN PALESTINE, ALL LIFE ON EARTH, WAR ON THE MIDDLE EAST... NOW YOU MAKE IT MY BUSINESS.  If you have a problem with this it is past time to un-friend me.  I'll no longer be civil, or respectful, on the subject of these deadly, genocidal, religio-mind-games.  They are terminating all that is decent on earth.


Loving, here - a reason I don't believe in "Miracles" is, that is NOT WHAT A LOVING 'FATHER' DOES!!! detail

FB note to a really loving, homeless outreach, church group that has been very good to me, at times:

Hi friends. This is weighing on my mind, so I share. No reply expected or needed, and please always KNOW, I NEED YOU to disconnect from me when I become an unhealthy force in your lives. 

I don't believe in physical Miracles, Healings, etc. There are many reasons, but the one that is the most important to me - THIS IS NOT WHAT A LOVING 'FATHER' DOES. I mean, a loving Father hears his child's desperate plea for help, but sits on the sidelines, NOT HELPING, until some 'believer' comes and Praises Him, Tells Him how much she or he Loves Him, that He is Great... and then when that Father, IF that Father, hears such an intercessor, then, and only then, that Father gets off his ass and does something???? That is not what Loving does! That is NOT my Father. WE are the ONLY miracle that was put here - none other. The Father is hands off now. It is up to us, His Loving now OUR Loving in our Hearts, to be the Miracle. No other Miracle is needed. Your brother forever, no matter what


pic. "Religious Right yells, 'Put Christ back in Christmas! It'd be nice if they put Christ back in Christianity."

Happy Holidays Igorites. I'm reposting this from last August because A> Many of you weren't here back then, and B> because I'd already seen the first "Put Christ Back In Christmas" post a week before Thanksgiving! I'm probably at work right now, and you probably just got back from (or are getting ready to go out to) your Black Friday Shopping. If you share any memes this year, this is the one that needs to get out there!