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Showing posts with label UNVIOLENTLY WAGING LOVE (NONVIOLENCE). Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNVIOLENTLY WAGING LOVE (NONVIOLENCE). Show all posts


James, many of us are living the nightmare.  Respectfully I disagree, I replied.  I see many existing in the Nightmare, and living in denial of it.  At the same time.  To live the nightmare is to be at total all out War to stop it.  I......

James, many of us are living the nightmare.  Respectfully I disagree, I replied.  I see many existing in the Nightmare, and living in denial of it.  At the same time.  To live the nightmare is to be at total all out War to stop it.  I....... feel very very alone in that. Near totally, more so every day. I see many in sympathy with the cause, almost none committed. This is not a condemnation it is an honest and sorrowful observation. My father's generation said, where can I enlist? Today's generations say, what will it cost me? What can I do? I don't know what to do, and on and on and on and on and on. Endless denial, endless excuses.


Those have already abandoned their children, grandchildren, all creation, who have decided that saving their future can be fun, easy, painless, without extreme if not total cost.

Those have already abandoned their children, grandchildren, all creation, who have decided that saving their future can be fun, easy, painless, without extreme if not total cost.

For those who accept the status quo, even if they say they don't like it, there is never, has never been, a way acceptable to them for others to fight for change. Ever. They always hate it.

For those who accept the status quo, even if they say they don't like it, there is never, has never been, a way acceptable to them for others to fight for change. Ever. They always hate it........ Every life, every effort, has collateral consequences, collateral damage. Those who detest efforts to change the status quo accept Earth destroying levels of collateral damage as long as those are aligned with maintaining the status quo. But collateral damage despite the best efforts to avoid it among agents of change, totally unacceptable. Horrible. Detestable. Unless or until it is at a safe enough Geographic or historical distance that in their cowardice they can say it was a good thing. Never in the present. A pleasant gentleman, late 40s, white male, approached me in the Starbucks about this vehicle and ones he builds for amphibious races, pedal-powered. At some point I mentioned Standing Rock and immediately, although still Pleasant, he went right into an authoritative stance that Standing Rock was in large part of bad thing, created mountains of garbage. He knew that what I said was false, when I said that if a hurricane or police force came in and destroyed the buildings around us here in Grants Pass, there would be mountains of garbage. He wasn't there, I was, he had no reason to think that I was deceitful, and yet he was the authority and knew what he wanted to believe and wanted to hear nothing to the contrary. The mountain ranges of wreckage that he as a Westerner leaves on Earth with his Western overconsumption and entitlement is of course, entirely acceptable to him. But people that stumble out trying to figure out how to improve the future, detestable to him. And to most people.

Repairs and upgrades are expected to be completed here in Grants Pass today. If so the journey can resume early tomorrow morning. If all.......

Repairs and upgrades are expected to be completed here in Grants Pass today. If so the journey can resume early tomorrow morning. If all........ goes well then Silicon Valley should be about 11 days away. There is a critical need for housing in Silicon Valley, a place to park the vehicle or it can legally provide sleep for the night, for funds to repay some of the credit card debt for these repairs and upgrades, and for someone to take the videos from this blog and get them up on YouTube.

No one without a sheathing rage at what we are doing to the Childrens planet, country, to all of creation, can understand me and this mission. I'm quite sure this is in line with Gandhi who said that someone unable to do violence is incapable of waging nonviolence, paraphrase.

No one without a sheathing rage at what we are doing to the Childrens planet, country, to all of creation, can understand me and this mission. I'm quite sure this is in line with Gandhi who said that someone unable to do violence is incapable of waging nonviolence, paraphrase. This seems to be why, as much or more than anything, conservatives relate positively to me face to face, and liberals slink away in this pain. As Chris Hedges observes, liberals have lost the capacity to feel anything. The exception that proves the rule.

Just like we purchase everything else by giving our life for it, I want us to purchase a planet our children can thrive on by giving our lives for it. And that's exactly what I try to do.

Just like we purchase everything else by giving our life for it, I want us to purchase a planet our children can thrive on by giving our lives for it. And that's exactly what I try to do.

If I am not shocking, foreign, to most in this world, though that is never my intent, then I am of vastly too little hope for the world.

If I am not shocking, foreign, to most in this world, though that is never my intent, then I am of vastly too little hope for the world.

If my work does not piss some people off, though that is never my intent, if my work does not piss some people off I am definitely not the source of creative tension that the world needs.

If my work does not piss some people off, though that is never my intent, if my work does not piss some people off I am definitely not the source of creative tension that the world needs.


If good intentions could save the world it would not be headed to hell right now. They can't. And I simply don't have time to hear them. If someone wants to help, under commit, under promise, and over perform. I hope that's what I do and you should expect nothing less.

If good intentions could save the world it would not be headed to hell right now. They can't. And I simply don't have time to hear them. If someone wants to help, under commit, under promise, and over perform. I hope that's what I do and you should expect nothing less.

I will seem even more harsh, more remote, less available, less kind, if that's possible, you may Wonder. If I fail you, if I fail anyone, it is in allowing myself even momentarily, psychologically, to come off the field of battle. I don't like......

If I fail you, if I fail anyone, it is in allowing myself even momentarily, psychologically, to come off the field of battle. I don't like...... tension, even creative tension, at least my body doesn't. I don't like being harsh, at least part of me doesn't. Believe it or not I like being Pleasant, I like being comfortable to be around. So to a degree  on Facebook, and to a degree in face-to-face encounters those pressures move me even slightly off the field of battle to being a more gentle presence. I fail you in that. Let alone I fail my clients, the world's neediest born and who will be born in the future. None of us should come off the field of battle for the future even for a moment. So am I doing so among other things is a terrible failure of leadership. I think I have it within me to stop failing you in this way. I will seem even more harsh, more remote, less available, less kind, if that's possible, you may Wonder. James