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Showing posts with label Small-heartedness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Small-heartedness. Show all posts


02.16.13 'Loving got stomped, twice, as I slept last night....'

Same group of early 20's two legged refuse - a group of three.  Laughing like hyenas.  It was raining so none of the other homeless were around, none of the usual passers by, so these walking turds, my brothers all, these cowards got their jollies stomping a homeless guy.  Both times it caught me off guard, but thinking of it for an hour after the second - what a gift, what a lesson; what a reminder.

How do I know what I'm here for?  Maybe it is to absorb some of the evil, hatred, wreckage embodied in these three, with last night's terrorization by them, or tonight's getting my head bashed in.  They'll only victimize so many people, so many times before they see their own evil and stop, or are stopped by the police.  Being part of the absorption of their evil, from them, Redeeming, Ransoming... so another(s) don't suffer... that, THAT would be worth my Life, for sure.

The Great Apostles of Loving - Assisi, Teresa, Gandhi, Jesus, MLK Jr... - are sooooooo sick of the evil, the Fleshly Spirit dominating in the world they are willing to be used in any way, in ANY WAY to absorb, and not add to, all that Hatred, Mean-ness, Lovelessness, Smallheartedness...; and each measure of diminishment of the Fleshly Spirit makes room for, and eventually empowers the Loving Spirit, Christ, God Spirit in others.  [And Serving the neediest, the greatest needs, the founding of the Kingdom, in this way is, IS, = ... Joy, Heaven.  Always.  Loving IS its own reward; the Only Ultimate Reward].

Me too.

ps: Yes, they were three black guys, a predictable product of the hateful environment that we over-privileged white folk have relegated them to grow down in - toxic waste from toxic waste.

pps:  I remember the homeless guy I occasionally saw about 4 years ago who one morning appeared with black eyes, bloody lip, black and blue face.  He'd been sleeping in an ally near a bar frequented by the affluent college kids of DC and a couple of white college guys stomped him bloody.  A different kind of toxic waste, deadly affloholism, breeds toxic waste.