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Showing posts with label Sick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sick. Show all posts


"In this sickest of all cultures, if you're not polarizing, you're worthless, at best." SL

"In this sickest of all cultures, if you're not polarizing, you're worthless, at best." SL
Windows on SL's Skunk-works:  Start Loving blog, FB StartLoving1, YT StartLoving4, Twitter StartLoving1  <<< GOING DARK MARCH 21 2011


"If I neglect my health and get sick, it's due to a conspiracy, right? The Death of US Democracy, Economy, Environment... citizen dereliction of duty, though conspiracies may abound." SL

"If I neglect my health and get sick, it's due to a conspiracy, right?
The Death of US Democracy, Economy, Environment...
citizen dereliction of duty, though conspiracies may abound." SL
Windows on SL's Skunk-works:  Start Loving blog, FB StartLoving1, YT StartLoving4, Twitter StartLoving1  <<< GOING DARK MARCH 21 2011


"Salvation's ONLY available to those Dying for it. Too far a leap for all others. 'I came not for the well, but for the sick,' CS said." SL

"Salvation's ONLY available to those Dying for it. 
Too far a leap for all others.
'I came not for the well, but for the sick,' CS said." SL
Windows on SL's Skunk-works:  Start Loving blog, FB StartLoving1, YT StartLoving4, Twitter StartLoving1  <<< GOING DARK MARCH 21 2011


Telegraph: Pope’s child porn 'normal' claim sparks outrage among victims - World news, News - Belfasttelegraph.

‎"Ratzinger is a sick, twisted, Evil, perverted old son of Satan." SL
Victims of clerical sex abuse have reacted furiously to Pope Benedict's claim yesterday that paedophilia wasn't considered an "absolute evil" as recently as the 1970s.


"Start, a dear 'Friend' just was massively cruel. Have you advice?"

"Friend, I'm honored and glad that you asked. I do feel I have a view worth sharing, but of course you'll need to decide its applicability and validity for you.

Most of my life to date I'd be deeply impacted by mean or cruel behavior directed toward me. But not, thank God, at all for 8 years or so now. Zero. My Heart hasn't hardened at all in that time, quite the opposite. But my Understanding of Life has grown ever so much.

Here's how the breakthru for me came. Someone had been just hideous to me, and the thought that came to me was - 'Uh, under what circumstances would Teresa of Calcutta (substitute your own personal hero of Humanity) have behaved that way to me?' 'UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE, EVER.' Immediately what clicked was that the behavior was clinically "sick," "ill...." I happen to be trained in psychology so understand that I mean "clinically" sick; I'm not throwing stones. Well, in seeing that I was receiving sick behavior, two things happened within me then, and since in such situations: 1. I no longer took it personally, which if I did, would paralyze me with hurt, rage, self-doubt..., and 2. It put my relationship to the inflicter in perspective - they were sufficiently unhealthy that a "healthy" relationship with them was obviously impossible, massively unlikely, unworthy of the time and effort....

Soooo, with all this did I then, and do I now in such situations respond instead with a sense of superiority? Does a good MD feel superior to a sick client? NO! But with the clarity I've just outlined to you I'm able to move on emotionally to the Life of Service where Joy is to be found, and not get bogged down. And, I've learned the humility that Jesus had, "no one comes to me except that the Father brings them." Such sickness that can be so hurtful IS NOT CURABLE DIRECTLY by us. It just isn't. AND IT FEEDS ON THE ATTEMPT BY THE WOUNDED PARTY TO HEAL IT! Sooooo, I just move on. If Our Father, Fate, Chance softens / heals the heart of the wounding party at some future date, YAHOO, I'm there to celebrate! But I leave that in Our Father's hands, and move on, realizing that by refusing to get derailed by cruelty done to me, and devoting myself to folks that desperately need, and can absorb my Loving service, I'm being the Light that could possibly lead to a regrowth of Humanity in the person that was horrible to me.

I don't know if this is helpful to you at all. If it is somewhat helpful, but provokes another question or so, please feel free.

Your brother, sl

ps: Of course, with all I've said above, of course this was enormously hurtful to you at the time, but I think it needn't be hurtful going forward.


"Does anyone Love their kids enough to draw their Hatred, or risk their pulse?" SL

From FaceBook ( dialog with Kristen:

SL initial post: "The Kindest thing I do is Face, Reflect, and thereby Bear the Price of Our Massively Sick way of Being." SL

Kristen:  True, true...Question, how do you suggest dealing with very materialistic people when you are trying, and living a "simpler" life? How do you not insult, but stay true to your way of life? Asking because I live in a very wealthy NYC suburb, and my kids are around the "Haves" all the time. We proudly, are among the "Have Less":)

SL: Sister Kristen, you've asked the most important, most difficult, entirely crucial question on earth. More later, a few things now. I was born and raise in one of the wealthiest towns on earth, Short Hills, NJ, in a $2-3 million house. you ask is the equivalent of - how do I grow grass in the middle of a freeway lane; or how do I raise a healthy child when the only thing to drink is Draino; or, if all in my extended family and community are alcoholics, how do I raise my child to abstain, while avoiding animosity from my extended family? It is that dire. It is that necessary. A bit more from me, I expect, later. Your brother, SL

Thank you Start, familiar with Short Hills, renting in Tenafly. Your analogies are so accurate.It is overwhelming and trying, but trying to just be who I am, putting around in 90 volvo stationwagon, and telling my kids most of what they want just isn't real~Namaste and the best to you

SL: Life IS devotion those most suffering - clinically, let alone according to the life and teachings of those like King, Gandhi, Jesus... Therefore, IF WE LOVE OUR CHILDREN, WE WILL RISK EVERYTHING, SACRIFICE EVERYTHING... FOR OUR CHILDREN AB...OVE ALL... TO HELP THEM FORGET THEMSELVES, AND SPEND THEIR LIVES ENTIRELY (DID I SAY ENTIRELY?) ON THE NEEDIEST OF OUR HUMAN FAMILY. Those extreme few that find the Love for their children, courage and wisdom to follow what I've said - WILL PROBABLY BE HATED BY THEM, DIVORCED, ABANDONED. And those few WILL BE THE ONLY ONES THAT LOVE THEIR CHILDREN ENOUGH TO GIVE THEM A CHANCE AT LIFE. Your brother forever, no matter what, SL

"The Kindest thing I do is Face, Reflect, and thereby Bear the Price of Our Massively Sick way of Being." SL

"The Kindest thing I do is Face, Reflect, and thereby Bear the Price of Our Massively Sick way of Being."  SL



"Spiritual Masturbation: It is sickening watching this budding Pastor / Elder program himself to babble, each morning in front of the White House." SL

"It is sickening watching this budding Pastor / Elder program himself to babble,
each morning in front of the White House."  SL

He comes about 6:40 am and walks in circles around the vigil, mindless of it,
for maybe 15 min every morning.  He just babbles about gowd, amerca,
luv my cuntry.... He's smart.  Zero Love.  Zero Holy Spirit - conscience,
Love, Humanity, compassion....  Babble, so he can A. Spiritually Masturbate
(it is fun), and B. Hopefully achieve a position of power OVER others in
some "Church" somewhere.  It is an eye-opening behind the scenes look for
me at the perversion that calls itself "Church."


[see pic] "Anyone thinking those of Any Religion More Godly per se - is SICK." SL

If I've ever seen glimpses of Godliness, it was in the Souls
of these Muslim kids from Indonesia.  "No one comes to Me (Godliness)
except that the Father Brings Them," JC.  See for yourself -


Isaiah of his fellow citizens: "The whole head is sick, the whole heart faint."

Isaiah of his fellow citizens: "The whole head is sick, the whole heart faint."

And so it continues, unchanged, today.

I regularly, daily get asked, "Uh, I see the crosses on your head, are you
a Christian?"  Now mind you, the folks that stop by to talk to me are self-selected,
the 1 out of 1000 that have any Life left in them.  I reply, "I Love you, and
Jesus, far too much to be a Christian.  My "Christian" brothers and sisters
like to talk, pray, preach and sing about being Christian. I WANT TO DO IT!"

Not one out of 40 people I say this to doesn't immediately "get" what I'm 
saying, and appreciate it, with some measure of thanks; gratitude, agreement.


"Provoking a Paradigm Shift: The Function of Peace Making (to Starting Loving)." SL (CLICK for more...)

[part of a FB dialog with my sister BA]

How old is this woman? [take a moment, look closely,
formulate your answer, before you scroll down further]

Shift Your Paradigm




:-) So, the picture is used to show our capacity to
see a bunch of information and have our mind then
make sense of it, and our mind tends to do that all
in a bunch! So, objectively the picture is just a
bunch of black and white ink! But quickly the mind
works to make sense of it, seeing either a mature
woman or an immature girl, but rarely both. BUT
AFTER A LOT OF WORK, most people can coax their
mind to shift and see the figure that previously they
didn't see. So, our minds seek a paradigm by which
to make sense of things, but often, usually in this
sickest of all societies, we arrive at the incorrect,
wrong, paradigm. My point in all this is that what I've
been Given, by Our Father, is the gift of a massive
paradigm shift, from the massively deadly, wrong,
incorrect, sinful paradigm that prevails in our society,
to the one that Jesus died to show us, as did King,
Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt...Shifting from the Adam
Smithian Paradigm of 'The World is here for me,' to
the Eleanor Rooseveltian 'I am here for Thee;' from
Fascist-GOP Authoritarian to Lincoln-Obama
Authoritative. And the other part of
my point is that, although someone on the outside,
like me, can try to offer, to coax, another to spend
the time and work to "see" the other paradigm, but
they can't actually do that work for the other. It HAS
to happen within the other, or it doesn't happen.
And words can help, but the real work is in the mind,
the Soul; of one that REALLY, REALLY wants to "See."
And so it was with Jesus, too - "No one comes to
me except that the Father brings them." Jesus
tried to coax the Rich Young Man, but the Father
didn't bring him. And Jesus wept. Me too.

So, your wonderful set of questions about 2 posts ago
sparked all this in me to share with you. Occasionally
I can help another by answering a few of their questions,
but mostly I can help them by really, really, really...
encouraging them to look deeply, deeply, deeply...
at the sites I've created - , , , .
to try and grasp the paradigm that has grasped me.
IT IS DIFFERENT! But it is exactly the paradigm that
grasped Jesus, King, Gandhi..., tho my words and
understandings may be a bit different.

The way I think about these sites sometimes is, 'Start,
if a lightening strike totally erased everything you know,
and everything you've become, far and away the fastest
way to 're-boot' yourself would be if someone locked
you in a room with only these sites, above.

xx sl