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Showing posts with label Salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salvation. Show all posts


***** SPDF Day 52-29: I was thinking today, it is more clear to me than ever that all is lost... Democracy, near all that is good, near all of Creation, Palestine, the American Soul... but everyone, anyone, can be Saved, in this Life... from the degenerating, disintegrating world around them... if they, when they, as they... forget their own life, and devote their every breath to the neediest in the world. This is Heaven, Salvation, and no one can deprive them of it... but themselves. More than ever before it is desperately important that we each strive for this Salvation... that we might increase by whatever miniscule amount... the likelihood that someone else too might find the Path.

*****  I was thinking today, it is more clear to me than ever that all is lost...  Democracy, near all that is good, near all of Creation, Palestine,  the American Soul... but everyone, anyone, can be Saved, in this  Life... from the degenerating, disintegrating world around them... if  they, when they, as they... forget their own life, and devote their  every breath to the neediest in the world.  This is Heaven, Salvation,  and no one can deprive them of it... but themselves.  More than ever  before it is desperately important that we each strive for this  Salvation... that we might increase by whatever miniscule amount...  the likelihood that someone else too might find the Path.


***** STOP. STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING. READ THIS. NOW. I've been imploring a friend to share her story. She just did and gave me permission to share.

She is a giving and gifted artist.

"Hope your feeling better today and that your energy is returning to you!

A friend of mine told me that I should tell you my story of unconditional love. She thought it would further inspire you. So here it goes....

My father was a evil man , he physically and sexually abused me beyond imagination . I was passed around to his friends like a party favor. He was paid well for me even at the age of 5 ... When I was 12 I had a baby beaten from my body that he then killed and took away. It was his child.

I left home at 14. When I was thirty I was called by my family and my mother was on her death bed.. I cared for her , giving her sponge baths and singing to her.. With her last words she told me she never loved me and that God would never recognize my existence . I held her as she died and forgave her , I prayed for her.

Soon after my father took ill with lung cancer... I took care of him until he died and forgave him on his death bed while he was in my arms.

The year I took care of him was one of the hardest years of my life... I asked him everyday why. I never got an answer till the last day ... He simply said , because I could .

When I told him as he died that I forgave him and loved him , he asked why... I said because I could.

That is unconditional love . To love in the face of hate. No matter the pain caused to you ...

I wear the scared body they left me .. Imprints of a hammer on my skull .. Deformations in my back from the cage. Brittle bone from childhood malnutrition ... Burn marks and frontal lobe atrophy from the extreme abuse. Yet I forgave , I loved.

 Unconditional ... I know the word all tooo well , I live it ! You may share this if you do not share my name."

Post Script:

I asked my friend: Does this quote from Eve Ensler, relate to you? "The only salvation is Kindness." Does that relate to you? 

My friend's reply: 

"Love is salvation and my reason to keep moving, breathing , and understanding other people ! It's what I hold highest in my life... I was raised to know never to put value in things .. Things come and go and are meaningless .. But the living are the only value of spirit and love! ( thank you grandmother !) I understand every ones pain is relevant.. Your experience of suffering is as valid as mine. I am sorry you endured it!"


Homeless vet Israel this morning: loving, I get paid next week and I'm going to rebuild your vigil. This 52 year old African American man, very intense, very serious , I have every reason to believe he means what he says. I'm deeply humbled and encouraged to inspire even a little of this goodness in another. This is our entire work, is it not?

Homeless vet Israel this morning: loving, I get paid next week and I'm going to rebuild your vigil. This 52 year old African American man, very intense, very serious, I have every reason to believe he means what he says. I'm deeply humbled and encouraged to inspire even a little of this goodness in another. This is our entire work, is it not?


nd 'I caught a flash of Jesus' vision last night. First time I've experienced that. It was his late in life prophecy Of how it would be in the end. It is not the details that I'm interested in or believe. It is the emphasis on how many are lost, AND WILL STAY LOST, DETERMINEDLY, AND THAT THIS WAS A LATE IN LIFE REVELATION FOR HIM, AN UNWANTED REVELATION FOR HIM, AS IT IS FOR ME . To his horror he saw how many were lost. He saw how few could be saved. Me too. I'm really damnale if I keep forgetting this. It is irresponsible of me. It is wrong.' Loving

nd 'I caught a flash of Jesus' vision last night.  First time I've experienced that.  It was his late in life prophecy Of how it would be in the end. It is not the details that I'm interested in or believe. It is the emphasis on how many are lost, AND WILL STAY LOST, DETERMINEDLY, AND THAT THIS WAS A LATE IN LIFE REVELATION FOR HIM, AN UNWANTED REVELATION FOR HIM, AS IT IS FOR ME . To his horror he saw how many were lost. He saw how few could be saved. Me too. I'm really damnale if I keep forgetting this.  It is irresponsible of me.  It is wrong.' Loving


(detail) Ecocide's DeathFast Day 15 status: I'm accepting 2 more days of hospitality indoors... (more)

Ecocide's DeathFast Day 15:  I'm accepting 2 more days of hospitality indoors In order to meet a self-imposed deadline of midnight Sunday to cease liquids - the final phase of my puny attempt to awaken the cold dead soul of America, in time to avert Perpetual Ecocide for the next 1000 generations of everyone's kids.'

Zero calorie fast continues.

Averaging 3 hours per night of sitting-up sleep, because I pass out of paralytic exhaustion.

Joyful, massively, productive in what could, COULD be the missing catalyst for someone(s) else besides Diane Wilson, and myself, to begin fighting commensurate with the scale of the ecocide.

It's hard to raise the Dead, particularly when being Dead is what the population lusts for (this is already the zombie apocalypse), but only rasing the Dead to Life will save the next 200 billion, so I try, with immense Joy, Loving, Passion, and Peace of Heart, to raise the cold, Dead Souls of America, in time.'



***** nd [SEE LIBRARY TAB] 'If I had to select the most important author to study to avert Ecocide? Tolstoy's writings his last 32 years, based on his vastly superior translation of Jesus' Gospel.' Loving

nd [SEE LIBRARY TAB] 'If I had to select the most important author to study to avert Ecocide?  Tolstoy's writings his last 32 years, based on his vastly superior translation of Jesus' Gospel. These writings were determinative in the forming of Gandhi and MLK Jr.' Loving


***** nd 'Now I'm Living for the New Holocaust Survivors: Have I given up all hope of averting Ecocide? Essentially. Clearly Jesus too gave up on mass Salvation from material and Spiritual Hell. I've NOT lost hope in The Lifeboat of Joy for a few, in the future, regardless - Unconditionally Loving - Heaven; even, Especially, on an earthly Hell.' Loving

***** nd 'Now I'm Living for the New Holocaust Survivors: 
Have I given up all hope of averting Ecocide?  Essentially. 
Clearly Jesus too gave up on mass Salvation from material
and Spiritual Hell.  I've NOT lost hope in The Lifeboat of Joy
for a few, in the future, regardless - Unconditionally Loving -
Heaven; even, Especially, on an earthly Hell.' 



'DC City Threatening to Throw Out All my Belongings' Loving

While I was at the library making final preparations for 6 months in chemo prison the DC City guys came by to throw out my belongings.  I'll guess the Canadian Embassy made a complaint.  I bear no grudges.  The City is within their Rights.  I Pray it doesn't come down to my stuff being thrown out with just several weeks before I enter prison, and have the stuff stored.  Hmmmm.

I'll stay on a much shorter leash than I have in recent weeks, as I've been preparing for prison, and fortunately that prep work is all but done.

We'll see.  If someone is out to get me, they will. I'll still leave for 20 min if I need the rest-room and late afternoon for 50 min for the homeless dinner truck.

If they are not out to 'get' me, it will be ok.  We'll see.

I have a 3 hour med cancer screening next week, and a three hour cancer consult the following week.  It will be interesting.  There probably isn't anyone to watch it for me.  :-(

NOTE: The reason I know of the city's visit?  A homeless guy, black, late 60ish, very staunch, very solitary, not 'friendly,' saw the city messing with the stuff and spoke up for me.  I've been here 8 months, and he maybe 15 years, I've heard.  In all but the last 3 weeks he has treated me like pariah.  But while respecting his space, I'm his brother, and when I know of a bad-weather report, I'll quickly pass word to him.  When I receive extra food, I'll offer it to him.  I literally don't look at him for a reply, because that is what I think he expects, someone offering something expecting something in return, even 'thanks.'  I NEVER look for anything in return.  My every breath is given as a brother.  The 'giving' is the Joy - it is the Gift, to Self.  But obviously it has engendered in him a higher level of humanity.  That is the entire reason we are here - to bring Loving into the world.  That is the work of Saving.


"Ecocide's not unleashing because of the Good we do; but the Good we don't do - the completely unreasonable, personally massively disruptive, costly steps we don't do." Loving (MORE)

"Ecocide's not unleashing because of the Good we do; but the Good we don't do -  the completely unreasonable, personally massively disruptive, costly steps we don't do."  Loving

"We are not unleashing Ecocide on Humanity because we don't Love.  We are unleashing Ecocide on Humanity because we Conditionally Love, we 'Reasonably' Love, we Love except when it is massively, massively, massively... Inconvenient!" Loving.  And that will be the epitaph on Earth unless and until an immediate, raging, Painful, Fire of Unreasonable, Unconditional, Massively Inconvenient Loving is unleashed.  Now.  To This, BEING IT first myself, my every breath is, and will remain devoted.  That is for certain.  And that at times the few making the mistake of traveling near me will feel Joy, Meaning, Goodness by our interchange, is fairly sure; and that they will feel Searing Pain, Agony, such as you are now feeling, me being the catalyst, also will be certain.