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Showing posts with label SELF-CENTERED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SELF-CENTERED. Show all posts


***** SPDF Day 52: The degeneration of America is the degeneration of empathy as measured among college students since the 1970s

***** SPDF Day 52: must must must must read. Critics are right to condemn the criminal justice system for its embedded inequities and injustices, but they are hesitant to condemn the actual jurors giving killer cops get-out-of-jail-free cards. These jurors are representational of America: ignorant and cold.

Inequality will continue to grow and injustice will continue to worsen until America is made to actually deal with its levels of selfish indifference to suffering, from ordinary people on grand juries to those who occupy the highest thrones of power.
The sane minority might ostensibly protest the racism of the criminal justice system, but they are actually demanding that America become a civilized society. No civilization would tolerate what America has recently done, but it is that very concept —the idea of civilization—that the silent majority so fiercely seems to hate and reject.


nd. SPDF Day 51: Musing: Those who leave when their counties are in distress, or for 'better opportunities' - Europe for Early America, Europe for South Africa, Palestine for America, Cuba for America - are these the most Godless, Self-Centered, Affloholic, Sociopathic?

nd. SPDF Day 51: Musing:  Those who leave when their counties are in distress, or for 'better opportunities' - Europe for Early America, Europe for South Africa, Palestine for America, Cuba for America - are these the most Godless, Self-Centered, Affloholic, Sociopathic?

***** SPDF Day 51: PROFOUNDLY TROUBLING - FURTHER INDICATION THE PALESTINE DIASPORA IS WORTHLESS - The moral hypocrisy of American Muslims for Palestine on the Armenian Genocide

The moral hypocrisy of American Muslims for Palestine on the Armenian Genocide - See more at:

***** SPDF Day 51: The question of punishing illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territory was considered separately in Europe and Israel last week, with only superficial differences in the conclusions reached. Israel’s near half-century occupation is in no immediate danger, either at home or abroad.


SPDF Day 44: funding is barely half that required to avoid irreversible, global, catastrophic, complete ecocide


***** SPDF Dayi 42: Hell. Clinton PASSES THE ISREALI GENOCIDE TEST WITH FLYING COLORS... detailed article. HEIL NETANYAHU!!!!,7340,L-4646394,00.html

Chris Hedges Print this item The Whoredom of the Left

SPPDF Day 42; Israel’s 51-day conflict with Gaza ended last summer, more than seven months ago. You would not believe it if you were there. Rubble and twisted metal still mark the remains of hospitals, schools and houses, as though the bombs had only just stopped falling.

SPDF Day 42: Our Coming Theocratic Hell: The Right’s “Religious Freedom” Push Is Just the BeginningReligion is far too dangerous to our liberties to be laughed off or mischaracterized as harmless.


***** SPDF Day 41:vlog. "THEY ARE NOT WORTH MY LIFE." This is the ONLY MESSAGE that the world's bystanders hear from the Free Palestine activists. THIS IS MURDER.

Free Palestine activists, our message could not be more clear.  The only message that matters to the onlookers when the issue is social change is, in the case of Palestine, with our actions, every day, we scream, at the all important onlookers - THE PALESTINIANS ARE NOT WORTH OUR LIVES.  THE PALESTINIANS ARE NOT WORTH MY LIFE.  STOPPING THE SLAUGHTER OF PALESTINIANS BY ISRAEL AND THE UNITED STATES, IS NOT WORTH MY LIFE.

This is all the matters.  This is all the onlookers hear.  And as long as the onlookers hear that message with resounding clarity then extermination of the Palestinians is exactly what we should expect to see.  Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

The thousands of young people that went to Tahrir Square, three years ago or so, screamed a very different message - THIS IS WORTH OUR LIVES. RIDDING EGYPT OF MUBARAK, IS WORTH OUR LIVES. They said it individually, they said it collectively, with their actions, with their lives, with their commitment. And the onlookers of the world saw that, understood the message, that something noble was worth the lives of indivuduals, and they screamed - NO, DON'T LET THOSE PEOPLE IN TAHRIR SQUARE BE KILLED, at the powers that be, and they heard, and they stopped the slaughter.

Well, Free Palestine activists, be it JVP, J Street, Ali Abunimah, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Open Hillel, If Not Now When, Peace Now, FaceBookers... etc, on and on and on.  Yes, your behavior in many cases is infinitely more heroic than mine was for most of my years.  Yes, your behavior screams, at the onlookers of the world, THIS IS NOT WORTH OUR LIVES.

And of course the heroes in Palestine, who are standing up nonviolently, with their bodies, to stop this slaughter, aren't heard, aren't seen, because of the cowardly treason of the US media. 

So, unless those of us in countries like America that can do so, put our bodies on the line, and keep them there, offering or giving our lives for the freedom of Palestinians, for their full human rights, then we are simply counting the days until the next slaughter, which may be only 2000, could be 20,000, could be 200,000.

Netanyahu is evil but he is not stupid.  He knows that slowly the tide is turning against him. He knows that now he can get away with finishing the job, finishing 48, with impunity, now.

5. Silicon Valley’s culture is hurting our economy. Politicians like to celebrate the tech industry as a boon to the economy, but for most Americans the opposite is true. As economist Joseph Stiglitz and others have documented, monopoly practices exert a significant drag on the economy. The economy becomes increasingly capital-driven, rather than labor-driven. Monopolies suppress wages, overcharge consumers, mistreat suppliers, and drive the economy increasingly off-course.


Chris Hedges: vid. 60 min. the question is how do we make the elites afraid of us? Wages of rebellion part 2

***** SPDF Day 39: Is No One COMMITTED to Palestine? Outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens....

SPDF Day 39:  outside of Palestine I see dozens or even thousands of involved citizens. I am not sure that I see any that are committed. There is no hope, there has never been any hope, except when citizens were committed.  'The chicken is involved, the pig is committed.'

appalling ways America leads the world Welcome to the new American exceptionalism: Number one in obesity, guns, prisoners, anxiety and more ...


***** SPDF Day 38: My email to

I'm on Day 38 of the Stop Palestines Death Fast here in
Washington DC. 

Given that, maybe you can take the moment
or two it will take to read the following.  I don't ask for a reply.
I ask that you think.  Deeply deeply think.

"Never Again" suggests, implies, states, pretty explicitly, that
humanity should stop, and pay any personal price necessary,
to stop another Holocaust, and although the scale is different,
Palestine is another Holocaust.

You all do some good stuff.  Do you care enough about the
Palestinians to ask the question - given what we and others
will do, what is the likely hood that we will EVER bring them
the mass Human Rights they deserve?  Do you care enough
about them to ask that question? If you do, the answer you will
see is - NO.  Given all current efforts not in 10, 20, or 50 years
is it LIKELY that full human rights will come to the Palestinians.
Is that acceptable to you?

If not, will you escalate?  How?  What price will you individually
be willing to pay?

I suggest that this is the Law of Social Change that must be satisfied to make
it LIKELY that Palestines will be saved:

I suggest that this is the only (nonviolent) weapon (I can think of after decades
of practice and study) that they can be saved, or something

James McGinley