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Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts


Susie come!" How close to the edge she is, measured by how irritating she is I suspect.....

Susie come!" How close to the edge she is, measured by how irritating she is I suspect.
At the base of this beautiful mountain, on an otherwise peaceful 'holiday' morning in a half populated small Campground, my neighbor, Susie come! Susie come! Susie come! Over and over and over and over.
Periodically I've been wondering how to deal with this.
Among other things it brought to mind how infinitely more irritating I was when in early 20s I had a wonderful dog, but was a thousand times more noisy than this lady.
So glad I am for the thought that just occurred to me. How irritating she is probably speaks very accurately about how close to the edge she probably is. It certainly did with me.


Autism. The blind pathologizing those .... >>>

Autism. The blind pathologizing those who have sight? Extraordinary insights from my friend. Empathy deficit? Deep empathy overload. Overloaded souls in a sick world.

To my friend who has children with autism I sent this video that you've probably seen, along with the following note. And my friend replied.

Depressed and Then Diagnosed With Autism, Greta Thunberg

I wrote: I so relate to this young person. I've often wondered if I am on the autistic Spectrum though that is supposed to involve profound lack of empathy and that does not seem to be my problem. Hugs

My friend: ahhhhhh well that's the very very common and very very wrong assumption that so many make about those with autism...even folks who are supposedly experienced and trained make this mistake all too often....that those on the spectrum lack empathy. I have never seen this to be the case. Not in my children and certainly not in any of the other autistic folks I've been around of any age. If anything it is more suffering from a profound SURPLUS of empathy and being near paralyzed by it that is far more typical. And I read more and more articles that back up this more radical view.

It is more a lack of empathy on the part of the caregivers and the researchers in my opinion that leads them to this very wrong conclusion. Because they fail so utterly to understand the motivations and reactions of these unique individuals. Because how could they understand? Their brains are not wired at all the same.

Here's an example. When my child was in 2nd grade he got suspended and I was called down to the office to school for a "very serious" incidence of my child apparently "BULLYING" another child. I was shocked, flabbergasted and appalled that his teachers and administrators at the school so utterly failed to see who my child is and what he is capable of. So I went to the school and listened to all the things they accused my child of. Here was the tale: there was another student who was having a hard time, crying, throwing a tantrum, apparently inconsolable. and while the teachers and "responders" were trying their hardest to contain the situation, My child was absolutely incapable of following the instructions all the other students were given to ignore what was going on and get back to work. What /they/ saw was that my child walked over and started laughing in close proximity to the boy. In defiance of their orders. So they interpreted that as malicious, as him laughing AT the boy and trying to make things worse. Which somehow escalated into him being a bully. So I kept quiet and listened as they all scrambled to roll out this story about my son that not a single bone in my body felt was true. When they concluded I said, well, what did my child tell you happened when you asked him? And they all stopped and looked at each other and said, well, we didn't ask him. We just sent your child to the office for disobeying and making everything worse for everyone. Your child was being a BULLY they insisted.

So I said, did my child cause the student to be sad? or upset? No, no your child didn't do that. I said, okay well my child is in the next room, go ask my child. So my child came in and looked red and ashamed and vulnerable and sad and I said, can you tell me why you laughed when that boy was having a hard time? And my child started crying and said through his tears, "I was laughing because the teachers told us that laughter was the best medicine for sadness, so I wanted to go over and cheer him up"

You could have heard a pin drop. I smiled and looked at my child and said, "of course you did honey, thank you, that's what I thought. You need to know that most people didn't understand that's what you were trying to do, and that most people here don't think the way you do, so you may have to occasionally explain to them what you're doing so they understand."

So they let my child go back into the other room. And I stared them down and said, okay, so first you're going to tear up that piece of paper that uses the word BULLY that you want me to sign and put in my child’s permanent record. And then you're going to find a way to apologize to my my child for traumatizing him over my child’s misguided attempts to help a friend in need. And then you're going to let my child get back to class and learn some stuff rather than punish my child for giving a fuck.

ANYWAYS, they did all the things I asked. And my child has been treated and responded to differently ever since. They now understand that my child is NOT even capable of lying and if anything is more likely to get in trouble by confessing to doing things my child thinks maybe shouldn't have even when nobody is looking for someone to blame. They also understand that my child’s heart, even if actions are awkward and confused because of difficulty connecting with and understanding how to interact with neurotypical folks, is in the right place. It's gotta be so frustrating and challenging for my child when I'm not there to help translate for or advocate for him, but my child's getting better at doing that all the time.

James, I'd say, there's a pretty strong chance you are on the higher functioning end of the autism spectrum. I know that I very likely am. It's just that being female for some reason makes the symptoms different, less severe, than it can present in males. I suffer greatly at times from an excess of empathy. It's crippling, if you look at it in a way...but in other ways it's enormously liberating, because I can see and understand things at a level so many others seem utterly incapable of. Fascinating, really...

Thank you for sharing this :) I love reading stories of children standing up to asshole adults Heart.

My friend provided some of the research and I found a third piece easily.

The blind Society pathologizing those who can see.

PS. What a tremendous contribution from my friend, and personally I find it extremely Illuminating on my own life. A shallow empathy cripple am I, but deep empathy, not so much. For much of my years I yearned for the reverse. But for decades now I have understood it as my wealth. My soul. My life. Thank goodness it was never the reverse.


Joy is the solution to life, Goodness, Flourishing, Parenting, Optimal Experience, Personal trauma..... [species flourishing].....>>>

Joy is the solution to life, Goodness, Flourishing, Parenting, Optimal Experience, Personal trauma..... [species flourishing].....

40 years I've been living on the basis of this Theory. As an executive leader in the high-tech industry it was my guiding principle. As a parent. But not blindly, nothing blindly.

My initial base of information was observing my father who did this in my view, and through him the person Jesus, and Gandhi, and King, Teresa of Calcutta and many since.

To say that joy is the answer is to say that the cure for individual or Collective cancer has been found. This Theory may be incorrect but that is the import of what it asserts, far more important than the Cure of cancer which only kills the body.

Instrumentation is beginning to exist to prove or disprove this Theory within the human nervous system but what is lacking is scientists with their hands on these instruments that have any knowledge or experience of joy in their lives so the best I can hope is that they will slowly approximate and I'm afraid like George vaillant, spiritual Evolution, totally misinterpret and Missapply the results.

Were any of the individuals I just mentioned in on this conversation they would be saying, yes, James, the above is exactly right.

If I did anything right as a father it was realizing pretty much on the day of the first one's birth, that joy is what I wanted for that child and then the second one, more than anything else. And that therefore as a father I owed to that child more than anything else that there be joy in my life as my example would be the most powerful influence I would have on that child, those children. I was quite sure that was true then, all of my study, practice, experience, life everyday since has indicated that it was.

Where does Joy come from? It is the reward provided by the nervous system when it thinks we are devoting our very existence to do something really really important for others who are in dire need. The best formula I've come up with is serving the neediest from the soul in solidarity.

[It was the solution to species survival and flourishing, but it is too late for that. But it will always be the solution to the individual flourishing even on the sinking Titanic, every breath.]

Every breath that I am given my highest priority will be on substantiating the above for myself through exhaustive study of the most scholarly information, practice, and sharing that in how I live and in what I write as best I can.

The most substantiated book on psychology in this vein is George vaillant, spiritual evolution. I'm on my 5th reading and struggling to keep my head from exploding with how much he got wrong, but he got Nuggets right that the horrible insane field of psychology has gotten wrong for so long.

At his recommendation I'm also reading Karen Armstrong, the great transformation, which among other things brilliantly presents the history of the Great inventors throughout history for ways of being individually and collectively to optimize experience, so-called religions. They have been relative failures, but there is much much much much to be learned from what they have done so that some of us can figure out how to go beyond, how to invent what was really needed.

Suicide, drugs, mountains of material things, alcohol, marijuana, wallowing in regret for depression or guilt, sex addiction, do not occur with the individuals devoted to a life of joy, see it doesn't happen. Inconceivable. People who are trying to be good? Yes, these things happen. But those pursuing Joy by whatever conception or none, no, it doesn't happen. These are the equivalent of the Buddhist ideal who have refused Nirvana to stay and serve.


Vaillant... All forms of spiritual healing have in common empathy, healing within a circle of caring persons, permission to feel and express emotion, shared responsibility for pain, and reverence for life rather than for self. Such “blessings” lower blood pressure, ease pain, relax muscles, and postpone death.

All forms of spiritual healing have in common empathy, healing within a circle of caring persons, permission to feel and express emotion, shared responsibility for pain, and reverence for life rather than for self. Such “blessings” lower blood pressure, ease pain, relax muscles, and postpone death.


Overthrow of the head and flesh by the Soul / heart, the only true Revolution possible. Pic

No, really.  Bet your life on it.

We have a Triune Brain, Reptile (Flesh, selfish), Homo Sapiens (Head, selfish), Mammalian (Soul, Heart, Altruistic, Otherish, Altruistic).  This is the science, neuroscience, ethology, primatology, psychology, anthorpology.

The only possible revolution is to put the Soul, Heart, in charge.

The Titanic we, WE, are sinking, is the necessary certain result of the Head and Flesh in charge.  They DO NOT KNOW, CAN NOT CARE ABOUT, future of creation. DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.  THINK ABOUT IT.  Only the Heart, Soul, is designed and capable of CARING for the future of creation.  This is what my life, and this site, have been about for the last 10 years.

The proof of the head and flesh (Reptilian brain) in charge.  Trump and his hoards are the Reptile people.  No?? The Democrats, Liberals, are the Head... Silicon, Cerebral, gutless, heartless, intellectual people.  NO?!?!?!?!?

THE Revolution, Soul/Heart in charge, HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED.  Jesus tried to start it and BEFORE HIS BODY WAS COLD, his 'followers' genned up a Religion of Head and Flesh under his brand.  The exceptions prove the rule.

Why wage this Revolution?

1.  Waging it is the only Joy.

2.  Waging it is the only possibility of Joy for those you can influence.

3. Waging it is the only way to possibly provide a good future for future generations, though ecocide, armageddon, is now beyond avoiding, but the survivors....

Get on with it.

For more, click on the 'tags' below for more posts and information. Explore this site, posts at the right timeline, tags at the bottom left..  I am a pitiful instrument, but am 40 years ahead of the 2018 science.  I know what I'm talking about.  Ignore this at your peril, a the peril of all whom you  influence.

Regardless, never say I didn't do my best for you.  I have, and will continue to do so.

My life remains devoted, every breath, to this revolution.  Subscribe at the upper right, to the daily email summary. Or not.  I cannot do your part, nor will I anymore try. You can lead a horse to water....



Review. Behave, Robert sapolsky. Must read owners manual. Detail

If one owns and nervous system and cares deeply about the world and how things operate this is a must-read owners manual for all who have a nervous system and thinks it matters. It seems to me that this extraordinary it elect, neuroscientist, paleontologist, Stanford University, and great human being, decided to share with us what he has had to come to understand to make any sense of the world and the human beings in it. He is a wonderful writer. Every relevant discipline from Neuroscience to Sociology to evolutionary biology, psychology on and on and on, highly cited, writing that is brilliant, a reflection of his great Humanity.


Research, salon, creative brains are different period article


Never ever can we take responsibility for the outcome of our actions, while every breath taking responsibility for our actions. Never in control of any outcome are we. full effort is full success, rightly said Gandhi. We are called to be faithful, not successful, said Teresa of Calcutta.

Never ever can we take responsibility for the outcome of our actions, while every breath taking responsibility for our actions. Never in control of any outcome are we. full effort is full success, rightly said Gandhi. We are called to be faithful, not successful, said Teresa of Calcutta.


Regularly Behavior makes me think, you're stupid, an idiot, ignorant, thoughtless, sick.... Well, yes, few today have retained any Mental Health. That's the problem.

Regularly Behavior makes me think, you're stupid, an idiot, ignorant, thoughtless, sick.... Well, yes, few today have retained any Mental Health. That's the problem.

Massive emergency repairs required. The trouble began last night and continued for many hours. Not a.....

Massive emergency repairs required. The trouble began last night and continued for many hours. Not a..... problem this time with this miraculous mechanical machine, but with the bio machine operating it. Recently I've mentioned how my meditation and prayer life have gone by the wayside for the demands of this mission for many many weeks or months now. Last night in a paid for $21 spot in a Fairground created a space I've not had for a long time, complete control of my time in the morning. I think that's what my nervous system sensed and said, f*** it man, you're going to give me some attention and some much-needed repair. If showered me with an anxiety storm that lasted for many hours. It took three or four hours of attempted meditation to get back in control of my mind. We attach all sorts of stigma to what I've just written, don't we? That's ridiculous. We are extremely complex organisms and when placed under dire demand we need work to maintain them. By 10:30 this morning, although disappointed that departing at 4:30 for strategic points didn't happen, I felt much stronger for all the work. An alternative explanation for the anxiety storm that raged in me for many hours is that in going to Triple doses of Imodium for control of my cancer related diarrhea may have a psychological side effect. I have not researched that. I have not gone to Triple doses likely but with 1/3 less colon than I was born with and being on the road all the time I have needed to go to Triple doses to try and get things under control. I don't know if that will work. And no longer having any medical support, no doctor, don't have access to the stronger medications that are available.


I don't feel foolish, but it's funny. What terrified me literally yesterday, is a challenge and feeling ready to face today. This is a repeated pattern. If it doesn't kill you grow. I'm........

I don't feel foolish, but it's funny. What terrified me literally yesterday, is a challenge and feeling ready to face today. This is a repeated pattern. If it doesn't kill you grow. I'm........ thinking of the Terrible unknown crushing climbs down from Siskiyou pass for 100 miles. Back roads in the middle of nowhere. But it happens repeatedly. Like depression, or maybe a form of depression, fear, Terror, can be very adaptive. Shocking the nervous system into a brief Retreat, giving time to ponder, regroup, learn.


By virtue of our DNA  design we are agents of Creation in small tribes, and the Agents of Destruction in larger and or hitech groups.

By virtue of our DNA  design we are agents of Creation in small tribes, and the Agents of Destruction in larger and or hitech groups.

No, everything is not fine. My depression has been periodic in my life, an inspirational and creative friend. Yes I have understandably.....

No, everything is not fine. My depression has been periodic in my life, an inspirational and creative friend. Yes I have understandably worked to surmount the depression. I no longer find that this is called for for me. My job, the job of all of us is and must be, to stir people's hearts. Fun, Pleasant, nice to be around, is not what the world needs from me, or you. Disturbed, mildly depressed. Not as an act, but as the only sane response to what is being done by us to all creation. One of the few great psychologists, Abraham Maslow, was asked at an august convention where he was speaking, dr. Maslow you cite Abraham Lincoln as iconic of human health , yet Lincoln was known to be depressive. Maslow replied, you think someone being depressed in the midst of a civil war Slaughter is a sign of unhealthy?