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Showing posts with label Our Father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Father. Show all posts


"Start, a dear 'Friend' just was massively cruel. Have you advice?"

"Friend, I'm honored and glad that you asked. I do feel I have a view worth sharing, but of course you'll need to decide its applicability and validity for you.

Most of my life to date I'd be deeply impacted by mean or cruel behavior directed toward me. But not, thank God, at all for 8 years or so now. Zero. My Heart hasn't hardened at all in that time, quite the opposite. But my Understanding of Life has grown ever so much.

Here's how the breakthru for me came. Someone had been just hideous to me, and the thought that came to me was - 'Uh, under what circumstances would Teresa of Calcutta (substitute your own personal hero of Humanity) have behaved that way to me?' 'UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE, EVER.' Immediately what clicked was that the behavior was clinically "sick," "ill...." I happen to be trained in psychology so understand that I mean "clinically" sick; I'm not throwing stones. Well, in seeing that I was receiving sick behavior, two things happened within me then, and since in such situations: 1. I no longer took it personally, which if I did, would paralyze me with hurt, rage, self-doubt..., and 2. It put my relationship to the inflicter in perspective - they were sufficiently unhealthy that a "healthy" relationship with them was obviously impossible, massively unlikely, unworthy of the time and effort....

Soooo, with all this did I then, and do I now in such situations respond instead with a sense of superiority? Does a good MD feel superior to a sick client? NO! But with the clarity I've just outlined to you I'm able to move on emotionally to the Life of Service where Joy is to be found, and not get bogged down. And, I've learned the humility that Jesus had, "no one comes to me except that the Father brings them." Such sickness that can be so hurtful IS NOT CURABLE DIRECTLY by us. It just isn't. AND IT FEEDS ON THE ATTEMPT BY THE WOUNDED PARTY TO HEAL IT! Sooooo, I just move on. If Our Father, Fate, Chance softens / heals the heart of the wounding party at some future date, YAHOO, I'm there to celebrate! But I leave that in Our Father's hands, and move on, realizing that by refusing to get derailed by cruelty done to me, and devoting myself to folks that desperately need, and can absorb my Loving service, I'm being the Light that could possibly lead to a regrowth of Humanity in the person that was horrible to me.

I don't know if this is helpful to you at all. If it is somewhat helpful, but provokes another question or so, please feel free.

Your brother, sl

ps: Of course, with all I've said above, of course this was enormously hurtful to you at the time, but I think it needn't be hurtful going forward.


Who's blind to this? Gandhi remains Obama's inspiration - The Economic Times
Among the historical greats who have influenced Barack Obama and from whose lives he draws inspiration is no doubt Mahatma Gandhi, with two places associated with the man revered as the Father of the Nation by India included in the itinerary of the American president during his four-day visit later


"I feel in Solitary Confinement in America, in DC, in 2010 insanity...." SL

"Largely I feel in Solitary Confinement in America,
in 2010 unreality."

Currently my friend Joe, a Jehovah's Witness [of all things!],
is the fellow that speaks enough of my language that I'm not
completely alone day by day. 

This morning I shared with him -

"Regarding my notes to you yesterday, and generally -

1.  I worry that the unequivocal nature of my comments to you
suggest a sense of condescension, lecturing, whatever to you.
I pray not.  What I share and when I share makes no comment
on what you "Know."  It is pretty much all I can do is to try
to keep up on what I "Know,"  what Our Father has "Shown"
me, and to Speak that.  It is quite all I am capable of is trying to keep up with,
and to grasp what He shares.  And I think I'd dis-serve by being
more tactful, or by qualifying what in fact is crystal clear
Truth to me now.  I leave that to the FEW I share with.  Which
leads me to the 2nd point -

2.  The only language I speak is English.  So one can imagine,
if I were ever confined to a prison in a country where no one
spoke English, what an enormous blessing it would be for me if
another English speaker arrived. Well, Joe, currently you are the
person traveling with me who speaks enough of the same language-
of-the-Spirit I'm learning for me to dialog with.  And dialoging
on what I'm Learning is profoundly important to my Spiritual
growth and ability to Serve Humanity. 

Hmmm.  You know, I realize just this moment that
America, earth 2010 IS Solitary Confinement for me, where just 1 in
1,000,000 speak my language, share What I see and Know.
I've always felt in Solitary Confinement, with few breaks.
It is only now that the clarity hits me.

LOL!  I'm glad you are in Prison with me.

I'm deeply Served by, and Grateful for our Relationship.  Brings
tears to my eyes.





"Wrapping OT, NT Hate around Jesus: The Final Crucifixion." SL

"Wrapping OT, NT Hate around Jesus:  The Final Crucifixion." SL

The Double Bind is the most toxic, deadly experience for the human
nervous system - "I Love you," the Priest says as he rapes the
THE HOLY SPIRIT (conscience, truth, sense of humanity).  It
Crushes the Divine within us an leaves no way back.

Wrapping the Love of Jesus in the Hatefulness of the Old and New

Note to a dear fellow Traveler, a missionary for Jehovah's Witnesses:

Brother, this note may end our relationship. Our Father's will be done.

Every day now is teaching me to HATE the Bible.  As long as you've
known me, and for decades prior, I've resisted this lesson.  But no longer.
I detest the Book used to justify the Crusades of centuries ago, the
Crusades of today with so-called Christians - Satan's minions actually -
brutally establishing their will on our Arab / Muslim / Palestinian brothers
and sisters... the Book used to  justify Slavery, Apartheid, subjugation
of women / male superiority, pedophilia, mindlessness instead of
Holy Spirit  ....

But, but, but... what about the Good Christians - the Good product of
the Bible??!???!???!?!  Too far and few between.  They are the
EXCEPTION, and the exception proves the Rule.

One of these days I'll buy a Bible and make it what Jesus attempted to make it,
by ripping out and burning every page except those containing His words.
Every page, Old and New Testament. 

When I meet, and am Examined by Our Father, and Jesus,  they
will grill me harshly on why I resisted this lesson for so many decades.

Your Loving brother,


[see pic] "Anyone thinking those of Any Religion More Godly per se - is SICK." SL

If I've ever seen glimpses of Godliness, it was in the Souls
of these Muslim kids from Indonesia.  "No one comes to Me (Godliness)
except that the Father Brings Them," JC.  See for yourself -


Fw: Friends - I worry for you...


I just sent this to some VERY dear friends, and thought you should
know, hence this BLIND COPY to you, and maybe take my thoughts to heart,

It is NEVER my intent to hurt others, tho more and more I take that risk.
DAMAGE - NO!  Hurt, be the cause of pain and suffering to, as a consequence
of traveling near me?  Yes.  Chemo, intense, harsh chemo.  Yes. More and more.

To those I sent this to, and to you who I copy, I SEEK TO AVOID

Love you,


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Start Loving <>
To: 0 Start Loving (Wage Love) <>
Sent: Thu, July 8, 2010 8:28:13 AM
Subject: Friends - I worry for you...

I worry for some of you in our relationship.  My rage at the status quo
grows by the day, including what calls itself the "Church" that
some of you have such attachment to, ad to overprivilege in a world of
such desperate want, which others of you cling to, as did I for so many
decades, and at our God Damn Apathy and Chosen, Hypocritical "Helplessness."

I've chosen to discard [sacrifice]
everything material in order to get at the Truth [God] as quickly
and Truly as possible, and it works, and the Truth of our US
middle-class culture of entitlement, privilege, supremacy is Deadly,
Suicidal, Murderous, Cancerous, Masturbatory... and it enrages
me, and more and more I'll be flipping over the tables in the
Temples as best I can, placing only my body at risk, but being
the locus of Hurt for those traveling with me. 

I am not asking that our relationship end, that is up to you and
Our Father, but I think it should.  Traveling with you has been a great blessing
to me, but I see it being little more than hurt to you going
forward, and I am NOT at liberty to withhold the Truths that
are revealed to me - only to warn those unready for Them to
avoid being on my field of battle, and being hurt.

Your Loving brother forever, no matter what,


Friends - I worry for you...

I worry for some of you in our relationship.  My rage at the status quo
grows by the day, including what calls itself the "Church" that
some of you have such attachment to, ad to overprivilege in a world of
such desperate want, which others of you cling to, as did I for so many
decades, and at our God Damn Apathy and Chosen, Hypocritical "Helplessness."

I've chosen to discard [sacrifice]
everything material in order to get at the Truth [God] as quickly
and Truly as possible, and it works, and the Truth of our US
middle-class culture of entitlement, privilege, supremacy is Deadly,
Suicidal, Murderous, Cancerous, Masturbatory... and it enrages
me, and more and more I'll be flipping over the tables in the
Temples as best I can, placing only my body at risk, but being
the locus of Hurt for those traveling with me. 

I am not asking that our relationship end, that is up to you and
Our Father, but I think it should.  Traveling with you has been a great blessing
to me, but I see it being little more than hurt to you going
forward, and I am NOT at liberty to withhold the Truths that
are revealed to me - only to warn those unready for Them to
avoid being on my field of battle, and being hurt.

Your Loving brother forever, no matter what,



"FATHER'S DAY: My dad was the most Unconditionally Loving person I've ever known...." SL

Just now I had the most extraordinary Facebook dialog(below)  with two young Friends.
It was sparked by my profile picture:

SS:  Although you seem to never smile, you always seem like the happiest
person wherever you are. I met you once, that is saying something.

CH:  he neednt smile, his eyes are always smiling for him.

SS:  exactly.

SL:  SS, CH - you couldn't possibly know how nice your comments are for
me, on Father's day.  Well, my Father, my dad, is the most Unconditionally,
Universally Loving person I've ever met.  Hmmm, you're bringing tears to
my eyes now.  :-)  Not that it matters, but he's been dead 20 years now. 
What you are noticing about me rarely smiling, this was true of him too! 
But further, you notice the Joy that is ALWAYS in my eyes.  THIS WAS
TRUE OF HIM, TOO!!!!  No one has ever spoken to me of noticing this before. 
Now, maybe you know how very nice for me are your comments. 
Your Loving brother,  Start


SL here. To anyone alive enough to hear: Six Months in Federal Prison for Fighting US Torture and Murder

SL here.  To anyone alive enough to hear:  Six Months in Federal Prison for Fighting US Torture and Murder

I personally know Louis and Michael to be two of the finest, purest souls on Earth.

SOA Watch <>
Sent: Mon, June 14, 2010 11:29:59 AM
Subject: Six Months in Federal Prison!

June 14, 2010
for immediate release

Human rights advocate sentenced to six months in federal prison for civil disobedience at the School of the Americas

Washington, DC resident Michael Walli was one of four human rights advocates who were arrested during the annual November Vigil to close the School of the Americas / Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/ WHINSEC). Michael Walli was sentenced on Monday, June 14, 2010 to six months in federal prison.

During his November arraignment, Michael told judge Malon Faircloth that he would not pay any bail and that he would not voluntarily return for the trial. Michael Walli made good on his promise and Faircloth issued a warrant for Michael's arrest. Federal marshals arrested Michael in March 2010 at the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House in Washington, DC.

Ken Hayes, Father Louis Vitale and Nancy Gwin, the three human rights advocates who were arrested together with Michael Walli, were each sentenced in January 2010 to six months in prison as well - the maximum allowed for the charge of tresspass. The extremely harsh sentences are intended to deter others from following the example of the 'SOAW 4.'

"Those who speak out for justice are facing prison time while SOA-trained torturers and assassins are operating with impunity," said SOA Watch founder Father Roy Bourgeois.

The SOA/WHINSEC is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers. Its graduates are consistently involved in human rights atrocities and coups, including the El Mozote Massacre in El Salvador and last year's military coup in Honduras. In 1996 the Pentagon was forced to release training manuals used at the school that advocated the use of torture, extortion and execution.

SOA Watch works to stand in solidarity with people of Latin America, to change oppressive US foreign policy, and to close the SOA/WHINSEC. In November 2010, thousands will return to the gates of Fort Benning to call for justice and accountability.

Send a message of solidarity to the prisoners:

Make plans to join the November Vigil at the gates of Fort Benning:

School of the Americas Watch,


"My life is Heaven, but when Our Father wants me, I'm ready to go." SL

"My life is Heaven,
but when Our Father wants me, I'm ready to go, too.
I'm tired. 
But if He wants me here
another 50 years, that's cool,
as long as I'm useful."


"In Our Father's eyes, Barack is His Son. You, and yours?" SL

"In Our Father's eyes, Barack is His Son. You, and yours?" SL


Tears in her eyes, 'I really look up to people like you,' ...

It was a group of about 30 middle schoolers from Wisconsin.

They were a bit sleepy this early in the morning, but they were
still able to "hear" what we do, for about 7 minutes.  At the end
one of the chaperones, an early 40ish guy, "Can we ask any questions?"
"Sure I said." "Name me one other country where you could do
what you do...!"  blah blah blah....  He wasn't mean, and neither
was I.  But we were both riled, and the kids saw that.  "Do you
know why we can do this," I asked?  Without awaiting his reply
I said,  "There are two reasons.  One, our brave young men and
women in uniform, the only group in this country I have any respect
for, defend our right with their lives.  And two, people like us 
here at this vigil are willing to go to jail to protect that right, 
as we've gone to jail more than 50 times so far for doing this."  
To his credit, he "got" what I was saying.  The interchange with 
the group ended positively.  

As they departed and the group was moving, a good 20 feet
away now, a little red head came back, with another little 
girl with her for strength.  Tears in her eyes, "I really look up
to people like you," she expressed haltingly thru the tears. 

"It has taken me a lifetime to learn how to stand up for us like 
this, and I'm trying to have others learn faster
than I did.  Your kind words of encouragement mean a great 
deal to me.  Thank you,"  I said.  

I offered, and she gratefully accepted a gentle, fatherly hug.
Tears in my eyes, too, now.  Such Joy.  Such sorrow.


"Our closest approximation to CHURCH: Our Citizens in Uniform." SL.

"They will know you by how you love one another."  "There is no
greater Love than to lay down your life for your brother."  "The
Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep."  "Love as I have Loved." 

'But Start! There is no liturgy, no incense, no choir,...
no Apostles Creed...; some aren't even 'Christian!'....!!!'

How totally irrelevant. 

Jesus NEVER EMPHASIZED such junk. What Jesus DID emphasize
was stuff like this:

"Your mouth says 'Lord, Lord,' but your hearts are far from me."

"Why do you call Our Father 'Lord' but do not do His Will?"

'One son said "yes Father," but did NOT do as His Father asked.
The other son said NO!, but DID His Father's Will.'
