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Showing posts with label Other-Centeredness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Other-Centeredness. Show all posts


***** A (Muslim) Facebook Sister: "I wanted to learn from you, how do you manage sitting there day after day, (on Capitol Hill or the White House to Free Palestine) this is what I wanted to know." My reply: "Sister, (you know the following better than I, but still, it is my answer). Your question brings to mind, among other things, a brief passage from Dr. King's Autobiography.... (details)

A (Muslim) Facebook Sister:  "I wanted to learn from you, how do you manage sitting there day after day, (on Capitol Hill or the White House to Free Palestine) this is what I wanted to know."   My reply:  "Sister,  (you know the following better than I, but still, it is my answer).  Your question brings to mind, among other things, a brief passage from Dr. King's Autobiography I was listening to yesterday as I returned from being on Capitol Hill all day.  He was mentioning what is central to my life now, these last 13 years or so, and to my answer to your question.  He said something like, 'I believe, and I believed, that what self-centered men can impose, other-centered men can throw off.'  Now when I heard this I thought two things, 1. Dr. King, who I adore, and revere, no sir, you are wrong.  It is too little, to late. The evil people, the self-centered people are going to 'win' by destroying everything and everyone that is decent, and then themselves.  But 2. I thought, yes sir, you've just described the only two ways we humans can Be, self-centered  or other-centered.  Dr. King may be wrong, I may be wrong, but my answer to you sister is, I have chosen to pay any and every personal price to keep the world's most suffering people at the very 'center' of my being, every breath. I make it my top priority to notice when my attention is drifting elswhere and through meditation, prayer, focus... I re-direct my full attention to the world's neediest, the Palestinians.  That's it. The rest is our Creator-given nervious system design doing what it does when it deeply 'sees' others suffering.  When the center of our being is the suffering of others, it mobilizes us to respond. - empathy does that.  And it harnesses the head to figure the best moment by moment response to best help, to best serve.  For me, with my skills, abilities, talents, location, language and LIMITATIONS... it is, when my body allows, and weather allows, to do my online study, advocacy, writing... out in DC with posters people have helped me purchase that advocate for Palestine.  I'm desperate to know how to do more, but so far, this is the best I can see.  And also, I think by your question you are deliberately showing me kind encouragement, and I appreciate that. (hugs)"


***** nd. To my critics, young and old, tired of my incessant calls to total devotion, sacrifice, to the global neediest, NOW, regardless of personal cost: Fact - You are sacrificing one million times more by NOT waging this Revolution, the Only Revolution, 100% Lived Solidarity with the Global Neediest, the only True Revolution that has ever been possible. This is The Revolution that can, that could have, Saved a Future for you. No? Really? What good is whatever 'normal' next 5 years you are counting on, if the 'future' after that as a US democracy, a planet, in unstoppable death-throws... for you, and every young person ever in your life?

***** To my critics, young and old, tired of my incessant calls to total devotion, sacrifice, to the global neediest, NOW, regardless of personal cost:  Fact - You are sacrificing one million times more by NOT waging this Revolution, the Only Revolution, 100% Lived Solidarity with the Global Neediest, the only True Revolution that has ever been possible.  This is The Revolution that can, that could have, Saved a Future for you. No?  Really?  What good is whatever 'normal' next 5 years you are counting on, if the 'future' after that as a US democracy, a planet, in unstoppable death-throws... for you, and every young person ever in your life?


nd. I think it is all doomed, but I refuse to live that way, so I choose to fight it anyway, with every breath. That's who I want to be. The internet will accelerate the doom, or, if enough of us make the choice, part of the salvation. It has all gotten so evil, so depressing, the only thing worth living for is to try an fix it.

I think it is all doomed, but I refuse to live that way, so I choose to fight it anyway, with every breath. That's who I want to be. The internet will accelerate the doom, or, if enough of us make the choice, part of the salvation. It has all gotten so evil, so depressing, the only thing worth living for is to try an fix it.

***** FB friend: "James, Good to see someone so devoted." My reply: "I appreciate the kind and encouraging words. I tried self-centeredness for, oh, 45 years or so. It sucks. So since then I've tried other-centeredness, and it is a Joy. That's it. Those are the choices. The only hope for the world's future is, and has ever been, that one by one, we start a mass flip from self-centeredness (me and mine) to other-centeredness (lived solidarity with the global neediest). That's really the only choice each of us has to make of any consequence whatsoever. All of the rest is a consequence of that. In that we choose to be cancer, or healthy tissue."

I appreciate the kind and encouraging words.  I tried self-centeredness for, oh, 45 years or so. It sucks.  So since then I've tried other-centeredness, and it is a Joy.  That's it.  Those are the choices.  The only hope for the world's future is, and has ever been, that one by one, we start a mass flip from self-centeredness (me and mine) to other-centeredness (lived solidarity with the global neediest).  That's really the only choice each of us has to make of any consequence whatsoever.  All of the rest is a consequence of that.  In that we choose to be cancer, or healthy tissue.


nd. Hmmm. Every species, all healthy tissue, every healthy organ... devotes every second of its existence to the well-being of the species, and the larger body, group, all of creation... and humans think they can be happy devoting their lives to their individual self, and maybe a few others around them, as does cancer.

Hmmm.  Every species, all healthy tissue, every healthy organ... devotes every second of its existence to the well-being of the species, and the larger body, group, all of creation... and humans think they can be happy devoting their lives to their individual self, and maybe a few others around them, as does cancer.


nd. I experience every evil attack in the world, on Justice, on Human Rights (that I see)... as an attack on me. And I think that is the problem. Almost none of we 'privileged' see the TRUTH that EVERY attack on Justice, EVERY attack on HUMAN RIGHTS... IS A PERSONAL ATTACK ON 'ME & MINE.' Justice is like the oxygen supply, like the food supply. When that get's destroyed for some, it get's destroyed for all... but yes, it is more invisible, and more IMMEDIATE than that. Deeeeeeeep sigh.

I experience every evil attack in the world, on Justice, on Human Rights (that I see)... as an attack on me.  And I think that is the problem.  Almost none of we 'privileged' see the TRUTH that EVERY attack on Justice, EVERY attack on HUMAN RIGHTS... IS A PERSONAL ATTACK ON 'ME & MINE.'  Justice is like the oxygen supply, like the food supply.  When that get's destroyed for some, it get's destroyed for all... but yes, it is more invisible, and more IMMEDIATE than that.  Deeeeeeeep sigh.

***** Francis... ' ‘You are not making a gift of what is yours to the poor man, but you are giving him back what is his. You have been appropriating things that are meant to be for the common use of everyone. The earth belongs to everyone, not to the rich.’ These were St. Ambrose’s words, which Pope Paul VI used to state, in Populorum Progressio, that private property does not constitute an absolute and unconditional right for anyone, and that no one is allowed to keep for their exclusive use things superfluous to their needs, when others lack basic necessities


***** pic. For Christ’s sake, ‘see’ with your Soul - I am only happy when... I am ALWAYS HAPPY WHEN... I am PERSONALLY PAYING THE PRICE for less suffering, more Joy, in the world. And so it is with you, too. The Practice of this is my entire Gospel for you. Until you ‘see’ this, you cannot Follow me, you DO Not Follow me.

For Christ’s sake, ‘see’ with your Soul - I am only happy when...
suffering, more Joy, in the world.  And so it is with you, too.  The Practice of this is my entire Gospel for you.  Until you ‘see’ this,
you cannot Follow me, you DO Not Follow me.


***** (click for detail. pic) The Three and Only Habits of Profoundly Joyful People: 1. From the Soul, 2. In 100% Lived Solidarity, 2. Serving, our Global Neediest Family. With every breath. Loving, for the Joy of it. FULL STOP. [Can you think of any exceptions?] The life’s devotion of the Loving parent is to preserve this as the TOTALITY of their child, for their JOY. (important detail. Click)

When my two biological offspring were born, what had been my lifelong background focus, rocketed to the center of my being... and remained there, growing, taking over more and more of my being.  That Focus - Claiming and Living the Path of Infinite, every-breath Joy IN LIFE... that I was Certain, from Birth... was there for ALL  of us to Live... NO MATTER WHAT... because these two new lives were my responsibility... and every cell in my body wanted to get it as right for them, as I could, and for their mom.  And in agony, I recognized, I didn't know, or embody, even a tiny portion of what they needed from me to give them a good chance at 100% Joyful Living... in this most Joy-less of all times and cultures in human history... in the history of creation.  Ever since the conception of that 1st offspring, I've twisted, contorted, studied, practiced, failed, failed, failed...succeeded... making baby step after baby step forward... to the point that by about 13 years ago (too late for them :-(   ), my cells (but not my brain) absolutely knew the direction... that I've lived ever since.  But my brain is much, much, much... slower than my cells....  It is only in the middle of the night last night... that all I've learned, developed, integrated, practiced... came together in it's simple, complete essence (pic below).  I'd dearly like to have a book that conveyed in detail, with the copious reference that now dwell within me, what this pic conveys... but for the few, the one in a million, that in any population has 'the eyes to see and the ears to hear,' I'm not sure a book could improve their chances of 'seeing' and 'hearing' beyond what this pic says. All that remains for them is ... practice, practice, practice, practice.... What this pic says is the complete integration of the accumulated wisdom of hundreds of books in a myriad of disciplines, from the wisest, Profoundly Joyful Souls, in history, filtered thru my lifetime of failure, trial, struggle, and success.  I share it, because it is what I live every-breath-Profound-Joy by... despite, and facilitated by, relatively profound and total material deprivation... for more than a decade now.  (Don't say I never gave you anything!  LOL.)  Hugs
ps:  I've arrived at, and live, every breath, the Path of Infinite Joy (and Hell of bearing the world's Suffering)... because I'm one of the only ones, a one in a million... that never 'admired,' but rather... 'ENVIED...'  what I Knew to be the Supreme Quality of Life of the likes of my dad, Jesus, King, Teresa of Calcutta, Malala, Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Alice Paul, Rosa Parks, Abe Lincoln's of history....  I was obsessively greedy to have a quality of life like that... so greedy... and so undeservedly Spiritually over-privileged... that after 45 years of squandering what I'd been given... I found the Path... and have lived it with increasing understanding... every since.  I Live in the hopes of being one more in this short list of those who are Envied... and make people enlightened-GREEDY. (Yes, I've failed at this pretty miserably so far, but, well, I'll keep at it.)


***** vid. Retired Marine Capt. Wen Jones was savagely beaten when he defended a 14 year old black youth who was being bullied by 3 white males. Now 3 months later he said he would do it all over again to send the message that "you can stand up to bullies and it's ok to do the right thing!" Oorah Marine!

Retired Marine Capt. Wen Jones was savagely beaten when he defended a 14 year old who was being bullied by 3 males.  Now 3 months later he said he would do it all over again to send the message that "you can stand up to bullies and it's ok to do the right thing!"  Oorah Marine!
LIKE and SHARE to help Capt. Jones send this important message.

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Retired Marine Capt. Wen Jones was savagely beaten when he defended a 14 year old who was being bullied by 3 males. Now 3 months later he said he would do it all over again to send the message that "you can stand up to bullies and it's ok to do the right thing!" Oorah Marine!
LIKE and SHARE to help Capt. Jones send this important message.

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