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Showing posts with label Netanyahu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Netanyahu. Show all posts


a senior Joint Chiefs of Staff officer who regularly briefs the U.S. high command was willing to speak bluntly in exchange for anonymity. “There’s always been a lot of support for Israel in the military,” the officer said, “but that’s significantly eroded over the last few years. This caps it. It’s one thing for Americans to criticize their president and another entirely for a foreign leader to do it. Netanyahu doesn’t get it. We’re not going to side with him against the commander in chief. Not ever.” Retired Army Gen. Paul Eaton concurs. He warned that Netanyahu’s appearance would be “perilous to both countries” but saved his harshest criticism for Boehner, saying, “It is highly inappropriate for the speaker of the House to so publicly meddle in foreign affairs,” he said. “It is a gross breach of protocol to invite a head of state without due coordination with the president.”Retired U.S. Air Force Col. Richard Klass, an Air Force Academy graduate, called Netanyahu’s scheduled congressional appearance “a new level of chutzpah” and argued that it raised the question of “whether Israel is becoming a strategic liability for America. “Netanyahu gives new meaning to the term ‘bull in a china shop,’” he said."

a senior Joint Chiefs of Staff officer who regularly briefs the U.S. high command was willing to speak bluntly in exchange for anonymity. “There’s always been a lot of support for Israel in the military,” the officer said, “but that’s significantly eroded over the last few years. This caps it. It’s one thing for Americans to criticize their president and another entirely for a foreign leader to do it. Netanyahu doesn’t get it. We’re not going to side with him against the commander in chief. Not ever.” Retired Army Gen. Paul Eaton concurs. He warned that Netanyahu’s appearance would be “perilous to both countries” but saved his harshest criticism for Boehner, saying, “It is highly inappropriate for the speaker of the House to so publicly meddle in foreign affairs,” he said. “It is a gross breach of protocol to invite a head of state without due coordination with the president.”Retired U.S. Air Force Col. Richard Klass, an Air Force Academy graduate, called Netanyahu’s scheduled congressional appearance “a new level of chutzpah” and argued that it raised the question of “whether Israel is becoming a strategic liability for America. “Netanyahu gives new meaning to the term ‘bull in a china shop,’” he said."

posted from Bloggeroid


***** nd.***** Laughable, amateur non-events are Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust, and their pitiful attempts at world domination compared with the monstrosity that is the Zionist, Netanyahu... (crucial detail, click link)...

***** Laughable, amateur non-events are Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust, and their pitiful attempts at  world domination compared with the monstrosity that is the Zionist, Netanyahu, cancer that has all but fully corrupted the U.S. government, the world governments...    so far killing millions of Muslims, Arabs, torturing tens of millions, killing them tortuously, savagely  over decades instead of the mercifully swift death by the Nazis.  The Nazis mounted a mere external physical threat.  The brilliance of the Zionists this last hundred years is their plan to infect, corrupt, metastasize within and then thru terror control the governments of the world. It may be too late to stop them.  They have corrupted the godly religion of Judaism.  They have hijacked the KKK fundamentalist wing of the Christian religion, and as did Hitler, sufficiently terrorized the other Christians into cowardly impotent silence, and has enlisted them in all but world war three against the Arab Muslim population of the world.

I wouldn't trade this ride I am on for anything... at it is Living Hell for me, and must be pretty horrible for those traveling near to me.

I wish on all that is Good that this were even the tiniest exaggeration.  I don't know what lies ahead for me.  I may not be on their radar. I may be a joke to them.  I may be on their target list when they see a way to silence me... courts and prisons, or whatever.  That part doesn't particularly concern me.  I've never been afraid of death. I was terrified of pain much of my years... but I am in so much pain over the world and what we are doing to my Palestine family... that the pain of what they would do to me in prison is not much of a concern by comparison.
I'm healing physically but between the cancer operations and the moment by moment bludgeoning, body blows, bullet hits... I experience from the next news horror story from Palestine, I barely have the strength to do the online work I've been confined to for a month now.  Yesterday I was a 'high' physically and mentally... and I hoped it was a harbinger of how I'd feel today.  Not so.  But I think the trend line is positive enough that at least a few days a week I can get out in the city with the posters, tomorrow and Wed. on Capital Hill I am praying.

My news processing, digesting, commenting work seems to take everything out of me... I've been trying to move from it to deep study... and maybe I'm finally on the verge of that for several weeks... that may free up the energy I need for the vigilling with this poster, in particular (see pic).  If I can get it and keep it on Capitol Hill long enough... I think it could bring about an important change.  I think it so embodies the Satanic, Demonic truth of this situation... it could bring a change.

Yes, I owe to all to overcome my 'accepting' nature and EMBRACE and hold onto an active disrespect for the cancer that is destroying it all... and my Love for each individual of course will never change.

Deep sigh.