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Showing posts with label NYT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYT. Show all posts


***** (click for detail. pic) The Three and Only Habits of Profoundly Joyful People: 1. From the Soul, 2. In 100% Lived Solidarity, 2. Serving, our Global Neediest Family. With every breath. Loving, for the Joy of it. FULL STOP. [Can you think of any exceptions?] The life’s devotion of the Loving parent is to preserve this as the TOTALITY of their child, for their JOY. (important detail. Click)

When my two biological offspring were born, what had been my lifelong background focus, rocketed to the center of my being... and remained there, growing, taking over more and more of my being.  That Focus - Claiming and Living the Path of Infinite, every-breath Joy IN LIFE... that I was Certain, from Birth... was there for ALL  of us to Live... NO MATTER WHAT... because these two new lives were my responsibility... and every cell in my body wanted to get it as right for them, as I could, and for their mom.  And in agony, I recognized, I didn't know, or embody, even a tiny portion of what they needed from me to give them a good chance at 100% Joyful Living... in this most Joy-less of all times and cultures in human history... in the history of creation.  Ever since the conception of that 1st offspring, I've twisted, contorted, studied, practiced, failed, failed, failed...succeeded... making baby step after baby step forward... to the point that by about 13 years ago (too late for them :-(   ), my cells (but not my brain) absolutely knew the direction... that I've lived ever since.  But my brain is much, much, much... slower than my cells....  It is only in the middle of the night last night... that all I've learned, developed, integrated, practiced... came together in it's simple, complete essence (pic below).  I'd dearly like to have a book that conveyed in detail, with the copious reference that now dwell within me, what this pic conveys... but for the few, the one in a million, that in any population has 'the eyes to see and the ears to hear,' I'm not sure a book could improve their chances of 'seeing' and 'hearing' beyond what this pic says. All that remains for them is ... practice, practice, practice, practice.... What this pic says is the complete integration of the accumulated wisdom of hundreds of books in a myriad of disciplines, from the wisest, Profoundly Joyful Souls, in history, filtered thru my lifetime of failure, trial, struggle, and success.  I share it, because it is what I live every-breath-Profound-Joy by... despite, and facilitated by, relatively profound and total material deprivation... for more than a decade now.  (Don't say I never gave you anything!  LOL.)  Hugs
ps:  I've arrived at, and live, every breath, the Path of Infinite Joy (and Hell of bearing the world's Suffering)... because I'm one of the only ones, a one in a million... that never 'admired,' but rather... 'ENVIED...'  what I Knew to be the Supreme Quality of Life of the likes of my dad, Jesus, King, Teresa of Calcutta, Malala, Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Alice Paul, Rosa Parks, Abe Lincoln's of history....  I was obsessively greedy to have a quality of life like that... so greedy... and so undeservedly Spiritually over-privileged... that after 45 years of squandering what I'd been given... I found the Path... and have lived it with increasing understanding... every since.  I Live in the hopes of being one more in this short list of those who are Envied... and make people enlightened-GREEDY. (Yes, I've failed at this pretty miserably so far, but, well, I'll keep at it.)


nd. Two days ago I was at the prestigious Georgetown Univ Hospital (Washington DC) for a pre-cancer operation consultation. At one point a nurse said, 'would you like a soda, or crackers? Would you like a Coke, or Gingerale?' 'Well, I said, 'Not Coke, I don't drink Coke because they...,' 'Support Israel,' she finished my sentence. 'You are right,' she said. 'How about a Ginger Ale?' I was wearing my Palestine hat so she had a clue, but she didn't need to say anything and she sure didn't need to express her agreement. Earlier, at the hospital, as I was getting in the elevator with some young interns. One was wearing a skull cap, and pretty badly twisted his neck as he craned to try and see my hat... shocked and appalled... and threatened... that anyone would dare wear a Palestine hat in totally Zionist Occupied Washington.

Two days ago I was at the prestigious Georgetown Univ Hospital (Washington DC) for a pre-cancer operation consultation.  At one point a nurse said, 'would you like a soda, or crackers?  Would you like a Coke, or Gingerale?'  'Well, I said, 'Not Coke, I don't drink Coke because they...,' 'Support Israel,' she finished my sentence. 'You are right,' she said.  'How about a Ginger Ale?'  I was wearing my Palestine hat so she had a clue, but she didn't need to say anything and she sure didn't need to express her agreement.  Earlier, at the hospital, as I was getting in the elevator with some young interns.  One was wearing a skull cap, and pretty badly twisted his neck as he craned to try and see my hat... shocked and appalled... and threatened... that anyone would dare wear a Palestine hat in totally Zionist Occupied Washington.

***** I spent 25 years as a business executive - being, working with, consulting with... 1000's of business leaders. In all that time I met no more than 2 or three that wanted to hurt their clients, or other people. IN ALL THAT TIME I MET NOT ONE THAT WOULD PAY A PERSONAL PRICE, WOULD PERSONALLY SACRIFICE THEIR OWN WELL-BEING FOR THEIR CLIENTS. NOT ONE. (EXACTLY LIKE FACTORY FARMERS... THEY DON'T DESIRE TO HURT, EXPLOIT, KILL, ENSLAVE, USE UP, DESTROY... THEIR ANIMALS... BUT THAT IS WHAT THEY SPEND THEIR LIVES DOING, TO SERVE THEMSELVES AND THEIR 'LOVED ONES.' Like the cancer in my chest, they are not malevolent... they are just 100% self-centered... and that, it turns out, is the deadliest thing on earth.) IF YOU THINK CORPORATIONS, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD... ARE DOING ANYTHING, ANYTHING... ANYTHING... BECAUSE IT BENEFITS YOU... THEN YOU REALLY SHOULD GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR.... It is probably too late... but at least you'll have an infinitely better view in the time left.

I spent 25 years as a business executive - being, working with, consulting with... 1000's of business leaders.  In all that time I met no more than 2 or three that wanted to hurt their clients, or other people.  IN ALL THAT TIME I MET NOT ONE THAT WOULD PAY A PERSONAL PRICE, WOULD PERSONALLY SACRIFICE THEIR OWN WELL-BEING FOR THEIR CLIENTS. NOT ONE. (EXACTLY LIKE FACTORY FARMERS... THEY DON'T DESIRE TO HURT, EXPLOIT, KILL, ENSLAVE, USE UP, DESTROY... THEIR ANIMALS... BUT THAT IS WHAT THEY SPEND THEIR LIVES DOING, TO SERVE THEMSELVES AND THEIR 'LOVED ONES.'  Like the cancer in my chest, they are not malevolent... they are just 100% self-centered... and that, it turns out, is the deadliest thing on earth.)  IF YOU THINK CORPORATIONS, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD... ARE DOING ANYTHING, ANYTHING... ANYTHING... BECAUSE IT BENEFITS YOU...  THEN YOU REALLY SHOULD GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR....  It is probably too late... but at least you'll have an infinitely better view in the time left.


nd. To a very kind, very able young lady that is part of a church group kind to we homeless: Sister, I share this with you because I think you are Good enough to want to hear it. I was thinking today, as I see all the nice church folk, like you, coming by and feeding us at the shelter this time of year... I thought, I wonder what these nice folks will think in just about 18 months time, when they see the following, all at once: * The shelter is closed; * laws make we poor illegal in gentrifying Washington DC... so near all of the folks you are nice to are forced way away from Washington DC, Jesus would be among them, * or those like me that on principle refuse to leave, are put in prison... because that is exactly where this is headed. I wonder what nice folks like you will think, when it is in your face, and you realize that you did little if anything to head this off when you had time... except to help enable 'us' to sit around waiting cluelessly for the slaughter. (((Hugs)))

To a very kind, very able young lady that is part of a church group kind to we homeless:  Sister, I share this with you because I think you are Good enough to want to hear it.  I was thinking today, as  I see all the nice church folk, like you, coming by and feeding us at the shelter this time of year... I thought, I wonder what these nice folks will think in just about 18 months time, when they see the following, all at once:  *  The shelter is closed; * laws make we poor illegal in gentrifying Washington DC... so near all of the folks you are nice to are forced way away from Washington DC, Jesus would be among them, * or those like me that on principle refuse to leave, are put in prison... because that is exactly where this is headed.  I wonder what nice folks like you will think, when it is in your face, and you realize that you did little if anything to head this off when you had time... except to help enable 'us' to sit around waiting cluelessly for the slaughter.  (((Hugs)))


nd. I think it is morally of profound danger, if not worse, to say of ANY group, as in this case, [all] Jews do or don't believe.... This is bigotry. What do all 'christains' believe, or not believe? I can't think of anything. Bigotry is to be hated, and avoided, at the cost of careful qualifications over and over and over as required.

I think it is morally of profound danger, if not worse, to say of ANY group, as in this case, [all] Jews do or don't believe.... This is bigotry. What do all 'christains' believe, or not believe? I can't think of anything. Bigotry is to be hated, and avoided, at the cost of careful qualifications over and over and over as required.


Detail. Regarding Mr Williams: I am crying as I type this. I think some of that is the cold. I've probably then out in this a bit longer than I should. But Congress does not slither by for another hour so I will be here... Click link for detail

Regarding Mr Williams: I am crying as I type this. I think some of that is the cold. I've probably then out in this a bit longer than I should. I am hypothermic now. But Congress does not slither by for another hour so I will be here.

In the homeless shelter where I sleep, so that I can do this work with my every breath for Palestine, there are two hundred and fifty men on this 50 and older floor. It is all open except for three quarter length walls that divide us into cubes they are called. Each cube is further divided about 10 men on one side and 6 men on the other. I sleep by the dividing wall that separates the two portions of our cube. I am on a lower bunk.

There is a fair degree of turnover in the shelter. About a month ago the bunk kitty corner from mine in the adjacent part of the cube became empty. And several days later the new occupant arrived, Mr Williams. Every 10 days the occupants of each cube in rotation are assigned a detail it is called, a chore that takes 10 minutes or so to keep the shelter in order. That day after we do our detail is also when we can have our laundry washed and dried and stuffed immediately back into a laundry bag so that it is totally wrinkled.

I'm so grateful that Mr Williams, probably my age early sixties, a small man, black of course, and as gentle and nice a man as I can ever recall encountering, it was the day before his first detail day and he heard about laundry being done but he did not understand all the particulars so he gently and shyly approached me, I think I had a grocery bag in a hand from some donations I picked up at a coffee shop to donate to the guys in the shelter. He rightly judged that I was going to discard the bag and he asked if he could have it for the laundry. I said sure. We need to write our names on a piece of paper and put it inside the bag but, I forget just how he asked the question, he asked I think if I had a pen to write his name on the bag. At least that's what I understood him to ask. I searched in my backpack and found a marking pen. As I type this I am in tears again, will you write my name on the bag please, he ever so politely asked. He does not know how to write. Sure, I answered, so grateful to be able to help, so grateful he trusted to ask me, so outraged at us all for allowing such neglect of our brothers and sisters.

I did not know his name at that point so to enable me to write his name he handed me his identity card. It was his card from prison. The only identity this mid-sixties man, so gentle, so respectful, so unassuming, the only identity card he had was a card from prison.

About a week later I was in the large television room where there are wall outlets where I could charge up my batteries and Mr Williams was there. He was walking into the room and he commented to me that he had to go plug in his ankle bracelet or it would go off because it was running out of charge.

I am gone all day most days so I rarely see Mr Williams except when he is going to sleep or already asleep and I am in the process of doing the same. After I realized that this dear soul might be tied to this shelter having just been released from prison I wanted to be in a position to ask him if he needed me to go to the store to get him anything. Finally, the opportunity presented itself. No, he replied I don't need anything. Thank you. Maybe it was later than that day, or soon after, he saw me and said, I don't need you to go to the store, but I wonder if I could borrow 50 cents. I started to hand him 5 dollars and thought better of it, guessing that he might want singles for the various vending machines, so I gratefully handed him four singles. Oh, he said, I will pay you back. No, I said. It is for you. And here are those tears again. Must be the cold.

Today in my half hour ritual of putting on layer upon layer of sweat pants and other stuff I became aware Mr Williams was asking another fellow directions to a bank branch. I am thinking that maybe his time with the ankle bracelet is past. He heard me speaking to another fellow of the fact I would be on Capitol Hill. He asked me directions to his bank and I gladly called it up on my computer and a map. Anyway he cleverly put two and two together, this shy man who seems a bit lost and confused about life, and upon realizing I was headed toward his bank branch asked if he could walk with me so that he would not get lost. I'll be happy to wait while you get ready, he said, seeing that I needed more time to get my warm clothes on. Of course, I said, feeling so honored and blessed that I could offer a little bit of help.

As we walked I guessed he would not mind me asking the question, so I asked, why is a man who is so obviously very nice, why were you in prison? He replied, in my prior homeless shelter I saw a credit card, I thought it had been lost. I used it, it turns out it had been stolen, so I was in prison for 2 years. He said this with no anger, no outrage, no question, no objection.

I sit here on Capitol Hill where the elite scum of the earth walks past. If Mr Williams should be in prison for 2 years for what he did after what we have done to him, so much deprivation, then 100 percent of the Senators, and 100% of the congressman should be in prison, in solitary confinement, tortured, for the rest of their days.

Every once in a while it plays through my mind what interface and interchange I will have with the judge when I am finally in court, prior to prison, for my attempts to reform our deadly and dying culture. It seems extremely likely to me that within moments I will politely and honestly tell the judge, quite possibly before she or he asks, your honor I hold this Court in complete and utter contempt. I hold the United States injustice system in total complete utter contempt with every fiber of my being. No, it was not Mr Williams that caused this in me. What I see every day for many many years has this in me. But my experience with this lovely man just brings it to the front of my mind just now.

And now the Congress creatures begin to slither by. Soon, if I am still mobile, I may be able to stagger back to where there is some warmth. Pray for me. Be a prayer for my family in Palestine.

posted from Bloggeroid


***** A note to my dearest. Hi. You are so smart, so i... (details)

A note to my dearest. Hi. You are so smart, so intuitive, I don't think anything I'll share here will really be a surprise. And I am NOT writing you to make some announcement. I have no announcement to make. It's as though I was on a large sailboat in the ocean and the masts had been stripped away in a storm and all I knew was that I was being pushed farther and farther away from the shore, farther and farther away from you. And somehow I could get that word to you but nothing else.

As I write this to you I am sitting up on Capitol Hill where the Congress creatures slither by. My days are spent like that here on Capitol Hill or in front of the White House or other high traffic, high significance, spots in Washington. I have four posters concerning the United States torture, terrorization, and extermination of the innocent children women men of Palestine.

Ever since the most recent us butchery of Palestinians beginning June this year my life has been devoted to this issue. I already knew a lot about it but everyday while my body is used to support these signs of information out in the public my mind is occupied by studying the most authoritative, objective, scholarly information on this situation that is in existence, and there is mountains of scholarly information in existence. And I have a library card to the Library of Congress.

My love affair with America is at an end. My love affair with Americans is at an end. My love affair with the human species, at least the human species as we mutate in an infinitely too complex environment, my love affair with the human species is at an end. My love affair with every individual on earth will never end but the nature of that love, its intensity, the admiration, the positive feelings are essentially gone.

By Commission, and convenient omission, the cruelty and savagery my life, our lives, have been built on is so intensely hateful I could arrive nowhere else than where I am arriving.

If out of some curiosity you wanted to see how much of what I'm saying is some psychosis and how much is based on immersion in facts, truths, objective information available to all and looked at by almost none of us, you or anyone can simply follow my posts, or look at any sampling of the sources featured on my primary blog. Virtually every waking moment of mine 7 days a week is devoted to understanding the essential, actionable truths as they are needed to inform my pitiful attempts to help.

Where as almost all of my attention is on Palestine and America's central role in its torment I study other things as well virtually all of which includes America's role in the world past and present. There may be some time in history that Earth has been better off because of the existence of America. But such a time certainly escapes my attention. What has my attention is our extermination of 20 to 100 million Native Americans because they were in our way, our destruction of the lives of millions and millions and millions of people who are black, originally from Africa. Our central role in destroying all life on Earth, our insane, mass, participation in an earth killing, soul killing game of musical chairs where there is one decent chair for every thousand Americans when there could be a thousand decent chairs for each thousand Americans. .

But most centrally in my life these last 5 months, our central role in the unfathomable torture, torment, terrorization, and slow extermination of the innocent people in Palestine that we have been actively perpetrating since 1947, and really long before that too .

And what makes this so exquisitely damming of America in my view is that it is an act of commission by massive swathes of our intelligentsia. They are killing, large numbers of highly educated Americans, are deliberately acting to kill Palestinians every working day of their lives. That most of them do it out of a latent fear for their livelihood makes it no less horrific. This mass guilt, this atrocity perpetrated by tens of thousands of highly paid Americans, largely so their lives are not inconvenienced, is orders of magnitude greater corruption than I ever dreamed could happen. And it has been going on for decades and decades and decades. Our media, virtually all of our media, from Fox News to CNN, to NPR, to the Washington Post and New York Times deliberately writes lies demonizing innocent Palestinians and sanitizing satanic Israelis. These are deliberate, knowing acts. Hollywood does the same. 100% of the Senators and 100% of the congressman in the United States do the same. Every day they play their roles acting out the lie of Palestinian guilt and the lie of Israeli innocence, and this more than the US bombs, and us a billions, is what kills Palestinians. Millions of Americans make deliberate decisions every day to kill innocent Palestinians to preserve the comfort of their own personal lives.

My most recent read is a book by the journalist Alison Weir, entitled against our better judgement. It is 50% citations. It is her look at how we arrived at this point in the United States where so much of our government, our economy was controlled by a country smaller than New Jersey to do such unspeakable evil to an innocent population. The Zionist mafia, the Zionist mob began 100 years ago on this project with a seriousness, viciousness, inhumanity, well, that makes the Italian mafia look like laughable saintly amateurs.

My point in all this is that everyday I move farther away from you, away from the life that we were both born to. I hate that all of us, that every American, does not entirely drop their normal lives, entirely drop their normal lives, and stand in the way of this savagery until it stops. I hate that with every cell in my body.By our silence we are complicit.

Armies of psychologists descended on Nazi Germany after the war to catalog the thousands and thousands and thousands of German psychological monsters. Their finding was unanimous. These are not monsters. They are just like us. This is what we Americans are today. I hate it.

Oh, and I stand alone as I have these last 12 years, and surely that is a potential indictment of me and my sanity. But I think it is not an indictment. And I am less alone on this issue then I have been on any other this last 12 years. Altho relatively small and marginalized , I now stand, if not along side, in the midst of the most humane, courageous, intelligent, informed, godly group of people that maybe the earth has ever seen, maybe even more than those who collected together during the civil rights movement. I'm speaking of those, mostly Jews, but some Christians, who both inside and largely outside of Palestine have lived what I am only recently living, for years, and are fighting for justice and freedom for the unspeakably tormented and tortured Palestinian people. They are a breathtaking group. It has been my role to be the very tip of the spear in every endeavor I've been engaged in throughout my adulthood. And even though I am late to this fight that is still my role to be the tip of the spear, fighting unviolently, more radically than most others could or maybe should. So I have no personal colleagues in this. But I still recognize hundreds or thousands of kindred spirits fighting for humanity with their very lives for the first time in my adulthood. They are the creators and/or subjects of the information featured on my blog.

ps: My falling out of love with the human species, it is not just due to my broadening, deepening, understanding.  It is due to us, we are degenerating, in our corrupt, corrupting, culture... we are degenerating.  I thought I had even lost my love for all children... in part due to their younger and younger dehumanization by us.  I now know  it is probably, most, but not all, children too I've lost my love for.  But the other day, an acquaintance came by with his young son... oh, what a keeper.  So open, curious, loving, innocent... just like the dad. And at the White House, where I am frequently immersed in crowds gawking at the White House... there will be little ones with parents, and in their young eyes, some times, not always, but in some of them, I still see signs of life, not yet corrupted and extinguished.


***** Wow. I think these will do it. With huge, tough, input, help, from Mike, Adam, Doug, Kathy, Shodo, and another Muslim brother I'll not name for his safety... and finding the strength to get out of my own way in showing the ESSENTIAL, EXISTENTIAL, HORRIBLE... TRUTH... I think these will do it. PLEASE, FINAL INPUT, PLEASE. Donations welcome for the production. (Also, wrestling attention away from these homeless-shelter bugs that are near driving me insane.... Anything, literally, to Free Palestine.) These are for 9 hrs per day on Capitol Hill when congress is in session, and north side of the White House the other days.

Please see HERE for the all important scholarly, historical background for these posters.

Wow. I think these will do it. With huge, tough, input, help, from Mike, Adam, Doug, Kathy, Shodo, and another Muslim brother I'll not name for his safety... and finding the strength to get out of my own way in showing the ESSENTIAL, EXISTENTIAL, HORRIBLE... TRUTH... I think these will do it.  PLEASE, FINAL INPUT, PLEASE.  Donations welcome for the production.   (Also, wrestling attention away from these homeless-shelter bugs that are near driving me insane....  Anything, literally, to Free Palestine.)


***** nd. Larry, a retired Marine, black guy, nice guy... I saw him with a tie on today, walking out of the building. I commented how nice he looked, which he did. He said something like, 'You know, someone told me once - just because you live in a homeless shelter, you don't need to look like it.' I said, 'I have a lot of admiration for this guy,' pointing to the name Jesus fashioned in a cross on my shirt. 'You know where he lived? Do you,' I asked him firmly? 'In the streets, he was homeless,' I said when my friend looked confused. I finished with a stern, 'SOCIETY HAS A LOT MORE TO ANSWER FOR REGARDING THOSE IN THIS SHELTER... THAN DOES ANYONE LIVING HERE.' Larry was going off to look for a [sh*t] job. My friend Paul, bunk next to mine... spends all day, every day, looking for [sh*t] jobs, cleaning office buildings that in 100 lifetimes he couldn't get a decent paying job within. He has looked all day, every day, for months and months. I see him go out, I see him come back. 99% of those in this society, middle or upper economic classes, better get down on their knees and pray that there IS NO LOVING GOD OF US ALL, NO LOVING PARENT OF US ALL... OR ANYTHING LIKE IT... THAT THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THE END FOR EACH OF US... BECAUSE IF THERE IS..............

***** Larry, a retired Marine, black guy, nice guy... I saw him with a tie on today, walking out of the building.  I commented how nice he looked, which he did.  He said something like, 'You know, someone told me once - just because you live in a homeless shelter, you don't need to look like it.'  I said, 'I have a lot of admiration for this guy,' pointing to the name Jesus fashioned in a cross on my shirt. 'You know where he lived? Do you,' I asked him firmly?  'In the streets, he was homeless,' I said when my friend looked confused. I finished with a stern, 'SOCIETY HAS A LOT MORE TO ANSWER FOR REGARDING THOSE IN THIS SHELTER... THAN DOES ANYONE LIVING HERE.'  Larry was going off to look for a [sh*t] job.  My friend Paul, bunk next to mine... spends all day, every day, looking for [sh*t] jobs, cleaning office buildings that in 100 lifetimes he couldn't get a decent paying job within.  He has looked all day, every day, for months and months. I see him go out, I see him come back.  99% of those in this society, middle or upper economic classes, better get down on their knees and pray that there IS NO LOVING GOD OF US ALL, NO LOVING PARENT OF US ALL... OR ANYTHING LIKE IT... THAT THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THE END FOR EACH OF US... BECAUSE IF THERE IS..............


***** nd. WARNING, TO YOU: I've become too politically dangerous to others for anyone to associate with me unless or until they have personally crossed the line to be willing to pay the price of all they are and all they have to Free Palestine. Do not ignore this. IsraHell has ZERO hesitation to destroy as completely as possible anyone that breathes a breath against their Terror. I'm not teasing, taunting, or trying to do anything other than WARN YOU with this. What I'm speaking is the immediate Truth: See just the most recent - MIT PROFESSORS KNOW that for speaking for Palestine their jobs are gone. (this blog). If I do this right they'll destroy me physically before too long. If not, sorry. I'm doing the best I can.

***** nd. WARNING, TO YOU: I've become too politically dangerous to others for anyone to associate with me unless or until they have personally crossed the line to be willing to pay the price of all they are and all they have to Free Palestine.  Do not ignore this.  IsraHell has ZERO hesitation to destroy as completely as possible anyone that breathes a breath against their Terror.  I'm not teasing, taunting, or trying to do anything other than WARN YOU with this.  What I'm speaking is the immediate Truth:  See just the most recent - MIT PROFESSORS KNOW that for speaking for Palestine their jobs are gone. (this blog).  If I do this right they'll destroy me physically before too long. If not, sorry. I'm doing the best I can.


nd. I am usually, anymore, VERY HARSH in my actions and words. I am usually VERY HARSH, because the reality I make it my central business to live within, the Israeli Extermination of Palestine now, is EXTREMELY HARSH. I am NEVER harsh, nor anything else, FOR EFFECT. I always endeavor to Learn, Know, and Embody the Truth and to Be accordingly... and that means HARSH. One might think I observe that this USUALLY BEING HARSH destroys many relationships I would otherwise want and need to exist. THIS HAS NEVER YET ONCE BEEN THE CASE. THIS HAS NEVER BEEN THE CASE. Has it cost me relationships? MANY. It has NEVER cost me a relationship that my neediest brothers and sisters need me to have, and it has ALWAYS separated me from relationships that my neediest brothers and sisters couldn't afford for me any my puny energies and abilities to be diverted from their desperate requirements by.

I am usually, anymore, VERY HARSH in my actions and words.  I am usually VERY HARSH, because the reality I make it my central business to live within, the Israeli Extermination of Palestine now, is EXTREMELY HARSH.  I am NEVER harsh, nor anything else, FOR EFFECT.  I always endeavor to Learn, Know, and Embody the Truth and to Be accordingly... and that means HARSH.  One might think I observe that this USUALLY BEING HARSH destroys many relationships I would otherwise want and need to exist.  THIS HAS NEVER YET ONCE BEEN THE CASE.  THIS HAS NEVER BEEN THE CASE.  Has it cost me relationships?  MANY.  It has NEVER cost me a relationship that my neediest brothers and sisters need me to have, and it has ALWAYS separated me from relationships that my neediest brothers and sisters couldn't afford for me any my puny energies and abilities to be diverted from their desperate requirements by.


TO THE 7 THAT WERE PLANNING TO FUND THE POSTERS: I’ve been near catatonic these last 20 hours or so, literally confined to bed but for moments here or there..... (detail)

TO THE 7 THAT WERE PLANNING TO FUND THE POSTERS:  I’ve been near catatonic these last 20 hours or so, literally confined to bed but for moments here or there.  I feel you are due this update so as to re-determine if you wish to contribute to the posters as we previously discussed.   I’m going to proceed, using what little funds I’ve hoarded over the months… but based on the following you may and should fully re-consider whether you wish to stand by your pledges of support – and you will have zero second-guessing from me if you pull back.  If you do not pull back, then if and when you send the funding you discussed it will help my work be whole, replenish my funds, for this wave of my efforts, and those to come.  Please let me know what to expect.
I wish I had never been born, to be in a world a country, a time, so evil. I wish I had never been born.  That’s how I feel, deeply.
For almost 15 years I’ve devoted my life to fighting evil – the resource-starved and loving-starved children of abandoned Chester PA, for our family in Darfur being exterminated by their government, for our family in Palestine being destroyed by the Zionis, for our own children and grandchildren having their future destroyed by our non-terminating the use of fossil fuels. In all of these cases I was fighting acts of omission… we, the US, we US Citizens were not stepping up to stop unspeakable evils.
But now for the first time in my life I am “seeing” (I may have missed many others), but I am “SEEING” my country, my government, my fellow tax payers COMMIT GENOCIDE, COMMIT THE EXTERMINATION OF AN ENTIRE PEOPLES  - OUR PALESTINIAN FAMILY.  Because we hate them?  In some cases yes – we have been very thoroughly, carefully, brilliantly taught to fear and hate Muslims.  But in the case of our congress and media, it is GREED AND FEAR that have 100% of Senators and Congresspeople and media BACKING Israel in their Genocide, Holocaust, Ethnic Cleansing, Extermination.  They are literally terrified to not spread the horrific Zioni propaganda lies… and handsomely rewarded for doing so.
We US citizens are so callous we are content to slurp down the Zioni-authored “News” propaganda year after year, decade after decade, and afraid to be the subject of ‘controversy’ so we don’t to the main-stream review of the scholarship and easily available facts – to “see” the unequalled evil of what we are committing through our ignorance.
I never comprehended that this could happen – the US be the PERPETRATOR of the Ultimate Evil – not with our full knowledge, as is the case.  Some of you will rightly laugh, or be angry, at my huge naiveté, ignorance, stupidity, willful  blindness….
I sensed, but only now see, that with the exception of you seven, the armies of FaceBook “activists” are and will talk our  Palestinians literally to DEATH… and will never, never, never pay any personal price to save them.  Further, among those that have been the most dear in my life, most or all will neither ‘talk’ nor ‘support’ my meager efforts (nor anyone else’s) to help our Palestinian family.  I’m not surprised, but now I see it.  How very dark.
I don’t know who I am, what to do, how to live.  I can’t predict me, right now.  I could, yesterday, and the day before… before this hit me so clearly and squarely.  But I’m in a foreign land,on  a foreign planet, in a foreign country… one that commits genocide not just by omission, but by EXPLICIT COMMISSION. 
I’ve also spent many hours agonizing over the execution of this plan with the Posters, and the following insights and changes have occurred to the plan:
1.        Little if any time will be spent in front of the Holocaust Museum.  The intent of the poster effort is NOT to change the mind of the Zionis and their supporters, but to change the hearts and minds of one or two of those uncertain, or on the sidelines.  For what they are, I think the posters can do that IF “SEEN.”  I realize now that the logistics are such that to have the posters in front of the Holocuast Museum – the Posters would not be “seen,” the content would not be “seen,” all that would be “seen” is that someone was demonstrating in front of the memorial.
2.       I DO expect (see #3) to be some combination of A. 3 blocks from the Holocaust Memorial near the Washington Monument; B. Lafayette Park north side of the White House; C. Other high traffic tourist sites that on windier days may shield the signs from the wind, Park Police permitting.
3.       There are three huge logistical factors I’d not considered fully, and will only learn by doing.  The Park Police, the wind, and bleaching of the posters by the sun.  I’ve done man-years worth of work with posters… but never with very light foam core picture posters as is needed now – I don’t have a rolling cart to transport heavy stuff and support vinyl posters, nor heavier PVC ones – so the 14 blocks each way to the places I described – I need light stuff… but that makes the wind a huge factor, how big and manageable, I’ll not know till I try.  As to the Park Police – they may give me zero trouble or make things impossible at all but the north side of the White House where I know the rules and at least in the blocked off street there – I can’t be stopped or interfered with – but are subject to unblocked wind, and a 3rd factor – sun bleaching of the posters and me – which I need to try and minimize – and there is little or no shade in the blocked off  White House street.
4.       Not only will I be precluded from being on post with the signs on rainy days as I’d alerted you, but certainly heavy, and maybe even light wind days.  I won’t know till I work things out through trial and error.
5.       I DO know that I cannot see another issue for me besides fighting this US EXCEUTED GENOICIDE… until it, or my life force, stop.  I now have ZERO interest in stopping ecocide, global warming, and am prevented by conscience from attempting so unless and until we prove to be a species that will not allow this televised Satanic Genocide to continue.  We are far too dangerous to the universe, otherwise, and I have no right to do anything that might help prevent or slow, the extinction of such a species.  Truly.  In my heart.  Have you seen the movie Noah?
Well, that’s enough for you to decide whether to continue with your funding, or not.  I hope to find my catatonic state subsiding, lifting, and to be on post with the posters by the weekend, if not sooner, using up what little reserves of funds I had.  If you continue with your pledge, that will be a Godsend, but my Loving of you will be unaffected either way.  Oh, and I’ll also have a $27 PA speaker broadcasting tight clips of Pr. Carter reading Palestine: Peace not Apartheid.  The book starts slow (I just finished listening to it last week) but I now understand why the Zionis assassinated Pr. Carter on this issue.  If you listen closely (MUST READ) you can hear him, scream, seethe, with rage, outrage, HORROR at what Israel is doing to the Palestinians with the complicity of the US. 
Pr. Carter’s voice is so recognizable, and in a few short clips that I’ll share with you later, he lays the entire Zioni Genocide out, right at the feet of the Zioni leaders – explicitly, and exonerates the Palestinians, Hamas, PLO….  In my words, not his, ‘a girl being raped by a gang… there are no moral limits on how she fights back… whatever she does to fight back is moral… until they stop.”  This gang rape has been going on for 67 years according to all the historical scholarship in virtually every university on earth, INCLUDING ISRAEL.
Please let me know you r intentions, so I know what to expect, what to look for, or not look for.
