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Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts


Am I doing more harm than good? Exceedingly harsh I am in my life and in my communication face-to-face. Marooned in Yucca Valley......

Am I doing more harm than good? Exceedingly harsh I am in my life and in my communication face-to-face. Marooned in Yucca Valley...... diagnosing electrical problems, waiting for parts, for nearly a week, this is an almost festive place. Almost an outpost I would say. Happy people. That's a mark of sickness. Who can be happy in such a suffering world except for a clinically sick individual? But within the sick individual might be the seeds of Health. Constantly out with the vehicle in the open doing repairs person after person drives up and in some form  asks incredibly thoughtless questions, is it electric? Etc. I'm growing. My primary horror is not at the stupidity, the thoughtlessness of the questions so much anymore. I'm growing. More and more I'm instinctively clear that the opportunity in front of me is not to be incensed at the stupidity of the questions. The opportunity in front of me, regardless of how small, is to try and jolt the dead hearts that can be happy and clueless in the face of such horror, to jolt them to life, to resurrect them to life. To resurrect them from the dead. It's possible I'm doing much more harm than good. But that is not my assessment. I believe that my understanding of how to resurrect hearts and my courage to do so despite personal isolation is increasing.

The work, the need, is to resurrect Souls, Hearts, from the dead. Jesus died exhorting us to this work. We couldn't, wouldn't, and don't see it even now. Especially now.

The work, the need, is to resurrect Souls, Hearts, from the dead. Jesus died exhorting us to this work. We couldn't, wouldn't, and don't see it even now. Especially now.


Threatening to kill me, pretty much every day, for fifteen years now, is telling the truth. But the moment I stop, I have killed myself, all joy. It is the way, the only way. Jesus, king, Gandhi.

Threatening to kill me, pretty much every day, for fifteen years now, is telling the truth. But the moment I stop, I have killed myself, all joy. It is the way, the only way. Jesus, king, Gandhi.


***** I'm sure I will die having failed to heal the world. I will not die having failed to try, with my last breath. To me, nothing less is life. To me, everything less is death, suicide.

I'm sure I will die having failed to heal the world.  I will not die having failed to try,  with my last breath.  To me,  nothing less is life.  To me, everything less is death,  suicide.


Regarding guns for personal protection:  My biological dad was the most intensely and unfailingly loving individual that I have ever encountered on this Earth. Everything of value in myself I........

Regarding guns for personal protection:  My biological dad was the most intensely and unfailingly loving individual that I have ever encountered on this Earth. Everything of value in myself I attribute to him being in my life as an example. Among the ways that he lived his love for us was to work literally 7 days a week 365 days a year at his lucrative profession of teaching piano to wealthy people and teachers from around the country who came to learn his methods. He worked himself to the Bone so that we could have an incredibly expensive idyllic house in a wealthy Northern New Jersey New York suburb , on the end of a cul-de-sac adjoining a massive Nature Preserve. But among other things it made us immensely vulnerable. It would have been a very attractive robbery Target and we could all have been murdered in our beds with the robber escaping never to be found. My dad was a person of little words. He was a person of immense Deeds. I don't remember any particular discussion other than when I was very young I became aware, I think he told me maybe he even showed me, that he had purchased a handgun which he put in the bedside table to protect us. And my recollection is that almost immediately he told me and showed me that he had gotten rid of the handgun because he considered having it a greater Danger than not having it. Obviously I've never forgotten that. In our desperately sick culture we think that life is pulse. Life is not pulse. It may in rare instances be enabled by pulse but life is not pulse. This was demonstrated, this was known and lived by all the people throughout history that are rightly Revere.


On being vegan vs. Consuming animal products, part of an ongoing dialogue with a friend: This article just came up on my listening list........

On being vegan vs. Consuming animal products, part of an ongoing dialogue with a friend: This article just came up on my listening list and I went through it pretty thoroughly. Seems like something that you would have, might have, recommended so I share with you my comments. They are not my comments to you. They are my thoughts about the article. I share those thoughts with you.. I've always appreciated, but just in the last year deeply appreciated how absolutely correct I think that Albert Schweitzer was in his assertion that the ultimate human value is, reverence for life. Various people I see on Facebook occasionally refer to the soul of a creature. I don't remember who has made these references, and they have done it in passing it appears to me. But it was useful to me that they did because it captures much how I feel. I relate to what seems to me to be the soul in a dog, a horse, the bat, the dolphin, a jellyfish, worm, and Ant.... I really revere such Souls, Spirits, life... yes, Revere. Hence, I like to see those Souls persist as opposed to being extinguished. I like them to be joyful as opposed to suffering. As I've said, if a mosquito is biting me, if a bed bug is going to bite me I may well kill it. I'm comfortable with boundaries. Not that I should be, but I am. If it turns out that for me to be highly functional I need to eat some level of animal products causing the pain and or death of those animals, I will do it so that I can serve what I think is a larger good. I think that my attitude is similar not only to Scweitzer, but Einstein, Gandhi, and many, most, people that I Revere throughout history. People that I respect prefer that other Souls don't need to suffer. My point in all this is that in my attempt to make every second count I am very conscious of whether a potential Source or an actual source that I am considering has a bias or is simply trying to get at absolute truth. This is especially important in an area that is complex because I look for sources that effectively can save me a whole lot of homework but to do that they need to be very intentionally objective and unbiased. I suspect that there is much useful information in the article above. I also suspect that there is much bias, an author who prefers eating creatures, for the flavor I suspect, secondarily maybe for some health value, and is pretty interested in defending his position. That is his right but it makes him less helpful to me than otherwise. So basically I am unpersuaded by the article. It is my understanding that for an animal to create protein from plants requires a relatively huge amount of resource, land, water, intake of plant material, and that if a human being intelligently consumes plant material they can create their own protein at a relatively small fraction of those resources. On that basis I find the article overall extremely unconvincing. Yes, I absolutely have a biase. I have a bias against making other creatures suffer or die. Except to the degree necessary for basic survival. So I leave the article pretty much where I started, I sense that little or no animal protein is necessary to the healthy human functioning except in rare instances. I am not sure that that is correct. I remain interested to learn otherwise should I be wrong.


***** I find that wonder and awe are the ultimate Hallmarks of Life, as odd as that may seem. I find virtually no wonder and awe among the humanoids here in Washington DC, my.......

***** I find that wonder and awe are the ultimate Hallmarks of Life, as odd as that may seem. I find virtually no wonder and awe among the humanoids here in Washington DC, my sisters and brothers all. Certainly not among the intellectually, academically, over privileged. I wish I were kidding. I wish I were being cynical. And I find very little of it among my fellow humans here in the United States.



In the movie the Matrix we're led to believe there are millions or billions of humanoid creatures.  What we see in the movie, do we consider them people who are alive?  Except for those fighting with their lives for the well being of humanity, that one in a million, no!  Central to the notion of the movie, we do not view them as humans,  live humans!

We don't look down on them!  We're not lead to be derogatory to them!  We're not lead to feel superior to them!  But absolutely we are led to understand them as not-alive, walking dead people.

And the one in a million that are alive don't go away on vacation someplace, they fight with their vary beings to try and give life to the millions or billions that have been deprived of it!

Tomorrow is Easter, a pagan holiday, candy, an orgy of food, surely one of the most segregated, least Christ-ian, least Universal-Family  days on the planet.  Totally un Christ like.  But somewhere tucked in  there is the memory of a man named Jesus who in the best way he knew how, gave his life exactly and precisely to wake up his fellow human beings who he's saw to a person to be walking dead people.

Were Jesus is to be alive today, were Neo and Morpheus to be alive today, would they see things any differently than they did in the time that they existed?  They would not!

And in the case of The Matrix, Jean Baudriallard, the French philosopher, conceived of that story exactly to show us what he thought we were in his lifetime, which I understand was written in the late nineties or thereabouts.

Was Jean slandering, belittling, looking down on... us?

Was Jesus slandering us?  Jesus was horrified for us.  He did do anything and everything with his life for the sole purpose of trying to give life to us.

Morpheus and Neo did the same!

I see it the same way as they did that and do. EXACTLY.

I want more than anything for life to come to my current brothers and sisters for themselves and so that there is life for all of creation in the future.  And like them, no credit to me, so far I am aware of no price I wouldn't pay to give a prayer of that happening.

NOTICE: The exceptions prove the rule.  ISM, Indigenous peoples standing against the machine, some of the Christian Peacemaker Teams....  But that's about it. The chicken is involved the pig is committed.  Jesus was committed.  Morpheus, Neo, Gandhi, Selma marchers, Tahrir Square... were committed. 2015 US 'activists' are involved... walking Dead in the face of ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THE FINAL SECONDS OF BEING DESTROYED.  WALKING DEAD... BY DEFINITION... NO VITAL SIGNS.



Notice:  Transcript is always slightly enhanced over the live video. 

SPDF Day 27: A person is neither aLive, nor an Activst... who would not eagerly give their life for the justice of their fellow human beings. This is history.  This is the history of social change.

(If the shoe does not fit, don't wear it.)  There is very very very good news.  I mean that from the bottom of my heart.  You are not activists.

Alice Paul and the suffragists alongside her that would pay any price, were activists.  There was no personal price that they would not pay to achieve their goal.  They did not do what was convenient, they calculated what was necessary, and they paid the price.

That is anathema to todays so called activists. Utterly, explicitly, forecefully forbidden. Literally incomprehensible, today, in the US outside of the few fighting global warming by placing and keeping their very lives in the way of Ecocide.  These exceptions prove the rule.

There are no activists today.

There were activists in Tahrir Square several years ago.  There was no personal price they would not pay to achieve their goal.  They expected it would cost their very lives these young people.  Exactly because they were willing to pay that price the onlookers of the world could not stand to see that price exacted and rose and demanded of the leaders of the world that their lives be saved by meeting their demands.  And they were.

 There was only one group for whom Gandhi had utter contempt and that was those who would not happily risk or give their own lives when justice demanded it.  I've written weeks ago of the law of social change which is the law of paying the price, the law of suffering.  This is an immutable law.  And yet for the last 40 or 50 years those that call themselves activists, the most educated in our society, almost always from affluent or relatively affluent backgrounds, are in ferocious, catatonic, psychotic, clinical denial of this law.

It is said that patriotism is the refuge of scoundrels.  No, activism in the United States since the late sixties is the refuge of scoundrels.  It is where one goes for zero personal accountability, the approval of one's peers in excoriating anyone and everyone except those in the same group, holding oneself and ones group to 0 standards, certainly not the historical standards of true activism, and certainly not the standards of results.

The Washington DC not many years ago there was Ngo after Ngo, activist after activist, rapturously involved in historically doomed,, tepid, comfortable, self serving 'activism' to supposedly Save Darfur.
Fact, the leading such group, "Save Darfur," was headed by a pleasant fellow.  At times that I deemed it constructive and appropriate I clearly, honestly, forthrightly and vehimintly confronted the total hopelessness, the total inadequacy, of the strategies and tactics that were being attempted by this group.And indeed, as was patently obvious to anyone that WANTED to see the truth... they saved not one Darfuri, but they had a nice time, got lots of press, had nice confortable jobs for years, added to their resumes, got credit on their college degrees....

Several years later I saw the head of this preeminent Save Darfur group outside a supermarket. Actually, he saw me and wanted to speak.  To his credit he said to me, why were you so hard on us?  I said, just as when a Dr. hangs out a shingle proclaiming that they are a Dr., thereby setting life and death expectations for those who choose to enter, you did the same by calling your group Save Darfur.  You set an expectation that impacted millions of people and yet you planned and attempted nothing that would ever come close to saving those people.  This is a moral problem that I had a duty to those brothers and sisters in Darfur to attempt to confront.  This is a moral failing I had a duty to you to try and bring to your clear attention, and I felt that you were not seeing it, as a result of active denial or otherwise.

Again, to his credit, he replied with astonishing candor, James, he said, I had no idea how to save the people in Darfur.  I give him credit for the candor, but he still had no idea the horror of what he was saying.  And I find him completely representative of the activism in the United States, or what considers itself activism, be it for stopping global warming, preserving some shred of democracy, or freeing the Palestinians while there is still a living Palestinian left.

The left in the United States adores excoriating the right in this country for their denial, especially in the subject area of global warming.  The denial on the right is nothing compared to the denial on the left of their own irresponsibility, non-solidarity with those they purport to be fighting for, lip service, self serving efforts that have the certainty of not achieving the stated goals but only of serving the egos and other gratifications of the so called activists.

The left's denial near incomprehensible.  This is not slender from me.  This is not condemnation.  It is an opportunity to seriously consider it, thereby it is an offer of liberation.

King, Gandhi, any and all of the true activists, in their own way lived, believed, and articulated that someone that would not risk their very life, happily, in the service of justice for their fellow human being, was already Dead.  None of the 2015 activists that I see are anything of the sort.

None or few are hypocrites on purpose.  They've been taught and learned well a lie.  They've been taught a means of behavior that is not activism, but they've been told in word and deed for 40 or 50 years that it is.

If King, Gandhi, Jesus, and the like are correct that cowardice is living death, and by my life and words I believe that they are, then I am not slandering, I'm attempting as they did, to offer Life, to the activist, and to those they think they are serving..

A person is not living who is not ready to give their life for the justice of their fellow human beings, to paraphrase Dr. King.


***** SPDF Day 22: ***** Day 22: “Yes, ‘alive is better!!!!’ That is exactly the point. Every day for the last 20 or so one Palestinian every three days, EVERY THREE DAYS, has their life sadistically stolen from them...

SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 22: A near lifelong acquaintance who I love above all   others, upon learning of this death fast wrote:  "Understand your position, but I still feel alive is   better than not. xxoo"

My reply:  Yes, 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  That is exactly the point.   Every day for the last 20 or so one Palestinian  every three days, EVERY THREE DAYS, has  their life savagely taken by our US backed Israeli  goon squads.  Every two years or so our US funded,  armed, backed... Israeli goon squads go in and  'mow the lawn,' and 'remove the top soil,' that is  slaughter, as the most powerful military in the world,  a defenseless indigenous population of children,  women and men.  This last time it was 500 children,  1500 adults.  This next time, and everyone knows  it is coming with 18 months, could be 2,000, 20,000, 200,0000.  These Naziesque Israelis know no limits thanks  to the criminal enabling of we US CITIZENS these  last 68 years.   And much much much much worse.  7 million Palestinians have been deprived of Life by we enabling Americans for 68 years now... LIVING DEATH... in refugee camps, and worse, the open air, LITERAL PRISONS... of the West Bank and Gaza... ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS.  ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS. ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS....  LIVING DEATH.  ROBED OF LIFE BY WE WALKING DEAD AMERICANS.

AND IF ONE SURVEYS AND DEEPLY CONSIDERS the in-actions of the Obama Administration, the US Free Palestine 'activists,' the European Free Palestine 'activists,' the invisibility, distortion, lies... spewed by the US Zionist Controlled Media... regarding the otherwise HEROIC Resistance of the Palestinians... THERE IS CURRENTLY ZERO HOPE, ZERO HOPE, FOR EVEN ONE OF MY PALESTINIANS TO BE ALIVE.  ZERO.

That is unacceptable to me.  I can at least save one. I am sure of it.  One can be alive if I die. And that is enough for me.

Yes, 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  And from what I can see,  other than the International Solidarity Movement,  I may be the only person in the US that believes  in every cell in my body that 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  And with infinite Joy and Peace of Heart, EVERY BREATH, I'll give mine now that even just one of them may be 'alive,' sometime, in the next 20 years, who otherwise would not be.  I can't think of, I can't see, anything on earth I'd rather do, or have ever done, in my 63 years.  Why can't you see that?

And the Death Fast, as I've written elsewhere, is the ONLY WEAPON that can save all of creation, stopping ecocide that at this moment is 100% NOT being stopped in time, and to stop the currently unopposed take over by the Oligarchs, the Corporate Fascists, of America, rolling back American human rights to the 1800's... for centuries.... a dark ages.


***** On Religion.... When Religion moves from 'as if' it were True, to 'IT IS THE TRUTH' it moves from Life Giving to Death Giving... Religion is NEVER the Truth, Reality. And... It is virtually impossible for a human to exist without a 'religion' - world view, understanding of how things work, belief system. "Fundamentalism" is the genocidal problem. (click for detail)

(the following is far from neatly written and thought out but it is an explosive advance, for me, this afternoon, in terms of my understanding of these issues)

When Religion moves from 'as if' it were True, to 'IT IS THE TRUTH' it moves from Life Giving to Death Giving

Religion is often on my mind because it is central to the single greatest evil on earth today - the slow torture genocide of my Muslim / Christian family in Palestine by Fundamentalist US christians and Israeli jews.  This is forcing me into study of Islam, Judaism, fundamentalism (christian and jewish)... that otherwise I would not undertake:

Human Religion is NEVER the Truth, Reality because we Humans are in imperfect species.

And... It is virtually impossible for a human to exist without a 'Religion' - world view, understanding of how things work, belief system.

And it is Impossible to Thrive Spiritually and Physically without a comprehensive, healthy, Holistic, Truth-Approximating Religion that enables one to keep all aspects of their needs as humans optimally met, and those of the people they influence, most importantly young-ones. (Adamant 'Blindness' to this is maybe the most fatal flaw of the Left.)

One of the greatest scientific minds, EO Wilson, is in the news recent days for his stance in an upcoming book that the world is dying from religion. I often have this thought.  But seeing this from him makes me recall that no one does not have a 'religion,' a 'belief system,' a way of 'seeing and understanding' the world. 

What may well destroy the world, and what DOES destroy any individual 'spiritually' (the only existence that matters) is not Religion, which is Indispensable and Unavoidable, but Fundamentalism, that is, when one  moves from understanding that their way of seeing the world is NOT REALITY, NOT TRUE... that the world, the Creator, is REAL, TRUE, and that our religion at best can only approximate that Truth, Reality... to the error of 'believing' their Religion to be True, Realty, and therefore 1. The Only True religion (all others being inferior) and 2. Dead, Fixed, no longer moving closer to the Truth, Reality... and probably 'Killing' anyone and anything that IS moving toward them.  Making this mistake is the False Idol that Jesus spoke of, and the 'Tribal' religions that cause so many genocidal wars.  Making this mistake is when 'religion' becomes 'dry as dust,' or, 'a social club with a thin veneer of reality,' whether this fatal mistake is made by a christian, jew, scientist or atheist, liberal or conservative.  

The US left, Liberals, are mostly Fundamentalists.  They believe they know the Truth - education, science, equality, rationality... whatever.

The US right conservatives are mostly Fundamentalists - 'christian' (they couldn't be more anti-Christlike), terrified of change, 'religiously' selfish in principal... whatever.

The one in a million Great Humans are so exactly because they never make the Deadly Error of becoming Fundamentalist in their Belief. 

All Fundamentalist make themselves less than human, sub-human, truly 'Dead,' Dead to moving closer to Reality, Truth... they surrender their 'Image' as children of the Creator by taking on their Fundamentalists beliefs as Truth, Reality, rather than Facing, Embracing that their Religion is at best a means of best living even though we can never know Truth, Reality being the imperfect beings that we are... and that their Religion can, and needs to, constantly improve, move more toward the Truth, Reality.

Fundamentalism is clinical delusion, insanity, mental illness.  It is divorce from reality, truth... that we can never know Reality, Truth.

Fundamentalism of the left, the liberals, academic elites... is destroying all life on earth materially and destroying much human goodness by ignoring the moral limits and boundaries the human needs for Health and Survival.

Fundamentalism on the right, the conservatives... is destroying life regionally - christian Fundamentalists exterminating a million in Iraq, torturing millions in Palestine, literally trying to bring about Armageddon.  muslim fundamentalists are killing thousands in Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria.... jewish fundamentalists are driving much of the US christian Fundamentalist insanity and mid-east Islamic Fundamentalist insanity. Fundamentalists on the right are thereby moving us to global annihilation by nuclear war.