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Showing posts with label Joseph Romm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joseph Romm. Show all posts


GWDF D7A - FACT: Joe Romm surrendered to defeat years ago in his "Hell..." book: I didn't realize. Unlike Brown,

Unless he did a total about face in the final chapter?  Oh, and yes, per the subject line, Brown hasn't yet conceded, in words, but in deeds he's always conceded.  Fact.

Traveling to Phila for 2-4 days to say goodbye to dearest friends.  While waiting in the cattle chute for Megabus I began re-listening to an audio version of Hell and High Water in the Library. 

The following isn't personal.  My next 200 billion children are currently doomed by Plan Armageddon. Only THAT is personal to me.  The rest is figuring out how to save them and who might help, and who is hindering.

I'm going to have to listen again.  But it is 92% clear.  He is 99.9% clear.  'Politically, things just aren't going to change.  The best we can hope for is for 40' sea level rise next century.'  WTF!?!!?!?  Maybe he saves his courage for the last chapter?

No, I shouldn't be surprised.  Nice guy.  Engineer. Scientist.

Four major features to his background: 
1.  Fact - MIT science;
2.  Fact - Gov and non-profits - never had responsibility or experience leading people to high stakes change, nor doing it himself.
3.  Fact - He has been at this for decades with total failure, objectively, in bringing change. It is the rare person that can take the blame for that on themselves;
4. Fact - His audience goes to zero, like mine, if he steps up to the impossible, because more than maybe anything we've made the bargain in this society to avoid facing the needs of society so we can devote all to ourselves;
5. Fact - His funding goes away, from is books, his job blogging, the American Progress Think Tank - an arm of the Democratic Machine - they'd not have Joe playing with the platforms of the party.


No wonder he and I are on different planets.  My bad.  So much to learn, so little time.

Conceding defeat is almost impossible for me, and for Joe, it is all he's ever known. Fact.

ps:  McKibben has so embraced defeat he isn't even worth mentioning, my brother tho he is.

pps:  Hansen is the one that hasn't caved yet, and probably won't, but he hasn't the background or character to be able to stand and even begin to fill the leadership background.


Joe Romm's public display of insanity: Romm's Book 'Language Intelligence' Insightful, Important Climate Central

Romm's Book 'Language Intelligence' Insightful, Important

Climate Central (blog) - ‎5 hours ago‎
Now Joe Romm, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund and well-known blogger, introduces us to the concept of language intelligence in his thoughtful new book Language Intelligence: Lessons on Persuasion


Joe Romm is a nice man.  I truly suspect that the same can be said of Nevile Chamberlain, Nero (tho I've studied him not at all).... 

"Example is not the major thing in influencing people.  It is the only thing,"  Albert Schweitzer.  It is indisputable that 80% of communication is unverbal.   Unviolent action, one of the only two ways to bring radical change, is quintessentially unverbal ACTION; life service, not lip service.

The problem is, Romm, in one of the most pivotal, responsible positions in world history, yes, is determined to have the answer to every political problem to be 'rhetoric.'  Do women have the right to vote because of rhetoric?  Is that how slavery was ended?  Was the removal of Mubarak a rhetorical achievement?  And civil rights, ending the Vietnam War, apartheid....?

I have nothing but affection for Joe Romm, but there could hardly be a better example of the old maxim - 'If your only tool is a hammer, then the solution to every problem is a nail,' or something like that.  Joe likes to write.  He is good at it. It is safe.  You can do it from a comfortable office.   You can make good money at it.  But those who serve humanity don't start, or end with, 'what do I like to do,' they relentlessly hold themselves to the standard, what do these times demand of me?  Of us?  Period.

Joe is in a position of leadership on the most crucial issue ever to confront humanity, environmental Armageddon with just seconds left on the clock,  and to be using his valuable time and ours, directed toward rhetoric, when the competition is not rhetoric, but, A. the most heavily financed army ever to be on earth, the fossil fuel industry after $20 to 80 trillion in revenues, and B. the catatonic penchant of US citizens, especially the 'let them eat cake' left, liberals, progressive-ino's... to be bystanders in what needs to be a participatory government, Democracy, unending unviolent war, is a miraculous feat of madness by the otherwise brilliant, nice, immensely informed bureacrat, writer, blogger, and so far totally unsuccessful for decades in achieving his aims, Mr. Romm.

I wish Joe well.  But frankly, my concern is the next 200 billion of my children, and, well, 'Nero worked on his rhetoric, while Rome burned.'

'My problem is not the violent racists.  My problem is the good people that will not stand and do what is necessary to win,' MLK Jr paraphrase.  Funny,  the world has scarcely ever seen a greater rhetorician than Dr. King, and yet, like Gandhi and the other great Unviolent Leaders, Dr. King exhorted people to put their bodies in the way, not their lips.

The inscription on Gandhi's statue, here in DC, 'My Life is my Message.'  But hey, he didn't go to MIT.  He isn't fawned over by the do nothing left.  So, let's just go with Mr. Romm's absurdity, shall we?  I mean, if the next 200 billion children that we will thereby condemn to planetary "Hell and High Water," don't have a sense of humor, well, what worth are they?  

What a tragedy.


Joe Romm, Sociopathic Denier of the History of Change - Leap Day Special: My Biggest Mistakes

 Leap Day Special: My Biggest Mistakes

Loving's, comments:  Yes, I'm shocked.  Joe Romm is in exactly the sociopathic psychological denial on  Historical fact, as the Deniers are on regarding the 'scientific' truth, fact.  They side with the 1% of the scientists that hold the view they prefer, betting against the 99%, and their own eyes, children, and self-interest.

Joe is doing the same, and worse!  0% of historians would say that the President, top Leader... can pass climate legislation, win WWI,  get rid of Mubarak, end Apartheid, get women the right to vote....  0%.  Only the people, standing with immense courage, until they win, can do those things.

Pathological denial.  What a tragedy Joe.


Is Joe Romm at Think Progress a Denier Agent? Yes. Does he Face it? Unknown.

Melting Snowe: Another ‘Moderate’ Retires from the Senate

By Joe Romm

Objectively, scientifically, there is only one force in the universe strong enough to successfully oppose 7 of the 10 largest corporations on earth, the oil companies.  It is the same, 'only,' force that was strong enough to overcome slavery, get rid of Mubarak, stop Hittler, win Civil Rights.... Simple.

Not if you are the coward Joe Romm.  If he faced this truth, he'd have to start telling the readers of this Think Progress auth-whore things they don't want to hear - personal responsibility, it's up to us, stop blaming everyone but yourselves.... 

Oh, he's sometimes direct as in yesterday's laughable screed blaming all on Pr. Obama, 'Failed Presidency,' uh, except by EVERY objective measure.  A deliberate attempt to deflect attention away from how he and the Climate Country Club have squandered every and all opportunities - making a total waste of their lives?  But direct, or indirect, his cowardly, disingenuous efforts to direct 'blame' everywhere but where it can threaten the status quo, at we the people, his unfailing cowardice can be depended upon.