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Showing posts with label JESUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JESUS. Show all posts


Did Jesus know he was on a Fool's errand? You cannot create Temple Grandin.


Jesus was actually destroyed by John, those writers a hundred years after his physical death.


The greatest expression of political and moral Authority since Martin Luther King Jr? Extraordinary. Well done.

Rev. William J. Barber II America

Sadly he is mistaken on the two most important things as was dr. King. He eloquently illustrates all that matters is I, what I do, what I make of my life, and then he says exactly the opposite. He is correct in the first case. And he suggests that there's a political solution and there's not for two reasons, and they're related. It's too late, and it's too late because we've never done what Jesus said which is to put our whole life into cultivating our own soul, putting it in charge of the head and flesh that otherwise wreak destruction and thereby possibly encourage others to do the same. But a wonderful article none the less.


Friend Floyd, why I detest John 14:6

PS. If I do the things that he says, and not the one that he didn't say, but even if he said it, if I do the things that he says, but not one, and he senfs me to Hell, by God that's where I want to go. I knew that 5 years old, 9 years old, 17 years old, and 69 years old.


People of soul. Not certain am I that I've known more than five or 10 or even known of that many in my life. A sobering thought. Yes, nearly all infants, but we destroy it almost immediately.

 Only a small fraction of the  even.


I find nothing of Jesus in the church. Just a twisted Antichrist imposter, hideous.

I abhor superficial superficial relationships because they're always instead of relationships soul to soul. I Think Jesus and all beings are the same. Sept 4.


Jessica, I found my choice was to embrace the church and reject Jesus, or Embrace Jesus and reject the church. Sept 4


Does James hate God, or hate wealth? The answer is unclear. Sept 4


You love Jesus, right? Well, I love the father he had, I seem to have the same one. Aug 31


Jesus life was hell, and heaven, Agony, and joy. Mine too. Aug 30


I have had no sex of any sort mental or physical in 20 years. My God I wish I had never had that disease, for me, and those I hold most dear. Completely Robs life, JOY. This place is all meaningful relationship between Souls. Jesus knew. He was opposed to having family.

I must avoid enabling those two think that family is their group, as best I can.

I like the messages on your vehicle, the young man said. My reply, I find I just have written on my soul the same thing that Jesus did.