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Showing posts with label INSHE Warriors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INSHE Warriors. Show all posts


***** SPDF Day 31: 1st Kenyan to stand up to the Dictator, by himself, beaten, threatened... never looked back...never stopped.... Still alive, so far.

SPDF vlog Day 31: Paragons of mental health, who are they? Martin Luther Kin Jr., Malala, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Malcom X, Oscar Romero.....

Paragons of mental health, who are they?  Martin Luther Kin Jr., Malala, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Malcom X, Oscar Romero, the young people in Tahrir Square several years ago, some of the soldiers who have stood against war such as the Vietnam War war or the war on Iraq and Afghanistan and surely the soldiers in Israel that are standing against israel's barbarity on the Palestinians. 

The greatest of all of the formal psychologists Alford Adler said that health, the healthy choice, tends to lie in the direction of courage.  For him the hallmark of health was a social interest.

The greatest psychologist of all in that the truth of his insights have had a greater impact on humanity than the insights of anyone else, I'm referring to Jesus, his core notion was universal family, one Father making us all brothers, and his life and words commanded us to go and live our lives accordingly.  Lay down your life for your brother.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the flock.  As you do unto the least of these you do unto me.  Whoever would hold onto his life shall lose it, whoever would lose his life shall gain it.  Love as I have loved, and of course he ran into the arms of death.  King ran into the arms of death, as did Malala as did Gandhi, as did Malcom X. 

Only the most twisted would perceive that they had a death wish, that they wanted to die, that they wanted to be Martyrs, whatever that means.  And today it means some sort of twisted slender.  They wanted to ransom and redeem their suffering brothers and sisters.

For all intents and purposes there is only one way for the human being to get what they want and that is to pay the price for it.  The ultimate price that anyone can pay, and therefore the ultimate power that any individual has to affect what they want to affect.  Is their life, paying their life is the ultimate price they can pay for the ultimate value that they want. 

As Dr. King said so often and so many different ways, the person who does not know what they would die for is not equipped to live.

Whoever thinks that their own life is their ultimate value is already dead.  All of the individuals I mentioned lived, live, accordingly by whatever belief they might have.  They live accordingly because this is the law of our DNA, it is what is written in our DNA because it was ultimately addaptive for having our species produce generation after generation of human beings. 

This healthy nature is rarely seen in our sick culture, our western culture which is more and more the world's culture which has embraced a lower side of human nature, the capacity for morbid and suicidal self centeredness.  But this is not what we see in aboriginal cultures, human beings in an environment like that which we were designed for. This is not seen in other species, this morbid and suicidal self-centeredness.  It is not seen in any species except for cells that become cancerous which no longer devote themselves to the well being of the group but only to their own selfish interests.


SPDF Day 30 vlog: It is not inconceivable that in 2-4 weeks time that I'll conclude that I have wielded the Death Fast for as is long as is constructive, this time....

SPDF Day 30:  It is not inconceivable that in 2-4 weeks time that I'll conclude that I have wielded the Death Fast for as is long as  is constructive, this time....

I am unable to put my finger exactly on what it is that I am sensing this morning.  But I suspect that it is at least possible that by 2-4 weeks from now I will conclude that this death fast has provided as much benefit as it can provide at this time in 2015 and that I will be better able to serve Palestine by terminating this death fast rather than to let it run its full course.

There are a number of factors that I did not expect that have raised this prospect in my mind.  I believe my  expectations at the beginning of this I stated fairly clearly, I expected this death fast to have no impact until after it terminated me.  That's how sick I thought we were.  But I did not anticipate the aggressive , extreme , distancing that I have experience from the few people who had remained at all close to me in my life, with maybe two, possibly three exceptions .  I take this as a sign that we are even more morbidly willing to amputate anything and everything close to us or far away so we can maintain our self centered , cancerous , world killing individual, self-centered existences .

Also I must conclude that it is possible that by now whatever Palestinian Diaspora in Washington, DC has some slight idea of what I have been doing in front of the capital and now up in front of NPR until Congress gets back next week .  I must conclude that there is some slight awareness and that I must attribute some significance to the fact that there has been zero out-reach , zero support , zero encouragement , zero dialog .  Zero visibility.

I wasn't  smart enough , or maybe I realized it just wasn't my job , to take the time to anticipate how this community would react , but I do consider it now .  And I consider that this is evidence of a soul-dead Palestinian Diaspora which I did not anticipate.  It seems that they have been so infected with the western culture that they too feel that there is nothing that they would  sacrifice , gladly, their own personal well being for .

This is a level of spiritual death in relevant communities beyond what I had anticipated .

If these perceptions hold and or develop within me then they place me where I wound up in the late or middle of my prior death fast , perceiving that I was conducting the death fast in a graveyard .  Surely conducting any kind of action to inspire the action of others in a graveyard is not a good use of time .

This analogy does not hold in that there may well be an online of record of this death fast ,, which I am working diligently to provide, that could serve people in the future .  But nevertheless I am seeing indications that it is absolutely a graveyard I am conducting this in beyond even what I had understood .  And if these perceptions old within me then I may conclude that I can better serve Palestine by terminating the death fast before it terminates me , or,  maybe not ,

I could terminate the death fast today based on these perceptions but I think that would be premature .  My confidence that death fast is the only weapon to save Palestine , save any last remnants of democracy in America , stop ecocide ...  are only strengthened by these perceptions .,honor an hour.  But that my termination at this moment or 2 to 4 weeks from now would add any value to this current demonstration of the weapon has this morning arisen as a question in my mind.


***** SPDF Day 29: From what I can see this Death Fast has cost me most of the few left who were close to me...

SPDF Day 29:  From what I can see this Death Fast has cost me at least 4 of the last 6 folks that were remotely friends to me.  As I posted earlier today there is a potential threat of me receiving a fate far worse than death - institutionalization.  Neither of these things do I want.  But they are way way way way down the list from my top priority, to give my life that maybe one Palestinian in the next 20 years might HAVE a life.


***** SPDF Day 26: ***** DYING IS NOT MY GOAL… life for at least one more Palestinian… is......

[Note: My brain is getting quite fuzzy, along with my eyesight. That coupled with deep fatigue... are resulting, I'm sure, in a higher rate of typos, and other errors, that I'm sure we both wish were not there.]

SPDF Day 26:  My goal is not to die.  My goal is that Palestinians not die, and I'll GLADLY pay any personal price for that goal.  I'm happy if that price is the ultimate price for me.

As I wrote several weeks ago, this Death Fast is correct for me in this time of complete and utter hopelessness for my Palestine Family.  In such complete darkness, complete hopelessness, objectively, based on all the self-serving, self-gratifying, hopeless, meaningless US 'activist' Free Palestine efforts... this Death Fast against such utter bleakness 'could' be seen at some time after my death, and awaken a few, to the only action that could be CERTAIN to Free Palestine, in sufficient numbers, and then to stop the descent of US into Fascism, and Ecocide.

If that utter bleakness dissipates beyond a point, this Death Fast by just one, me, would be throwing away life to no purpose. In a completely dark room, even a huge one, a tiny candle can be seen from anywhere in the room.  But if the darkness is dispelled, it cannot.

I'd be GLAD to have this Death Fast terminate my life.

I'd be GLAD to find out that a Real Dawn, aggressive, determined, committed, urgent Obama  Admin efforts... was breaking for Palestine.

I'd NOT be GLAD, but I'd recognize and possibly respond to... a 'possible,' 'perceived,' 'uncertain' dawn... such as the news that France is planning to reintroduce a 'Palestinian State' resolution in the UN, and that the US is 'planning' to go after AIPAC, and support a UN resolution.

If these dispel, for good or ill, the utter darkness of the moment, I'll be forced to consider terminating this Death Fast to avoid throwing away one of the only True US Activists that my Palestine has.

The potential harbingers of such 'light pollution,' if not true Light, that I see, the potentially Strategically important news, I' post on this site.

NOTE: If, as there would be, if there were Real Activists in the US, there were 100, or 1000 of us doing what I am, Death Fast... first to Free Palestine, then to save Democracy by getting the money out, then to stop Ecocide... then the above would be less of a factor, if any at all.  100 candles can be seen even in a semi-lighted room.  But one cannot.


***** MUST WATCH. MUST THINK. MUST CHANGE. "The purpose of life is giving." 4 min

SPDF Day 22: Medical Update. This morning my doc said yesterday's bloodwork shows ...

SPDF Day 22:  Medical Update.  This morning my doc said yesterday's bloodwork shows ok except my potassium (hearts stop when it gets too low) is still too low, but it is better than last week, thanks to the potassium horse pills she started me on.  She's having me double the dose.  My blood pressure is dropping, 110 over 76, lowest I've ever had. So much fluid pools in my legs is probably a contributing factor.  My doc, she's ordering support hose for my lower legs thinking this may help supply the fluid back to the rest of my body.  Weight has dropped about a half pound per day, about what I would have expected, from 175 when I started down to 163 this morning, tho several pounds of that is fluid in my legs, so probably a little more than that.

***** SPDF Day 22: ***** Day 22: “Yes, ‘alive is better!!!!’ That is exactly the point. Every day for the last 20 or so one Palestinian every three days, EVERY THREE DAYS, has their life sadistically stolen from them...

SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 22: A near lifelong acquaintance who I love above all   others, upon learning of this death fast wrote:  "Understand your position, but I still feel alive is   better than not. xxoo"

My reply:  Yes, 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  That is exactly the point.   Every day for the last 20 or so one Palestinian  every three days, EVERY THREE DAYS, has  their life savagely taken by our US backed Israeli  goon squads.  Every two years or so our US funded,  armed, backed... Israeli goon squads go in and  'mow the lawn,' and 'remove the top soil,' that is  slaughter, as the most powerful military in the world,  a defenseless indigenous population of children,  women and men.  This last time it was 500 children,  1500 adults.  This next time, and everyone knows  it is coming with 18 months, could be 2,000, 20,000, 200,0000.  These Naziesque Israelis know no limits thanks  to the criminal enabling of we US CITIZENS these  last 68 years.   And much much much much worse.  7 million Palestinians have been deprived of Life by we enabling Americans for 68 years now... LIVING DEATH... in refugee camps, and worse, the open air, LITERAL PRISONS... of the West Bank and Gaza... ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS.  ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS. ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS....  LIVING DEATH.  ROBED OF LIFE BY WE WALKING DEAD AMERICANS.

AND IF ONE SURVEYS AND DEEPLY CONSIDERS the in-actions of the Obama Administration, the US Free Palestine 'activists,' the European Free Palestine 'activists,' the invisibility, distortion, lies... spewed by the US Zionist Controlled Media... regarding the otherwise HEROIC Resistance of the Palestinians... THERE IS CURRENTLY ZERO HOPE, ZERO HOPE, FOR EVEN ONE OF MY PALESTINIANS TO BE ALIVE.  ZERO.

That is unacceptable to me.  I can at least save one. I am sure of it.  One can be alive if I die. And that is enough for me.

Yes, 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  And from what I can see,  other than the International Solidarity Movement,  I may be the only person in the US that believes  in every cell in my body that 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  And with infinite Joy and Peace of Heart, EVERY BREATH, I'll give mine now that even just one of them may be 'alive,' sometime, in the next 20 years, who otherwise would not be.  I can't think of, I can't see, anything on earth I'd rather do, or have ever done, in my 63 years.  Why can't you see that?

And the Death Fast, as I've written elsewhere, is the ONLY WEAPON that can save all of creation, stopping ecocide that at this moment is 100% NOT being stopped in time, and to stop the currently unopposed take over by the Oligarchs, the Corporate Fascists, of America, rolling back American human rights to the 1800's... for centuries.... a dark ages.


***** Day 21: “If men are not willing to practice the way of non-violence with the same kind of commitment and recklessness of cost or consequences as they practice the way of war… clearly non-violence will not work...”

***** SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 21:  From the all-time greatest book of essays on Unviolent Warfare.  "If men are not willing to practice the way of non-violence with the same kind of commitment and recklessness of cost or con­sequences as they practice the way of war and as Communists work for Communism, clearly non-violence will not work."  AJ Muste  (Set your adblock on your browser and find it here "Peace and Nonviolence, Ed Guinan."


SPDF Day 19: HAVE THE DECENCY, GUTS…to face the mountains of theoretical, historical, practical, and experiential learning, writings, examples on which this campaign is based. ..

SPDF Day 19:  HAVE THE DECENCY, GUTS, as you continue to disparage, denigrate, denounce, discount, dispute, distance from, generally dis, and / or dismiss my efforts, at least face the mountains of theoretical, historical, practical, and experiential learning, writings, examples... on which it is based.  You will find all of my foundation at two sites:  1.  A. The articles are the ones I select every day as credible, substantial, and strategically important.  B.  The links in rows at the top are the most effective distillations of the scholarly studies, books, articles from the world's leading academics where one can quickly get a profound grasp of the situation.  C. The SPDF posts are my distillation of a lifetime of study and practice of leadership, nonviolence (unviolent warfare), strategic anaylisis and planning... specific to Palestine and what is needed NOW.  2.  There is a God-send site (NOTICE: SET YOUR ADBLOCK IN YOUR BROWSER, FIRST, TO AVOID THE PORN ADS.  The Pirate Bay dot se / Unviolentpeacemaker) created by some brave soul over the years that has virtually all of the great scholarship, models, media and practice on Unviolent Warfare (nonviolence), and Palestine / Israel.  I've read and incorporated the vast majority in to my being, and into my work.


vlog. SPDF Day 18: Is there really no one besides a dearest loved one you would gladly give your life to save...?

vlog. SPDF Day 18:  Is there really no one besides a dearest loved one you would gladly give your life to save?  Well, then all is lost.

If you would give your life or anyone it would probably be for someone extremely close to you.  In our society this is normal, for the last 6000 years this is normal.  If normal continues your nieces and nephews, children and grandchildren, have no future other than a living material Hell.  I suppose this is unfair.  I suppose it is not kind.  But it is the fact.

Global warming is destroying earth and the final seconds to stop that are passing as we speak.   What American democracy there was is being replaced by some combination of oligarchy, fascism, and the last seconds to stave it off prior to an unstoppable dark ages of innumerable decades or centuries, the seconds left to stave off are passing now.

These are both immensely abstract issues from which we are distracted by a multitrillion dollar economy based on addiction to stuff, and the lies and illusions that go along with that.  This is why a freeing Palestine, finding that as I think I would, you too would gladly give your life for any of the seven million Palestinians that have been so tormented for going on 70 years now, this is why this is so instrumental to the first two problems that I mentioned.

The Terrorization of Palestine is the most concrete, most evil, most immense horror facing humanity today.  It requires less imagination to see the victims and to find the compassion within ourselves to happily trade our life for even one of theirs.  I don't know that such a thing as such mass mobilized compassion has happened before in history in the numbers that this will require.  It is not going to happen.  But unless it does there is no hope of stopping global warming or global police state.

If that mass heroic mobilization happened for Palestine there is a prayer, because an awakened heart doesn't stop when it has solved the problem at hand.  It looks around at the rest of its human family.  So in the army that mobilized to free Palestine before the next slaughter would be an army that would subsequently mobilize against those other two problems.  There is no other situation that can raise the army.

If not you, who?  If you don't become the change, who is going to?  No one, is the answer you should find the courage to face.

Is this a sad prospect.  I can't speak for you, but for me it is the most joyful prospect.  The prospect of giving my life to save even one Palestinian?  That's heaven.  The much more minuscule, but real prospect, that I could be part of the start of raising the army that could save all future for humankind?  Do I find that sad?  I feel it is what I was born for.  I feel it is what you were born four.  My learning and study tells me it is what we're all born for, but we have forgotten, we have been taught to forget by our ultimately sick culture.

vlog. SPDF Day 18: I am on Death Fast in protest of YOU...

vlog. SPDF Day 18:  I am on Death Fast in protest of YOU. (If the shoe does not fit, don't wear it.)

Until several days ago I had two primary targets for this death fast, and one secondary target.  The two primary targets were the activists associated with freeing Palestine, the so called activists, and other people of goodwill.  And that was number one.  Number two was congressman John Lewis as the only representative in the house or the senate that I think has enough conscience buried within him to be awakened and to take a leadership position for Palestine.  As I've said often I have no illusions that I'll make any difference beyond a saving the life of one Palestinian within the next 20 years by trading my life for theirs.  I remain certain that that will be achieved.

But I can have goals beyond that and I just stated that the two groups that I've been targeting this death fast at.

As a third individual in whom I had some hope of also rising to playing a major moral role, actually beyond hope, I was near certain of it.  Pr. Obama.  If the article that I re-published today on this blog by Peter Beinart is at all correct, and tragically, I'm fairly certain that it is, then I am finally seeing that today's president Obama is an enemy of mine, an enemy of Palestine, an enemy of humanity.  If Beinart's article is correct then the Obama of administrations response to Netanyahu's handing them license to force a solution on a silver platter, is to reject that platter in favor of further pandering to the Zionist elites.  It is horrifying.  It makes today a darker day than several days ago, or ever before, for me.  It makes today darker than when  Netanyahu was here.  But that's the way it appears now.

Prior to seeing this in addition to john Lewis I perceived that president Obama was the other, the single other person in Washington, whose moral stature and latant humanity and conscience needed to be my target, and the target of all of us, to inspire them to levels of heroic and courageous leadership.

Whereas I may have some little hope in John Lewis, there is no prayer for Palestine, zero, nada, nothing... without a privileged-white activism of the courage, recklessness, selflessness that maybe has only ever been seen before among the handful of whites that risked, and in some cases lost, their lives in the civil rights movement.  Though I've not spent time studying this specifically, I believe it is true that almost never in history has a population that is not the immediate victim, as these white people were not the immediate victim, almost never do such people willingly, aggressively, put their own lives at risk.  But in the sixties, from privileged, northern, and also southern whites, we saw exactly that.

Unless that reappears in huge numbers the Palestinians are lost.  Maybe the next slaughter in Gaza that everyone is expecting within the next year and 1/2 will only be the size of the last one.  Anyone who is honest realizes that it may be many many fold more.  Netanyahu and his minions are insane but they are not stupid.  They have gambled all along that the faster they exterminated, the faster they destroyed the rights of Palestinians, the more likely they were to get away with it.  And nothing has transpired on the U.S. or international stage that should change their view of that.

For me, keeping or losing my own life is just way way way way way down the list from taking even the most minuscule chance a staving off this next slaughter and bringing a just peace to the Palestinian people.  And that means that you, the American left, are our only hope, you catatonic, way in denial, liberals, you  do it if it's convenient and safe, popular, funded... Free Palestine activists.  You are the ones that have at least a cognitive understanding of the situation which means that you are the population that could mobilize the most quickly.

My death fast is for you.  It is to show you the direction of how to Free Palestine.  In the next 50 years BDS would not bring justice to Palestine.  It can play a minor role, the same way the army can play a role in a military conflict.  But without the special forces, without the Marines, going in first and putting their lives at the greatest risk, there really is no purpose for the army.  It is my understanding that this is fundamental military theory.

Similarly without the whites and blacks putting their lives on the line to show, to prove, to establish... the worth of black lives and black freedom all the other more timid, more cowardly, less aggressive activism would still be going on today with no significant results.

So this death fast is for you.  I don't expect you to notice.  I expect you to dismiss it, disparage it, distort it so it is not a threat to you, and cannot impact your heart.  But that's on you, that's not on me.  Me playing my part is on me, and by god, unless and until the situation changes, I will carry it through with all the joy and passion that I've ever had.

vlog. SPDIF day 17: this death fast is for everyone I know and everyone I do not know. This death fast is against everyone I know, and everyone I don't know. (If the shoe does not fit, don't wear it.)

This death fast is for everyone I know , and for every one I do not know, born and to be born in the future.  I experience all of these as part of me.  I experienced all of these as part of my family.  That's just how it is with me.

And this death fast is a protest against everyone I know , and everyone I see involved in the so called free Palestine effort.  Against individuals?  Of course not.  Against grossly inadequate, cowardly, self serving behavior of nearly all the individuals involved?  Absolutely.

Every one of the people I'm describing may be doing exactly what history requires.  But to my trained eye none, with a certain exception of Diane Wilson (on other crucial issues), and the possible exception of very few others, with the near certain exception of the international solidarity movement activists in Palestine, with the near certainty exception of some other activists in Palestine.  With the fairly certain exception of much or most of Hamas, heroic, intelligent, informed freedom fighters.

But I just mentioned dozens of people on a planet with seven billion.  This death fast is a protest against the behavior of almost everyone, above the age of 12, on earth, particularly we over privileged in the United States .  We are behaving like the walking dead people that we are.  In willful, catatonic denial .  Fiddling while Rome burns.  Not lifting a finger so that our nieces and nephews, our children, our grandchildren, have a future remotely worth living in terms of democratic society , a planet habitable , other than the police state that is being developed in Palestine for export to the elites around the world. 



SPDF Day 17: I expect to terminate this death fast within the next few days. I'm no expert on missiles but I know that some are equipped with an abort mechanism.  Anyone that launches a campaign of any sort and regardless of changing circumstances is unwilling to change their plans as a zealot, a madman.  This death vast was begun on the day, on the night before, Netanyahu was here in Washington enabling Congress to demonstrate its complete corruption, and his as well.  It was a time of complete darkness.  Utter hopelessness.  Absolute shamefullness among the cowardly inadequacy of the American Free Palestine activities. 

We American activists don't do what's needed.  We do what's convenient.  We do what feels good.  We do what attracts money, followers, accolades, while enabling us to continue on with our over privileged lifestyles.  The exceptions prove the rule. 

I think that may have changed now.  No, it has changed.  The question is how substantial is the change, and will it continue. 

I posted earlier today some discussion of my analysis of the situation.  At the core is the widely covered news that the Obama Administration may have been given enough license by this criminal Netanyahu and his criminal Israeli country to act aggressively to impose the international law of record, the 1967 borders and the right of return for the 3.5 million  Palestinian refugees.  I make not the slightest assumption that tomorrow's headlines might not reverse all this.  But I do make the assumption, it is my analysis, that A. it could be substantive, and B. It changes the clarity of the situation with in which I am on Death Fast.  Even the most infinitesimal candle in a room of absolutes darkness and be seen.  Well I could be that candle on the day, and on the days since, Netanyahu was here in town.  But for the moment the room is no longer nearly so dark with these obvious considerations on the part of the Obama Administration.

I suspect that I'll not reach a final conclusion for several days.  I'll continue to watch the news for clues as to whether this is substantive or illusory.  But within hours or days I think there is an excellent chance that the best way I can serve the part of my family that is Palestine is to terminate this death fast, regain strength, continue my online work, probably continue my vigil and work, and to watch for the next point of clarity as to how I can serve, which could well be, if the next absolute darkness appears even almost immediately, to launch another death fast.

As I wrote in an immensely important post the other day, I feel not the slightest hesitation to have my life terminate now, this instant, if it can save one Palestinian in the next 20 years.  But the clarity for that at the moment may have been lost, and there may now be new and better opportunities to serve even more.  I'll see.

I will, I AM giving my Life for Palestine, for the infinite Joy of it. The only variable  is how to best serve in doing that.  I'll continue to re-calculate breath, by breath, by breath.

***** vlog. Day 17 (Capital Hill): "Palestinians... "Cheap,' 'near worthless.' This is the price that the U.S. activists, so called activists, to Free Palestine, are establishing on Palestinian Life and Human Rights.

SPDF Stop palestine's death fast the 17 (Capital Hill): "Cheap,' 'near worthless.'  This is the price that the U.S. activists, so called activists, to Free Palestine, are establishing on Palestinian Life and Human Rights.  Near worthless.  No?  Have you forgotten what setting a price, setting a value, looks like?  The marchers in Selma set the price on the life and human rights of black Americans.  The Salt Marchers in India, the marchers on the Salt Works in India, set the price, set the value, on the life and rights of Indians.  The young Egyptians in Tahrir Square set the value of Egyptian freedom, and Egyptian rights.  The International Solidarity Movement workers in Israel are setting the price on Palestinian Life.  They're setting it very high.  Rachel Corrie is the clearest example but many many other young international's are setting the ultimate value on Palestinian Life.  But their work is obscured, hidden, not only by the Zionist terrorized U.S. Media, but it is diluted to nothingness by the infinitely larger price setters, the infinitely more visible U.S. so-called Free Palestine activists. 

Now some of these so called Free Palestine activists take my breath away with their humanity and courage.  Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky a few of the heroic actions of Jewish Voice for Peace.  The BDS activists on college campuses are light years beyond my humanity, or rather my inhumanity, when I was a self absorbed air head when I was in college.  But that doesn't change the fact that the price they all are setting on Palestinian Life is 'virtually worthless.'  The value they are setting on Palestinian Life is virtually nil.  No?  The price of black lives and black freedom back in the sixties set by college students was risking their lives and careers and education and reputation by leaving their campuses, leaving their towns, leaving their homes and going in droves, to work in what must have been terrifying back reaches of the south, and or to go to prison like Parchman Prison.  Some of them paid with their lives setting the life of black life, and black freedom, at the ultimate value, at the ultimate price, where it belongs.

These are facts.  They are historically indisputable facts.  Yes, today, neither on the right for the left do we value facts.  Especially among US liberals, especially amoung US liberal 'activists.'  We value opinion.  We value group consensus (you know, circle-jerking).  We don't value historical fact.  We fear historical fact because historical fact condemns our current cowardly inaction and demands that we act differently.


***** SPDF Day 16: "Israel will become much more fanatic.....

***** SPDF Day 16: STOP. STOP AND READ THIS ENTIRE ARTICLE. NOW.  Israel will become much more fanatic and extremist than ever before with a lot less inhibitions. I am therefore worried about the Palestinians and wonder how much more of this they could possibly take and what they can expect in the next few months and years. Israel isolating itself is more dangerous for the Palestinians because world public opinion will no longer be a moderating factor on Israel’s behaviour. And believe it or not, it did have a moderating effect. What you have been seeing so far and what Palestinians have been experiencing is not yet the worst. Gaza gives you the idea of what Israel has in mind for all Palestinians. - See more at: