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Showing posts with label HEART. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEART. Show all posts


nd 'I intend to work my newfound notion of our neurological Soul alongside my extensive writing on Heart, for the more complete picture, if I have time before this Death Fast, or the Cancer takes me.' Loving

nd 'I intend to work my newfound notion of our neurological Soul alongside my extensive writing on Heart, for the more complete picture, if I have time before this Death Fast, or the Cancer takes me.' Loving


Tolstoy: "The spiritual force that moves this world of­ ten slips from our attention...." (more)

The spiritual force that moves this world of­
ten slips from our attention. It is not found in
books, newspapers, the law, or scholarly jour­
nals. Invisible, it is always free. It can be found in
your thoughts, and is the force of your spirit.



"Ecocide's not unleashing because of the Good we do; but the Good we don't do - the completely unreasonable, personally massively disruptive, costly steps we don't do." Loving (MORE)

"Ecocide's not unleashing because of the Good we do; but the Good we don't do -  the completely unreasonable, personally massively disruptive, costly steps we don't do."  Loving

"We are not unleashing Ecocide on Humanity because we don't Love.  We are unleashing Ecocide on Humanity because we Conditionally Love, we 'Reasonably' Love, we Love except when it is massively, massively, massively... Inconvenient!" Loving.  And that will be the epitaph on Earth unless and until an immediate, raging, Painful, Fire of Unreasonable, Unconditional, Massively Inconvenient Loving is unleashed.  Now.  To This, BEING IT first myself, my every breath is, and will remain devoted.  That is for certain.  And that at times the few making the mistake of traveling near me will feel Joy, Meaning, Goodness by our interchange, is fairly sure; and that they will feel Searing Pain, Agony, such as you are now feeling, me being the catalyst, also will be certain.


Planetsave: Apes Have A Sense Of ‘Fairness’ That Is Very Similar To Humans, Research Finds

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 10:55 PM PST
Chimpanzees apparently possess a sense of what is ‘fair’ that is extremely similar to that of humans, new research has found. Not that it is very surprising, given how extremely similar humans and other ape species are. Previously though, the ‘expert’ consensus had been that ‘fairness’ was a uniquely human trait, though like most assumed ‘human-only’ traits ‘fairness’ has now been found to be present in species other than humans.
It would very much surprise me if most of the traits assumed to be innately human and separate from other animals was the result of anything other than the cultures of modern humans.....