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Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts


Extremely serious, honest, question: Do you think it coincidence that by following my teachings you would increase the loving, decrease the hating, in the world? Jesus

James here. How is it in the middle of the night last night Awakening to the thought, how is it that after 68 years, most adoring the man Jesus what he stood for and what I thought he taught, how am I just now understanding this? Above? I mean, has it been articulated to me any place? Did Tolstoy say it? Did King and Gandhi say it? Did the gospels say it  clearly? Does any church say it?  Do any Advocates of so-called nonviolent action articulate it, understand it? I am not challenging you. I am feeling challenged. As of this moment James is thinking that if he has helped birth contribution into the the world it is this.

 Turn the other cheek, give your cloak also.... I only Now understand.

Neutral metabolism: Head & Flesh Lust for Pleasure. Soul Loves for Joy.


Tolstoy's bottom line. "Understand then, all of you, that you were born neither slaves nor masters, that you are all free; but you are so only when you have observed the supreme law of life, and this law has been revealed to you. It will be sufficient for you to renounce the lies that hide it from you for you to see at once in what it consists and where your happiness lies. This law is in love, and happiness is found in its observance.......

The law of love, the law of violence. Leo Tolstoy. Short book.

From the book Martin Luther King jr. Read in  crosier Seminary, the law of love, the law of violence. Leo Tolstoy. Short book that he rushed to write before he died. Free download at this link. Chapter 18 - 19 chapters. Book Tolstoy said he had to write two years before his death near 100. Tolstoy was the Catalyst for Gandhi and Martin Luther King jr. How can you not read this deeply? The following is from the final two chapters that he ever wrote, 18 and 19. And if you read this book as you should and his others you will see that it is a Clarity, a simplification, not even found in the earlier chapters, and in the earlier books. It is as though it took even Tolstoy 100 years to rip out the cultural programming that had prevented him from seeing what is naturally inside us all.

"... Understand then, all of you, that you were born neither slaves nor masters, that you are all free; but you are so only when you have observed the supreme law of life, and this law has been revealed to you. It will be sufficient for you to renounce the lies that hide it from you for you to see at once in what it consists and where your happiness lies. This law is in love, and happiness is found in its observance..... Understand that, and you will become really free; you will acquire everything that to-day you are vainly seeking to obtain by the complicated means suggested to you by corrupted men. "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

(Matthew, xi, 28-32.)

... You will be preserved from evil and you will acquire the real good, not by looking after your interest, not by envy, hatred, anger, ambition; not even by a sense of justice, or above all by the care of organizing the life of others; but, strange as it may seem, only by the work of your own soul, not following any outside interests, and not trying to reason with its dictates.

... Understand then, all of you, especially the young, that to want to impose an imaginary state of government on others by violence is not only a vulgar superstition, but even a criminal work. Understand that this work, far from assuring the good of men, is hypocricy, and is only a lie, a more or less unconscious always hiding the lowest passions....

.... Understand it, you, men of to-morrow, and stop looking for an illusionary happiness by participating in the administration of the state, by judicial institutions, by instruction, by all kinds of parties who have the good of the masses as an aim. Pay attention to only one thing, that which you need the most, that is the most accessible, which gives the most happiness to us and to every one: the increase of love in us by the suppression of vices and passions that keep it from manifesting itself [ and more importantly by empowering that love by carefully monitoring yourself and putting it in charge. James] ....

... Remember it, consecrate your life to this joyous work; just begin it, and you will see that it is the true work in life, and it alone determines the amelioration of the condition of everybody an end that you follow blindly by false methods. Do becoming as inevitable for us as is the  
not forget that the common bond is in the union of men, and that this union can never be attained by means of violence. It is enough that every one should observe the law of life, and this union will be realized without the need of seeking for it.

This supreme law, alone, is the same for all of us and unites us all....

.... We possess a single infallible guide and this is the Universal Spirit that lives in men as a whole, and in each one of us, which makes us aspire to what we should aspire; it is the spirit that commands the tree to grow towards the sun, the flower to throw off its seed in autumn, us to reach out towards God, and by so doing become united to each other....

.... No matter how obscured your brain may be by your authority, your wealth, no matter how badly treated you may be and how irritated by misery and humiliations, you possess and you manifest like all of us, the divine spirit, which asks you clearly to-day: Why do you martyrize yourself and make all those about you unhappy? Understand who you are, just how insignificant and infallible is that which you call "you" having understood it, your spiritual self and commence to live entirely for the accomplishment of the superior mission of your life which has been revealed to you by universal wisdom, by the doctrine of Christ, and by your own conscience.....

... Put the good of your life in the progressive freedom of your mind, freedom from all the illusions of the flesh, and in the improvement of your love for your fellow man which is, after all, the same thing. As soon as you will have begun to live thus, you will be aware of a joyous sensation full of liberty and happiness. You will be surprised to see that the same external conditions, with which you were so concerned, and which were far from realization, will not prevent the coming of the greatest possible happiness....

.... And if you are unhappy I know that you are reflect upon what has been proposed to you here, and which I have not imagined, but is the result of the thoughts and feelings of the best minds and human hearts, and which is the only way to deliver you from your unhappiness, to acquire the greatest good that you can get in this life. That is what I have wanted to say to before dying.

For my birthday? As you have done unto the least, or not done, you have done unto me.

I've been thinking this. Only now did I come to know of the quote. Happiness is the most Insidious prison of all.

 Regularly when people asked about the mission along the way I will mention that's how I spent a lifetime pursuing happiness and pleasure. They don't do it for me. Joy is what satisfies me and I gladly sacrifice any and all happiness and pleasure for more of it.


Resurrection of the Soul, I think. One of the few great scenes in cinema.

Important note. After the clips do not miss the quotations written Below on this post.

But, Three:

"... My mother said I broke her heart...but it was my integrity that was important. Is thatso selfish? It sells for so little, but it's all we have left in this place. It is the very last inch of us...but within that inch we are free...."

"Happiness is the most insidious prison of all."

"I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish . Except one. An inch. It's small and it's fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having. we must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us."

"Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility

James is likely to continue studying the law of love, the law of violence (Tolstoy) for days or weeks. And then expects to move on to the child of that, Martin Luther King Junior, who may have taken things further.


Love as I have loved, that is, Do unto others all things whatsoever that you would have them do unto others. Jesus

💚💚💚 to me this Clarity is so extraordinarily empowering. I find that potential meaning of my life and therefore my potential Joy is increased by some substantial multiple by understanding this. It's like the gates to a prison have opened.

If James has ever made a contribution then it would probably be realizing the error of this last word this thousands of years. Possibly Jesus misspoke, most likely he was misquoted. As you would have them do unto

The Law of Life: whoever achieved the most intense Joy with the least stuff is the winner.


My kingdom is not of this world, said Jesus. I understand now. So it is becoming with James.

Update. If I said nothing else to you.... The complete, law of Love, law of violence. L Tolstoy.

I do know that about Tolstoy. No life and writings of Tolstoy, then, no Gandhi (Tolstoy's, the kingdom of God is within you) and quite possibly no Martin Luther King jr. ( the law of love and the law of violence L Tolstoy) 

Important correction, update. Where's the document now in front of me visually everything from chapter 12 or 13 on word has a very high percentage of correctness. The entire book is worth reading. And also the appendix is extremely helpful.

This is just a JPEG. The video is below. 

[Those that] realize the true sense of Christ's doctrine can no longer seri ously believe that man's mission here below is to employ the short period between his birth and death in making speeches to legislative assemblies, in judging.....

The law of love and the law of violence. Leo Tolstoy is writing two years before he died approaching 100. Download free at It is the last two chapters that contain mostly truth although not near clearly that Joy is the motive.

[Those that] realize the true sense of Christ's doctrine can no longer seri ously believe that man's mission here below is to employ the short period between his birth and death in making speeches to legislative assemblies, in judging.... his brothers in the courts, in capturing them, in locking them up and assassinating them, or throwing bombs at them, in taking away their property; or to bother as to whether Finland, India, Poland, Korea, are annexed to what is called Russia, England, Prussia or Japan; or to seek to liberate these annexed countries by force and to be prepared to kill each other in quantities for that purpose. It is impossible for a man of our time to be ignorant in his inner consciousness of the madness of such acts.


Loving is always the MOST JOYFUL, HEAVENLY, PERSONAL CHOICE. Is this correct? James is attempting...

Loving is always the MOST JOYFUL, HEAVENLY, PERSONAL CHOICE. Is this correct? James is attempting to... use his life right now to find out. The sole test? Does it maximize his Joy? Therefore would it maximize the joy of others. Testing that this is what Jesus and the others were onto.