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Showing posts with label Godless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godless. Show all posts


***** I live in Washington DC. I am NOT terrified of a terrorist attack as has been threatened. I am NOT terrified of dying. I am NOT even terrified of my physical suffering, anymore. I am terrified of a country.....

***** I live in Washington DC. I am NOT terrified of a terrorist attack as has been threatened. I am NOT terrified of dying. I am NOT even terrified of my physical suffering, anymore. I am terrified of a country that is almost completely devoid of courageous Loving. I am terrified of the most powerful country on earth being almost completely devoid of people devoting their lives, their being, their wealth, their safety... To tackle the true suffering in this country and on earth. It absolutely terrifies, horrifies, depresses me... almost beyond being bearable.

***** Gideon Levy talk at Brandeis University. Profound, deep, pervasive Israeli psychopathology.


***** What is the breaking point? The criminal war of aggression in Iraq? The escalation of ....

What is the breaking point? The criminal war of aggression in Iraq? The escalation of the war in Afghanistan? Forty-five thousand people dying a year because they can't afford health insurance? The hollowing out of communities and the movement of jobs to fascist and communist regimes overseas that know how to put the workers in their place? There is no breaking point. And when there is no breaking point, you do not have a moral compass.



An antichrist nation America has always been. How else can you categorize a country that exterminates 20 - 100 million Native Americans, enslaved African Americans, built itself both north and south  based on slavery genocide and colonialism,  enslaves more of its citizens that is its weakest citizens than the rest of the world combined , leads the developed world in child poverty , worships money also known as Mammon, has in recent decades murdered up to 4 million Muslims, spends more on weapons also known as death then the rest of the world combined, is the prime force behind the 68 year genocide of Palestinians ...?

An antichrist nation America has always been. How else can you categorize a country that exterminates 20 - 100 million Native Americans, enslaved African Americans, built itself both north and south  based on slavery genocide and colonialism,  enslaves more of its citizens that is its weakest citizens than the rest of the world combined , leads the developed world in child poverty , worships money also known as Mammon, has in recent decades murdered up to 4 million Muslims, spends more on weapons also known as death then the rest of the world combined, is the prime force behind the 68 year genocide of Palestinians ...?

We have degenerated into a species that with far too few exceptions is cancerously selfish, destructive of itself, destructive of all around it.

We have degenerated into a species that with far too few exceptions is cancerously selfish, destructive of itself, destructive of all around it.

Bring on global warming. I give not a rat f*** about a species that will allow the torture, torment, terrorization, termination... of their Palestinian brothers and sisters and children and infants for 68 years now. In fact, in truth, the universe would be far better off, far safer, without it.

Bring on global warming. I give not a rat f*** about a species that will allow the torture, torment, terrorization, termination... of their Palestinian brothers and sisters and children and infants for 68 years now. In fact, in truth, the universe would be far better off, far safer, without it.