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Showing posts with label Global Warming's Death Fast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global Warming's Death Fast. Show all posts


GWDF2 D6A Severe Stomach Dicomfort for Hours

GWDF2 D6A Characteristic 108. Channeling Creative Tension Every Breath

GWDF D6A Characteristic 108 Channeling Creative Tension Every Breath

As I've before written and said, there are two ways to bring radical change - show up with enough guns and kill or threaten to kill until you get what you want, or show up with enough loving bodies and die until you so evoke the humanity of onlookers that pressure comes to bear from them and you get what is rightfully yours.  Violence and unviolent action; 1. Destructive Tension, and 2. Creative Tension. 

It is essential to understand these the two ways of creating tension, and it was with Dr. King that I first saw that the concept of creative tension (actually I first saw the concept from MIT's Peter Senge in his book “The Fifth Discipline,” but the earliest reference I've seen is Dr. King), that all advance for humanity comes from, not the absence of tension, but the near unbearable creative tension: seeing on the one hand an impending horror and seeing on the other hand the slimmest chance of averting that horror, particularly for dearest loved ones; tho for the INSHE warriors, ALL are their dearest loved ones.  This is really at the bottom of what Gandhi spoke of - truth force – the emotive truth of how things should/could be and the truth of the horror of how they are now or are about to become; unless prevented, stopped, averted, replaced….

We are not bricks, we’re not trees, we’re not cats, we’re not birds.  Our DNA would have us be human beings and as humans we are motivated by, moved by, tension.  We’re driven away from something by the tension of fear, by threat of force, by actual force.  We’re drawn to something by the tension of passion, sense of solidarity, desire to alleviate someone else's pain, or threatened pain, and thereby alleviate our own which we feel vicariously, empathically. 

Gandhi on hunger strike was a tsunami of creative tension for ultimately millions, maybe billions around the world.  It was excruciating, it was e-motive, that is, moving, was e-motional, motional.  Wave after wave of people in India marching simply to get salt that had been taken from their oceans that was rightfully theirs, clubbed unrelentingly, kicked in the groin over and over, but did not raise a hand to protect themselves, channeling creative tension to millions around the world via vicarious learning, empathy, the royal road to hacking our defenses and awakening the heart.

Alice Paul and her sisters in prison 30 miles South of here on hunger strike, being force-fed simply for demanding what was rightfully theirs, the right to vote as full human beings.  This channeled immense creative tension.

And that's what I seek to do, every breath, to bear near unbearable creative tension and thereby channel it into the world to be available for others to take it on, and if others do take it on, and too begin channeling it thought every moment of action, and thereby spread the fire, then, and only then will there be hope.  Unless others succeed where I’ve failed, which I pray, but don’t see happening, or even tried.

There are only two ways to bring radical change and only one brings radical change to the world permanently, that is life.  They both can lead to permanent radical change.  Much more of the violent kind, destructive tension, the violent tension, will conclude Armageddon, environmental Armageddon and in the Middle East it may spark global Armageddon, nuclear war.

Creative tension is the one that adds to the complexity of life, which is to say it expands, it enriches human life, possibly forever.  That's the direction of evolution. That is loving.  That is the force of loving.  That is the truth force Gandhi spoke of, the soul force.  And that is what I seek to be in every cell, every atom, every molecule of my body, with every breath, because therein lies all hope.

And you?

GWDF2 D6A - Bk 3 Begun - Plan B 5.0 Carbon - Averting Plan Armageddon


GW's Death. Fast2. D5A - Near debilitated all morning, the internal bleeding...

GW's Death. Fast. D5A - Near debilitated all morning, the internal bleeding, or whatever this anemia thing turns out to be (sure feels like that), near crippling fatigue.  Mornings are the worst.  I remember that the 1st Death Fast, that turned out to be a weapon's test, was the same - morning's the worst.

Thank Goodness, thank Creator, my head is clearing and I can work now.

GW's Death. Fast2. D5A - Loving's Romm, Brown, Hansen Book Reviews on Amazon

GW's Death. Fast2. D5A - Book 1 Addition

The following has just been inserted in the front of the book "Global Warming's Death. Fast.  Till enough are seen dying for it, CO2 won't stop."  See tab, above, or click here.  Uploading to scribd, now.

August 14, 2012 note 

How I wish I could tell you to delay digging into this book now.  How I wish I could point you to others that do it’s job, better, as well, at all.  But I can’t.

Dig in, but for another couple of weeks, Creator Willing, you’ll have the additional task of keeping the following in mind, changes that are in the works for the book in 2 or three waves:

1.     The entire notion of “death,” “dying for a cause,” for the joy, life, hope, sanity, humanity, future giving of it… is and remains central to the book.  However, as I’ve known and lived for years, but briefly lost confidence in recently, is that there is a place, narrow and near impossible to find, there is a place for “dying for a cause” that is not a “Death Fast,” or “Self Immolation,” or the like.  Teresa of Calcutta died for her Family in Calcutta for decades, with immense joy, but unmistakably dying that her charges might have the experience of being loved and valued before they passed on.  Pathologically we the most powerful people on earth, we Americans, have perverted the notion of “non-violence” to mean, non-violence to ME, and MINE.  Gandhi did the reverse, as did MLK Jr, Rachel Corrie, Bonhoeffer, Oscar Romero, who spoke of the ‘Violence of Love’ that we unviolent warriors do to ourselves.  No, non-violence, unviolent action is the exact opposite of what we’ve distorted it to mean.  By the INSHE Warriors worthy of the name, throughout history, unviolent action has been exactly racing toward the emergency, the danger of others, and exactly putting and keeping ourselves, and our dearest ones, our bodies in harm’s way, to shield the otherwise victims, until they were saved.  So, near everywhere in the book that you find Death Fast as the only way, you will soon see that slightly broadened to include especially, what I conducted two, 50 day, water only hunger strikes last year to seed – waves of to death’s door but not though hunger strikes until carbon warming gas dumpers are paying their future wrecking costs, and not sending those costs on to our children.
2.     The need for substantial focus on subsidies and not just on the legislation to insure full payment of $240/ton of coal and oil, and $6000 per ton of natural gas seepage, after a straight ramp to those figures beginning 2012.  In recent weeks Republicans Inglis and George Schultz, Reagan’s Sec. of State, and others on the right, have been calling for the carbon gas dumpers to pay their costs for that, but that all subsidies, fossil fuel and renewable energy alike, should go away.  The market forces being held in abeyance by the future killing free dumping of warming gasses, those pent up forces are so enormous, that I need to, and expect to re-examine both the historical size of fossil fuel US subsidies (I may have overstated them in the book by as much as a factor of 5-10), and whether subsidies need to be an aim of ours at all right now.  Getting enough of the dumping and wreckage costs on the bill of the dumpers now, may well be more than sufficient.
3.     1.5 degrees C, NOT 2.0 degrees C!!!!!!!!!! What does this mean to the numbers, the tons of carbon we yet can burn, the rate of decrease in emissions required by when…?
4.     Pricing Methane Seepage correctly, fully, now.  My quick search suggests vs the $240/ton on CO2 it is $6000 per ton on natural gas seepage, but this needs more checking and thought.
5.     Rechecking, re-calibrating, and where necessary, updating in this book the crucial figures that we moms and dads of the next 200 billion children, grandchildren… need to know to properly stand for our kid’s future.  What is a reasonable estimate of the damage done by burning each ton of coal and oil – is it the $240?  $11,000?  What is a reasonable estimate.

I anticipate these updates happening in waves: A. rough cut; B. far more detailed analysis.  There is a date of revision shown above that will be updated as changes occur kept current on

GWDF2 Day 5A: Raining, off-post working most of the day; or not

Though my body and mind are severely experiencing the calorie starvation, I must break the back of tasks I outlined yesterday in a post.  Awakened by the rain throughout the night, I finally concluded that discretion is the better part of valor, and will spend most of today, I expect, husbanding what physical energy and mental acuity I have for the crucial work at hand, using coffee shops and libraries as a less taxing base of operations today.

Hmmm.  Now the internet forecast is suddenly for much less rain, and the sun just came out.

We'll see.

GW Death. Fast2. Day 4 -Bk 1 Update: $240 per ton, Subsidies, Dying for it, what that means

GWDF2 Day 4 - $240 not $311 ton The frickin Docs won't talk straight to us

Rush transcript -

Day 4 - The frickin Docs won't talk straight to us. $240 not $311 ton 

I'm pretty outraged.  Partly at myself.  About a week ago I saw a global warming article, one of the hundreds of titles I cull through everyday.  I came onto an article and had a euphoric sense of reaching a  point of clarity; a kind of clarity you need if your kid is deathly ill and you can't get straight answers. 

I recalled finding it in a major IEA article; if that wasn't it it was climate progress. Actually, it was a report on Nicholas Stern’s study at climate progress.  Stern talked about $84 a ton in damage being done by a ton of carbon so I quickly calculated 3.67, which I believe is how much CO2 is generated by burning a ton of carbon, and came up with $311 per ton, which I now see, is wrong.  It would be incorrect, it would be inverse, it would be more like $20 per ton of carbon.  I haven't delved back into the article; I haven't yet done the digging to figure out what the actual, a reasonable estimate of the actual damage done by burning at ton of carbon.  If I recall correctly, if we put more than half a trillion tons of CO2 in the atmosphere between, well, ever, any in this next century, we go over 1.5° C.  May be less than half a trillion tons, which is roughly what we have up there already of CO2 from us this last 30 years, primarily.

So half a trillion tons of CO2 divided by 3.67 would give us the number of tons of carbon that we can still burn.   Methane, natural gas, that has to be added to the story.  And that divided into 20%, conservatively that we will destroy, into 20% the value of the world for the next 2000 generations we are ruining, how many quadrillion dollars is that, would tell us the cost of burning at ton of coal or oil.  What's that, $1000, $10,000 a ton?   Now that I ball-park figured it out, try and work that out yourself.  If I live long enough; if I remain cognitively functioning long enough which am wondering about, my typing skills have just totally bombed, and to make a mistake like this above, a miscalculation a week ago… the fatigue of years without a break, the stress, the anemia, the calorie deficit….

But you know what? I'm not the Dr.'s.  But I am what our doctors are not.  I'm a parent, a Bangladeshi father; and the father of a daughter in 2050 looking at what our visionless, imaginationless, gutless, cowardly, intelligentsia have done to my daughter, and I've beamed back to 2012 simply with the ability to put my body in the way.  And because the doctors won’t give a straight answer, won’t give us actionable information - what has to be done by when - as they would if they saw this as their own children; without question as they would demand if they saw this as their own children….

I'm not complaining, but I'm furious. I'm furious at myself. I'm furious at the insanity of the left, of the intelligentsia, that they think they own this problem, they think they have the right to being respected, to be listened to; to people being patient with them…. I, John Q Bangladeshi father; I John Q multibillion father of upcoming generations; I'm John Q Athabascan father; I’m John Q native Alaskan father; I'm John Q father of 2050 girl….  You, the ‘Doctors’ on the left might want me to be patient but God dammit I'll not be. I'll do what I can to do your job of getting actionable information and yes I'll screw up that more and more as my body breaks down.  But you'll not stop me from trying. God damn you.  Romm, McKibben, not so much Brown and Mann, Hansen, they seem to be doing their best.  God damn Climate, American  It’s not American progress, it’s a frickin club. Just try leaving a comment that they don't find pleasant, that they don't find agreeable, that actually wants some answers. They won’t get published on their blog.

My sense of it is that it was the intelligentsia on the left that was guillotined in the French Revolution – ‘Left them eat cake.’

So the best I know now is - I don't know what the price per ton is, what the cost to the future of each ton burned is, and I'll probably try and figure it out dammit. I didn't need another thing to do.

But for now, I'm back at the $240 ton of carbon which is what the economists calculate is needed to bend the emissions curve down 6% per year starting now; 6% from the current projection as I understand it, to keep this under 1.5° C.  And that I consider bedrock - 1.5° C.  I consider it bedrock of my stand, of the stand you should make.  Look at the Copenhagen Diagnosis, Google it.  That was put together for the Copenhagen climate conference in large part, as I understand it, was put together by in part the island nations, the developing nations. But unless I'm wildly incorrect it's the best statement so far, which I may be wildly incorrect on this, if what Romm said in “Hell and High Water,” before he kowtowed to the powers that be, when a blind man could have seen we wouldn’t get a climate agreement in Copenhagen, same with McKibben, not so much Mann and Hansen. Brown essentially has caved with his, ‘wartime speed, oh, call your congressman…’ for six years now. ‘Oh,’ says Brown,’ ‘well I feel encouraged how things are going,’ he says. I don't think… I don't think he's a Bangladeshi father, or an Athabascan father, or an indigenous Alaskan father, or the father of 2050 daughter.  I know he’s not. I know he is more of a human than that.  He wouldn't keep putting out these mealymouthed prescriptions if it were his family.  But it is mine; John Q.


GWDF2 Day 4 Death Fast - Slowing my Descent 800 cal per day, for now

Rough Transcript:
Day 4 - Slowing my Descent  800 cal per day, for now

I'm tempted to say I screwed up but rather I manifest our screwup.  This is not a one-man job, no disrespect to anyone else's effort.  Coming up with a diagnosis and treatment plan that will avert environmental Armageddon is not a one-man job. I can do it. I have the aptitude.  I have done this kind of work my entire life, and I can do it alone.  But it at such a hideous, hideously, slow pace.   Faster than anyone, because I realize it needs to be done.  But so much slower than it needs to be done.

I don't know how many days it's going to take me to answer the question that I thought I had answered last week, which is fundamental to being able to articulate, and stand, and win; a maximum of 1.5° rise. 

I’m John Q, and if you don't understand what that means you need to watch that movie, John Q I'm not a heart surgeon but I am a dad, who's going to be buried by his son, I am not going to bury my son.

I'm smart and I'm determined and I have a background that enables me to do this, but there are still too many gaps in my fundamental understanding. 

See John Q.  See that movie.  See it see it tonight.  In that movie his coldhearted, bureaucratic, Dr. an administrator at least told him what was required to save his save his son – ‘your son needs a new heart, he needs it now, or he’s going to die.

Our bureaucrats, some of them told us the equivalence of this clarity up until Copenhagen, and now they've they've waffled for years since Copenhagen, with tons of un-actionable mealymouthed stuff coming out of them.  ‘Your son's gonna die!  Your sons gonna die!  Your sons gonna die! I do something!  Do something!  Do something!’   Do what!?  By when?! 

I don't intend to leave this life until I can leave a clear answer to that. I don't know if it's going to take me a couple more days, or another week or so; not to become a brain surgeon, not to become a heart surgeon. John Q didn’t become a heart surgeon.  But I need to know, based on the data that's out there, the Copenhagen Synthesis I now think is the document I think I should point people to, not the Copenhagen Diagnosis which is part of caving to the 2° C.  No.

I'm certain that 1.5° C maximum rise by 2100 is the avoidance of hell and high water but I need to check that against Romm’s book by the name “Hell and High Water;” by Hansen's work, by Mann’s work and by the Copenhagen Synthesis (not sure now), a PDF that I just found.  You should look at them as well.

I need some fundamental elements. I need to know how much additional carbon that enables us to emit how much additional CO2 that we can put the atmosphere without risking 1.5 degrees C.  I need to figure out where methane seepage fits, a few figures in there, pieces of this puzzle; but no one bothered pulling, pulling together. 

So, I've got to refigure the price per ton. I'm guessing that's the $240 but that's not good enough, guessing, that is. When enough of us died to get the proper argument on the table I need to give you a number. I need to get in the ballpark on what the wreckage costs per ton of carbon is.  Now I just did some wild figuring and came up with $11,000 per ton. I don't mean silly figuring out.  Real broad order of magnitude.  I think it was something like this is a currently a $70 trillion world economy, the next thousand generations makes it a 70,000 trillion dollar world economy; I figured something like 150 more billion tons of carbon that we could burn without breaking 1.5 degrees C; took 20% of a 70,000 trillion dollar economy for the next thousand years and figured we’re wrecking 20% of that, which is a conservative figure given the economist Nicholas Stern's work, where he figures initially we’re destroying 20% of world GDP, going up to 35% in the medium term, and worse from there; and came out with if we are destroying only 20% of the world economy, it is something like $11,000 per ton.  This is huge.  It's a hell of a lot more than $240 per ton, and I want to know what that is.  You need to know what that is, and I need to leave you with that. 

So going about 800 cal per day for another couple of days, for another couple of weeks, I don't know, but can't leave you without a clearer roadmap. All this will go into an update of Tracking Plan B, of “Global Warming's Death. Fast.

It continues to appear that what we have to accomplish is 6% decrease per year versus the current trendline to stay below 1.5° C.  It appears that Hansen continues to have the humanity, continues to have the balls to point us in the right direction.  But God bless him, and it isn't his job to know how to make the argument, to win the argument.

It's been my entire life doing such things. I see no one else doing it so I've got to leave you the other information on which you can stand and know whether policy is giving you that 6% decrease per year, how many tons of emissions, what's the maximum tonnage of coal that can be burned and still stay below 1.5 degrees C.  Oh, there are numbers out there for the maximums to stay below 2° C.  No.  2° C is Hell and High Water.  Two degrees C is the oceans that the reefs gone; a third to half the world's species gone; 6 foot sea level rise this century.  No.  That's crazy and I don't know whether I’ll have a breakthrough the next couple of days, or how long this is gonna take.

Watch for reports that I'll try and post soon that are the what I consider to be the pieces that we need to pull together, and help me, God dammit.  This isn't rocket science.  Its interpolation; it's good basic work; for God sake help me. 

Or tell me who's already done it.  But I need to know what the treatment plan is to save our children; our next 200 billion children; and I can't find it anywhere. I can't find anyone with enough humanity or clumsiness to stand up with a clarity that the doctor and administrator did in John Q, which means I got a try and fill that role for us.

GW's Death. Fast2. Day 4B - Operational Issues, Posting. Calorie-starved. JOYFUL.

  • Operationally it has been a week of struggle to diagnose a solar batter that arrived smashed, partially, is if flaky, and to do what I've always done, massively help advance the connection between an emerging market, products, and early clients.  What the solar companies do not know about their products, and therefore don't communicate, is stunning, but typical. Fact.  Fact.  GoalZero, the most promising vendor by far, an engineer there has figured out that I provide, more than I take, and he has been great.  I'm doing some final diagnostic testing that is pretty automatic, so much less distracted from the real work.  I literally outlined a buyer's guide, competitive, for them tonight that includes what I've had to spend 10's or more hours in recent years figuring out, researching, pulling together, pulling teeth....
  • Dozens of important posts today to  TPB .   You know, if you haven't subscribed to the daily summary there, I can't fathom why you waste a second on anything to do with me.  For Creation's sake, subscribe there, and get others to, and daily review the email summary you'll receive.
  • My friend that could be of such hope to the world seems to be on the financial footing he needs to be for the trip he's talked about to scour the country's most promising places for the start of a mass wave of hunger strikes here in DC soon.
  • For the first time in, oh, 10 years, my work is on a granite foundation for wifi, computer, electricity, and basic, basic, basic financial needs of the work.  $5 for this.  $10 for that.  A miracle of which I'll always be in awe.
  • Judging by lack of strength and physical sensations, unpleasant, my body is pretty calorie starved.  It sure knows that for 3 days I had zero calories, and for the last two, just one day's rations between the two.  The internal bleeding, or whatever it is, comes and goes in terms of what it feels like.  
  • Important vlogs I shot 2 days ago, the videos are up here , and here  , 
 Tomorrow priority #1 is publishing transcriptions of the vlogs, and then moving on with the first of 3 updates to book 1, "Global Warming's Death.  Fast."


Through sobs of wonder, at the Goodness:

My sister SC has literally kept me alive physically, kept me from totally drowning financially for my work, and physically kept me alive from earlier hunger strikes.  I may well not have made it this far without her, and her clan.

Now, a new sister, that I've known a long, long, long time.  But in recent months she has come underneath my work like, well, like my Saint dad was.  [Why he didn't let me die, or have me killed, I'll never know. Seriously. I was the most hideous zero of a spoiled, selfish, cowardly child that has ever walked the earth. He MUST have seen something. I can't think of any other explanation. A Miracle.]  But, per the note below from my sister, below, the granite support, the granite foundation, the 'Total Trust,' which I would rather die than be not worthy of - this is a first, in 10 years of joyfully giving every single breath for our global neediest Family, I've got full oxygen; financial support - wifi, solar electricity, computer taken care of; no worries.  YOU HAVE NO FRICKIN IDEA.  YOU CAN'T IMAGINE.

Yes sister.  For the first time in the ten or so years I've racing, warring unviolently, for our global neediest, every breath, I don't feel like I'm on 10% of the oxygen that one needs. I can breathe.  For a moment at least, I'm off the psychological water-boarding of my work.

As I reported yesterday, I'm on a 50% glide path toward death's door - 800 calories measured, per day - half rations (1 can soup @ 400 calories (ckn corn chowder today), and 2 cans Ensure at 200 cal each).  The clinic, Unity Health Care for the homeless, no questions asked, from God, is 7 blocks away.  I go in Wednesday for the results of the recent blood work, and I'm hopeful of them weighing me periodically; results I'd report out.  I was 9 lbs over weight, 164 lbs, several days ago. 

While on the 50% downward slope I expect to count and report days as 4B, yesterday, and 4B, today.  

Ever since I saw Denzel Washington's "John Q" years ago I've found it deeply troubling, deeply courageous as a movie, and profoundly enlightening and wise.  But only in recent weeks has it come really central to my understanding of where we are.  


NO. THIS WILL NOT STAND.  With "Global Warming's Death.  Fast." I took major steps toward this, but I cannot leave you, I cannot pass on until I've plugged the remaining holes. 

John Q became the force of, AN EMPOWERED VOLCANO OF HOPE FOR, the agent of salvation for his beloved child when he knew the Treatment Required, and the Time Frame required. HE DIDN'T NEED TO TAKE ONE STEP TOWARD BECOMING A HEART DOCTOR.  But he knew what he had to do to get the system to save his son.  And he did it.

Year after year, decade after decade this is precisely what I've done in life and death situations, and I'll do it again now, and leave it with you all before I go - A TREATMENT PLAN, TIMEFRAMES.  I'll give you all what you need, tho you have 80% of it from me already, but I'll finish the job, before I go, Creator willing. 

Already, it is up to you now, but I'll finish my part for you.

Loving  (what I go by;  what I have ALL hope in.  Nothing less from any of us, can save humanity now.)


Good Morning Loving,     (received today)

Just finished your last video about Brian. So sorry about the turn of events for him and hear your profound concern and committment toward assisting him.  There are absolutely no strings attached to any funds I put in your account.....I totally trust you to act as your heart believes it should. Please do not sell your solar panels as they are crucial to you....and I need to know if they flake out on you permanently, as I would assist in replacement for you.....
I plan to make another deposit in your am hoping this will give assistance and some sense of assurance, not sure that's the right word...but anyway....
XO Your sister
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Start Loving <> wrote:
  • Major video logs today.  Transcriptions in process.
  • If I understand correctly Brian has lost his funding.  If this means his planned trip cross country by bus can't happen, Loving can't allow that.  Until I know otherwise, all the assets at my disposal are at his disposal for the trip to take place fully, and uninterrupted.  I have a solar battery that can immediately go on ebay and should get $200.  Maybe a solar panel for $200, if it is working and stable; and IF SHE DOES NOT OBJECT, funds given me yesterday by one of my 4 friends will be available IF NEEDED, for Brian's trip, UNLESS I HEAR FROM MY FRIEND IMMEDIATELY.  IMMEDIATELY.
  • Hopefully the problem with the solar equipment here has been figured out.  I should know tomorrow.
  • Among the video logs with transcripts are several dealing with my assertion that the Aim of the Death Fast is $311/ton of co2.  I'm horrified by the lack of clarity from the intelligentsia on this.  It was a failure of calculation on my part.  No, $311 is incorrect.  So, I revert for now to $240 per ton as the properly calculated cost to achieve the 6% reduction per year of emissions from current projections, Hansen, sufficient to keep us below 1.5 degrees C - Hell and High Water.  HOWEVER, a central project for me now is to ballpark what a Human, Humane, Honest projection of the $$$ destruction of the world economy for the next 1000 generations is.  My first try came up with $11,000 per ton.  Current world economy is $70 trillion.  Times 1000 years - what we are destroying, is $70,000 trillion.  What remains to ball-park cost to humanity of each ton burned now, that I as a father of 200 billion kids needs to know, how many tons do we have left to burn before going past 1.5 degrees C is 15% likely or more (tell me if you have an estimate).  With that I think I can ball-park the wreckage cost to humanity, for myself, as a father of the 200 billion who will be living in that world.
  • I'm more outraged than ever, as a Father, of how gutless the experts are at telling us what we as Parents, Grandparents need to know.  If this were the movie John Q, they wouldn't even have the guts to tell John what treatment was required and when it was required by.   Criminal.
  • Health update, recap - one of the videos covers that.



GWDF2 Day 4 - Book 1 Upddate - $240 per ton, Subsidies, Dying for it, what that means

GWDF2 Day 4 - Medical Recap, Anemia, Bleedging, Weight

Rough transcript:

Not that my health matters, any more or less than the health of a soldier fighting for the life of the women and children in a town matters.  He, she matters as a tool, a scalpel to the surgeon matters.  If you don't understand that were dead, because you don't understand what we’re facing.  You don't understand what the next 200 billion children are facing.  You don’t understand we’re right on the edge of the cliff, if we haven't gone over it already in 2012. 

This is not the time for normalcy and hasn't been for a long time. 

If you don’t understand that my health matters only as the health of a soldier in a life-and-death fight matters, then we’re dead and your part of the problem. Right now, with so much broken, and so little time, love is tough, or it's not love.

By going back through the archives of ‘start loving’ blog one could, including I could, check the history of my symptoms. I don't have the time.  My earliest recollection of starting to feel like my body was, well, something was very wrong was the end of 2011 after the second of the 50 days, two 50 days of strikes that year.  Bear in mind that I've done probably 8 to 10 major hunger strikes over the last decade with this now sixty-year-old body; but I don't know that my symptoms are related to the hunger strikes.  But I suspect they are. 

Late last year 2011, early 2012, a collection of symptoms started to wear on me quite significantly - frequent stomachaches like I’d been punched, or, I now realize, like there was an open wound.   Just an ache, not queasiness, I don't recall nausea.  But it hurt, day after day, not throughout the day, but periodically throughout the day.  Seemed to be associated with eating but not any particular type of food; not really even any particular quantities.  My stool was rarely solid.  I’d be kept awake for half an hour and as long as 2, 3, 4 hours by what's called restless leg syndrome, I guess it is.  There were unexplained periods lasting hours where I didn’t have the strength of the ragdoll.   

Finally by April this was weighing on my ability to contribute, enough that I went to the medical truck for we homeless, to my dear Dr. Cardile.  She'd been asking me to get blood tests for a long time.  I associated that with expensive medical procedures and I told her that I'm unwilling to have significant monies spent on my person.  She understands that.  But I was finally so debilitated for so long, and realized that maybe there was some low cost fix, that I said okay, I’ll go for some blood tests.

Well, the results were to be back a week later, and totally unforeseen by me the first death fast began, the ‘weapons test’ death fast as it turns out, and I thought, I won’t be here two months from now so why go bother Dr. Cardile?

A week ago, not seeing this current death fast coming this time either, my teeth are beginning to shatter from lifelong nocturnal grinding, I saw the medical truck near my new location at the Canadian Tar Sands Embassy, and nurse Penny who had drawn my blood for Dr. Cardile said, ‘No, no, you're not going to this truck, you’re going to Dr. Cardile, she wants to see you, now.  Go see her tomorrow.’  I said okay and several days ago saw Dr. Cardile who said – you’re anemic and usually that's associated with internal bleeding for someone your age.  We reviewed my symptoms which by 2 weeks ago were all recurring, the symptoms I recounted earlier in this video.  ‘Yup,’ she said; and some other symptoms too gross to be mentioned on this video.  Low iron can be associated with the restless leg. Within the last two weeks now, on two different nights, has kept me awake for a good 4 to 6 hours, quite agonizing.  It’s the kind of stuff they do when they black site you, it is quite distracting from my work, my ability to my work; quite agonizing.  Very tiring.

But there are tests that they do now to zero in on the cause, and that’s the blood work now in progress.   I’ve read up on this little bit - she's trying to figure out whether it's internal bleeding, could be cancer, could be diet, could be kidney, and Wednesday morning I have an appointment to go back and see her; she'll have the results by then and there’ll be more to report.

So I went in for a dental referral and by the time I was done this week they've taken more blood, sticking me about eight times to find a vein that would work; I sure don’t have the body I used to.  They took my vitals including weight, and I miscalculated, I'm only 9 pounds overweight weighing in at 164 with my clothes off and 155 is my zero body fat weight, at least, it used to be; which means I've only got about 18 days from day one.  On or about day 18 I expect to be starting to bite into and sometime thereafter, brain.  Most or all the fat should be gone by then.  I calculated that I had twice that excess body fat but I don't, it turns out from the scale. 

So with the heart, with the anemia, with a lower body fat, I’m likely to be fading much sooner than I have before.

GWDF2 Day 4 - Extreme Emergency. Help me. GW's Death Fast

Day 4 - Extreme Emergency. Help me. GW's Death Fast

Rush transcript: 

Day 4 - GW's Death Fast  Extreme Emergency

I don't know if I heard this properly, but what I think I understand is that, an extreme financial emergency has arisen, which I may or may not be in a position to cover.

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, your only hope.  You remember how we ran laughing out of the theater with that line, how ludicrous, how ridiculous.  That's not how it happens, one man.  Oh so silly.

No sillier than one ignition system is the difference between someone getting to the hospital on time in  an ambulance or dying in an immobile ambulance.  Never think that a committed individual can’t change the world. It is the only thing that ever has.  A fire starts with a match. Maybe one match lights another. Maybe one match lights a candle.  I hope I’m that match because I don't see any others, no discredit to  anyone else, no credit to me.  That's the physics of it. I hope I'm one of millions of matches but I don't see another one. 

My entire life, my entire adulthood has been based on running toward collapsing organizations while everyone else was running out, and if I thought the situation was savable, finding just one or two or three, at most four others, that whether or not they realized it were yearning for the fire that I could help ignite in them.  Everything was there in them, they just needed a little extra heat, a little extra imagination, a little extra help with the vision.  And repeatedly throughout my adulthood I've been associated with miracles through that process. 

So I've been at this, joyfully giving every breath for humanity, for about a dozen years now. It's been for the last eight months, only within the last eight months have I seen a candle ready to be lit.  Everything there already, smoldering, and that’s the young man that I spoke of yesterday, planetary spring at gmail dot com. 

If I understand correctly what I heard last night, what always happens in every unviolent revolution, what always happens in every unviolent revolution, our dearest loved ones are the first ones to split away from us.  Usually it's temporary; agonizing years, but almost always it’s temporary.  I'm thinking of maybe the greatest activist of the last 2/3 of the 20th century, Dave Dellinger, went to Yale, his father was in  charge of Republicans in Boston, was a prominent lawyer, and before Dave graduated Yale he had left, lived among the homeless at the time of the depression I think, out in the fields, in the camps, not as a do-gooder, but as a brother.  He became one of them; he became aware he was one of them and they of him; not a dime in his pocket, and that ended his relationship with his father.  Until years later, on his  deathbed, or at the time of his dying, when his dad was dying, his dad said, ‘Dave you were right.  I'm so proud of you.’ 

It always happens when the revolution starts, a nonviolent revolution. Stressors – split folks apart. It's because someone saw, became part of the new paradigm.  So, like their dearest loved ones are going to ‘get it,’ at the same time?  No.  They’re the least likely because their dearest loved ones feel the most threatened; threatened for fear for their loved one, threatened for an unrecognized fear of their own paradigm being threatened, their own status quo being threatened. 

If I understand correctly this one bright hope that I’ve seen, this one bright hope for humanity as the creator is my witness, as Luke Skywalker was the only hope, as Neo was the only hope, this young friend is the only hope that I see on earth right now; as a match, as a candle I see the only hope to ignite others. 

And if I understand correctly one of his dearest loved ones who bless their hearts have been financially backing him, backed out, out of fear for this young friend; out of a difference of vision. 

Last I knew this young friend was leaving on a mission he conceived of, to travel the country via bus to rally people to come on waves of hunger strike, to DC, end of this year.  Nothing short of that will save we canaries in the coal mine in which you live; we Bangladeshis, we indigenous Alaskans, we indigenous Canadians from Athabasca, we of the island nations like the Maldives. 

And I didn't see it till yesterday or the day before - we are your canaries in the coal mine, earth, that you live in.  If you don't stop the killing of us with your burning of coal and oil and natural gas you will have killed your children and grandchildren.  If you let we canaries die in the coal mine, then the same process that killed the canary first, will kill you.  I didn't see that that's exactly what we are - we are your canaries in the coal mine. I being a Bangladeshis, an Athabascan, an indigenous Alaskan, a Maldivian. 

The last I knew this young man's plans were to be on a bus traveling to the most promising parts of the country, where evidence of humanity taking a stand against environmental Armageddon was already in some evidence. 

Now it may be that what I understand was that he thought he had his funding enough to get solar panels for the work that I do, and that that funding is no longer available.  As I reported yesterday, it may be that for some reason I don't understand, the solar panel that I have is working properly.  Now I should know conclusively today or tomorrow. 

In any case, if I'm understanding correctly, everything I have is now at this young friend's disposal.  Within hours of understanding more clearly, the solar battery that I've been praying for, saving for for years I’ve had for two weeks now.   It can be on eBay in a matter of hours and get probably $200.  If the solar panel in fact is working, it can be on eBay within hours and fetch $200 I’ll guess. 

I have three or four friends, not acquaintances, friends.   A friend is one who will take a bullet for you, unconditionally, and when she heard yesterday that the work I do was in dire need of a solar panel, within hours sufficient funds were in my checking account.  Breathtaking goodness.  Breathtaking goodness.  Unless I hear from her immediately those funds will be available to this young friend.  I see no hope beside this young friend’s mission.

Did I say the mission will succeed?  Did I say I'm a fool, an idiot?  I'm not God.  But I have, through no credit to me, what we are number one dying for, and as I've often said, I thought the number one thing was heart, was courage; and I'm now realizing that number is the number one thing we’re dying from is a failure of imagination, a fundamental profound failure of imagination.  And mine is working fine.  This failure of imagination is most dire, most pronounced relative to environmental Armageddon, environmental holocaust due to the continued no charge dumping of all future killing fossil fuel emissions.  A fundamental failure of imagination, fundamental failure of vision. 

This young friend is evidencing some of the necessary vision.  Make no mistake, I take no responsibility for this young man as the hope that he represents.  I saw it the first time we had a serious conversation, maybe it was the first time we met, I don't recall.  It was on or about New Year's Eve of 2011 in McPherson Square Park where we spoke for an hour so.  Trained in environmental science, a heart that’s is the product of heartbreak, hardships, the immense love of a father, and the immense love of a mother.  I’ve simply been the sunshine to this rare and promising young tree.  Planetary spring at Gmail dot com.   

I urge anyone with a heart, anyone with any young people that they love, to get in contact with planetary spring at Gmail dot com - the subject line should speak of financial assistance.  And inquire as to what financial assistance is required.

If my beloved friend that provided funding yesterday for new solar panels objects to me diverting it to this young man's work I need to hear that right away.  Otherwise young friend, everything that I have except for my laptop, except for the Wi-Fi, is available for immediate liquidation.  And the funds that I was given yesterday may be available as well. 

If you understand what's at stake young friend you will not let pride, discomfort, you will not let anything come in the way of accessing those funds.

You need to be strong.


Anemia drugs made billions, but at what cost?

Anemia drugs made billions, but at what cost?

Day 3. Death Fast Aim: 1.5 Degrees C MAX by 2100; Straight Ramp to $311/ton by 2026 in Wreckage Cost PAID IN FULL.,

Day 3.  Death Fast Aim: 1.5 Degrees C MAX by 2100; Straight Ramp to $311/ton by 2026 in Wreckage Cost PAID NOW on carbon fuel purchases, and $6000/ton on natural gas seepage by then as well.

Said another way, the policy equivalent of what Joe Romm, Lester Brown, Jim Hansen, Michael Mann... have called for, before some of them lost their balls and unilaterally surrendered to comfortable political 'reality' post Copenhagen bloodbath.  The near universal acquiescence to 2 degrees C is unilateral surrender of our next 200 billion children to Hunger Games, and much, much, much, much worse.  Over my dead body.  Not on my watch.

"Plan B 3.0"  Lester Brown

"Hell and High Water" Joe Romm

"Storms of my Grandchildren"  Jim Hansen

"The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines" by Michael E. Mann 

The Copenhagen Diagnosis
The Copenhagen Diagnosis - updating the world on the latest climate science.
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