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Showing posts with label G.reedy O.ld P.igs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label G.reedy O.ld P.igs. Show all posts


Bernie Sanders. vid. "This is Blackmail and Hostage Taking. What the GOP is upset about is that they lost the election... and the White House."

****** vid. Eliz Warren: "For this right wing minority, these Hostage Tactics are all they have left... they've lost in the polls, the courts, public opinion...."

***** Please. Really. Please - watch this - Jon Stewart on the GOP Terrorists

WOW. GOP's Rick Perry - 'my wife needs me to speak for her.' Rick Perry: Wife used 'wrong word' in abortion talk. USA TODAY



By Robert Reich - The issue we are about to face as a nation has nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act or any of the other of the demands Republicans are making. It has to do with political extortion: Republicans' threats to close the government or default on the nation's debts if they don't get their way. The President and the Democrats must not negotiate. Once you start negotiating with extortionists, there is no end to it. Extortionists will hold the nation hostage again and again. Any law on the books they don't like, any tax their wealthy patrons detest, any regulation their corporate bank-rollers would like to do away with, any subsidy or bailout their Wall Street underwriters desire, will be fair game. Let Republicans carry out their threats. Let America see them do it and experience the consequences. And then let us send the Republican Party into the dust bin of history.

Status Update
By Robert Reich
The issue we are about to face as a nation has nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act or any of the other of the demands Republicans are making. It has to do with political extortion: Republicans' threats to close the government or default on the nation's debts if they don't get their way. The President and the Democrats must not negotiate. Once you start negotiating with extortionists, there is no end to it. Extortionists will hold the nation hostage again and again. Any law on the books they don't like, any tax their wealthy patrons detest, any regulation their corporate bank-rollers would like to do away with, any subsidy or bailout their Wall Street underwriters desire, will be fair game.

Let Republicans carry out their threats. Let America see them do it and experience the consequences. And then let us send the Republican Party into the dust bin of history.

Very Enlightening: Will House Speaker John Boehner Shut Down the Government? Slate Magazine

Slate Magazine

***** Off color vid. EXTREAMELY TERRIFIC - Bill Maher has excellent news on why conservatives REALLY fear California.

See Bill Maher's hella good rant in his "new rule" that conservatives must visit California.

Hat tip Daily Kos user BruinKid

vid. Bill Clinton: GOP 'Begging For America To Fail'

Bill Clinton: GOP 'Begging For America To Fail'

Gene Roddenberry: "The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them."

Gene's vision of the future wasn't just about science and technology, but about how humans would interact not only fellow earthlings, but with other races of beings.Rose Clark and Cale Holmes shared George Takei's photo.
Gene's vision of the future wasn't just about science and technology, but about how humans would interact not only fellow earthlings, but with other races of

pic. NYTimes: "The party atmosphere was so boisterous, the cheers and laughter so loud, that it was easy to forget everyone in the room had just voted to keep tens of millions of people from getting health insurance." Editorial Board.

Storm is Coming added a new photo.
pic.  NYTimes: "The party atmosphere was so boisterous, the cheers and laughter so loud, that it was easy to forget everyone in the room had just voted to keep tens of millions of people from getting health insurance." Editorial Board.


link. Is 'Cruz' the only spelling of 'mean, vile, hateful, ignorant sh*t?' The Rutgers student, who was cited by Ted Cruz as proof of Obama's failure, is actually a beneficiary of the very health care law that Cruz was protesting during his speech. Student John Connelly: "A friend of mine called me the next morning as I was on the way to an optometrist appointment .... [and said], 'While Ted Cruz was talking about why the ACA's bad, he mentioned your name.' And I said, 'Well, that's funny. I'm heading to an appointment I can only go to because of Obamacare.'"

Is 'Cruz' the only spelling of 'mean, vile, hateful, ignorant sh*t?'

The Rutgers student, who was cited by Ted Cruz as proof of Obama's failure, is actually a beneficiary of the very health care law that Cruz was protesting during his speech.
Student John Connelly: "A friend of mine called me the next morning as I was on the way to an optometrist appointment .... [and said], 'While Ted Cruz was talking about why the ACA's bad, he mentioned your name.' And I said, 'Well, that's funny. I'm heading to an appointment I can only go to because of Obamacare.'"
The Rutgers student, who was cited by Ted Cruz as proof of Obama's failure, is actually a beneficiary of the very health care law that Cruz was protesting during his speech.
Student John Connelly: "A friend of mine called me the next morning as I was on the way to an optometrist appointment .... [and said], 'While Ted Cruz was talking about why the ACA's bad, he mentioned your name.' And I said, 'Well, that's funny. I'm heading to an appointment I can only go to because of Obamacare.'"

pic. "Please pray for ammosexuals. They value their "choice" to have a gun fetish over other people's lives."


Ahhh, the Christ-like South: Judge Ordered Sikh to Remove 'That Rag' from Head, Says ACLU. ABC


nd. I detest today's Republican Party. It is the 2nd greatest Enemy Wthin that the greatest of our Leaders and Founders have warned us would destroy us. The Greatest Enemy is the Cowardly, Lip-Service Left DEMsh*tizens.

nd. I detest today's Republican Party.  It is the 2nd greatest Enemy Wthin that the greatest of our Leaders and Founders have warned us would destroy us.  The Greatest Enemy is the Cowardly, Lip-Service Left DEMsh*tizens.


Anti-Christ to the rescue! Judge legalizes same-sex marriage in New Jersey; Christie vows to appeal. The Star-Ledger

Judge legalizes same-sex marriage in New Jersey; Christie vows to appeal

The Star-Ledger

pic. Would a French Revolution, lopping the heads of Cruz, McConnel, Kochs, Blankfein, Tillerson... would it be so bad? Yes, an unviolent revolution would be preferable.

Would a French Revolution, 
lopping the heads of Cruz,
McConnel, Kochs,
Blankfein, Tillerson...
would it be so bad?
Yes, an unviolent
revolution would be

The Prez we don't deserve: Obama: Agreement possible over Iran's nuclear ambitions CNN


Quite excellent vid: Martin Bashir 'That's right Mr. President, what terrifies the Republicans is that Amerians might prefer to honor a social contract to each other, rather than worshipinng at the shrine of selfishness.'

Quite excellent vid:  Martin Bashir 'That's right Mr. President, what terrifies the Republicans is that Amerians might prefer to honor a social contract to each other, rather than worshiping at the shrine of selfishness.'
Thanks to Martin Bashir for this epic Republican takedown.