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Showing posts with label Ecocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecocide. Show all posts


Review. Behave, Robert sapolsky. Must read owners manual. Detail

If one owns and nervous system and cares deeply about the world and how things operate this is a must-read owners manual for all who have a nervous system and thinks it matters. It seems to me that this extraordinary it elect, neuroscientist, paleontologist, Stanford University, and great human being, decided to share with us what he has had to come to understand to make any sense of the world and the human beings in it. He is a wonderful writer. Every relevant discipline from Neuroscience to Sociology to evolutionary biology, psychology on and on and on, highly cited, writing that is brilliant, a reflection of his great Humanity.


Where are the articles on this? Where are the surveys? Extremely important lesson. My Fury was great at this middle age hippie here in Yucca Valley. His response to the horror of millions.....

Where are the articles on this? Where are the surveys? Extremely important lesson. My Fury was great at this middle age hippie here in Yucca Valley. His response to the horror of millions..... of climate refugees as the coastal cities flood he said, well, they have lots of money, if they want to come here and give me money for my land that's fine. I was horrified. But when he drove away I realized he taught me something. It may be that, it's certainly is, that many millions of middle Americans look with some combination of Glee and greed at what the coastal cities going underwater will mean from them personally materially. Their land value and personal wealth will Skyrocket.


Harsher and harsher is my demeanor and behavior. I'm not certain what it's all about. I think it's a reflection of the ever-increasing impending doom and no one giving a f***. It may be self-indulgent or it may be an ultimate Act of service, to show the harshness in my behavior while there is still time to act.

Harsher and harsher is my demeanor and behavior. I'm not certain what it's all about. I think it's a reflection of the ever-increasing impending doom and no one giving a f***. It may be self-indulgent or it may be an ultimate Act of service, to show the harshness in my behavior while there is still time to act.


There is still much worth fighting for, Jane Goodall said a year ago. Very poignant I thought then. Quite incorrect I think now. Very very little Worth Fighting For Anymore. so little goodness left in the human soul, and as a consequence so little in nature not already destroyed or doomed. I'll fight on, but with these thoughts.

There is still much worth fighting for, Jane Goodall said a year ago. Very poignant I thought then. Quite incorrect I think now. Very very little Worth Fighting For Anymore. so little goodness left in the human soul, and as a consequence so little in nature not already destroyed or doomed. I'll fight on, but with these thoughts.


Global pollution kills 9m a year and threatens 'survival of human societies'. Link


Warning of 'ecological Armageddon' after dramatic plunge in insect numbers. Link


I think the powers-that-be have concluded some time ago that the masses of us are going to drown, they.......

I think the powers-that-be have concluded some time ago that the masses of us are going to drown, they are Feathering their nests, securing their offshore islands and gated communities. I think it is that clear to them,  as clear as day. I can understand the insanity no other way.


I've been a dead weight the last 4 days. I don't know if it was exhaustion, depression over the candidates, and Sanders being criminally eliminated, a combination.... Could be just the horror of the world situation and Outlook.

I've been a dead weight the last 4 days.  I don't know if it was exhaustion, depression over the candidates,  and Sanders being criminally eliminated, a combination.... Could be just the horror of the world situation and Outlook.


***** None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use


Washington Post: Meat is horrible


***** I question the morality, decency, sanity of anyone that would bring a child into this 2016 World. In defence of such people I have to say that our prevailing Societal myths are so intense, so University ascribed to that it is difficult, nearly impossible, to see the matrix for what it is. God help the children that are brought into this world. For goodness sake adopt, be foster parents, but don't be so cruel as to conceive new children.

***** I question the morality, decency, sanity of anyone that would bring a child into this 2016 World.  In defence of such people I have to say that our prevailing Societal myths are so intense, so University ascribed to that it is difficult, nearly impossible, to see the matrix for what it is. God help the children that are brought into this world. For goodness sake adopt, be foster parents, but don't be so cruel as to conceive new children.