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Showing posts with label Duty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duty. Show all posts


SPDF Day 19: HAVE THE DECENCY, GUTS…to face the mountains of theoretical, historical, practical, and experiential learning, writings, examples on which this campaign is based. ..

SPDF Day 19:  HAVE THE DECENCY, GUTS, as you continue to disparage, denigrate, denounce, discount, dispute, distance from, generally dis, and / or dismiss my efforts, at least face the mountains of theoretical, historical, practical, and experiential learning, writings, examples... on which it is based.  You will find all of my foundation at two sites:  1.  A. The articles are the ones I select every day as credible, substantial, and strategically important.  B.  The links in rows at the top are the most effective distillations of the scholarly studies, books, articles from the world's leading academics where one can quickly get a profound grasp of the situation.  C. The SPDF posts are my distillation of a lifetime of study and practice of leadership, nonviolence (unviolent warfare), strategic anaylisis and planning... specific to Palestine and what is needed NOW.  2.  There is a God-send site (NOTICE: SET YOUR ADBLOCK IN YOUR BROWSER, FIRST, TO AVOID THE PORN ADS.  The Pirate Bay dot se / Unviolentpeacemaker) created by some brave soul over the years that has virtually all of the great scholarship, models, media and practice on Unviolent Warfare (nonviolence), and Palestine / Israel.  I've read and incorporated the vast majority in to my being, and into my work.


vlog. SPDF Day 18: If this Death Fast is wrong the Martin Luther King Jr was wrong...

If the death fast is wrong then Martin Luther King Jr. was wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then the monks that self immolated inspiring the Kennedys and MLK Jr to levels of consideration and insight and action that they never otherwise would have achieved are wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then Malcom X was wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then the tens of thousands that marched to what they thought was nears certain death in Tahrir Square were wrong.

If the death fast is wrong, paying the full price of one's life for what one wants, is wrong, then you are wrong.  You are wrong because everything of immense value in your life you have paid dearly for, your house, your education, your car, your dearest relationships....

Death fast is nothing more than a concentrated way of paying one's life, and we pay our lives regularly, paying one's life in a concentrated way for something of inestimable value.  And if that is wrong then you are wrong.  If that is wrong then Jesus of Nazareth is wrong.

If that is right, and you don't, then you are wrong, you are betraying humanity, you are betraying your nieces and nephews, you are betraying seven million Palestinians, you are betraying millions of Palestinian children, you are betraying the United States, and you are betraying all of creation.

And if I flinch, and I have zero inclination of flinching, but if I flinch, then the betrayal is mine.  So far the Joy is mine.  The joy could be, and must become, yours, too, now.


SPDF Day 14: "If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters...

If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive. Martin Luther King, Jr

***** SPDF day 14: are we really so sick, so degenerate, so pathologically self centered, that we think my life.... detail

***** SPDF day 14: are we really so sick, so degenerate, so pathologically self centered, that we think my life, our own life, even the life of our own children is the ultimate value to which everything else should be subordinated, in this year of 2015 when everything that is good and decent on earth is passing the final seconds when it can be saved? Really? In the face of a ecocide forever my life is more important than a chance to stop that? In the face of the final death of democracy in America my life is not worth giving now for that? Really? With the likelihood that in another 18 months another 2000 or more Palestinians will be slaughtered, with the certainty that millions of Palestinians every hour of every day will be, are being, terrorized, tormented, tortured, terminated... by the US, Israeli, goon squads, my life is not worth giving for that? Insanity. Disgusting degeneracy. Enough. Join me or keep your maudlin sympathy to yourself. Enough! Enough!!! Enough of this madness.  More at


***** Given the inexpressible, not-to-be-stopped, horror of a 'future' that we are every second allowing to be unleashed on Amerika and the world, THE MOST MORAL ACT I can think of is the responsible attempt to stop the birthing of new children into this soon undeniable, inescapable living Hell. The most IMMORAL, CRUEL, SELFISH, HATEFUL, UNFORGIVABLE act I can think of is to bring a new life into this unfolding HELL. FOR THE SAKE OF THESE UNBORN SOULS... THINK... OF THEM, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR THEM.

Given the inexpressible, not-to-be-stopped, horror of a 'future' that we are every second allowing to be unleashed on Amerika and the world, THE MOST MORAL ACT I can think of is the responsible attempt to stop the birthing of new children into this soon undeniable, inescapable living Hell.  The most IMMORAL, CRUEL, SELFISH, HATEFUL, UNFORGIVABLE act I can think of is to bring a new life into this unfolding HELL. FOR THE SAKE OF THESE UNBORN SOULS... THINK... OF THEM, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR THEM..... ADDITIONALLY:  Any young person with children for whom it is remotely possible should work toward moving abroad... NOT to Canada which is just a few years now behind Amerikkka in the race toward Totalitarianism, but to Scandinavia (well, that is if you are Caucasian.)


***** nd. Western Civilization, Amerika, is obviously Death, totally Corrupt... and the only answer is total withdrawal... individuals, one, then another, then another... walking away, in a new direction, willing to pay the price... and some will thereby find and blaze a trail that others can follow.

Western Civilization, Amerika, is obviously Death, totally Corrupt... and the only answer is total withdrawal... individuals, one, then another, then another... walking away, in a new direction, willing to pay the price... and some will thereby find and blaze a trail that others can follow.

***** "Thou shalt not be a perpetrator; Thou shalt not be a victim; and thou shall never, but never, be a bystander." Yehuda Bauer, Holocaust Historian

"Thou shalt not be a perpetrator; Thou shalt not be a victim; and thou shall never, but never, be a bystander."  Yehuda Bauer, Holocaust Historian

nd. Friends (Friendship is unconditional From me), If there is no red line in your life, nothing that is totally and unconditionally unacceptable, like the incremental genocide of the Palestinians, then you really are going to get hurt, damaged, by traveling near to me. You really should disconnect, you should unfriend me.

Friends (Friendship is unconditional From me), If there is no red line in your life, nothing that is totally and unconditionally unacceptable, like the incremental genocide of the Palestinians, then you really are going to get hurt, damaged, by traveling near to me.  You really should disconnect, you should unfriend me.


***** nd. Try this: For the next week, when you are watching television, movies, etc... as yourself: If my child, grandchild, niece... 10 years from now saw this person today would they say that this person used their life to focus attention ON the Human species determining events of 2015... or AWAY from them. At the end of the week, A. Determine what % of what you are seeing is constructive in this way, or destructive; then, B. Look in the mirror.

***** Try this:  For the next week, when you are watching television, movies, etc... as yourself:  If my child, grandchild, niece... 10 years from now saw this person today would they say that this person used their life to focus attention ON the Human species determining events of 2015... or AWAY from them.  At the end of the week, A.  Determine what % of what you are seeing is constructive in this way, or destructive; then, B.  Look in the mirror.


vid. I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST." This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine. The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police. I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone. But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service.

I SCREAMED AT THE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' MOB AT THE WHITE HOUSE: "YOU ARE BIGOTS, IGNORANT, HATEFUL... JUST LIKE THOSE YOU PRETEND TO PROTEST."  This was last weekend, a mixed race group of young toughs came storming to the north side of the White House late in the day, where, as I am now, I was fighting to Free Palestine.  The came storming into the park, a nasty, hateful mob... screaming at all the police.  I hate all bigotry, ignorance, savagery... from anyone... to anyone.  But especially if it is toward the Secret Service, who over the years I've watched conduct themselves with immense self-discipline, respectfulness, immense decency... a level which if practiced by even 1% of those liberals that considered themselves activists, well, I could on retirement. This good, decent man Clancy is representative of all I've seen in these good folks of the Secret Service.