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Showing posts with label Denial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denial. Show all posts


ABSURD HEADLINE: In Russia, politics and nationalist pride are basis of Putin’s anti-American turn. In Russia, politics and nationalist pride are basis of Putin’s anti-American turn. WashPo.

I really HATE deceit and denial (article below). I am NO fan of Putin. YES, WE ARE EXCEPTIONAL! Largest Genocide in human history (50-100M savages); only country to use nucs, twice, exterminating 2 cities AFTER Japan wanted to surrender; only country to have napalmed Vietnam; only country killing 500,000 folks in Iraq for their oil; only country mutilating their children, FOREVER, in Iraq, with our Depleted Uranium weapons; only country defying THE REST OF THE WORLD TO BRING ISRAEL IN LINE WITH INTERNATIONAL LAW AND STOP THEIR GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS; only country using 20x more global warming petrol than the rest of the world combined; only country consuming 10-40 times more than our per capita share of the world's resources; only country spending more than the rest of the world combined on Military; only country among the developed to give such a low % of GDP in international aid.... Oh, the list is LONG OF OUR EXCEPTIONALISM. Yes, so WHAT IS PUTIN TALKING ABOUT???

In Russia, politics and nationalist pride are basis of Putin’s anti-American turn


FB DIALOG: Regarding Rape - Ladies, want to blame, or what to stop it? You have a role to play. You want your denial? Or you want it to stop?

Loving's FB Post, on top of the link to the article:  THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR RAPE. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR RAPE. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR RAPE......................... HOWEVER!!!!!......There is no excuse for my child doing drugs. But ya know what? I'm gunna do all I can to keep the temptation of drugs away from him. There is no excuse for my child being mugged for his money. But, ya know what? I'm gunna teach him to carry it in his pocket, and not flash it around the neighborhood. WOULDN'T YOU???????

This article (link) has great advice. AND WOMEN (and men) NEED TO HEED IT, AND DO IT, AND STOP DOING THE OPPOSITE!!!!:

2. Teach young men to see YOU, WOMAN, your humanity, instead of seeing YOU as sexual objects for male pleasure. STOP TEACHING THE OPPOSITE IN HOW YOU DRESS, TALK, AND ACT!!!!;

3. Teach young men how to express healthy masculinity. YES, women, do that. (And rape is NOT about power, any more than drinking scotch is about hydrating, or shooting heroine is about your health. IT IS ABOUT GETTING HIGH. WTF.

Rape is not going to stop based on lying about this stuff. STOP IT. You (the public 'you') wanna hate me over this? I'm totally fine with that.
 5 Ways We Can Teach Men Not to Rape
 Comments, Dialog, on FB:
  • Cathy:   This is bullshit! Rape is not about how women dress or act. Rape is about MEN WHO RAPE!
  • Start Loving Cathy, by virtue of this fine article you are patently incorrect. Central to the article is that men, starting with boys, ARE TAUGHT. Women don't have a role in that? Positive and or Negative. That is patently absurd. Do women want rape to stop? Seems not. They want it to stop on absurd terms. I'll not be a coward and repeat what is in bold, multiple times at the top of my post on this.
  • Cathy: Your interpretation of this article is incorrect, Start, as is your understanding of rape, which you claim in not about power. Rape is about ABSOLUTE POWER in the form of ASSAULT. It is not SEX. And while I am horrified with what young girls are wearing or not wearing, that is not an invitation to be drugged, attacked violently and/or be subjected to disease and possible death. The article does not suggest that what women are wearing is a factor... that is only in your comments. Women in burqas get raped. Of course women have to teach boys to respect women as should their FATHERS. That's a much bigger picture and longer discussion. Here's any easy thing for women and men to say to their sons: DO NOT RAPE ANYONE! You "liked" this post so I will post it again:
    (M) 100% accurate.

    Posted on the Being Liberal fan page.

    Being Liberal Wall Pictures
  • Cathy: And, why do you keep inviting people to hate you? Is that what disagreeing looks like to you?
  • Start Loving My interpretation of this article is that it is substantially about education. I agree. None of us can escape educating others - the only variables are subject matter, direction and degree. With no waking breath of our lives can we escape it. I am unconditional in my opposition to rape. I want it to stop. You are conditional in your opposition - you are opposed to it happening, but any role that female behavior has in it is off the table for discussion, consideration. Ok. Not so for me. And if you tell me you would not advise your son to keep his money in his pocket, rather than in his hand, flashing it around, as he walks to school, on the basis that NO ONE SHOULD ROB MY SON, well, then you are consistent in what you are arguing to me here, somewhat. Women that dress like sex objects, talk like sex objects, act like sex objects, are among the 'teachers' of men as how to view them. This is indisputable. The article correctly attests to the fact that what men are taught influences what they will do. This cannot be disputed based on any fact based dimension. It cannot. As to whether it is an act of power, or as I say, to get high, well, if you want to argue, or view, that a crack addict murdering to get a fix is an act of power, well, then you are at least consistent in your argument / attack on me (not my views, so much, but the fact that I've dared to express them.) As to "inviting" folks to hate me? I do not invite it. I acknowledge it, as an emphasis on how important it is to women's safety, in this case, enough so that I'm willing do draw hate (which so far I have on this, from two I considered good friends), a price I'm willing to pay on such an important issue, and now have. And I have zero regrets. My opposition to Rape is unconditional, unlike pretty much everyone else, from what I can see.
  • Cathy: I have said that I hate it when girls and women dress like "sluts" and I agree that it doesn't teach boys respect. I do agree that we should teach them that there are potential consequences to their behavior, as with boys flashing money around, however, there is a difference between attracting attention and inviting violence. This seems to be where we disagree although we do not disagree that there is no excuse for rape. Finally, when you say, "You (the public 'you') wanna hate me over this? I'm totally fine with that." That sounds like an invitation to me, but I do not accept the invitation and never will. —Your sister, whether you like it or not!
  • Start Loving I am profoundly pleased with the return of our dialog to one of mutual respect (it seems to me), and therefore, with the prospect of mutually pursuing constructive Truth (that which Gandhi said was the one thing worth dying for, instantly, if need be, as the basis for ALL HOPE. I agree with Gandhi, as did my ultimate heroes, sheroes, of unviolent action - Alice Paul and her sisters for whom pressing the Truth had zero price that was too high for them to pay. You've seen Iron Jawed Angels, read, A Women's Crusade, read IRON JAWED ANGELS, etc? Makes even Gandhi and his soldiers look like cub scouts. Breathtaking humanity.) If you ever find, observe, know of anything less from me, than RESPECT, ever, under any circumstances, you will know me to be a fraud. There is never, under any circumstances, an 'excuse' for rape, sons being robbed, people being killed for a heroine fix.... Period. But NOT the end of conversation, as we seem now to maybe be able to consider. I don't want my son raised on a block with bars, liquor stores, drug dealers, pimps, prostitutes, gangsters, investment bankers, the uber rich..., all for the same reason - it is all educative in a deadly, Soul destroying way, and it is immediate, proximate, temptation, invitation (express, implied or intended or not), and risk. If in the context of any of these intolerable things, "there is a difference between attracting attention and inviting violence," I can't see it. I don't want my son flashing those bills, regardless of which it invokes, attention or invitation to violence, in an observer, because they both increase the inexcusable likelihood of him being mugged. Your brother, unconditionally, forever, no matter what, Loving (what I go by)
    1 like (Cathy)
    Start Loving:  (heart)

    Start Loving Also, as to Sheroes, if you've not read Diane Wilson's An Unreasonable Woman, you've deprived yourself of knowing one of our only living Sheroes of the caliber of Alice Paul and her sisters. Here's a taste, but read the book -
    "Diane Wilson - Texas Gold", a playlist created by robb1031


(detail) Ecocide's DeathFast Day 15 status: I'm accepting 2 more days of hospitality indoors... (more)

Ecocide's DeathFast Day 15:  I'm accepting 2 more days of hospitality indoors In order to meet a self-imposed deadline of midnight Sunday to cease liquids - the final phase of my puny attempt to awaken the cold dead soul of America, in time to avert Perpetual Ecocide for the next 1000 generations of everyone's kids.'

Zero calorie fast continues.

Averaging 3 hours per night of sitting-up sleep, because I pass out of paralytic exhaustion.

Joyful, massively, productive in what could, COULD be the missing catalyst for someone(s) else besides Diane Wilson, and myself, to begin fighting commensurate with the scale of the ecocide.

It's hard to raise the Dead, particularly when being Dead is what the population lusts for (this is already the zombie apocalypse), but only rasing the Dead to Life will save the next 200 billion, so I try, with immense Joy, Loving, Passion, and Peace of Heart, to raise the cold, Dead Souls of America, in time.'



nd 'EDF D7 - Extremely ill. All but debilitated. Faited twice. Extremely nauseous. Worst of any hunger strike. Maybe the cancers in my liver. My Work keeps me going. Joyful. Extremely sad for Humanity. We're already Dead. Soul Dead.' Loving

nd 'EDF D7 - Extremely ill.  All but debilitated.  Faited twice. Extremely nauseous.  Worst of any hunger strike.  Maybe the cancers in my liver.  My Work keeps me going. Joyful. Extremely, extremely, extremely sad for Humanity - many tears.  We're already Dead. Soul Dead.' Loving