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Showing posts with label Democracy Has Perished. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democracy Has Perished. Show all posts


vlog. SPDF Day 18: (Thought experiment). What MIGHT you and others have done in the late 1920’s or early 30’s to prevent Hitler, WWII, the Holocaust?...

vlog. SPDF Day 18: (Thought experiment). What MIGHT you and others have done in the late 1920's or early 1930's to prevent Hitler, WWII, the Holocaust?

Back in the late 1920s and early to mid 1930s what might you have done, you and people like you, differently, that might have prevented Hitler, prevented the extermination of six million eastern Europeans, gypsies, Catholics, and another six million Jews?  What might you have done that thereby would have headed off world war two?

The ultimate statement, the ultimate attention getter given the wiring of our nervous systems, is risking one's life for a cause, or giving one's life for a cause.  This is inarguable by anyone who is honest.

 I'm unaware of activists, so called activists, of that time, that did any such thing.  Whte Rose did later, to late; and Dietrich Bonoffer and a few others did, much later, much too late.

Presumably activest wrote memos, had meetings, had more meetings, had talks, wrote books, spoke to their friends....  All those things probably helped.  Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.  Tens of millions were slaughtered because no one stopped what was coming about, no one changed the future.

Would making a more heroic, more aggressive, more militant nonviolent attempt have been worth one person's life?  Wouldn't that have been worth the lives of 10,000 nonviolent warriors?  Of course it would.  That is without question.

The question is can you, can I, WILL you or I, become one of those people now?  We are at beyond the equivalent of the late 1920s early to mid 1930s Germany.   We're on the verge of unstoppable ecocide. We're on the verge of a another, probably much larger slaughter in Palestine, quite possibly a total final genocide.  We're on the verge of the extinguishing of United States democracy for many many many generations.  There's much more at stake than ever before.

If in this thought experiment you can imagine that in 19 late twenties early 1930s Germany you might have chosen to escalate beyond anything that was done, you need to apply that imagination to today.  And you need to do it now.  I'll do my part of trying to show us the way, but I can't do your part..

***** Obama, have I have really been wrong about you all along??? "President Obama is basically doing the bidding of all the big corporations," says Lori Wallach of Global Trade Watch. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is "a delivery mechanism for a broad corporate agenda." Vid. Dn!

Chris Hayes show likely to be terminated. Chris is far and away the most trustworthy newest personality on television. This speaks volumes about we Americans. We are not worth saving. But the Palestinians are.


SPDF Day 15: To a dear dear sister since childhood: “Do not ache over my condition. I have never been so Joyful. Ache for the condition of our millions of Palestinians …

SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 15:  From a dear dear sister since childhood:  "i am aching over your condition..i do understand...yet i want you to be taken care of along with the rest of humanity...SENDING MY LOVE x."  My reply: "Do not ache over my condition. I have never been so Joyful.  Ache for the condition of our millions of Palestinians.  Ache for every young person you know on earth.  Ache for every person and creature in the future. Ache for everyone you know in America just a year or two hence, it is all collapsing, economy, fascism, police state, plantation Amerika.  Ache for everyone above the age of 12 today that will look back in horror and agony, just a few years from now, and shake in agony as they say, 'MY GOD, WHY DIDN'T I SHAKE OFF MY DENIAL AND STAND FOR GOOD, WHILE THERE WAS STILL A CHANCE.'

“Radicals of a different sort”: How the reactionary right is plotting to steal the White House For all America's progress, the right's quest to control who votes just won't die. Here's their latest disgrace

***** 9 reasons America is a lousy place to raise kids With income inequality on the rise, only the rich can afford to raise their children with any degree of comfort

***** Robert Reich: In Our Horrifying Future, Very Few People Will Have Work or Make Money Think you're safe because you're a professional? Think again