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Showing posts with label DEMhypocrites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEMhypocrites. Show all posts


article: Obama to McKibben - "Stop Whining. Grow a Pair. DO YOUR JOB - RAISE THE PUBLIC WILL, stop playing games, or SHUT UP."

McKibben to Obama: Walk your talk on climate

Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog) - ‎1 hour ago‎

vid McKibben is like: 1. Gandhi, 2. Alice Paul, 3. MLK Jr, 4. Nelson Madela, 5. Pillsbury Doughboy?

For my friends in Gaza wondering what the Keystone XL Pipeline is .... here's a short 2 minute video that provides some answers.
Bill McKibben: On Sept. 21st, Draw the Line on Keystone XL
For the past two years, a grassroots movement has erupted to confront President Obama over the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. On September 21st, 2013, we wi...

pic "You are richer than 75% of the world's population: If you keep food in refrigerator, clothes in a closet, sleep in a bed, have a roof over your head. Keep enjoying taking someone else's share!

Benjamin Michael likes a photo.

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Because all the Rightie-Deniers see is Leftie-Cowardice, UN climate report will not sway US deniers

Like · · · about an hour ago ·

****** pic - MUST SEE. How to communicate with a narcissist, Leftie-denier, Rightie-denier!!!!

How To Communicate With a #Narcissist — with Rens de Leur and Sirirat Silakotr.

Bill McKibben, #1 Denier (of all Truth of what it takes to stop a $40 Trillion Train, NOW) - Gives us another cess-pool's worth of, self-serving middle-class, future-murderinng tripe, here:

Bill McKibben has a great new piece on divestment.

The Daily Beast: McKibben, #1 Denier (of all Truth of what it takes to stop a $40 Trillion Train, NOW) - Gives us more, self-serving middle-class lies, here:

Bill McKibben has a great new piece on divestment.

The Daily Beast:


pic Nobody can dictate terms to the Mil, Corp, Fossil Fuel, Wall St complex except millions of Leftie citizens in the streets unviolently dictating terms? So why do they blame Obama?

Nobody can dictate terms to the Mil,
Corp, Fossil Fuel, Wall St complex
except millions of
Leftie citizens in the
streets unviolently
dictating terms?
So why do they
blame Obama?

When I lob Truth from Left to Right the Left yells "BROVO!!!" When I lob Truth To the Left: "UNFAIR, MOLE, MEAN, UNHELPFUL, HOSTILE...." WTF!?!?!?!?!

nd It isn't that folks damn Pr. Obama. It is that they seem to consider themselves infallible, omniscient. This is pure Evil.

nd It isn't that folks damn Pr. Obama. It is that they seem to consider themselves infallible, omniscient. This is Evil.

vid Moyers joins the blind left in not seeing Pr. Obama's clear hand behind the non-war effort. DON'T PLAY CHESS, YOU IDIOTS, YOU'LL GET SLAUGHTERED.

Moyers joins the blind left in not seeing Pr. Obama's clear hand behind the non-war effort. DON'T PLAY CHESS, YOU IDIOTS, YOU'LL GET SLAUGHTERED.

I wish that "Common Sense" was really common.
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