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Showing posts with label Christlikeness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christlikeness. Show all posts


***** Dozens protest in support of Israeli conscientious objector Tair Kaminer is expected to be sentenced to a month in military jail for refusing to enlist in the IDF. Kaminer: ‘Military jail frightens me less than the our society losing its humanity.’

***** pic. Your help is welcome. Suggestions, recommendations? The final version of this will be my new every waking second uniform on shirt, jacket, etc. Please share with me any strong comments you have. Thank you. I am NOT meaning for this.......

**** Your help is welcome. Suggestions, recommendations? The final version of this will be my new every waking second uniform on shirt, jacket, etc. Please share with me any strong comments you have. Thank you. I am NOT meaning for this to be cute, pretty, catchy.... I am meaning for it to be the best expression of the essential truths of human sanity, humanity, Joy and Salvation from this deadly 2016 world as lived and taught by Jesus and the other great laborers of love throughout history, that I have yet learned to see and express, & I think it's getting pretty close. This has come to me in pieces, in the middle of the night, over the last few days. I am deeply moved and grateful.


***** Jesus: Hear me! The 'Hand of God' is Conscience, Wisdom, empathy, Heart, Soul, Spirit, Loving, Serving, Solidarity. Your 'capitalism' explicitly and zealously and Religiously commands you to surrender to that Other's 'Hand,' Greed, Mammon, Flesh, Head, Deceit, Lies, Hostility, Exploitation, Destruction, Alienation, Self-centeredness, Division, Systems, Institutions. And this is finally destroying you. As I warned it would.

***** Jesus:  Hear me! The 'Hand of God' is Conscience, Wisdom, empathy, Heart, Soul, Spirit' Loving, Serving, Solidarity. Your 'capitalism' explicitly and zealously and Religiously commands you to surrender to that Other's 'Hand,' Greed, Mammon, Flesh, Head, Deceit, Lies, Hostility, Exploitation, Destruction, Alienation, Self-centeredness, Division, Systems, Institutions. And this is finally destroying you. As I warned it would.


***** vid. Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing. ***** profoundly wonderful on multiple levels. Please watch. Please share.

***** profoundly wonderful on multiple levels. Please watch. Please share.

***** You know how horrified I am at the lack of true activism. The continuing exception that I see are the largely Jewish activists becoming more and more courageous for Palestine. Really breathtaking Humanity, discipline, academic rigor, justice, righteousness, willingness to pay the price.... Biblical.

You know how horrified I am at the lack of true activism. The continuing exception that I see are the largely Jewish activists becoming more and more courageous for Palestine. Really breathtaking Humanity, discipline, academic rigor, justice, righteousness, willingness to pay the price.... Biblical.

***** Louis Tse didn’t always live out of his car. Nine months ago, he forfeited his Westwood apartment to fund a shelter for those who are not homeless by choice. Tse said he is using his rent money to help create a student-run shelter for people aged 18 to 24. The shelter will be located in a local church a few blocks from campus.



To a law officer I have been blessed to know for years; concerning the possibility of police brutality and violence in America today: Our conversation......

To a law officer I have been blessed to know for years; concerning the possibility of police brutality and violence in America today:

Our conversation yesterday got me thinking. And it helped me understand something about myself, maybe for the first time.

I have known about myself that I am a fiercely loyal individual. I'll pay a personal price that most people can't imagine to fulfill my duties within a group with which I am affiliated, and/or responsible to.

But I have never been able to stop there. My ultimate loyalty is never to the group, or even individual, with which I am affiliated or to whom I am responsible. My ultimate loyalty has always been, will always be, to the whole, all of humanity, all of creation. This is not something I sought out. I think I got it from my father. Wherever I got it it has always been part of me.

It has always made me an outsider. And has always made me distrusted, and alien to others.

It is a quality about myself that I deeply value. I think it is what others might call ultimate loyalty to God.  I see it as a central quality in those throughout history I revere, Jesus, Martin Luther King jr., Gandhi....

I find this lacking in almost all of my sisters and brothers.

I refused to become a licensed psychologist because I came to see that psychologists are ultimately loyal to themselves, to the group, and not to their clients.

I think this is a central failing in what calls itself the church.

I don't see an institution today, maybe with the exception of Nursing, that isn't plagued by this.

But few places is it as dangerous as in and among men and women in uniform who carry weapons of death. And with few exceptions I see their ultimate loyalty to their group, not to those who they have a duty to serve.


Fifty Churches Just Offered Safe Haven to Central American Refugees Facing Deportation

***** Instead of housing myself, I am able to donate all of my meager retirement funds to that about which I care of the most. Here is some of the list. It will change each month, slightly, & I am gratefully open to suggestions. My top priority is Palestine, but beyond that I care about all of the victims of US Empire. And it is my intent to completely and only support the insanely humane among us, that one in a million, upon whom all hope of anything good depends:

By wasting no money on housing or anything else for myself, about which I have  miniscule interest,  I expect to make similar donations, all of my meager monthly retirement, each month of the year.  This is an indescribable joy for me,  an immense privilege, a divine blessing that I don't deserve but I have.

Electronic Intifada,
International Solidarity movement,
Christian peace maker teams,
Palestine children's relief fund PCRF,
breaking the silence,
students for justice Palestine,
Syrian relief,
United Palestinian appeal,
Southern Poverty Law Center,
Sea Shepherd,
common dreams,
Welfare Association


***** Single most important body of research I've seen in my entire life. 40 assets. Search A child deprived of an environment rich in 40 assets, social, emotional, intellectual... will be crippled, criminal, self destructive, destructive of others.... Jesus was correct, if we........

***** Single most important body of research I've seen in my entire life. 40 assets. Search A child deprived of an environment rich in 40 assets, social, emotional, intellectual... will be crippled, criminal, self destructive, destructive of others....

Jesus was correct, if we love our brother as our self it will be heaven, otherwise hell.  How long will you continue to blame the child? How long will you continue to punish the child for our having starved her?

I first encountered this information in 2000, as I had left my $300,000 a year career in the high-tech industry, as company president, for the field of elementary school guidance counseling, psychology masters. It was and is the most important body of research for all of humanity of which I am aware.

If you are an affluent community and some high school students drink and kill themselves in a car accident, you will call in the search Institute and restructure your entire community to increase the assets that your community provides. If you are not an affluent community you know nothing about this information. I know of no greater crime in our society than that this information is not widely known and widely implemented in all aspects of public policy. It is not by accident but it is not disseminated. We do not want to love our brother as our self. Too expensive. Consummate Satan likeness.

Using this information I created an out of school program in the district, Chester Pennsylvania, one of the 10 most failing school districts in the country, called the 1020 zone, which subsequently was copied in Harlem and has become a model program for the Obama administration, The Kids Zone.

If you can see why I am over rating this information, as I am certain that I am NOT, please bring it to my attention.

If you are not already familiar, I implore you to look at these 26 slides, and at all of the supporting links on this page at the link below.

The correlation between minimal assets for a child in their environment, and maximal assets in the environment of a child, are night and day, hell and heaven, Creator and Satan.

***** Thousands march in Tel Aviv against growing right-wing incitement Demonstrators took the streets of central Tel Aviv to show their support for Israeli human rights organizations under attack by right-wing incitement over the past weeks. Breaking the Silence executive director: ‘We were born into the occupation, we can be the ones to end it.’