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Showing posts with label Averting Ecocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Averting Ecocide. Show all posts


pic. I know personally, an internationally renown activist. She is constantly working to use her life, her body, her very being... to save humanity. Seems there is no personal price she wouldn’t pay. She doesn't play to play. She plays to win. I don’t know any others besides her, Malala, Aung San... This is why the future is doomed, unless you join her. Now. (She is shy. I’ll not name and embarrass her.)

I know personally, an
internationally renown activist.

She is constantly working to use her life, her body, her very being... to save humanity. Seems there is no personal price she wouldn’t pay.  She doesn't play to play. She plays to win.

I don’t know any others besides her, Malala, Aung San...

This is why the future is doomed, unless you join her.  Now.

(She is shy. I’ll not name and embarrass her.)



Clean technology is booming by every key indicator -- but you would never know that from Sunday's absurd 60 Minutes piece touting an imaginary 'Cleantech Crash.'

pic. PLEASE, Stop talking TO deniers - it is what they thrive on. PLEASE. Talk past them, to the onlookers, it STARVES them, and emboldens and educates the onlookers. Please, pass the word.

Stop talking TO deniers - is what they thrive on. PLEASE. Talk past them, to the onlookers, it STARVES them, and emboldens and educates the onlookers. Please, pass the word.

***** pic. Friends, no offense if you block me now. From now on I expect to relentlessly, forcefully, gratingly advocate on 3 things: 1. The only Revolutionary act - refocusing our very lives on the Global Neediest, Our Immediate Family, ALL of Creation, Universal Family. 2. Stopping Ecocide, now, forcing 6%/yr co2 reduction on the table, Fee and Dividend; 1 deg C. Without a planet, no other issue matters. We stop it NOW, or NEVER. 3. 2014 Elections. A. Our best chance at 1&2 above; B. Our last chance to save US Democracy. I don’t play to play; I play to win(expecting to lose). Don’t want that? OK

Friends, no offense if you block
me now.  From now on I expect
to relentlessly, forcefully,
gratingly advocate on 3 things:

1. The only Revolutionary act -
refocusing our very lives on the
Global Neediest, Our Immediate
Family, ALL of Creation, Universal Family.

2.  Stopping Ecocide, now, forcing 6%/yr co2 reduction on the table, Fee and Dividend; 1 deg C.  Without a planet, no other issue matters. We stop it NOW, or NEVER.

3.  2014 Elections. A. Our best chance at 1&2 above; B. Our last chance to save US Democracy.  I don’t play to play; I play to win(expecting to lose). Don’t want that? OK


pic. Jesus Teaching: Don’t, at any moment, at any price, for any cost, sacrifice your humanity, Heart, conscience, universal loving, agape. Yes, it will cost you dearly, everything that is not essential, not divine, not Joy. Yes, it is opposite of everything you’ve been taught in this sickest of all times. And all else is the path away from Joy, Life, Peace on Earth... the very survival of Creation.

My Teaching:

Don’t, at any moment, at any price, for any cost, sacrifice your humanity, Heart, conscience, universal loving, agape.

Yes, it will cost you dearly, everything that is not essential, not divine, not Joy.

Yes, it is opposite of everything you’ve been taught in this sickest of all times.

And all else is the path away from Joy, Life, Peace on Earth... the very
survival of Creation.


***** pic. You’ll know that you want to stop ecocide, in time, when... detail...

You’ll know that you want to stop ecocide, in time, when, as the Greatest Generation did, you’ve dropped everything, and run and put your very being in way of the greatest emergency ever to confront children, grandchidlren, all of humanity, and all of Creation. Until then, stopping ecocide is just a feel-good hobby for you.

BTW, how many people will have to risk it all to stop an industry bankrolled by $50 trillion in fossil fuel reserves, and sociopathic enough to destroy everything to get it?

All I see, anywhere on the global warming scene, are hobbyists. The 1 in a million exception proves the rule.



YOUR MORAL IMPERATIVE: You can’t destroy all human future, just for your own; and YOU are, by ALLOWING so much Fossil Fuels. See Dr. James Hansen 12.03.13 Definitive Paper.

YOUR SCIENTIFIC FACT: YOU must cause a 6%/yr reduction in Fosil Fuel emissions beginning now, 2014. Impossible has been done before. Attempt it again, now. Hansen’s paper.

YOUR ONE STRATEGIC PRAYER: ‘Fee and Dividend,’ $240/tn carbon fuel implemented over 10 years.  Free, at  google books, see Hansen’s ‘Storms,’ Search ‘Fee and Dividend.’

EXISTENTIALLY IMPERATIVE STRATEGY: Force this unassailable demand onto the Congressional table by shocking the country and the world with 10,000, on the Mall in DC, Civilly, Seriously, fasting to the death, if need be, till this morally unassailable demand -polluters pay their own wreckage fee, now - is assured of implementation.  Waves of Fasts till done.

It is now your responsibility to devote your life to making this happen; unless you devote to a better, more certain, more immediate, way.


***** pic. WINNING SOME BATTLES, ABSOLUTELY LOSING THE GLOBAL WARMING WAR!!! Despite the heroism - Arctic 30, Indigenous in Canada and US, anti-fracking in UK and US, anti tar sands... Despite the heroism, these efforts are divided, and hence, already defeated, winning a few battles, absolutely losing the war. They’ve got us going after the million tentacles. We must go after the Heart - Global Fossil Fuel Emissions: 6%/yr reduction starting now, NOW, or all is lost. (Hansen’s 12.03.13 paper) Time is all on their side. WE ARE LOSING THE WAR. IS THAT OK WITH YOU? FEE AND DIVIDEND, NOW, OR BUST. (at google books: Hansen’s “Storms,” search ‘Fee and Dividend.’) SHARE THIS.


Despite the heroism -
Arctic 30, Indigenous in Canada and US, anti-fracking in UK and US, anti tar sands...

Despite the heroism, these efforts are
divided, and hence, already defeated,
winning a few battles, absolutely losing the war.

They’ve got us going after the million
tentacles. We must go after the Heart - Global Fossil Fuel Emissions: 6%/yr reduction starting now, NOW, or all is lost.
(Hansen’s 12.03.13 paper)

Time is all on their side. WE ARE LOSING THE WAR.  IS THAT OK WITH YOU?

(at google books: Hansen’s “Storms,” search ‘Fee and Dividend.’) SHARE THIS.



BREAKING! 2 Activists locked down, 8 detained at Devon Tower in OKC. Fighting Tar Sands. link. Bail Fund.

BREAKING! 2 Activists locked down, 8 detained at Devon Tower in OKC.

Two activists with Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance (GPTSR) and Cross Timbers Earth First! locked themselves inside a revolving door at the Devon Tower in protest of Devon’s involvement in toxic tar sands extraction and fracking, as well as plans to increase fracking in the Eagle Ford Shale.

Simultaneously, a banner displaying a Mockingjay from the Hunger Games series was unfurled from the second story, reading: “The Odds are Never in Our Favor.”

Read more about the action:

This action coincides with two days of trial for folks in the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society who were arrested while preventing natural gas exploration on their traditional lands.
UPDATE: 8 folks scene have been detained and placed in cop cars, waiting to hear on what charges they were arrested. The whole street is blocked off and firefighters are surrounding the door that folks are locked down to. On a brighter note, check out this banner. And donate to our bail fund at:

What if environmental and social impacts were included in the purchase price of factory-farmed food, rather than subsidized? (Prince Charles thinks it's a good idea...) How different would the world be if we paid the True Cost of food and farming?

Shodo Spring liked this.
RESILIENCE FILES: What if environmental and social impacts were included in the purchase price of factory-farmed food, rather than subsidized? (Prince Charles thinks it's a good idea...)
How different would the world be if we paid the True Cost of food and farming?
What would our food system look like if the impacts of production on the environment and on public health were taken into account? At present the polluter doesn’t pay, and those producing food