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Showing posts with label Armageddon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armageddon. Show all posts




***** I am under deadly attack. (detail). The top 20 percent in this country, be it out of malice or mere blinding greed, are more and more stomping the life out of we destitute, around the world forever, and now here at home. Look around you and you will see that this is objectively, factually, undeniably true. We are not people to them, we are multicolored trash. You are under exactly the same attack. You just refuse to see it. If you remain in denial just a few more years, when you awaken it will be too late to save yourselves, and for your children and all creation a non horrible future will be out of the question.

* I am under deadly attack. The top 20 percent in this country, be it out of malice or mere blinding greed, are more and more stomping the life out of we destitute, around the world forever, and now here at home. Look around you and you will see that this is objectively, factually, undeniably true. We are not people to them, we are multicolored trash. You are under exactly the same attack. You just refuse to see it. If you remain in denial just a few more years, when you awaken it will be too late to save yourselves, and for your children and all creation a non horrible future will be out of the question.
posted from Bloggeroid
FB comments:
------------Loving, Who precisely are the 20% and what are they doing that I can influence ... I don't "refuse to see it" but am perhaps unaware. BTW, Rex was served last Friday so he has until next Friday to reply to my petition. Doing what I know best. What else do you suggest?
Today I sent a small claim petition to the Denton County Justice of the Peace. T...he sole purpose of the petition is to trigger a conversation. My goal is to meet and talk, relying the petition content to guide a transparent discussion.

------------DG, for me it is only within the last two weeks that this understanding above has taken a quantum leap within me and lodged deep in my being (I hope.)  About 30 years ago, as you know better than I I suspect, some MIT professors(?) published, "Limits to Growth," and last year or so published an update confirming their findings that - we were (and at an accelerating rate continue) raping and plundering ourselves out of existence. They were showing us that on earth life had become a zero sum game - unless everyone lived according to their need, instead of to their greed (taking more than their global share), we were consuming ourselves QUICKLY, IMMINENTLY, out of existence.  AT LEAST the top 20% economically in the US (and other Developed countries now) are consuming at 10's to 1000's of times our share (as I did my first 50 years or so).  AT LEAST the top 20% economically, and possibly the top 60-80% (lower middle class and up).  Earth is headed, as you know, quickly, toward 10 billion people.  At the consumption of folks in India this can be sustained!  At the consumption of Americans... earth can only support 2 billion people - TOTAL (we're currently over 7 billion).  EVERYTHING... ANYONE... CONSUMES MORE THAN THEIR GLOBAL SHARE - IS STARVATION TO 5 TIMES AS MANY PEOPLE -  IT IS MURDER, and now, not just of we humans, and we destitute masses of the world... but to all of earthly Creation.


***** I can think of only one person in history that could lead us away from our now near irreversible destruction - Jesus. What if one, two, 10... of us devoted our lives, our very beings, to channeling him into our Souls, so Truly, so Totally that we all but disappeared, and He was brought back into the world? I find that I may be among those called to make the attempt. Christlikeness as Religion. Loving. Universal Family. 100% solidarity with the destitute. Every breath, whatever the personal price; however crazy. Jesus Revolution again brought to earth, tried on earth, one last time. This may well be the focus of what remaining time I’m given here. I think anything less may be insane now.

I can think of only one person in history that could lead us away from our now near irreversible destruction - Jesus. What if one, two, 10... of us devoted our lives, our very beings, to channeling him into our Souls, so Truly, so Totally that we all but disappeared, and He was brought back into the world?
I find that I may be among those called to make the attempt.
Christlikeness as Religion. Loving. Universal Family. 100% solidarity with the destitute. Every breath, whatever the personal price; however crazy. Jesus Revolution again brought to earth, tried on earth, one last time.
This may well be the focus of what remaining time I’m given here.
I think anything less may be insane now.
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***** Update re Loving: Accelerating withdrawal

Hi. Sorry, still haven't gotten to some or all of your notes.  Hectic....

I'm successfully feeding the bed bugs, and also the lice.  Yes, I take measures to fend them off - sprays, shampoo's, etc.

Out of funds so greatly disrupted internet.

Got really screwed by Verigin Mobile, long story, but they deceived me big time and cost me $200 bucks in worthless equipment and service.  Deep sigh. My fellow activist, living in her tipi (I think) down south, heard, and said 'I need your work to continue' and despite repeated repeated repeated protest from me, is sending $200 that should get me back on line, for 2 months (I'll get her back soon.)

Before the $ ran out I was doing intensive internet activism, near every waking second - Global Warming, trying to win back Democracy from the jaws of Fascism, Oligarchy... Species rights... reclaiming the Truths of what Jesus did and did not teach....

The rest of my time is spent in arduous, finally productive... deep study of the deep scholarship on Jesus, the only guy in history that maybe could have lead us away from the final cliff we are racing toward.

Have also watched several MUST SEE documentaries:  Earthlings (YouTube), The One Percent (full, free YouTube), Inequality for All (Amazon), Years of Living Dangerously 1, 2, 3 *(see nobe next sentence BEFORE clicking);  Forks Over Knives (changed James Cameron's life).  (Those who wish to view likewise can find many online for  free, or on The Pirate Bay* if they are careful not to get caught.  *NOTE: Install "Add Block Plus" into your browser FIRST, as I have, and you won't see all the porn garbage there).

If you want to understand me as I further withdraw, as fast and far as I can from our Godless, Ecocidal, Speciescidal, Creationcidal, Cruel, Barbaric, Mean, Disgusting, Inhumane, Deadly, Torturous, Gluttonous ... UN-Civilization, as my residing with the fellow destitute in this shelter exemplifies, watch these. Also, read the consummate Jesus scholar, Dominik Crossan's career, life capping work, "God and Empire: Jesus against empire, then and now."

I pray now that I find I've returned to being enough of a human to withdraw near-fully from any and all animal, fellow creature, products.


ps:  I sense, tho I don't yet 'see,' that my 'withdrawal' is not a retreat, or self-sheltering... in withdrawing from our western culture, now our world culture, I am moving to new ground... and maybe thereby stumbling toward the new ground, the new way of being, the new culture, the True Civilization... we must find individually, and collectively (yes, near impossible) if there is to be a 3rd generation of humans from now.

Loving u forever, no matter what


***** Moyers, Krugman, Piketty. 4th Reich. Krugman: Worried About Oligarchy? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Krugman: Worried About Oligarchy? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

'Even those of you who talk about the 1%, you don't really get what's going on. You're living in the past.'

- Jon Queally, staff writer 

Comment from a FB acquaintence: "James Mcginley thanks for everything you do. I truley

BF:  I'm just trying to do my best for my son and to not let the fear consume me. James Mcginley thanks for everything you do. I truley admire you, you are a real human angel!

Loving:  BF, what a kind note. I am honored by your sharing. We are to be Angels to one another, no? Everything less is failure, and oh, do I personally know failure; my own for most of my years. I'm improving. We need to bear the unspeakable fear and pain FOR our children, no? Just to the point it almost crushes us, because therein we find the greatest motivation and vision. But yes, do deal with all the unfolding horror, AND to have a child, the Ultimate difficulty. The only guidance I wish I'd had at the time, was, the top 10 priorities are: Find / create, a healthy Community; Find / Create a healthy community; Find.... And there are close to none, which is the source of all our problems. Thanks so much for sharing. I'll continue to do my best for us, for the joy of it.


****** An update on Loving (part of a note to a friend):

Living on the Titanic after it hit the berg would be a nightmare, right?
That's where I live, cept it isn't the Titanic, it is earth, and it isn't one
berg, it is two - Life support collapse thru fossil fuels and the death
of US democracy, sold out to the highest bidders - Walton's, Koch's,

With your recent Fed encounter, I feel you are experiencing some of that
2nd berg with your recent trauma. Up until several months
ago I had the deepest of affinities with our men and women in uniform.
Then, it changed.  Why?  It hit me - I'm not a white male in a business suit
any more (see article here
for just a glimpse of what is going on

throughout the nation re we poor); and that we have, and always have
had, not one, but two uniformed forces in this country (same people):
1 for the rich and middle class; another for the poor (the majority).  The
first force is Friend to the rich and middle class, EXACTLY by being
foe to the poor - keeping we prisoners under control.  Sorry if this sounds
conspiracy theory stuff - it is not - it is poetically expressing obvious

Occasionally, in officer strewn DC, when I pass an officer or
two, or a gaggle of them, I'll stop and comment, with respect and affection
that they can see plainly - 'gentlemen, you are soon likely to determine
the fate of this country.  They are going to send you for us, we the
people, and unless you say, no, not them, we are going for the
bankers, and republicans in congress... it is over.'  That's the now Fatal truth,
unless there is a Miracle awakening starting with the 2014 election.
(Even the likes of that amazing Eliz Warren can't save us, by

Dealing with the above, sorting thru it, facing it, embracing the Truth
of it... has been one of the two darkest times of my life.  What Saved
me the first time, and recently, I think, this time, was realizing - ok,
you can't see how to fix this... so what are you going to do?  'BE LOVING,'
is the answer.  Sound silly?  LOL.  'Loving,' I can see how to do that,
how to more and more 'incarnate' that,
in pitifully small and insignificant ways, that to anyone else looks like
insane meaninglessness, waste of time, waste of life, even irresponsibility...
but to me, and the Creator, is Loving.  I guess I'm doing
3 things, with Every breath, 7 days a week:

1.  I keep myself current on the pains of the world, and work to update
others, on my FaceBook .page. For a variety of reasons my blog gets
near zero of my time anymore; and all goes to FB.

2.  I'm 9 months into studying the scholarship that near drowns me in it's rigor,
on the historical, academically historical, Jesus, and early following
of Jesus.  Why?  I've thought that if anyone could save us today,
from the above, it is Jesus, the man, not the myth or made-up stuff.
I've felt almost clueless for most of this study... because I found the
scholarship near impenetrable ... but all of a sudden the mosaic is coming
into focus.  My life's path, the direction I've found to serve... is so much
what He found so long ago.  Only several days ago it crystallized for me
this way -
Jesus' Economy

3.  And these, above, finding out what they mean for me, how
I am to be them, how I am to, live, to model, to teach them... will be my path going
forward.  As silly as it may seem, I think Jesus would scream,
to the following, and the one above, YES, THAT'S IT!  IT'S THE ECONOMY
STUPID; it's what we spend our lives on, our personal, and collective, Economy:

Aboriginal tribes, native americans, pre-agrarian societies had
infinitely more the Economy that the Creator intended - Serving
people rather than Serving $$$$.

Well, blah, blah, blah....  That's an update on me.


(((((HUGS)))))   [[[[ post 2 from today ]]]]


INSANITY: PARTICIPATING IN AN ECONOMY DESIGNED TO ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR YOUR LABOR, FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION; AN ECONOMY DESIGNED TO MAKE THE VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE IRRELEVANT. How much longer do you think this can go on? How much longer do you plan to participate in your own enslavement, impoverishment?



How much longer do you think this can go on?

How much longer do you plan to
participate in your own enslavement, impoverishment?


LIBERALS, WHAT’S THE DAMN GOOD REASON MANY RIGHY’S HATE YOU? * They can’t win in your world, in your economy. They can’t. They don’t have the education, the background, the social, emotional, intellectual capital. Weren’t born to it, like you. * They see, they sense, that soon your world won’t have enough jobs, places, EVEN FOR YOU. Yours is the world of educated technocrats, and between automation, and concentration of wealth, daily, fewer of you are needed. * Raising the minimum wage does not change this. MUSICAL CHAIRS.


*  They can’t win in your world, in your economy.  They can’t. They don’t have the education, the background, the social, emotional, intellectual
capital. Weren’t born to it, like you.

*   They see, they sense, that soon your world won’t have enough jobs, places, EVEN FOR YOU.  Yours is the world of educated technocrats, and between
automation, and concentration of wealth, daily, fewer of you are needed.

*  Raising the minimum wage does not change this.  MUSICAL CHAIRS.


***** READ. Converging climate, energy, and economic crises signal the potential to transition to a prosperous post-carbon era. Guardian

The crisis of civilisation is an unprecedented opportunity | Nafeez Ahmed
Nafeez Ahmed: Converging climate, energy, and economic crises signal the potential to transition to a prosperous post-carbon era

***** MUST READ. From South America to South Asia, a new age of unrest is in full swing as industrial civilisation transitions to post-carbon reality

Global riot epidemic due to demise of cheap fossil fuels | Nafeez Ahmed
Nafeez Ahmed: From South America to South Asia, a new age of unrest is in full swing as industrial civilisation transitions to post-carbon reality