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An Emai from SL to Occupy DC

Hello.  A thought for you, that occurred to me yesterday -

Pretty much by definition, to achieve what you want you must bring a fundamental change to the status quo, right?  And to do that, YOU must be a fundamental change to the status quo, right?

What is the fundamental problem with our status quo in America that is the cause of most or all of the ills you wish to cure? You aren't going to like this, but  here it is.  The fundamental disease is - looking upward.  Here's what I mean.  You've defined yourselves as the 99%, right?  Thereby, you've suggested that the problem is the 1%.  And what is the problem with the 1%? They act like they are the only ones that really matter.  Right? And this is true of them.  I know, I was one of them for decades. It isn't that they want to hurt the 99%.  It is that the 99% isn't in their field of view, don't matter, don't exist.  But the .01% above them, well, they sure do exist, and all they can see is that it is right and just for them to close that gap!

You are NOT the 99%.  You are the 5%.  The rest of the world is the 95%.  And you, YOU, are doing to the 95% exactly what the 1% is doing to you - living as though you are the only ones that matter.  You are the 5%, as I am, that consume 25-50% of  the world's resources. YOU are to the 95% EXACTLY what you think the 1% are to you.

My point isn't to chastise, or criticize, but to diagnose.  It is said that the last ones to discover water, are the fish.  I'm one of  those fish, trying to discover water, and slowly, I'm finding some success. 

You can, and must, NOW, change the otherwise suicidal course of America, but you'll only do it by becoming the change you wish to see.

You need to do the opposite of the 1%, which is to look upward, at who has more.  You need to focus your very being downward, and laterally, at who needs more, including, ESPECIALLY, those that need more than you - and that's about 95% of the world right now. 
This is not idle philosophy, tho if I really need to point that out I've already wasted your time, and mine.  This is the core physics, the radical truth of the matter.

I need you to succeed.

~ SL Blog - Wage Love or Die - WLODI Warriors

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