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Quite catastrophic. 4 oz of water inside the motor.

This is ever get easy? Marooned in what seems to be a pretty hostile town but will survive. I presume that I'll need to wait for a motor till Wednesday. We're back to bleeding financially.

Pinned down by wind in Grand Junction. Diagnosing your major motor wiring problem.

Diagnosing major motor wiring problem.


Liberal activists, except the one in a million, will do whatever it takes for their cause, except pay the price personally.

Do coal miners fight for coal because they love it? They love black lung? Coal miners love Cole because it is the only thing that has ever loved them. Certainly not fuckings East Coast or West Coast liberals. They are fighting for their identity. Their livelihood. And what the liberal activists work for is the destruction of that identity, the denigration, and the destruction of that livelihood. 

Fuckings liberals will do everything except put The value of their collateral victims at the top. And if they ever did the world would change and they will not so the world is gone and good riddance. How just that it is starting on the flooding of the East and West coasts. Their utter destruction.

If liberals were morally healthy, morally excellent, they would be racing to offer their very livelihoods to the minors, the loggers, the oil people, the natural gas people, the Ranchers,..... oh please, no, I don't mean the corporate owners. They would be doing this out of love for their fellow creatures. What they love is their own f****** self righteousness. Pity their children can't live on it

The East and West coasts have abandoned Middle America in every respect. Why the fuk wouldn't they have glee in watching the coastlines drowning?

Another 12 States May well be possible by December if history holds.

Stop being a spectator.

Protect, Reignite , rehabilitate soul log Sept 26 pt1. Soular radiation per hour Going fairly well.

 The metrics that periodic Lee James rates himself against in an attempt to sharpen focus and accelerate learning


Laura Ingraham, child of the Corn. There is something virtually perfect about the self labeling inherent in the Slanders by the most evil. Trump the best example.

Laura Ingraham, child of the Corn. There is something virtually perfect about the self labeling inherent in the Slanders by the most evil. Trump the best example.

Wednesday Thursday Friday, and a lazy Saturday and maybe Sunday in Grand Junction.

September 24. Solar RV cycling blog Fabulous error correcting. Very encouraging.

 The principles discussed these recent days not only are holding but they are proving substantially more robust and subject to error correction than any time in memory. 

This was a difficult journey. In large

Solar RV cycling blog September 24. Human metrics now reporting 20% high.

New testing by James is fairly conclusive that the human metrics reported by the system are now consistently 20% high. Several tests, if the system perameter is set to one electrical for everyone human James will consistently see only .8 electrical  for every human unit of energy, and if he calls for 1.25 for every human then he will see parity. Team in Vancouver has been asked for clarification. But this all makes more sense. The reporting of human output for James was seeming a bit high but much more correct than what had been shown prior. And this would suggest that he is now putting out approximately 180 human W per hour which is extremely respectable but much more reasonable than 220 or more.

Spotty Verizon signal South next 3 Days To rifle.


What I love, Soul, money poisons to death.

Muddy gap, Wyoming. Absolutely desolate. That is so extremely wonderful. Almost....

Muddy gap, Wyoming. Absolutely desolate. That is so extremely wonderful. Almost.... nothing but pronghorn deer, antelope. This extremely shabby, wonderful, gas station convenience store, the

James, if we read of you immolating we will be sad. Half of

James, if we read of you immolating we will be sad. Half of.... the individuals that here the story expressed something like that and they seem to mean it. No disrespect to anyone. How small our souls, how small our imaginations, how crippled, That such a slight thing for James seems large, and such a map monstrous thing being done to innocent children

Ken, Jesus asks me only 2 things, do I love my fellow man with everything, do I love Creator the...

Ken, Jesus asks me only 2 things, do I love my fellow man with everything, do I love Creator the.... same way? I can't disagree, Ken said. 

It was a wonderful encounter, sacred.

Outside is the Muddy Gap, convenience store gas station, Spartan and plain personified this place

Ken seems like such a nice soul. Was wiz what I

Video blog. General update. Use high-resolution link.

Same video, but not this ridiculously low resolution that blogger requires.

Package pickup in Grand Junction. If things go well Friday or Saturday will be there. Cold early mornings.


Solar rv cycling September 21. Extreme caution. Metrics maybe about me off

Solar rv cycling September 21. Extreme caution. Metrics maybe about me off 

No question there is that the cycling technique is dramatically improved. using the old calibration James is consistently seeing 40% increase in output with less effort. It is extremely likely that he is not producing less than this actually. This is near certainly correct. But at the old calibration the RPM is half. 

If James sets the calibration so that the rpm is correct then the human output numbers are doubled, James just saw sustained 280 human W while conducting a several mile 5% grade climb. 

He has inquired of the experts in Vancouver help to resolve the disparity. Both settings are credible. It is most conceivable that James has been All the time in Mount Whitney Lone Pine registering half of what he was actually doing. 

Solar RV cycling blog September 21st period Profound and extraordinary and unexpected.

 For a long time, much of the last year if not longer, something has been dramatically incorrect in the torque sensor reading. At 95% certainty, explained in a moment, the human output readings averaging 90 this last year approximately, have been half of the actual, exactly. James has been