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***** must read article. UTTERLY HORRIFYING... IN AMERICA... IN CONGRESS. BE AFRAID. The Hill - Palestinian-American gets short shrift from Congress member

Advocates of Palestinian rights have long claimed, in part in fearful jest, that a Congressional resolution asserting Palestinians are human beings would not...|By Tamara Essayyad
This is shocking, sickening, heart wrenching, revolting, evil!!!!

***** vid. The Joy of Loving is the only thing worth living for.

A man I respect took me to task yesterday for my bold stance in support of Pr. Obama. My reply: "The INSTANT I conclude that Pr. O PREFERS, not abhors, such policies (drones, targeted killing, Guantanamo, deportations, fracking, TPP, Israeli Extermination of Gaza...) I'll be his most strident opposition. Dietrich Bonhoeffer abhorred killing... but set his life's course to murder Hitler. Yes, the targets in these cases differ but the core moral dilemma is the same - striving for the impossible - how to be 'good' in a near totally, totally, totally, totally, totally... evil world."

A man I respect took me to task yesterday for my bold stance in support of Pr. Obama.  My reply: "The INSTANT I conclude that Pr. O PREFERS, not abhors, such policies (drones, targeted killing, Guantanamo, deportations, fracking, TPP, Israeli Extermination of Gaza...) I'll be his most strident opposition.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer abhorred killing... but set his life's course to murder Hitler.  Yes, the targets in these cases differ but the core moral dilemma is the same - striving for the impossible - how to be 'good' in a near totally, totally, totally, totally, totally... evil world."


***** vid. 071414. Israeli child prayer for Palestinians - Israel is becoming a mob

***** vid. RT. Why Doesn't the Media Care About Dead Palestinians?

***** vid. Young American Jew stands for Peace - Mugged by Police


nd. There is little or anything more politically dangerous for anyone in the US middle class, career dangerous, than standing for what is right in Palestine.

There is little or anything more politically dangerous for anyone in the US middle class, career dangerous, than standing for what is right in Palestine.

nd. The two greatest evils in the world, I've perceived for 5 years now... are the burning of fossil fuels (BY ANYONE) and any of us allowing the right wing Israeli extermination, genocide, of Palestine.

The two greatest evils in the world, I've perceived for 5 years now... are the burning of fossil fuels (BY ANYONE) and any of us allowing the right wing Israeli extermination, genocide, of Palestine.


nd. I pledge allegiance to all of creation and to the unconditional loving from which it expands, One universal family, of the heart, with solidarity and joy for all.

I pledge allegiance to all of creation and to the unconditional loving from which it expands, One universal family, of the heart, with solidarity and joy for all.

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Article: Satanyahu: So many Palestinians to exterminate. So little time.

See pic. Gandhi. Never be afraid to do what's right especially if the safety of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the destruction of the soul which results if you do not. Paraphrase. See pic.

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nd.To those few traveling with me: Number one, my comments are never directed at you, although sometimes I think you feel that they are. :-) number two, all of us with hearts, tend to see history, historical figures, as though they knew the outcome beforehand. At least, I think most people do. Rosa Parks fought alone for decades before she's sat on that bus. She didn't know she would win. She didn't know anyone would notice. She knew only that she was going to fight. (Correct, Diane Wilson? :-) )

To all those traveling with me: Number one, my comments are never directed at you, although sometimes I think you feel that they are. :-) number two, all of us with hearts, tend to see history, historical figures, as though they knew the outcome beforehand. At least, I think most people do. Rosa Parks fought alone for decades before she's sat on that bus. She didn't know she would win. She didn't know anyone would notice. She knew only that she was going to fight. (Correct, Diane Wilson? :-) )

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Article. Important read. Six studies that prove Republicans wrong wrong wrong

Friends, please hear me. Immediately, please stop talking directly to trolls, Republicans, climate change deniers, Tea Party... It feeds them and bleeds you. Instead, hear them, Pivott, and address the onlookers in a way appropriate to what this idiot traitor just set up for you. It will shame them, enrage them, and to them and the onlookers it will express you're all important disdain, disgust, and disrespect with what they are doing. Please consider this deeply and implement immediately.

Friends, please hear me. Immediately, please stop talking directly to trolls, Republicans, climate change deniers, Tea Party... It feeds them and bleeds you.

Instead, hear them, Pivott, and address the onlookers in a way appropriate to what this idiot traitor just set up for you. It will shame them, enrage them, and to them and the onlookers it will express you're all important disdain, disgust, and disrespect with what they are doing.

Please consider this deeply and implement immediately.

posted from Bloggeroid

Loving is the only True religion. Serving the neediest, from the soul, in solidarity. "Organized" religion is justified ONLY to the extent it makes us Loving.

Loving is the only True religion.  Serving the neediest, from the soul, in solidarity.  "Organized" religion is justified ONLY to the extent it makes us Loving.

***** link. Massively important. MAKE IT HAPPEN IN YOUR STATE. Stanford scientist unveils 50-state plan to transform U.S. to renewable energy

Stanford scientist unveils 50-state plan to transform U.S. to renewable energy 





Reporters always ask me if it's true that my activism has disrupted my family. 1. Not one yet has understood that my activism is 100 percent about my family, my biological, and non biological Family, 2. If they understood what activism was, nonviolence soldiering, they would assume it has disrupted the biological family. Every type of soldiering does! ( correction. The writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer years ago understood.) if my answer was no they should know immediately that I was a fraud, an actor, a hypocrite... Yes, a modern-day activist.

Reporters always ask me if it's true that my activism has disrupted my family. 1. Not one yet has understood that my activism is 100 percent about my family, my biological, and non biological Family, 2. If they understood what activism was, nonviolence soldiering, they would assume it has disrupted the biological family. Every type of soldiering does! ( correction. The writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer years ago understood.) if my answer was no they should know immediately that I was a fraud, an actor, a hypocrite... Yes, a modern-day activist.
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Four reasons we won't stop global warming. Article. MarketWatch


I am NO fan of Hamas, and obviously I am no fan of the Satanyahu gov'. And I am morally and STRATEGICALLY against the use of force by Hamas - I think they have the theoretical 'moral' right and international 'legal' right but every rocket they fire, every person they kill is certain of one thing, and one thing only - the brutal death of 100 Palestinians... it IS CRIMANALLY STUPID STUPID CRUEL STUPID STUPID STUPID. (Read Erica Chenoweth's recent studies on the historical stupidity of violent conflict. look for the torrents)

I am NO fan of Hamas, and obviously I am no fan of the Satanyahu gov'.  And I am morally and STRATEGICALLY against the use of force by Hamas - I think they have the theoretical 'moral' right and international 'legal' right but every rocket they fire, every person they kill is certain of one thing, and one thing only - the brutal death of 100 Palestinians... it IS CRIMANALLY STUPID STUPID CRUEL STUPID STUPID STUPID.  (Read Erica Chenoweth's recent studies on the historical stupidity of violent conflict. look for the torrents)

Facebook pic. It takes courage to stand up to your opposition. It takes more courage to stand up to your family and friends.

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A nice fella, reporter for The Washington Post, just stopped by and we chatted. He is curious about why so few demonstrators seem to be out and he may do a story on that. Once he sees my facebook page and how I am excoriate ing my brothers and sisters in Israel for their savagery I suspect that is the last he and I will speak. :-(

A nice fella, reporter for The Washington Post, just stopped by and we chatted. He is curious about why so few demonstrators seem to be out and he may do a story on that. Once he sees my facebook page and how I am excoriate ing my brothers and sisters in Israel for their savagery I suspect that is the last he and I will speak. :-(
posted from Bloggeroid


Headed to the emergency room for x-rays. My hip totally froze up exactly in the middle of Independence Avenue up on Capitol Hill. Had a passing democratic Staffer not noticed my plight I would still be in the middle of the road.

Headed to the emergency room for x-rays. My hip totally froze up exactly in the middle of Independence Avenue up on Capitol Hill. Had a passing democratic Staffer not noticed my plight I would still be in the middle of the road.

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