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"My greatest Affirmation yet? The 'F'ING HYPOCRITE' spat in my face by our 'Peace House' manager, may be it." SL

"My greatest Affirmation yet? 
The 'F'ING HYPOCRITE' spat in my face by our 'Peace House' manager,
may be it."  SL

"My Life speaks for me; and yours speaks for you." SL

"My Life speaks for me; and yours speaks for you."  SL

"What would you do, not do, if Jesus, Gandhi, Eleanor R... were watching you all day? Live likewise, every second. Or, you exist, but you don't 'Live.'" SL

"What would you do, not do, if Jesus, Gandhi, Eleanor R...
were watching you all day?

Live likewise, every second.
Or, you exist, but you don't 'Live.'"

"What would you do, not do, if Jesus were watching you all day?" SL

"What would you do, not do, if Jesus were watching you all day?"  SL

URGENT AlJazeeraEn White Hate Rising US

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
Almost a year ago the inauguration of President Barack Obama was hailed as a turning point in US race relations. The country was said to be entering a new era of post-racial politics, on the path to a future of greater diversity and tolerance. But while crowds flocked to Washington to witness the sw

TERMINATION ALERT StartLoving4 - Rep. Allen West Took Legal v 'Bullets not Ballots' Vid

My YT Chan THREATENED for carrying this Maddow video of Congr. West's Staff Calling for Murder if Repubs Lost.

My YT Chan THREATENED for carrying this video of Congr. West's Staff Calling for Murder if Repubs Lost.

"The two ways of being: Contribute or Exploit; aka Peace Making or War Making." SL

"The two ways of being: 
Contribute or Exploit; aka Peace Making or War Making."  SL

DN! Israel 'Nothing Less than Total Palestinian Extermination will do' Palestinian Papers

"Your Life, and Meaning, boil down to - to whom and what you pay your attention." SL

"Your Life, and Impact, boil down to - to whom and what
you pay your attention." SL

STUNNING VIDS: Andrea Mitchell GOP Sabotaging Economy to Win 2012 Presidency v Pr. Obama

Urgent. Better STAND UP and be counted, or kiss your a**, I mean country, I mean future, goodbye.
Andrea Mitchell GOP Sabotaging Economy to Win 2012 Presidency v Pr. Obama

"Peace Work: Opposition to Exploitation in All Its Forms; Wherever it happens, to Whomever it is done, regardless of personal cost." SL

"Peace Work:
Opposition to Exploitation in All Its Forms;
Wherever it happens,
to Whomever it is done,
regardless of personal cost.
" SL

"Talkers dispose of Doers thru: A. EXPLOITATION!!!; or B. Assassination (Character when Physical's not an option) if they resist exploitation too long. Thomas Moore's a classic example, and MLK, Jesus... Animal Farm." SL

"Talkers dispose of Doers thru: A. EXPLOITATION!!!;
or B. Assassination (Character when Physical's not an option)
 if they resist exploitation too long.

Thomas Moore's a classic example, and MLK, Jesus...
Animal Farm."


"A nation of sheep begets wolves." ER Murrow

"A nation of sheep begets wolves." ER Murrow

SINLGE GREATEST ESSAY ON ANTI-VIOLENCE: "Only love and sacrifice can engender love and sacrifice. This chain reaction is essential to the non-violent struggle." Thich Nhat Hanh
"Only love and sacrifice can engender love and sacrifice.
This chain reaction is essential to the non-violent struggle." Thich Nhat Hanh

Today's GOP, the 'Great Deceivers' - LA: State of the Union a test of Obama's centrist shift, GOP says

Today's GOP, the 'Great Deceivers',0,7544808.story
Republicans say Tuesday's State of the Union address will be the first test of whether President Obama 's post-election shift to a more centrist course is more than symbolic.

"Jesus' central question to us - 'Are you With Our Father?'" SL

"Jesus' central question to us - 'Are you With Our Father?'" SL

'If it's not Loving, it's not Peace Making. If it's not Peace Making, it's not Loving." SL

'If it's not Loving, it's not Peace Making.
If it's not Peace Making, it's not Loving." SL

"GOP 2011 - Hey, Evil people need leaders too." SL

"GOP 2011 - Hey, Evil people need leaders too." SL

"Justice Thomas - Uncle Tom." SL

"Justice Thomas - Uncle Tom." SL

"'Evil: 'God be with you.' Live: 'Be with God, Our Father.'" SL

"'Evil: 'God be with you.'
Live: 'Be with God, Our Father.'" SL

"Evil: 'Peace.' Live: 'Peace Making.'" SL

"Evil: 'Peace.'
Live: 'Peace Making.'"

"They're not Christians, they're Cultians, with few exceptions." SL

"They're not Christians, they're Cultians,
with few exceptions." SL

"They're NOT Right-to-Life; they're Right-to-Selfrighteousness, Right-to-Metabolism, Right-to-Subjugate-others, Right-to-Superiority...." SL

"They're NOT Right-to-Life; they're Right-to-Selfrighteousness,
Right-to-Metabolism, Right-to-Subjugate-others,
Right-to-Superiority...." SL

"Was there a day to call Germany, Nazi? Nazi Israel is today." SL

"Was there a day to call Germany, Nazi? Nazi Israel is today." SL

Haaretz: Nazi-Israel soldiers acted in self defense in Gaza flotilla raid

Nazi-Israel Pathological Lies
First part of Turkel Commission report states Israel's blockage of the Gaza Strip does not break international law.

Glenn Beck 'Shoot the Government Reps In The Head'

"I am obsessed with being a Servant of the Truth." SL

"I am obsessed with being a Servant of the Truth." SL

"Truth IS God, so we avoid God, cuz WE want control, not Him." SL

"Truth IS God, so we avoid God, cuz WE want control, not Him." SL

"Love: Serving Our global Neediest cuz your Heart Compels it, Irresistibly. Nothing else is Love." SL

"Love: Serving Our global Neediest cuz your Heart Compels it, Irresistibly. Nothing else is Love. 'Love as I have Loved.' CJ." SL