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Showing posts with label WAGING LOVE (NONVIOLENCE). Show all posts
Showing posts with label WAGING LOVE (NONVIOLENCE). Show all posts


Loving is always the MOST JOYFUL, HEAVENLY, PERSONAL CHOICE. Is this correct? James is attempting...

Loving is always the MOST JOYFUL, HEAVENLY, PERSONAL CHOICE. Is this correct? James is attempting to... use his life right now to find out. The sole test? Does it maximize his Joy? Therefore would it maximize the joy of others. Testing that this is what Jesus and the others were onto.


Tolstoy self redeemed. From letters to Gandhi. Loving....

The more I live—and specially now that I am approaching death, the more I feel inclined to express to others the feelings which so strongly move my being, and which, according to my opinion, are of great importance. That is, what one calls nonresistance, is in reality nothing else but the discipline of love undeformed by false interpretation. Love is the aspiration for communion and solidarity with other souls, and that aspiration always liberates the source of noble activities. That love is the supreme and unique law of human life which everyone feels in the depth of one's soul. We find it manifested most clearly in the soul of the infants. Man feels it so long as he is not blinded by the false doctrines of the world.


Vaillant... All forms of spiritual healing have in common empathy, healing within a circle of caring persons, permission to feel and express emotion, shared responsibility for pain, and reverence for life rather than for self. Such “blessings” lower blood pressure, ease pain, relax muscles, and postpone death.

All forms of spiritual healing have in common empathy, healing within a circle of caring persons, permission to feel and express emotion, shared responsibility for pain, and reverence for life rather than for self. Such “blessings” lower blood pressure, ease pain, relax muscles, and postpone death.


I am so ultimately lucky, and you could be too. At the moment I'm reflecting on the international cycling support group called warm showers. Cyclist....

I am so ultimately lucky, and you could be too. At the moment I'm reflecting on the international cycling support group called warm showers. Cyclist.... that Supply lodging and support to one another as they travel the world. Lodging is only requested by this Mission when no other options, Walmart parking lots, truck stops, are available. Due to the extreme nature of this traveler, and this vehicle, the acceptance rate is roughly 1 and 20. If I were to non-political and attractive it would be more like 50%. I'm not complaining. Think about it. New one in 20 that opens their arms, I get the extraordinary ones. James


Standing Rock update:  Evil laws, people, States, Nations, have no jurisdiction over me. Evil being inJustice, unloving, hatefulness. I will not........

Standing Rock update:  Evil laws, people, States, Nations, have no jurisdiction over me. Evil being inJustice, unloving, hatefulness. I will not cooperate with these. Non-cooperation with these is a duty to myself, to Creation, to those in The Possession of evil. My prayer fast from food will begin at noon on the 21st. the prayer fast is my petition of Creator within each of us  to restore loving, Justice, goodness, kindness , Universal family , to earth. It will be finished when I am restored to the land, tent, sleeping bag, cot, solar bicycle car and trailer that Creator justly,  lovingly,  gave me, here at Oceti,  or to the equivalent, elsewhere. James 'Wage Loving' McGinley


***** MEDD (2). I am beginning to Pray Again. No, I will never believe in a being that can hear those prayers, some super being. I'm sure I will never believe that. All evidence.....

MEDD (2). I am beginning to Pray Again. No, I will never believe in a being that can hear those prayers, some super being. I'm sure I will never believe that. All evidence to the contrary. But nor is math existent in nature, nor language , nor technology and I gladly use those. They are all products of imagination. This specific prayer that I am beginning to practice is to speak in my mind and even vocalizing with an all loving father, or mother, that I can imagine. An all-knowing mother or father. Why am I beginning to practice this,  again? Because dialogue and or writing, is necessary to sanity and learning and growth. And this pretty well requires speaking to someone, knowledgeable, that cares,  and hears. Yes, but why prayer? Why to an imaginary figure? Because there are so few sane caring people available to dialogue with. Used properly, which almost always prayer is not, but used properly, it is a way of connecting more deeply with conscience, soul, heart , creation. And because I am preparing for what I anticipate which is to more and more be in the presence of sisters and brothers suffering from massive empathy deficit disorder, MEDD, hatred, fear, rage , violence, lies, deceit, ignorance, disinformation, on the road, and conversations, at Standing Rock, in prison, in court. I will need all of the tools at my disposal to maintain my sanity. I do not know how my current thinking will play out, but I believe that on the tombstone of all of creation being destroyed by we humans will be the words massive empathy deficit disorder,  MEDD,  unless some of us stand up and use our bodies to cure it in time. This is the disease that true revolutionaries treat and cure in their sisters and brothers that have that disease. The man Jesus showed us the way. To allow one's body to be used to make manifest the evil, the hatred, the inhumanity that infests one's sisters and brothers that they might see it and repent, and be healed, and have their empathy re-awakened, exercised and restored there by. First making of ourselves as pure and white and blank a canvas as possible, and then putting it and keeping it directly in  the way of the harm that is being delivered on the Innocents. We really have three choices, only 3. Kill them, or heal them, or be killed by them. I'm willing to be killed by them, and more and more I expect it, at least life in prison for non-violent opposition. I am unwilling to kill them because then I become them and there's only more killing and that future. I am unwilling to go down without fighting to cure them, my sisters and brothers all, and only too much me in my earlier life.


***** Friends, I owe it to us all, I owe it to the Future, to be really clear. I consider my harshness out of extreme tough love, a virtue. My virtue? A virtue. I'm at War. I am at all out War for.......

Friends, I owe it to us all, I owe it to the Future, to be really clear. I consider my harshness out of extreme tough love, a virtue. My virtue? A virtue. I'm at War. I am at all out War for the future of all creation. How would you expect a warrior, me, or anyone, to be? What kind of intensity? What kind of dedication? What kind of devotion? What kind of Demands on them self? What kind of seriousness of purpose, Focus? What kind of personal risk? What kind of personal pain? A soldier in the midst of a firefight, you do not expect harshness of such an individual? Would you not question , Wonder at, have doubts about, a soldier in the midst of a firefight that was unwilling, and never seen to be, extremely profoundly harsh even toward beloved fellow soldiers? I sure the f*** would. I consider myself a soldier though a soldier of peace,  as did Gandhi before me. I say again, until we see millions of soldiers, soldiers, soldiers, soldiers ... of Peace there is not a f****** shred of Hope. Millions, millions, millions, millions.... I can't be Millions. But I will be one. If you are not or cannot become one who Embraces what I'm saying you probably should detach from me for your own peace of mind and so that we use each other's time well and do not misuse it.


***** Nonviolence is a profoundly inadequate word for what it attempts to designate... Antiviolence, loving.....

***** Nonviolence is a profoundly inadequate word for what it attempts to designate. Unviolence is a word I coined years ago to try and better express. Just in recent days I've come to see that anti-violence is the much more correct word. Violence and anti-violence, loving, are the only two options. All forms of action for change are a form of one or the other of these.