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Showing posts with label Universal Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Universal Family. Show all posts


***** Gandhi, 'the love of a mother for her child,' is the universal force in all of us that I tap into in myself and attempt to unleash in others. A........

***** Gandhi, 'the love of a mother for her child,' is the universal force in all of us that I tap into in myself and attempt to unleash in others. A given, the central given, for that force, is that it is going to act, it is going to act commensurate with a need, it is going to act now. How, is a variable in that, not a condition. Never a condition. Or it is not the love of a mother for her child.


***** Why we have never, probably will never, eliminate White (or any) Privilege: nearly all of those who have privilege, nearly all of we who have privilege, want peace and Justice in the world, want the best for our underprivileged sisters and brothers. We are simply unwilling to personally pay the price for that. If I have.......

Why we have never, probably will never, eliminate White (or any) Privilege: nearly  all of those who have privilege, nearly all of we who have privilege,  want peace and Justice in the world, want the best for our  underprivileged sisters and brothers.  We are simply unwilling to personally pay the price for that. If I have a loaf of bread because I stole the resources for it from my neighbor I have incited violence in the world in two ways by having that loaf of bread. 1. I have stolen what is his. 2. I have what he needs for himself and his family in truth or at least psychologically. Had it been done to me I would be incited to rage and violence, and so would you be. Even if in no way did I physically steal the resources from my neighbor that still leaves the incitement that my hoarding what he needs for himself and his family for a decent life rightly incites, rage and violence. White Privilege, all privilege, is, equals, superior material power. Superior economic power. Those in power, we in power, all of us that have resources that billions of people on Earth do not have, we are those of privilege. It is not the 1% in America, or the .1%, as we try and convince ourselves.  It is at least the top 20-50%  or more of us in America  that are grotesquely over privileged. It is we that are making certain that the Earth becomes more and more violent. All of us that have  the resources that billions on Earth are craving  are the rich young man that Jesus spoke of.  And we turn from his example  and lie to ourselves for 2000 years now that he did not mean that we,  each and every one of us, were to give all that we had,  all that we have, to the poor, so that we all were materially equal, exactly as we would expect every group of well brought-up toddlers to be. But we  refused to heed Jesus Direction,  to be like a toddler. Are you okay with that? Is your privilege worth the price to you of a world in Unstoppable violence and death spiral? Not me. Used to be, no more. Injustice, no peace. More than a chance, a rule of nature. Injustice, no peace. Injustice, no peace. Injustice, no peace.


### A little-known, and immensely important intellect of the 20th century, was Ashley Montagu. Immensely deep and Broad scholarship and intellect, Spirit, Humanity. He said, 'the world is not dying from the lack of love, it is dying from the presence of tribal love.' I know of more no more important truth than that. Jesus world........

### A little-known, and immensely important intellect of the 20th century, was Ashley Montagu. Immensely deep and Broad scholarship and intellect, Spirit, Humanity. He said, 'the world is not dying from the lack of love, it is dying from the presence of tribal love.' I know of more no more important truth than that. Jesus world was full of conditional, tribal, loving for me and mine. He gave his life to save us from that, to move us from tribal love to Universal family, unconditional love, submission to the service of Creator's family, every creature in creation. Me too. Everything else is self-inflicted Doom now.

Regarding guns for personal protection:  My biological dad was the most intensely and unfailingly loving individual that I have ever encountered on this Earth. Everything of value in myself I........

Regarding guns for personal protection:  My biological dad was the most intensely and unfailingly loving individual that I have ever encountered on this Earth. Everything of value in myself I attribute to him being in my life as an example. Among the ways that he lived his love for us was to work literally 7 days a week 365 days a year at his lucrative profession of teaching piano to wealthy people and teachers from around the country who came to learn his methods. He worked himself to the Bone so that we could have an incredibly expensive idyllic house in a wealthy Northern New Jersey New York suburb , on the end of a cul-de-sac adjoining a massive Nature Preserve. But among other things it made us immensely vulnerable. It would have been a very attractive robbery Target and we could all have been murdered in our beds with the robber escaping never to be found. My dad was a person of little words. He was a person of immense Deeds. I don't remember any particular discussion other than when I was very young I became aware, I think he told me maybe he even showed me, that he had purchased a handgun which he put in the bedside table to protect us. And my recollection is that almost immediately he told me and showed me that he had gotten rid of the handgun because he considered having it a greater Danger than not having it. Obviously I've never forgotten that. In our desperately sick culture we think that life is pulse. Life is not pulse. It may in rare instances be enabled by pulse but life is not pulse. This was demonstrated, this was known and lived by all the people throughout history that are rightly Revere.


***** I feel like I have come home, returned to the family into which I was born. Living........

***** I feel like I have come home, returned to the family into which I was born.

Living in solidarity with our global neediest family... is how I experience my life now. Yes, that may be an incredible delusion on my part. But I think it is less delusion and more reality, and surely an expression of relative truth in my life, that I now live infinitely more in solidarity with our neediest brothers and sisters on earth, in terms of my resource consumption, devotion of my attention, focus, devotion of what resources and talents I have....

Oh, I highly recommend it. It is heaven, yes, and hell. But it is heaven, returning to our family, what could be more heavenly? Nothing. It is the only revolution that has ever been possible.


***** pic. I bring you Good News. You'll experience this life as heaven, tho materially it will be hell, if you......

I bring you Good News. You'll experience this life as heaven, tho materially it will be hell, if you live, every breath, these three commandments: 1. Love Creator (Loving), 2. Love your Brother (exactly everyone)... with your whole mind, your whole soul, your whole body, your whole spirit. 3. There is no number 3, 4, 1000.... The churches are lying to you. For 2000 years they have been lying to you. There is only 1 & 2.


Cruelly, ignorantly, we raise children as though they are physical beings.....

Cruelly, ignorantly, we raise children as though they are physical beings when they are essentially spiritual beings. We raise them to be ignorant of what is important and obsessed with what is not.

Pope Francis Blesses a Lesbian, Her Family, and Her Writing For Kids


***** What was Jesus purpose? Was it to make us Christians? Was it to make us Loving?....My study, my experience......

What was Jesus purpose? Was it to make us Christians? Was it to make us Loving?....
My study, my experience, my living... Tell me that there is no question. Jesus purpose was to make us loving, unconditionally loving, Universal family, by whatever name, by whatever creed, or by no name, or by no Creed at all.
I see almost no instances, virtually no instances, where Christians, Christian groups, denominations, or the most well meaning of individuals... Get this right. To that extent Christianity becomes a trap, maybe the last great, maybe the ultimate... Trap... That keeps people from achieving what Jesus died to give us... A life that is Loving incarnate.
Imagine that I ran a coffee shop that was largely free. And what I advertised was the skills of Michael Jordan, I praised, I honored, I offered... The skills of Michael Jordan.
Well, what could be wrong with that?
Imagine that what you experienced in the coffee shop was the most rigorous mental and physical regimen, disciplines, practices... That reasonably and logically might move one toward having and using the skills of Michael Jordan? That would be pretty reasonable and legitimate, correct?
Now imagine another alternative. Imagine that in this coffee shop you found the most pleasant, the most sincere, the most honest... People.  And in their sincerity, in their honesty... What they were offering was... Say these words, hold these beliefs, join this group... And you will have, we are offering you, we are giving you... The skills of Michael Jordan. Aside from their honesty, truthfulness, sincerity... Would u not consider this insane? Would u not consider that by whatever mistake, error, being misled, confusion,... Would you not consider that they were offering you some fraud? Some absurdity? Some nonsense? Trivial magic? The skills of Michael Jordan can only be approached through the most rigorous, dedicated, arduous, committed, devoted... every breath practice, in truth, in honesty, in brutal honesty.
We are told that Jesus said, & I believe that he probably did, that the Sabbath is made for man, not man made for the Sabbath. This was shocking and appalling to the scribes and Pharisees. But of course, Jesus was correct. Creator is Loving in incarnate. The purpose of Sabbath and other practices is to return us to being with Creator, to incarnation Creator... loving. And yet the scribes and Pharisees had perverted Sabbath into being the goal itself. Jesus said, absolutely not!
Where is the Christian that loves God, that loves Jesus, that loves Loving... So much that they will live this truth? Christianity is not made for us. Christianity, the degree to which Jesus was involved in creating it, is not made for our comfort, for us to feel superior, for us to enjoy a club, for us to offer the club to others. If there is a valid purpose of Christianity, and that is a big if, if there is a valid purpose to Christianity, it is to make us more loving. The degree to which Christianity was made by true followers of Jesus, Christianity was made for man to become more loving, not for man to become Christian. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
Will a Christian, will Christians, ever get it right? Will any denomination? Will any religion? Will any individual? Does anyone love Creator, does anyone love creation, does anyone love Loving... enough to do this?


One who has been dear to me: 'How are you? Where are you???' My reply...

You are sooo funny. *=)) rolling on the floor

 I've jumped in wayyyyyyyy over my head. Every cent is pretty much gone, even food money, into the elf, see pic... click... enlarge. By mid next week I'll have a trailer with a second solar panel and I'll be headed to the MD shore... where DC goes for August. I'll sleep god knows where, in fields, allies, jails? I'll eat god knows what... all the $ are now in the elf.

It is my hail mary pass for creation, Palestine, we poor.... HUMANITY.... to wake the f*ck up and stop putting bullets in the heads of our kids, nieces, nephews, grandkids... which is EXACTLY WHAT WE DO EVERY TIME EVERY TIME EVERY TIME.... WE BURN OIL, COAL, NATURAL GAS. IT IS MURDER. AND THERE IS NO NO NO NO NO NO NO... EXCUSE.

 My every second, skill, and attention is in trying to finalize the implementation, hence lack of update for days now. Probably by Sunday I'll have uploaded a much longer post I've been working on.

If some Angels don't stand up for this campaign... well, the elf will have all the sun, and my body fat, it needs, but I'll run out of body fat pretty soon. Well, not much of that. I'm 155. Haven't been that since mid 20's. I don't care what happens to me. This is a great campaign. I'm so blessed to have it. What will be will be.

Was on capital hill with it this week. First time I've sensed that the snakes were deeply and profoundly disturbed by my actions, like, 'Oh f***. How are we going to keep lying that we don't have the technology to harness that infinite fusion reactor in the sky... with the technology all but stuffed up our asses inches from where we slither???

Yes, I'll fail, but I'll not fail to try.

Watch the blog for a much bigger update hopefully soon.


***** nd. Why would I want to live in the luxury of a homeless shelter, let alone a rent-subsidized efficiency by the White House... when billions of my family could never in 1000 years dream of such luxury? (I abhor the idea. Moving back onto the DC streets by this weekend, intensifying my fight for our neediest Family.) "The golden rule is to steadfastly refuse to have what [billions] cannot [have]." Gandhi. Indeed. "A son of man has nowhere to rest his head." In fact.

***** nd.  Why would I want to live in the luxury of a homeless shelter, let alone a rent-subsidized efficiency by the White House... when billions of my family could never in 1000 years dream of such luxury?  (I abhor the idea. Moving back onto the DC streets by this weekend, intensifying my fight for our neediest Family.)  "The golden rule is to steadfastly refuse to have what [billions] cannot [have]."  Gandhi.  Indeed.  "A son of man has nowhere to rest his head."  In fact.

***** I hold contempt for the feeling of loving. I revere totally and absolutely Loving as a way of Being... being Christian, Christlike, Serving the Neediest from the Soul in Solidarity... by whatever words, or no words at all.

I hold contempt for the feeling of loving. I revere totally and absolutely Loving as a way of Being... being Christian, Christlike, Serving the Neediest from the Soul in Solidarity... by whatever words, or no words at all.


Year by slow year I think I am learning that I am NOT my pulse, I am NOT my breaths, I am NOT my body, I am all of Creation, I am The Creator.... A small cell in......

Year by slow year I think I am learning that I am NOT my pulse, I am NOT my breaths, I am NOT my body, I am all of Creation, I am The Creator.... A small cell in the body thereof. I am NOT here to waste time concerned with the existence of the tiny cell that I am, but rather with the whole. The only purpose of being concerned with the individual cell that I am is so that what good I can do as that cell is not a carelessly discarded. What horror, what waste, how sad, the massive amount of time that I forget, and confusedly, mistakenly, tragically... Deludedly think that I am this cell itself. -- Sent from Fast notepad
