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Showing posts with label Solidarity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solidarity. Show all posts


Changing the game for me, this is: "Joy asks: Serving the Poorest Souls in Solidarity you are, how?"

James, WTF? It has been written all over you for how long oh, half a year, a year? 20 years? Yes. But only yesterday did it form in a question paralleling dr. King's question which said life's most persistent question is what are you doing to help others? And his wonderful sentence doesn't do it for me but the above Has Lifted every aspect of my game. Time will tell if it persists. But every instance it's puts me where I need to be or at least much closer than anything else was. Every situation I can quickly call that question to mind and it immediately is informing whether it is when I wake up in the morning, when I find my mind wandering, when I feeling head or flesh trying to assert itself, when I have an encounter with a annoying individual, whatever. Game changer.

It is not instead of the 30 or so characteristics that at least once a day James is attempting to knit into his DNA, or rather, bring into prominence from his DNA because they are there already. They are the key aspects of the Soul.

But James has been hoping that he would find one of them in some form that would lift most or all of the others and this is doing that.

Click pic for a higher resolution. At this link is the live ongoing sheet.


Love as I have loved, that is, Do unto others all things whatsoever that you would have them do unto others. Jesus

💚💚💚 to me this Clarity is so extraordinarily empowering. I find that potential meaning of my life and therefore my potential Joy is increased by some substantial multiple by understanding this. It's like the gates to a prison have opened.

If James has ever made a contribution then it would probably be realizing the error of this last word this thousands of years. Possibly Jesus misspoke, most likely he was misquoted. As you would have them do unto


Ignite Soul log June 7th. Jesus saves, but James did not. Computer crash, 40 hours of work lost.

The most dramatic but not the most important aspect of the last several days is described in the headline of this post. That's just what happened. Yesterday, late afternoon, sitting at the base of Mount Whitney working


I pledge allegiance to the same as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, before me. To serving the neediest souls in solidarity. For the joy of it. And to every individual, and group, dying to do the same. And to none other.

I pledge allegiance to the same as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, before me. To serving the neediest souls in solidarity. For the joy of it. And to every individual, and group, dying to do the same. And to none other.



Extremely important update. Joy is the answer, LSGIABeing is the way.

What if there might be a cure for cancer? What if you see what might be a cure for cancer? You go for it? I mean do you try and develop it? What if it turns out you were a fool? What if you have almost zero chance, one in a trillion?

Ever since the birth of my two biological offspring I have been operating on a theory that joy is the answer.  

As a young, socially crippled, socially unable, socially repugnant young executive in high-tech, I have operated on the theory that Joy is the answer. That human beings as the most powerful creatures known in the universe, that their output and the Purity, goodness, creativity, brilliance, of their output could only be maximized when they were aligned with the pursuit of joy, not pleasure, not happiness, not Comfort,  not wealth, not even personal survival, etc etc etc,  but only when aligned with the opportunity for joy. And in Industry despite how incredibly unpalatable I am personally, the results were impossibly astonishing.

And where is the opportunity for joy? Probably unlike anything else in the Human Experience there is a sure and certain answer. Totally within the control of each individual regardless of circumstances. So it can be extremely difficult and seem impossible, it is never beyond the grasp of any individual.

I believe that a man like Jesus referred to it as Soul, having the soul in charge, living out of the Soul. Serving from the soul in solidarity with the neediest. Living out of our capacity to be, by whatever words or none. But our language has been so corrupted over the centuries that I suggest that this cumbersome assembly of words, loving soul of goodness in action being is necessary. 

Nothing blindly is done by me, to a fault, and each step along the way this Theory, that joy is the answer, has been studied by me, challenged by me, practiced by me, refined by me, at each step of the way I remain willing to throw it out. But instead every day week month year decade teaches me that it could be the cure to everything important to the human species and now to all species that we are Exterminating.

It is too late to save the human species and the rest of the species were destroying. The cancer caused by not pursuing joy as a species, except the one in a million, is far too advanced.

But there is still you, there is me, and there is the one in a million that we might  impact,  to help resurrect  their joy, to save them from the prevailing joylessness, to resurrect their LSGIA Being. 

I had no idea that not only be human giant Jesus, the colored guy, not the white fiction, but not only Jesus but all of the Giants of humanity, Confucius, Buddha, Etc were pointing in this direction if not grasping it fully. In fact Jesus the colored guy, the real one, maybe the one that did grasp it. Fight every historical measure he had zero interest in a life after this one if he believed there was one. By all reliable scholarship he was convinced that each individual could find and live a life of Joy, Heaven if you will, in this one.

The other giants like Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, it seems that it was more instrumental for them although my study is far from complete. They saw it as a way, what I call loving soul of goodness in action being, they saw this as a way of ending the Carnage that each of them were living in culturally. Jesus did forsee the Jews were going to be destroyed but it seems that he was not seeing that that could be stopped, but that each individual despite the oppression and impending destruction by the Romans, that each individual could live in joy, Heaven, every breath, despite their impossible circumstances.

To me this is way more than the equivalent of curing cancer. And I expect to be redoubling my pitiful inadequate efforts to try and work on Bridging the Gap.
Much of it for the coming weeks will be online, trying to improve what has already been created by me, my blog, and, as a more effective cure, in the unlikely event of the one-in-a-million susceptible to cure wanders into them.

All thoughtful , constructive, serious comments, contributions, insights from you are welcome.


Susie come!" How close to the edge she is, measured by how irritating she is I suspect.....

Susie come!" How close to the edge she is, measured by how irritating she is I suspect.
At the base of this beautiful mountain, on an otherwise peaceful 'holiday' morning in a half populated small Campground, my neighbor, Susie come! Susie come! Susie come! Over and over and over and over.
Periodically I've been wondering how to deal with this.
Among other things it brought to mind how infinitely more irritating I was when in early 20s I had a wonderful dog, but was a thousand times more noisy than this lady.
So glad I am for the thought that just occurred to me. How irritating she is probably speaks very accurately about how close to the edge she probably is. It certainly did with me.


Regarding our cultural yearning for a life partner. Comments to a sister.

A dear young sister shared with me the yearning that she feels to find a loving committed partner:

Those few that ever hear what I have to say must have incredible patience because what a broken record I am. I share this with you not at you but it comes to mind with what you've shared with me. Again.

I remain convinced that we are born to be, the butterfly, the Wagers of loving, for the every breath that we do reward of joy. Not happiness, more likely intense pain, but joy. But for that to transpire it seems that we need enough of a cocoon. I'm not certain of that because it seems to me there are exceptions, young Rachel Corrie for example. But for all practical purposes we need a cocoon throughout our childhood or maybe just for a couple of days. Hard to know.

My dad was that cocoon for me all of my youth.

But once enough of that cocoon has been available only a butterfly in a really sick collection of butterflies succumbs to their insistence that the Cocoon is where they want to be. And all of us are swimming in that sick collection of butterflies. 2018.

More than life itself I was convinced for my first 45 years or so that all I wanted and all I needed to survive, way more than anything else, was to be in a loving partnership. I will never know if that was true for me.

I know that it is not true for me now, and there is no one that seems to have it that I find myself envying. I have to acknowledge that it could be a function of a different hormonal mixture in me now and brain development which was not available earlier. But I see myself of today, 67 years old, in young Rachel Corrie who to my knowledge did not have such a partnership Central in her life. I see myself, my soul, the joyful Part of Me, In Jane Goodall who to my knowledge never had such a partnership Central in her life.

Again, dear sister, this is not directed at you rather you have brought it to my mind to further explore for myself and to share.


Joy is the solution to life, Goodness, Flourishing, Parenting, Optimal Experience, Personal trauma..... [species flourishing].....>>>

Joy is the solution to life, Goodness, Flourishing, Parenting, Optimal Experience, Personal trauma..... [species flourishing].....

40 years I've been living on the basis of this Theory. As an executive leader in the high-tech industry it was my guiding principle. As a parent. But not blindly, nothing blindly.

My initial base of information was observing my father who did this in my view, and through him the person Jesus, and Gandhi, and King, Teresa of Calcutta and many since.

To say that joy is the answer is to say that the cure for individual or Collective cancer has been found. This Theory may be incorrect but that is the import of what it asserts, far more important than the Cure of cancer which only kills the body.

Instrumentation is beginning to exist to prove or disprove this Theory within the human nervous system but what is lacking is scientists with their hands on these instruments that have any knowledge or experience of joy in their lives so the best I can hope is that they will slowly approximate and I'm afraid like George vaillant, spiritual Evolution, totally misinterpret and Missapply the results.

Were any of the individuals I just mentioned in on this conversation they would be saying, yes, James, the above is exactly right.

If I did anything right as a father it was realizing pretty much on the day of the first one's birth, that joy is what I wanted for that child and then the second one, more than anything else. And that therefore as a father I owed to that child more than anything else that there be joy in my life as my example would be the most powerful influence I would have on that child, those children. I was quite sure that was true then, all of my study, practice, experience, life everyday since has indicated that it was.

Where does Joy come from? It is the reward provided by the nervous system when it thinks we are devoting our very existence to do something really really important for others who are in dire need. The best formula I've come up with is serving the neediest from the soul in solidarity.

[It was the solution to species survival and flourishing, but it is too late for that. But it will always be the solution to the individual flourishing even on the sinking Titanic, every breath.]

Every breath that I am given my highest priority will be on substantiating the above for myself through exhaustive study of the most scholarly information, practice, and sharing that in how I live and in what I write as best I can.

The most substantiated book on psychology in this vein is George vaillant, spiritual evolution. I'm on my 5th reading and struggling to keep my head from exploding with how much he got wrong, but he got Nuggets right that the horrible insane field of psychology has gotten wrong for so long.

At his recommendation I'm also reading Karen Armstrong, the great transformation, which among other things brilliantly presents the history of the Great inventors throughout history for ways of being individually and collectively to optimize experience, so-called religions. They have been relative failures, but there is much much much much to be learned from what they have done so that some of us can figure out how to go beyond, how to invent what was really needed.

Suicide, drugs, mountains of material things, alcohol, marijuana, wallowing in regret for depression or guilt, sex addiction, do not occur with the individuals devoted to a life of joy, see it doesn't happen. Inconceivable. People who are trying to be good? Yes, these things happen. But those pursuing Joy by whatever conception or none, no, it doesn't happen. These are the equivalent of the Buddhist ideal who have refused Nirvana to stay and serve.


I would die rather than accept a middle or upper economic class lifestyle were it offered to me. I'm sure.....

I would die rather than accept a middle or upper economic class lifestyle were it offered to me. I'm sure of it. That would be to leave my family, the neediest in creation, the masses of creation. Who would leave their family? Here in DC it is impossible not to see the Masters of the Universe, those empty Souls, poor souls, they have done just that. Walking Dead people. Thinking the opposite. Madness.